Data Analysis Technique of the Needs Survey Data Analysis Techniques of the Survey on the Designed Materials

33 the designed materials and the questionnaire to them. Two weeks later, the writer met them to take the designed materials and questionnaire back in order to be analyzed and the results were used to revise and produce the final version of the designed materials.

E. Data Analysis Technique

There are two things that will be discussed in this part. They are data analysis technique of the needs survey and data analysis technique of the survey on the designed materials.

1. Data Analysis Technique of the Needs Survey

After gathering the data from the first questionnaire, the writer analyzed them. The data were calculated using percentage method. The formula is as follows. n x 100 N Note: n = the number of students who chose a certain option N = the total number of students Then, the writer gathered additional data by using an informal interview. The data of the informal interview were used to enrich the data from the questionnaire. Based on the results, the writer designed instructional writing materials using Task-Based Language Teaching for the second grade students of SMK BOPKRI I Yogyakarta. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 34

2. Data Analysis Techniques of the Survey on the Designed Materials

In the survey on the designed materials, the writer obtained the evaluations and feedback from the English teachers of SMK BOPKRI I Yogyakarta and three lecturers of the English Language Education Study Program of Sanata Dharma University by using the second questionnaire. The second questionnaire was divided into two parts; they were part A and part B. Part A contained closed- ended que stions and part B contained open-ended questions. In part A the respondents were to give their opinions by choosing the provided options. The details of the options are in Table 3.2. The data of part A were calculated and analyzed by using the central tendency, that is mean, of the respondents’ opinions on the designed materials. According to Brown and Rodgers 2004: 128, mean is “the sum of all the values in a distribution divided by the number of values.” The formula is written as follows. S x X = N Note: X = mean Sx = the sum of values N = the total number of values After the writer analyzed the data, the results were presented in Table 3.3. In part B the respondents were free to give their opinions and feedback. The data obtained from part B of the second questionnaire were in the form of comments, criticisms, and suggestions on the designed materials. Then, the overall data of part A and B of the second questionnaire were used to evaluate, 35 revise, improve, and make the final version of the designed materials. Table 3.2 Points of Agreement of the Respondents’ Opinions Points of Agreement Meaning 1 If the respondents strongly disagree with the statement 2 If the respondents disagree with the statement 3 If the respondents neither agree nor disagree with the statement doubt 4 If the respondents agree with the statement 5 If the respondents strongly agree with the statement Table 3.3 The Data of the Respondents’ Opinions Blank Central Tendency No. Respondents’ Opinions on N Mean

F. Research Procedures