Population Method of Sampling

44 defined as the consumers of isotonic drink of Pocari Sweat that will be used for researching, with distinction of Sex, Age, Jobs, Income per month within customers in Zona Futsal Ciputat, and here the author does not restrict the respondent from certain district.

2. Sample

Sample design is part of the research design process. Samples are selected using non probability convenience sampling by means of sample units drawn easily be reached anywhere and anytime. Abdul Hamid, 2007: 30. A sample is a member of the selected population using a specific procedure that is expected to represent its population Sugiyono, 2007:57. Sample is a subgroup of the elements of the population selected for participation in the study Maholtra, 2009:373. Sample is a subject of the population that should represent that entire group. Or the sample is a subset of the population, and the sample unit pertains to the basic level of investigation Burns, 2005: 334. The criteria for the respondents are: a. Pocari Sweat consumers b. The age under 19 years, between 19-25 years, and over 25 years. In the development of these study 97 questionnaires has been distributed to Pocari Sweat consumers. 45

C. Kind of Data and Data Collection Method

1. Kinds of Data

Data collection methods used in this study is as follows: a. Primary Data Primary data are data obtained directly from the object of research through field research. According to Cooper and Schindler 2006:89, primary data is the data the researcher collects to address the specific problem at hand the research question. Primary data are original data collected by researchers to answer research specifically Istijanto, 2009:44. b. Secondary Data Secondary data is the data that are indirectly obtained from the research. According to Cooper and Schindler 2006:89, Secondary data is the result of studies done by others and for different purpose than the one for which the data are being reviewed. According to Istijanto, 2009:38 secondary data is the data that has been collected by others not by their own researchers to other purpose. Secondary data in this research were obtained from other parties relating to the issues, such as library research, by reading literature books of library in UIN Jakarta either in the Faculty of Economy and Business or the main library, literature on the internet, scientific journals, magazines and literature books of libraries in the university in Jakarta.