Problem Formulation Problem Limitation Objectives of the Study

3 experiences. The model given by the teacher would help them to express their thought and ideas. Richards and Renandya 2002: 319 agree that “teachers should model the writing process at every stage and teach specific writing strategies to students through meaningful classroom activities.” Based on the facts that writing is an important but difficult skill and that the students, unfortunately, did not have any handbook, the writer thinks that it is necessary to design materials to teach writing. In this study, the writer intends to design instructional writing materials using Task-Based Language Teaching for SMK BOPKRI I Yogyakarta. Those materials, hopefully, enable the students to develop their writing ability through many tasks given so that they can communicate through written language well.

B. Problem Formulation

Considering the previous explanation, the problems are formulated as follows. 1. How are instructional writing materials using Task-Based Language Teaching for SMK BOPKRI I Yogyakarta designed? 2. What do the designed instructional writing materials using Task-Based Language Teaching for SMK BOPKRI I Yogyakarta look like?

C. Problem Limitation

The writer focuses the study on designing instructional writing materials using Task-Based Language Teaching for SMK BOPKRI I Yogyakarta, especially for the second grade students. The writer chose SMK BOPKRI I Yogyakarta PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 4 because she wanted to give a contribution to that school as a follow- up action of her teaching practice PPL II seeing that the students really needed that. Then, the writer chose the second grade students and writing materials since they had interest in writing but they had no chance and media to develop their writing ability. Furthermore, the writer chose Communicative Language Teaching CLT especially Task-Based Language Teaching TBLT because by using TBLT, the students had chances to explore and develop their writing ability through the tasks given. It is hoped that they will be able to communicate in written language well. Besides, the tasks given will also motivate them to learn, as it is said by Richards and Rodgers 2001: 229 that “tasks are also said to improve learner motivation and therefore promote learning.” Moreover, this materials is aimed to be used in the first semester of the second grade classes of SMK BOPKRI I Yogyakarta, Accounting Akuntansi AK class and Office Administration Administrasi Perkantoran AP class, which focused on general English. The writer did not intend to implement or test them to find whether the designed materials are effective or not. Therefore, the writer will only present the designed materials.

D. Objectives of the Study

Two objectives will be achieved in this study. They are stated as follows. 1. To find out how instructional writing materials using Task-Based Language Teaching for SMK BOPKRI I Yogyakarta are designed. 2. To present the designed instructional writing materials using Task-Based Language Teaching for SMK BOPKRI I Yogyakarta. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 5

E. Benefits of the Study