An Analysis Of Translation Procedures In The Translated Business Terms Of Ricky W. Griffin’s Business Eighth Edition In Bahasa Indonesia









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First of all, I would like to give my biggest gratitude to Jesus Christ for giving me His kindness, blessing, protection, strength in my life especially during in the process of finishing my thesis. He is so awesome and best for me.

I would like to address my gratitude to the Head and the Secretary of Department of English Dr. Muhizar Muchtar, M.S. and Dr. Nurlela, M. Hum for their advice and encouragement during my study.

I would like to thank to all my lecturers in the English Department who have taught me lesson so I can get knowledge and insight. My gratitude for my academic Supervisor, Dra. Syahrar Hanum, D.P. F. E , who has supported me during my study in the English Department. And also bang Am for his help in administration matters.

I also would like to express my deepest gratitude to Dr. Roswita Silalahi, Dip. TESOL, M. Hum and Dr. Drs. Eddy Setia M. Ed. TESP as my Supervisor and my Co-Supervisor. I am so grateful for their helps, guidance, understanding, contributions to my thesis.

My deepest and highest gratitude is due to my beloved parents, Parman Manalu and Riana Br. Marbun. I am so grateful for their loves, supports, prayers. And I also give my thanks to my lovely brothers and sisters, Rudi, Rinto, Fisco, Rida, Rita, Rina for giving me spirit in finishing my thesis. You are so cool. Thanks for my lovely friends, “Graceful’ Ida, Ken, Marina, Mariana, Ane. There are always nice and fun memories when we study and struggle together to finish our school. There are no friends like you all guys. I love you all, thanks for supporting me in many things.



Skripsi ini berjudul An Analysis of Translation Procedures in the Translated Business Terms of Ricky W. Griffin Business Eighth Edition in Bahasa Indonesia. Skripsi ini menganalisis terjemahan istilah-istilah bisnis yang terdapat pada buku Ricky W. Griffin, Bisnis Edisi Kedelapan dan terjemahannya dalam bahasa Indonesia.

Tujuan dari skripsi ini adalah menganalisa apakah prosedur terjemahan yang merupakan cara atau strategi dalam menerjemahkan bahasa sumber ke bahasa sasaran berlaku dalam menerjemah istilah-istilah bisnis atau tidak.

Teori yang digunakan adalah teori Vinay dan Darbelnet dalam Venuti (2000:84-93) mengenai prosedur terjemahan. Vinay dan Darbelnet membagi prosedur terjemahan menjadi 7 prosedur yaitu: (a) peminjaman , (b) calque, (c)

terjemahan harafiah, (d) transposisi, (e) modulasi, dan (f) equivalence, (g) adaptasi.

Metode yang digunakan dalam penulisan skripsi adalah metode penelitian pustaka dalam mencari referensi yang berhubungan dengan skripsi dan metode kualitatif deskriptif dalam menganalisa data.

Akhirnya, berdasarkan hasil penelitian, dapat disimpulkan bahwa prosedur terjemahan yang digunakan dalam menerjemahkan istilah-istilah bisnis dari bahasa sumber ke bahasa sasaran adalah peminjaman 54,2%, calque 9,1 %, terjemahan harafiah 28,6 %, kesepadanan 3,2%, transposisi 4,9%. Prosedur yang paling dominan adalah prosedur peminjaman 54,2%.








1.1 Background of the Analysis……….1

1.2 Problem of the Analysis………...2

1.3 Objectives of the Analysis………...2.

1.4 Scope of the Analysis………..3

1.5 Significances of the Analysis………..3

1.6 Literature Review………4


2.1.1 Art, Craft, and Science………..7

2.1.2 Language and Culture ………..9

2.2 Translation Procedures………..10


2.2.2 Calque………....13

2.2.3 Literal Translation………..14

2.2.4 Transposition………..15

2.2.5 Modulation………...15

2.2.6 Equivalence………...16

2.2.7 Adaptation………17


3.1 Research Method………19

3.2 Data Collecting Method………...19

3.3 Data Analysis Method………....22

3.4 Models of Presenting the Result of Analysis………21


4.2 Data Analysis……….29

4.3 Discussions………38

4.3.1 Borrowing………38

4.3.2 Calque………..54

4.3.3 Literal Translation………61


4.3.5 Modulation………...64

4.3.6 Equivalence………..66

4.3.7 Adaptation………66

4.4 Data Findings………66


5.1. Conclusion……….69

5.2. Suggestion……….70



Table 1 : Percentage of each of lexical borrowing………5

Table 2 : Educational Statistic……….21

Table 3 : An Example of Presenting the Result of Analysis………21

Table 4 : Data………...23

Table 5 : Data Analysis……….29

Table 6 : Borrowing (Pure Loan)………..38

Table 7 : Borrowing (Mix Loan)………..40

Table 8 : Borrowing (Loan Blends)………..44

Table 9 : Calque………...54

Table 10 : Literal Translation……….61

Table 11 : Transposition………63

Table 12 : Modulation………..64

Table 13 : Translation Procedures Findings………..67



Skripsi ini berjudul An Analysis of Translation Procedures in the Translated Business Terms of Ricky W. Griffin Business Eighth Edition in Bahasa Indonesia. Skripsi ini menganalisis terjemahan istilah-istilah bisnis yang terdapat pada buku Ricky W. Griffin, Bisnis Edisi Kedelapan dan terjemahannya dalam bahasa Indonesia.

Tujuan dari skripsi ini adalah menganalisa apakah prosedur terjemahan yang merupakan cara atau strategi dalam menerjemahkan bahasa sumber ke bahasa sasaran berlaku dalam menerjemah istilah-istilah bisnis atau tidak.

Teori yang digunakan adalah teori Vinay dan Darbelnet dalam Venuti (2000:84-93) mengenai prosedur terjemahan. Vinay dan Darbelnet membagi prosedur terjemahan menjadi 7 prosedur yaitu: (a) peminjaman , (b) calque, (c)

terjemahan harafiah, (d) transposisi, (e) modulasi, dan (f) equivalence, (g) adaptasi.

Metode yang digunakan dalam penulisan skripsi adalah metode penelitian pustaka dalam mencari referensi yang berhubungan dengan skripsi dan metode kualitatif deskriptif dalam menganalisa data.

Akhirnya, berdasarkan hasil penelitian, dapat disimpulkan bahwa prosedur terjemahan yang digunakan dalam menerjemahkan istilah-istilah bisnis dari bahasa sumber ke bahasa sasaran adalah peminjaman 54,2%, calque 9,1 %, terjemahan harafiah 28,6 %, kesepadanan 3,2%, transposisi 4,9%. Prosedur yang paling dominan adalah prosedur peminjaman 54,2%.




1.1 Background of the Analysis

Generally, translation is known as a process of transferring the meaning from source language to the target language. Catford (1965:20) says that translation is the replacement of textual material in one language (source language) by equivalent textual material in another language (target language). In translating the meaning of source language to target language, a translator needs a way or strategy of translating. Some experts say it as methods of translation, and the others say as translation procedures.

In this thesis, the writer analyses translation procedures. This analysis is important to do because the writer wants to see whether the translation procedures exist in translating business terms or not. Also, this analysis helps the translators or the readers in order to see the way of translating the meaning of source language (business terms) efficiently.

The writer uses business terms as the data of research found in Business,

Eighth Edition book. This book is different from other books. Besides giving a

clear explanation about the developing of business world and how to run a business, it also provides business terms used in business activities. It is very useful for readers, especially for the business men, students of economics and also for people who want to run a business. So that it makes the writer interested in using this book as the source of data.


The theory that the writer uses in analyzing the data is the theory of Vinay and Darbelnet about translation procedures. Vinay And Darbelnet theory is the first classification of translation procedures that have a clear explanation. Vinay and Darbelnet in Venuti (2000:84-93) mention that the procedure of translation can be divided into two covering procedures , they are (a) literal or direct translation; which covers borrowing, calque, and literal translation, (b) oblique translation which covers equivalence, transposition, modulation and adaptation.

For example: the term ‘bonus’ (Source Text) is translated into Bahasa Indonesia as ‘bonus’ (Target Text). The procedure in translating that term is called borrowing. Borrowing is the simplest of all translation procedures, the Source Language is directly transferred to the Target Language.

1.2 Problems of the Analysis

Based on the background above the discussions are about,

a. What kinds of translation procedures found in the target text?

b. What is the most dominant translation procedure found in the target text?

1.3 Objectives of the Analysis

The objectives of the analysis are to answer the problems above that can be described as follows:

a. To find and to analyze the translation procedures found in the target text.


b. To find out the dominant type of the translation procedures found in the target text.

1.4 Scope of the Analysis

In this thesis, the writer focus on analyzing translation procedures based on Vinay and Darbelnet’s theory. They are (a) literal or direct translation; which covers borrowing, calque, and literal translation, (b) oblique translation which covers transposition, modulation, equivalence, and adaptation. The data (business terms) are taken from Ricky W. Griffin’s Business Eighth Edition and its translation Bisnis Edisi Delapan. The book consists of thirteen chapters. In order to make the research more efficient and accurate especially in conserving money, times and energy, the writer takes the data at random. It is called systematical

random sampling. Riduwan (2008:61) says Sampling Sistematis ialah pengambilan sampel didasarkan atas urutan dari populasi yang diberi nomor urut. Setelah pemberian nomor urut, pengambilan sampel dapat dilakukan berdasarkan nomor genap atau ganjil atau dengan nomor kelipatannya.

(‘Systematical sampling is a sample making based on the turn of population that has already given the line numbers, sample making could be done based on even numbers, odds numbers or even double numbers.). From explanation above, the writer takes the data from even chapters (2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12).

1.5 Significances of the Analysis

There are theoretical and practical significances that can be taken from this thesis. Theoretically, this thesis can be used for the readers and especially for the


students of English department to expand their knowledge about translation. Practically, this thesis can be used by translator in practicing the translation and also in Foreign Language Teaching. Also can be used for businessmen or economics students in order to increase their vocabulary about business terms.

1.6 Literature Review

To support the ideas of this thesis, I have consulted some references concerned with the topic to support the analysis. Those references are:

Bell (1991), the aim of translation is to reproduce as accurately as possible all grammatical and lexical features of the source language original by finding equivalents in the target language. At the same time all the factual information contained in the original text must be retained in the translation. He then suggests that there are three distinguishable meaning for the word. It can refer to:. (1)Translating : The process (to translate, the activity rather than the tangible object)

(2) A Translation : The Product of the process of the translation

(3) Translation : the abstract concept that encompasses both the process of translating and the product of the process.

Haugen in Siregar (2009:73), there are some possibilities that may occur borrowing. First, borrowing with no change in form and meaning (pure loanwords), the second, borrowing with changes in form but without changing the meaning (mix loan), and the third, borrowing when part of the term is native and other part is borrowed, but the meaning is fully borrowed (loan blends).


Vinay and Darbelnet (2000:84-93) mention that the methods of translation can be divided into two covering methods , they are (a) literal or direct translation; which covers borrowing, calque, and literal translation, (b) oblique translation which covers transposition, modulation, equivalence, and adaptation.

Besides those experts and their theories above, I also read some thesis relating to this topic. Prasasty (2002:4) in her thesis “An Analysis of English Lexical Borrowing Found In PT. Nestle Indonesia’s Catalogue” gives a contribution to this thesis. She uses descriptive qualitative method in writing the thesis. She also uses common statistic formula based on “educational statistic” to count the percentage of each type of lexical borrowing. Then she draws the percentages of each lexical borrowing on a table.

Table 1. Percentage of each of lexical borrowing (2002:4)

No Type of Lexical Borrowing Number of Cases Percentages 1

2 3

Loan Words Loan Shifts Loan Blends

83 Cases 12 Cases 25 Cases

63% 12 % 25%





The definition of translation can be different based on experts theories and opinion. Some definitions have already discussed above. Webster’s New World dictionary (2002:152) defines ‘to translate’ as follows:

1. To move from one place or condition to another; transfer; specif..,a) Theol. to convey directly to heaven without death, b) Ecless. To transfer (a bishop) from one see to another; also, to move ( a saint’s body or remains) from one place of interment to another.

2. To put into the words of s different language

3. To change into another medium or form to translate ideas into action

4. To put into different words; rephrase or paraphrase in explanation

5. To transmit (a telegraphic message) again by means of an automatic relay.

Foster (1958:1) says “Translation as the act of transferring through which the content of a text is transferred from the SL into the TL.”

Hatim and Munday (2004:6) prefer to talk of ‘the ambit of translation’ defined as;


1. The process of transferring a written text from SL to TL, conducted by a translator, or translators, in a specific socio-cultural content.

2. The written product, or TT, which results from that process and which functions in the socio-cultural context of the TL.

3. The cognitive, linguistic, visual, cultural and ideological phenomena which are an integral part of 1 and 2.

Wills (1977:3) says, “Translation is a transfer process which aims at the transformation of a written SL text into an optimally equivalent TL text, and which acquires the syntactic, the semantic and the pragmatic understanding and analytical processing of the SL.”

Brinslin (1976:1) says, “The general term referring to transfer of thoughts and ideas from one language (source) to another (target), whether the languages are in written or oral form; whether the languages have established autography or do not have standardization or whether one or both languages are based on signs, as with the sign languages of the deaf.”

From the explanation above, the writer can conclude that translation is the process of transferring the meaning, ideas, information of source language to target language,

2.1.1 Art, Craft, Science

It is a long standing debate among the experts whether translation is an art, a craft or a science. Webster’s New World Dictionary (2002:79) defines art as

1. Human ability to make things, creativity of man as distinguished from the world of nature


2. Skills; craftsmanship

3. Any specific skill or its application 4. Any craft, trade, or profession

5. Creative work or its principle; a making or doing of things that display work

6. Any branch of creative work, especially painting, drawing 7. Products of creative work

Craft is a special skill, also it is an occupation of avocation requiring special skill. While Science as systematized knowledge derived from observation carried on in order to determine the nature of principles of what is being studied, also it is skill based upon systematized training.

Savory (1957:49) says, “it would almost be true to say that they are no universally accepted principles of translation, because the only people qualified to formulate them never agreed among themselves’. Toury (1982:7) says that translation as a cognitive science, has to reach beyond linguistics and calls it interdisciplinary. While Miremadi (1991:39) says, : whether translation is considered an art or a science, it is, in its modern sense, a by-product of a long history of trials and errors, developments, improvement, or innobations.’

Newmark (1988:7) says, “Translation is a craft consisting in the attempt to replace a written message and/or statement in one language by the same message and/or statement in another language.”

Gabr (2001:2) considers translation both a craft and a science. He says, “Translation being a craft on the other hand, requires training, i.e. practice under


supervision, and being a science on the other hand, has to be based on language theories.”

From the explanation above, all the experts say that translation can be an art, a craft or an science based on the nature of business terms being translated.

According to Pride (1988:6), business is the organized effort of individuals to produce and sell, for a profit, the goods and services that satisfy society’s needs. “Umar (2000:3) says, “Bisnis merupakan seluruh kegiatan yang

diorganisasikan oleh orang-orang yang berkecimpung dalam bidang perniagaan dan industri yang menyediakn barang dan jasa untuk kebutuhan mempertahankan dan memperbaiki standar serta hidup mereka.”(Business is all activities

organized by people who are active in the trade and industry providing goods and services for the needs of maintaining and repairing standard and also their lives)

As the explanation above, we can say that business can be a science or a craft. It is a craft because it is an activity involving a special skill at making things with hands and the skills required for a particular activity, business activity. . If it is science, it will be as the study of the structure and behavior of the physical and natural world and society, especially through observation and experiment, and a particular area of this: medical science, computer science, business science.

2.1.2 Language and Culture

Lado (1961:2) says, “Language is more than the apparently simple stream of sounds that flows from the tongue of the native speaker. It is more than the native speaker thinks it is. It is a complex system of communication with various


levels of complexity involving intricate selection and ordering of meanings sounds and larger units and arrangement.

Ritonga (2008:1) says, “Bahasa adalah alat komunikasi antaranggota

masyarakat berupa lambang bunyi, yang dihasilkan oleh alat ucap manusia.”(Language is a means of communication as the sign of sound, produced

by human’s mouth)

Language is related with culture. Every culture has their own language. According to Newmark ( 1988:94) Culture as the way of life and its manifestations that are peculiar to a community that uses a particular language as its means of expression. He also distinguish ‘cultural’ from ‘universal’ and ‘personal’ language.

In translating source language to target language, a translator cannot directly translate it. But, we should see the culture of both of the language. For example:

Source Language : Aline married Jordan last night

Target Language : Aline menikah dengan Jordan semalam

If we translate with literal translation, the target language should be “Aline menikahi Jordan semalam.” In Indonesian Culture, women never marry men, but men marry women.

From explanation above, we can say that in translating source language, we should notice the culture of the target language itself.


2.2 Translation Procedures

Vinay and Darbelnet (2000:84-93) are experts who firstly identify two general methods that comprise seven procedures in translating source text to target text. The two methods are Direct Translation and Indirect (Oblique). Direct translation covers borrowing, calque, and literal translation while oblique translation covers transposition, modulation, equivalence, and adaptation.

According to Vinay and Darbelnet (1958:61-64), literal translation means that the source language message can be translated perfectly into target language, because the message is based on parallel categories or concepts. Oblique translation comes into use when there are gaps in the target language which have to be filled by some equivalent meant, so that the meaning or impression is the same for the source language and target language. Oblique translation must also be used when the language have some structural or metalinguistic differences so that certain stylistic effect can be transferred without radical semantic or lexical change. More precisely, the translator must turn to oblique translation if the literally translated message either has another meaning than the source language, correspond to something in the metalinguistics of the target language but not the same linguistic level.

Vinay and Darbelnet (2000:84-93) mention that the methods of translation can be divided into two covering methods , they are (a) literal or direct translation; which covers borrowing, calque, and literal translation, (b) oblique translation which covers transposition, modulation, equivalence, and adaptation.


2.2.1 Borrowing

Vinay and Darbelnet in Venuti (2000:84-93) say that Borrowing is the simplest of all translation procedures. In borrowing procedure, the Source Language is directly transferred to the Target Language. Borrowing in translation is not always justified by lexical gap in the target language, but it can mainly used as a way to preserve the local color of the word, or be used out of fear from losing some of the semiotic aspects and cultural aspects of the word if it is translated.

Hockett (1958:402) says, “the feature which is imitated called the model; the language which is the mode occurs, or the speaker of that language, called donor, the language which acquires something new in the process is borrowing process.” Lehman (1962:213) says, “The process by which word are imported into a language is known as borrowing.”

According to Haugen in Siregar (2009:73), there are some possibilities that may occur in this procedure. First, borrowing with no change in form and meaning (pure loanwords), the second, borrowing with changes in form but without changing the meaning (mix loan), and the third, borrowing when part of the term is native and other part is borrowed, but the meaning is fully borrowed (loan blends).


a. Borrowing with no change in form and meaning (pure loanwords)

supermarket  supermarket

cybermall  cybermall


b. Borrowing with change in form but without change the meaning (mix loanwords)

inflation  inflasi

productivity  produktivitas

stability  stabilitas

business  bisnis

recession  resesi

c. Loan blend (borrowing when part of the term is native and the other part is borrowed)

fiscal policy  kebijakan fiskal

corporate strategy  strategi perusahaan

environment economy  lingkungan ekonomi

national debt  hutang nasional

2.2.2 Calque

Vinay and Darbelnet in Venuti (2000:84-93) say that a calque is a special kind of borrowing whereby a language borrows an expression from another, but then translates literally each of its elements. Vinay and Darbelnet in Venuti define the result of calque: first, a lexical calque, which respects the syntactic structure of the TL, whilst introducing a new mode of expression, the second, structural calque, introduces a new construction into the language.


functional strategy  strategi fungsional


2.2.3 Literal Translation

Vinay and Darbelnet say that literal, word for word, translation is the direct transfer of a SL text into a grammatically and idiomatically appropriate TL text in which translators’ task is limited to observing the adherence to the linguistic servitudes of the TL. In principle, a literal translation is a unique solution which is reversible and complete in itself. The translation has not needed to make any changes other than the obvious one, like those concerning grammatical concord or inflectional endings, for example English “where are you?” translated into French “Ou etes vous?”. This procedure is most commonly found in translations between closely related language, for example French-Italian, and especially those having a similar culture.

Literal translation is the authors’ prescription for good translation literalness should only be sacrificed because of structural and metalinguistic requirements and only after checking that the meaning is fully preserved. But Vinay and Darbelnet say, that the translators may judge literal translation to be ‘unacceptable’ because it:

a. gives a different meaning b. has no meaning

c. is impossible for structural reasons

d. does not have a corresponding expression within the metalinguistic of the TL

e. Corresponds to the something at a different level of language. For examples:


stock  saham

entrepreneur  wiraswasta

2.2.4 Transposition

Vinay and Darbelnet in Venuti (2000:84-93) define transposition is a procedure that involves replacing one word class with another without changing the meaning of the message or the sense. Besides that, it also can be used within a language, as when rewarding the phrase, for example: “He hopes that he would return” to “He hopes his return” (the subordinate verb becomes a noun). In translation, there are two distinct types of transposition: obligatory and optional.

It is also a change in the grammar from source language to target language (singular to plural; position of the adjective, changing the word class or part of speech)

For examples:

standard of living  standar hidup

balance of trading  neraca perdagangan

limited liability  tanggung jawa terbatas

2.2.5 Modulation

Modulation is a variation of the form of the message, obtained by a change in the point of view. This changes the semantic and point of view of the Source Language. And it can also be justified when, although literal, or even transposed, translation results in a grammatically correct utterance, it is considered unsuitable, unidiomatic or awkward in the Target Language.


Vinay and Darbelnet place much store by modulation as the touch stone of ‘a good translator’, whereas transposition ‘simply shows a very good command of the target language.’

As with transposition, there are two types of modulation, free or optional modulation and fixed or obligatory modulation. Fixed modulation, translators with a good knowledge of both languages freely use this method, as they will be aware of the frequency of use, the overall acceptance, and the confirmation provided by a dictionary or grammar of the preferred expression. While free modulation tends towards a unique solution, a solution which rests upon an habitual train of thought and which is necessary rather than optional. Free modulation is used often enough, or is felt to offer the only solution, it may become fixed. Fixed modulation is also the type of modulation which turns a negative SL expression into a positive TL expression.

For example:

it is not difficult to see him  mudah menjumpainya

2.2.6 Equivalence

Vinay and Darbelnet use this term (2000:90) to refer to cases where languages describe the same situation by different stylistic or structural methods. Equivalence is particularly useful in translating idioms and proverbs.

For examples:

she is lovely like the morning star  cantik seperti rembulan

we’re in the same boat  senasib


it’s raining cats and dogs  hujan deras

The classical example of equivalence is given by reaction of an amateur who accidentally hits his finger with hammer: if he were French his cry of pain would be transcribed as, “Aie!”, Indonesian “Aw” but if he were English this would be interpreted as “ouch!.” Another striking case of the equivalences are the many onomatopoeia of animal sounds, for examples:

Cocorico  cock-a-dooodle-do

Miaou  miaow

Hin-han  heehaw

2.2.7 Adaptation

Vinay and Darbelnet in Venuti (2000:84-93) define adaptation as a procedure that creates a new situation to indicate a situational equivalence. And also it involves changing the cultural reference when a situation in the source culture does not exist in the target culture. Vinay and Darbelnet suggest that the cultural connotation of a reference in an English text to the game cricket might be best translated into French by a reference to the Tour de France.

Adaptation is particularly used in the translation of book and film. For examples:

children of nation  anak segala bangsa

a road with no end  jalan tak ada ujung

gone with the wind  hilang tak berkesan

A refusal to make the use of adaptation which is not only structural but also pertain to the presentation of idea or their arrangement in the paragraph, leads


to a text that is perfectly correct but nevertheless invariably betray its status as translation by something indefinable in its stone, something that does not quite ring true.




3.1 Research Method

In this thesis, the writer uses library research in analyzing the data. Nawawi (1991:30) says “penelitian perpustakaan dilakukan dengan

mengumpulkan data dari setiap bacaan.” (library research is done by collecting the data from every literature, even in the library or in the other place.)

3.2 Data Collecting Method

The data (business terms) are taken from Ricky W. Griffin’s Business

Eighth Edition and its translation Bisnis Edisi Delapan bySita Wardhani. The

book consists of thirteen chapters. In order to make the research more efficient and accurate especially in conserving money, times and energy), the writer takes the data at random. It called systematical random sampling. Riduwan (2010:61)

says Sampling Sistematis ialah pengambilan sampel didasarkan atas urutan dari populasi yang diberi nomor urut. Setelah pemberian nomor urut, pengambilan sampel dapat dilakukan berdasarkan nomor genap atau ganjil atau dengan nomor kelipatannya.t (‘Systematical sampling is a sample making based on the

turn of population that has already given the line numbers, sample making could be done based on even numbers odds numbers or even double numbers.). From explanation, the writer takes the data from even chapters (2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12).


3.3 Data Analysis Method

In analyzing the data for this thesis, the writer uses the descriptive qualitative method. Descriptive qualitative method is applied by giving a description of the result of analysis of Business Terms in Ricky W. Griffin’s

Business Eighth Edition into Bahasa Indonesia.

Bodgan and Blinken in Sugiyono (1982:21) say ‘Penelitian kualitatif

merupakan dekriptif. Hal ini berarti bahwa data yang dikumpulkan lebih berbentuk kata-kata dari gambar daripada angka-angka.’ (“Qualitative research

is descriptive. The data is collected in the form of word or picture rather than number.”) Descriptive research consists of explaining about variable which examine by giving the definition, complex explanation from another references, so that the something researched is more complete and directed.

Maanen (1979:9) says, “Doing description is then the fundamental act of data collection in qualitative study.” And Nawawi (1991:63) says that descriptive method can be defined as a problem solving procedure which is researched by describing the subject or object of the research based on the real fact nowadays.” So, the following procedures were followed to carry out this analysis:

a. Collecting the data from original book and its translation into Indonesia

b. Listing translation procedures as the data findings c. Analyzing the seven procedures from the data

d. Finding out the most dominant type of translation procedures found in the target language.


The writer uses the common statistic formula based on ‘Educational Statistic’, Butler (1985), to draw the percentage of each procedure and then put it on the table.

Table 2: Educational Statistic

N= X/Y x 100%

N= the percentage of types of procedures X= the number of types of procedures

Y= the total number of all types of procedures

3.4 Models of Presenting the Result of Analysis

First of all, listing the data, business terms are identified into seven procedures. Then, the data are classified into seven procedures, presented by using table form and followed by the explanation for each classification. The following table is an illustration of presenting the result of analysis which then followed by the explanation:

1. Borrowing

Table 3. An example of presenting the result of analysis No No of

The Data

Source Text Target Text



bonus  bonus

‘bonus’ in the target text is borrowed from source language. Because it is directly translated ‘bonus’ into bahasa Indonesia.




4.1 Data

Table 4: Data No.



1 external environment lingkungan eksternal

2 organizational boundaries batas-batas organisasi

3 economic environment lingkungan ekonomi

4 business cycle siklus bisnis

5 aggregate output jumlah output

6 standard of living standar hidup

7 Gross Domestic Product (GDP) Produk Domestic Bruto (GDP)

8 Gross National Product (GNP) Produk Nasional Bruto (GNP)

9 real GDP GDP riil

10 nominal GDP GDP nominal

11 purchasing power parity keseimbangan daya beli

12 productivity produktivitas

13 balance of trade neraca perdagangan

14 national debt hutang nasional

15 stability stabilitas

16 inflation inflasi

17 consumer price index indeks harga konsumen (cpi)

18 unemployment pengangguran

19 recession resesi


21 fiscal policies kebijakan fiscal

22 monetary policies kebijakan moneter

23 stabilization policy kebijakan stabilisasi

24 technology teknologi

25 enterprise resource planning perencanaan sumber daya perusahaan

26 political-legal environment lingkungan hukum politik

27 sociocultural environment lingkungan sosial- budaya

28 core competency kompetensi inti

29 outsourcing outsourcing

30 vertical integration integrasi vertical

31 viral marketing pemasaran gaya virus

32 process proses

33 business process management manajemen proses bisnis

34 Small Business Administration (SBA)

Small Business Administration (SBA)

35 small business bisnis kecil

36 entrepreneur wirausahawan

37 business plan rencana bisnis

38 venture capital company perusahaan modal bersama

39 Small Business Development

Company (SBIC)

Small Business Development Company (SBIC)

40 Small Business Development Center (SBDC)

Small Business Development Center (SBDC)

41 franchise waralaba

42 sole proprietorship perusahaan perseorangan

43 unlimited liability tanggung jawab tak terbatas

44 general partnership persekutuan firma

45 limited partnership persekutuan terbatas

46 limited partner sekutu terbatas


48 Master Limited Partnership (MLP) Master Limited Partnership (MLP)

49 cooperative koperasi

50 corporation perusahaan

51 limited liability tanggung jawab terbatas

52 tender offer tawaran tender

53 double taxation pajak ganda

54 closely held ( or private) corporation perseroan terbatas tertutup (pribadi)

55 publicly held (or public) corporation perseroan terbatas terbuka (public)

56 S corporation S corporation

57 Limited Liability Corporation (LLC) Limited Liability

Corporation (LLC)

58 professional corporation perusahaan professional

59 multinational (or transnational) corporation

perusahaan multinasional atau transnasional

60 corporate governance pemerintahan perusahaan

61 stakeholder (or shareholder) pemegang saham

62 stock saham

63 preferred stock saham preferen

64 common stock saham biasa

65 board of directors dewan direksi

66 chief executive office (CEO) chief executive office (CEO)

67 strategic alliance aliansi strategi

68 joint venture usaha patungan

69 Employee Stock Ownership Plan (ESOP)

Rencana Kepemilikan Saham Karyawan (ESOP)

70 institutional investor investor institusional

71 merger merger


73 divestiture divestiture

74 spin-off spin-off

75 goal sasaran

76 strategy strategi

77 corporate strategy strategi perusahaan

78 business (or competitive) strategy strategi bisnis (atau strategi persaingan)

79 functional strategy strategi fungsional

80 mission statement pernyataan misi

81 long-term goal sasaran jangka panjang

82 intermediate term sasaran janka menengah

83 short-term goal sasaran jangka pendek

84 strategy formulation perumusan strategi

85 strategy goal sasaran strategi

86 SWOT analysis analisis SWOT

87 environmental analysis analisis lingkungan

88 organizational analysis analisis organisasi

89 strategic plan rencana strategis

90 tactical plan rencana taktis

91 operational plan rencana operasional

92 contingency planning perencanaan kontingensi

93 crisis management manajemen krisis

94 management manajemen

95 planning perencanaan

96 organizing pengorganisasian

97 directing pengarahan

98 controlling pengawasan

99 top manager manajer puncak

100 middle manager manajer menengah

101 first-line manager manajer lini pertama


103 human relation skills keterampilan hubungan manusia

104 conceptual skills keterampilan konseptual

105 decision-making skills keterampilan pengambilan keputusan

106 time management skills keterampilan pengelolaan waktu

107 corporate skills budaya perusahaan

108 Human Resource Management


Manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia (SDM)

109 job analysis analisis pekerjaan

110 job description deskripsi pekerjaan

111 job specification spesifikasi pekerjaan

112 replacement chart bagan pengganti

113 employee information system (skills inventory)

sistem informasi karyawan (inventori keterampilan)

114 recruiting rekrutment

115 internal recruiting rekrutment internal

116 external recruiting rekrutment eksternal

117 validation validasi

118 on-the-job training pelatihan saat bekerja

119 off-the-job training pelatihan di luar tempat kerja

120 vestibule training pelatihan simulasi

121 performance appraisal penilaian pekerjaan

122 compensation system sistem kompensasi

123 wages Upah

124 salary Gaji

125 incentive program program insentif

126 bonus Bonus



128 pay for performance upah berdasarkan kinerja

129 picketing picketing

130 lockout Lockout

131 strikebreaker strikebreaker

132 mediation mediasi

133 voluntary arbitration arbitrasi sukarela

134 compulsory arbitration arbitrasi wajib

135 marketing pemasaran

136 value Nilai

137 utility kegunaan

138 consumer goods barang konsumsi

139 services Jasa

140 relationship marketing pemasaran relasional

141 product Produk

142 distribution distribusi

143 target market pasar sasaran

144 observation observasi

145 survey Survey

146 data mining penggalian data

147 institutional market pasar institusi

148 distribution mix bauran distribusi

149 intermediary perantara

150 wholesaler pedagang besar

151 retailer pengecer

152 distribution channel saluran distribusi

153 sales agent/broker agen/broker penjualan

154 channel conflict konflik saluran

155 drop shipper drop shipper

156 rack jobber rack jobber


158 specialty store toko khusus

159 supermarket supermarket

160 bargain retailer pengecer murah

161 cybermall cybermall

162 warehousing pergudangan

163 containerization containerization

164 order fulfillment pemenuhan pesanan

4.2 Data Analysis

Table 5: Table of Data Analysis No.




1 external environment lingkungan eksternal

borrowing(loan blends)

2 organizational boundaries

batas-batas organisasi

borrowing(loan blends)

3 economic environment

lingkungan ekonomi

borrowing(loan blends)

4 business cycle siklus bisnis borrowing(loan blends) 5 aggregate output jumlah output borrowing(loan blends)

6 standard of living standar hidup transposition

7 Gross Domestic

Product (GDP)

Produk Domestic Bruto (GDP)

borrowing(loan blends)

8 Gross National

Product (GNP)

Produk Nasional Bruto (GNP)

borrowing(loan blends)

9 real GDP GDP riil calque


11 purchasing power parity

keseimbangan daya beli

literal translation

12 productivity produktivitas borrowing(mix loan) 13 balance of trade neraca



14 national debt hutang nasional borrowing(loan blends) 15 stability Stabilitas borrowing(mix loan)

16 inflation Inflasi borrowing(mix loan)

17 Consumer Price


indeks harga konsumen (CPI)

borrowing(loan blends)

18 unemployment pengangguran literal translation

19 recession resesi borrowing(mix loan)

20 depression depresi borrowing(mix loan)

21 fiscal policies kebijakan fiscal borrowing(loan blends) 22 monetary policies kebijakan


borrowing(loan blends)

23 stabilization policy kebijakan stabilisasi

borrowing(loan blends)

24 technology teknologi borrowing(mix loan) 25 Enterprise Resource

Planning (ERP)

perencanaan sumber daya perusahaan


26 political-legal environment

lingkungan hukum politik

borrowing(loan blends)

27 sociocultural environment

lingkungan sosial- budaya

borrowing(loan blends)

28 core competency kompetensi inti borrowing(loan blends) 29 outsourcing outsourcing borrowing(pure loan) 30 vertical integration integrasi vertical calque



32 process proses borrowing(mix loan)

33 business process


manajemen proses bisnis


34 Small Business

Administration (SBA)

Small Business Administration (SBA)

borrowing(pure loan )

35 small business bisnis kecil borrowing(loan blends) 36 entrepreneur wirausahawan literal translation 37 business plan rencana bisnis borrowing(loan blends)

38 venture capital


perusahaan modal bersama

literal translation

39 Small Business

Development Company (SBIC) Small Business Development Company (SBIC) borrowing(pure loan)

40 Small Business

Development Center (SBDC) Small Business Development Center (SBDC) borrowing(pure loan)

41 franchise waralaba literal translation 42 sole proprietorship perusahaan


literal translation

43 unlimited liability tanggung jawab tak terbatas


44 general partnership persekutuan firma literal translation

45 limited partnership persekutuan terbatas

literal translation

46 limited partner sekutu terbatas literal translation

47 general (active)


sekutu umum (aktif)

literal translation

48 Master Limited

Partnership (MLP)

Master Limited Partnership



49 cooperative koperasi borrowing(mix loan) 50 corporation perusahaan literal translation 51 limited liability tanggung jawab



52 tender offer tawaran tender borrowing(loan blends) 53 double taxation pajak ganda literal translation 54 closely held (or

private) corporation


terbatas tertutup (pribadi)

literal translation

55 publicly held (or public) corporation


terbatas terbuka (public)

literal translation

56 S corporation S corporation borrowing(pure loan) 57 Limited Liability

Corporation (LLC)

Limited Liability Corporation


borrowing(pure loan)

58 professional corporation

perusahaan professional

borrowing(loan blends)

59 multinational (or transnational) corporation perusahaan multinasional atau transnasional borrowing(loan blends)

60 corporate governance pemerintahan


literal translation

61 stakeholder (or


pemegang saham transposition

62 stock saham literal translation

63 preferred stock saham preferen borrowing(loan blends) 64 common stock saham biasa literal translation 65 board of directors dewan direksi Transposition


66 Chief Executive Office (CEO)

Chief Executive Office (CEO)

borrowing(pure loan)

67 strategic alliance aliansi strategi calque

68 joint venture usaha patungan literal translation

69 Employee Stock

Ownership Plan (ESOP) Rencana Kepemilikan Saham Karyawan (ESOP) literal translation

70 institutional investor investor institusional


71 merger merger borrowing(pure loan)

72 acquisition akuisisi borrowing(mix loan) 73 divestiture divestiture borrowing(pure loan)

74 spin-off spin-off borrowing(pure loan)

75 goal sasaran literal translation

76 strategy strategi borrowing(mix loan)

77 corporate strategy strategi perusahaan

borrowing(loan blends)

78 business (or

competitive) strategy

strategi bisnis (atau strategi persaingan)


79 functional strategy strategi fungsional


80 mission statement pernyataan misi borrowing(mix loan) 81 long-term goal sasaran jangka


literal translation

82 intermediate term goal

sasaran jangka menengah

literal translation

83 short-term goal sasaran jangka pendek

literal translation



85 strategy goal sasaran strategi borrowing(mix loan) 86 SWOT analysis analisi SWOT calque

87 environmental analysis

analisis lingkungan

borrowing(loan blends)

88 organizational analysis

analisis organisasi


89 strategic plan rencana strategis borrowing(loan blends) 90 tactical plan rencana taktis borrowing(loan blends) 91 operational plan rencana


borrowing(loan blends)

92 contingency planning perencanaan


borrowing(loan blends)

93 crisis management manajemen krisis calque

94 management manajemen borrowing(mix loan) 95 planning perencanaan literal translation 96 organizing pengorganisasian literal translation

97 directing pengarahan literal translation 98 controlling pengawasan literal translation 99 top manager manajer puncak borrowing(loan blends) 100 middle manager manajer


borrowing(loan blends)

101 first-line manager manajer lini pertama

borrowing(loan blends)

102 technical skills keterampilan teknis

borrowing(loan blends)

103 human relation skills keterampilan hubungan manusia

literal translation

104 conceptual skills keterampilan konseptual


105 decision-making skills keterampilan pengambilan keputusan literal translation

106 time management


keterampilan pengelolaan waktu

literal translation

107 corporate skills budaya perusahaan

literal translation

108 Human Resource

Management (HRM)


Sumber Daya Manusia (SDM)

borrowing(loan blends)

109 job analysis analisis pekerjaan

borrowing(loan blends)

110 job description deskripsi pekerjaan

borrowing(loan blends)

111 job specification spesifikasi pekerjaan

borrowing(loan blends)

112 replacement chart bagan pengganti literal translation 113 employee

information system (skills inventory) sistem informasi karyawan (inventori keterampilan) borrowing(loan blends)

114 recruiting rekrutment borrowing(mix loan) 115 internal recruiting rekrutment



116 external recruiting rekrutment eksternal


117 validation validasi borrowing(mix loan) 118 on-the-job training pelatihan saat



119 off-the-job training pelatihan di luar tempat kerja


120 vestibule training pelatihan simulasi


121 performance appraisal

penilaian pekerjaan

literal translation

122 compensation system sistem kompensasi


123 wages upah literal translation

124 salary gaji literal translation

125 incentive program program insentif calque

126 bonus bonus borrowing(pure loan)

127 merit salary system sistem upah berdasarkan



128 pay for performance upah berdasarkan kinerja


129 picketing picketing borrowing(pure loan)

130 lockout lockout borrowing(pure loan)

131 strikebreaker strikebreaker borrowing(pure loan)

132 mediation mediasi borrowing(mix loan)

133 voluntary arbitration arbitrasi sukarela borrowing(loan blends)

134 compulsory arbitration

arbitrasi wajib borrowing (loan blends)

135 marketing pemasaran literal translation

136 value nilai literal translation

137 utility kegunaan literal translation

138 consumer goods barang konsumsi borrowing (loan blends)

139 services jasa literal translation

140 relationship marketing

pemasaran relasional

borrowing (loan blends)

141 product produk borrowing(mix loan)


143 target market pasar sasaran literal translation 144 observation observasi borrowing(mix loans)

145 survey survey borrowing(pure loan)

146 data mining penggalian data borrowing(loan blends) 147 institutional market pasar institusi borrowing(loan blends)

148 distribution mix bauran distribusi borrowing(loan blends) 149 intermediary perantara literal translation 150 wholesaler pedagang besar literal translation 151 retailer pengecer literal translation 152 distribution channel saluran distribusi borrowing(loan blends) 153 sales agent/broker agen/broker


borrowing(loan blends)

154 channel conflict konflik saluran borrowing(loan blends) 155 drop shipper drop shipper borrowing(pure loan) 156 rack jobber rack jobber borrowing(pure loan) 157 e-intermediary e-intermediary borrowing(pure loan) 158 specialty store toko khusus literal translation 159 supermarket supermarket borrowing(pure loan) 160 bargain retailer pengecer murah literal translation 161 cybermall cybermall borrowing(pure loan) 162 warehousing pergudangan literal translation 163 containerization containerization borrowing(pure loan) 164 order fulfillment pemenuhan




4.3.1 Borrowing

Vinay and Darbelnet in Venuti (2000:84-93) say borrowing is the procedure that carryover source language lexemes combinations into target language in order to fill the gaps between the languages. According to Haugen (2009:37), there are three possibilities that may occur in this procedure: first, borrowing with no change in form and meaning (pure loan), the second, borrowing with changes in form but without changes the meaning (mix loan) and the third, borrowing when part of the term is native and other part is borrowed, but the meaning is fully borrowed (loan blends).

The following table is borrowing found from the data and followed by the analysis.

Table 6: Borrowing (Pure Loan) No. No.


Source Text Target Text

1 29 outsourcing outsourcing

2 34 Small Business Administration (SBA)

Small Business Administration (SBA)

3 39 Small Business Development

Company (SBIC)

Small Business Development

Company (SBIC)

4 40 Small Business Development Center (SBDC)

Small Business Development Center (SBDC)

5 48 Master Limited Partnership (MLP) Master Limited Partnership (MLP)


7 57 Limited Liability Corporation (LLC) Limited Liability

Corporation (LLC)

8 66 Chief executive office (CEO) chief executive office (CEO)

9 71 merger merger

10 73 divestiture divestiture

11 74 spin-off spin-off

12 126 bonus bonus

13 129 picketing picketing

14 130 lock out lock out

15 131 strikebreaker strikebreaker

16 145 survey survey

17 155 drop shipper drop shipper

18 156 rack jobber rack jobber

19 157 e-intermediary e-intermediary

20 159 e-intermediary supermarket

21 161 cybermall cybermall

22 163 containerization containerization

1) Small Business Administration (SBA), S corporation, Limited Liability Corporation (LLC), chief executive office (CEO), merger, divestiture, spin-off, bonus, picketing, strikebreaker, survey, lockout, drop shipper, rack jobber, e-intermediary, e-e-intermediary, cybermall, containerization are purely borrowed from source borrowed from source language without any change in target writing system.


Table 7: Borrowing (Mix Loan)


1 12 productivity produktivitas

2 15 stability stabilitas

3 16 inflation inflasi

4 19 recession resesi

5 20 depression depresi

6 24 technology teknologi

7 32 process proses

8 49 cooperative koperasi

9 72 acquisition akuisisi

10 76 strategy strategi

11 94 management manajemen

12 114 recruiting rekrutment

13 117 validation validasi

14 132 mediation mediasi

15 141 product produk

16 142 distribution distribusi

17 144 observation observasi

1) productivity  produktivitas

‘produktivitas’ is borrowed from source language ‘productivity’ with the change in target language writing system. The letter ‘c’ in source language changes to ‘k’ in target language. The final letter ‘y’ in source language changes to ‘as’ in target language.


2) stability  stabilitas

‘stabilitas’ is borrowed from source language ‘stability’ with the change in target language writing system. The final letter ‘y’ in source language changes to ‘as’ in target language.

3) inflation  inflasi

Inflasi is borrowed from source language ‘inflation’ with change in writing system. The suffix ‘tion’ in source language changes to ‘si’ in target language

4) recession  resesi

‘resesi’ is borrowed from source language ‘recession’ with some changes writing system (form). The letter ‘c’ in source language is omitted. The suffix ‘ion’ in source language changes to ‘si’ in target language.

5) depression  depresi

‘depresi’ is borrowed from source language ‘depression’ with some changes writing system (form). The suffix ‘ion’ in source language changes to ‘si’ in target language.

6) technology  teknologi

‘teknologi’ is borrowed from source language ‘technology’ with some changes writing system. The letter ‘ch’ in source language changes to letter ‘k’ in target language, and letter ‘y’ in source language changes to ‘i’ in target language.


7) process  proses

‘proses’ is borrowed from source language ‘process’ with some changes in writing system. The letter ‘c’ in source language changes to letter ‘s’ and the final letter ‘s’ is omitted in target language.

8) cooperative  koperasi

‘koperasi’ is borrowed from source language ‘cooperative’ with some changes in writing system. The letter ‘c’ in source language changes to letter ‘k’, letter ‘o’ is omitted. Suffix ‘tive’ in source language changes to ‘si’ in target language.

9) acquisition  akuisisi

‘akuisisi’ is borrowed from source language ‘Acquisition’ with some changes in writing system. The letters ‘cq’ in source language change to letter ‘k’ and the suffix ‘tion’ in source language changes to ‘si’ in target language.

10) strategy  strategi

‘strategi’ is borrowed from source language ‘strategy’ with change in writing system. The letter ‘y’ in source language change to ‘i’ in taget language.

11) management  manajemen

‘manajemen’ is borrowed from source language ‘management’ with some changes in writing system. The letter ‘g’ in source language change to ‘j’ in taget language and also letter ‘t’ is omitted.


12) recruiting  rekrutment

‘rekrutment’ is borrowed from source language ‘recruiting’ with change in writing system. The suffix ‘ing’ in source language change to ‘ment’ in target language.

13) validation  validasi

‘validasi’ is borrowed from source language ‘validation’ with change in writing system. The suffix ‘tion’ in source language changes to ‘si’ in target language.

14) mediation  mediasi

‘mediasi’ is borrowed from source language ‘mediation’ with change in writing system. The suffix ‘tion’ in source language changes to ‘si’ in target language.

15) product  produk

Produk is borrowed from source language ‘produk’ with change in writing system. The two final letters ‘ct’ in source language change to ‘k’ in target language.

16) distribution  distribusi

‘distribusi’ is borrowed from source language ‘distribution’ with change in writing system. The suffix ‘tion’ in source language changes to ‘si’ in target language.


17) observation  observasi

‘observasi’ is borrowed from source language ‘observation’ with change in writing system. The suffix ‘tion’ in source language changes to ‘si’ in target language.

Loan blends: One of the two or more morphemes making up the compound form is replaced by native (target) morpheme.

Table 8: Borrowing (Loan Blends)


1 1 external environment lingkungan eksternal

2 2 organizational boundaries batas-batas organisasi

3 3 economic environment lingkungan ekonomi

4 4 business cycle siklus bisnis

5 5 aggregate output jumlah output

6 7 Gross Domestic Product


Produk Domestic Bruto (GDP)

7 8 Gross National Product (GNP) Produk Nasional Bruto (GNP)

8 14 national debt hutang nasional

9 17 Consumer Price Index Indeks harga konsumen


10 21 fiscal policies kebijakan fiscal

11 22 monetary policies kebijakan moneter

12 23 stabilization policy kebijakan stabilisasi

13 26 political-legal environment lingkungan hukum politik

14 27 sociocultural environment lingkungan sosial- budaya

15 28 core competency kompetensi inti

16 35 small business bisnis kecil

17 37 business plan rencana bisnis

18 52 tender offer tawaran tender

19 58 professional corporation perusahaan professional

20 59 multinational (or transnational) corporation

perusahaan multinasional atau transnasional

21 63 preferred stock saham preferen

22 77 corporate strategy strategi perusahaan

23 80 mission statement pernyataan misi


25 85 strategy goal sasaran strategi

26 87 environmental analysis analisis lingkungan

27 89 strategic plan rencana strategis

28 90 tactical plan rencana taktis

29 91 operational plan rencana operasional

30 92 contingency planning perencanaan kontingensi

31 99 top manager manajer puncak

32 100 middle manager manajer menengah

33 101 first-line manager manajer lini pertama

34 102 technical skills keterampilan teknis

35 104 conceptual skills keterampilan konseptual

36 108 Human Resource Management (HRM)

manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia (SDM)

37 109 job analysis analisis pekerjaan

38 110 job description deskripsi pekerjaan

39 111 job specification spesifikasi pekerjaan

40 113 employee information system (skills inventory)

system informasi karyawan (inventori keterampilan)

41 133 voluntary arbitration arbitrasi sukarela

42 134 compulsory arbitration arbitrasi wajib

43 138 consumer goods barang konsumsi

44 140 relationship marketing pemasaran relasional

45 146 data mining penggalian data

46 147 institutional market pasar institusi

47 148 distribution mix bauran distribusi

48 152 distribution channel saluran distribusi

49 153 sales agent/broker agen/broker penjualan

50 154 channel conflict konflik saluran

1) lingkungan eksternal

‘lingkungan’ is native while ‘eksternal’ is borrowed from source language ‘external’.

2) batas-batas organisasi

‘batas-batas’ is native while ‘organisasi’ is borrowed from source language ‘organization’


3) lingkungan ekonomi

‘lingkungan’ is native while ‘ekonomi’ is borrowed from source language ‘economy’

4) siklus bisnis

‘siklus’ is native while ‘bisnis’ is borrowed from source language ‘business’

5) jumlah output

‘jumlah’ is native while ‘output’ is borrowed from source language ‘output’

6) Produk Domestik Bruto (GDP)

‘bruto’ is native while ‘domestik’ and ‘produk’ are borrowed from source language ‘domestic’ and ‘product’.

7) Produk Nasional Bruto (GNP)

‘bruto’ is native while ‘nasional’ and ‘produk’ are borrowed from source language ‘national’ and ‘product’.

8) hutang nasional

‘hutang’ is native while ‘nasional’ is borrowed from source language ‘national’


9) indeks harga konsumen

‘harga’ is native while ‘indeks’ and ‘konsumen’ are borrowed from source language ‘index’ and ‘consumer’

10) kebijakan fiskal

‘kebijakan’ is native while ‘fiskal’ is borrowed from source language ‘fiscal’

11) kebijakan moneter

‘kebijakan’ is native while ‘moneter’ is borrowed from source language ‘moneter’

12) kebijakan stabilisasi

‘kebijakan’ is native while ‘stabilisasi’ is borrowed from source language ‘stabilization’

13) lingkungan hukum politik

‘lingkungan’ and ‘hukum’ are native while ‘politik’ is borrowed from source language ‘politic’

14) lingkungan sosial- budaya

‘lingkungan’ and ‘budaya’ are native while ‘sosial’ is borrowed from source language ‘social’


15) kompetensi inti

‘inti’ is native while ‘kompetensi’ is borrowed from source language ‘competency’

16) bisnis kecil

‘kecil’ is native while ‘bisnis’ is borrowed from source language ‘business’

17) rencana bisnis

‘rencana’ is native while ‘bisnis’ is borrowed from source language ‘business’

18) tawaran tender

‘tawaran’ is native while ‘tender’ is borrowed from source language ‘tender’

19) perusahaan professional

‘perusahaan’ is native while ‘professional’ is borrowed from source language ‘professional’

20) perusahaan multinasional atau transnasional

‘perusahaan’ is native while ‘multinasional’ and transnasional are borrowed from source language ‘mutinational’ and ‘transnational’


21) saham preferen

‘saham’ is native while ‘preferen’ is borrowed from source language ‘preferend’

22) strategi perusahaan

‘saham’ is native while ‘strategi’ is borrowed from source language ‘strategy’

23) pernyataan misi

‘pernyataan’ is native while ‘misi’ is borrowed from source language ‘mission’

24) perumusan strategi

‘perumusan’ is native while ‘strategi’ is borrowed from source language ‘strategy’

25) sasaran strategi

‘sasaran’ is native while ‘strategi’ is borrowed from source language ‘strategy’

26) analisis lingkungan

‘lingkungan’ is native while ‘analisis’ is borrowed from source language ‘analysis’


27) rencana strategi

‘rencana’ is native while ‘strategi’ is borrowed from source language ‘strategy’

28) rencana taktis

‘rencana’ is native while ‘taktis’ is borrowed from source language ‘tactical’

29) rencana operasional

‘rencana’ is native while ‘operasional’ is borrowed from source language ‘operational’

30) perencanaan kontingensi

‘perencanaan’ is native while ‘kontingensi’ is borrowed from source language ‘contingency’

31) manajer puncak

‘puncak’ is native while ‘manajer’ is borrowed from source language ‘manager’

32) manajer menengah

‘menengah’ is native while ‘manajer’ is borrowed from source language ‘manager’


33) manajer lini pertama

‘pertama’ is native while ‘manajer’ and ‘lini’ are borrowed from source language ‘manager’ and ‘line’

34) keterampilan teknis

‘keterampilan’ is native while ‘teknis’ is borrowed from source language ‘technical’

35) keterampilan konseptual

‘keterampilan’ is native while ‘konseptual’ is borrowed from source language ‘conceptual’

36) manajemen sumber daya manusia

‘sumber daya’ and ‘manusia’ are native while ‘manajemen’ is borrowed from source language ‘management’

37) analisis pekerjaan

‘pekerjaan’ is native while ‘analisis’ is borrowed from source language ‘analysis’

38) deskripsi pekerjaan

‘pekerjaan’ is native while ‘deskripsi’ is borrowed from source language ‘description’


39) spesifikasi pekerjaan

‘pekerjaan’ is native while ‘spesifikasi’ is borrowed from source language ‘specification’

40) sistem informasi karyawan (inventori keterampilan)

‘karyawan’ is native while ‘system’ and ‘informasi’ are borrowed from source language ‘system’ and ‘information’

41) arbitrasi sukarela

‘sukarela’ is native while ‘arbitrasi’ is borrowed from source language ‘arbitration’

42) arbitrasi wajib

‘wajib’ is native while ‘arbitrasi’ is borrowed from source language ‘arbitration’

43) barang konsumsi

‘barang’ is native while ‘konsumsi’ is borrowed from source language ‘consumer’

44) pemasaran relasional

‘pemasaran’ is native while ‘relasional’ is borrowed from source language ‘relational’


45) penggalian data

‘penggalian’ is native while ‘data’ is borrowed from source language ‘data’

46) pasar institusi

‘pasar’ is native while ‘institusi’ is borrowed from source language ‘institutional’

47) bauran distribusi

‘pasar’ is native while ‘institusi’ is borrowed from source language ‘institutional’

48) saluran distribusi

‘saluran’ is native while ‘distribusi’ is borrowed from source language ‘distribution’

49) agen/broker penjualan

‘penjualan’ is native while ‘agen’ and ‘broker’ are borrowed from source language ‘agent’ and ‘broker’

50) konflik saluran

‘saluran’ is native while ‘konflik’ is borrowed from source language ‘conflict’


4.3.2 Calque

Vinay and Darbelnet in Venuti (2000:84-93) say calque is the procedure when there are some independent morphemes making up the compound form, one of the morphemes is replaced by native language (target language) morpheme and the other morphemes are imported from source language.

Table 9: Calque


1 9 real GDP GDP riil

2 10 nominal GDP GDP nominal

3 30 vertical integration integrasi vertical

4 33 business process management manajemen proses


5 67 strategic alliance aliansi strategi

6 70 institutional investor investor institusional

7 78 business (or competitive)


strategi bisnis (atau strategi persaingan)

8 79 functional strategy strategi fungsional

9 86 SWOT analysis analisi SWOT

10 88 organizational analysis analisis organisasi

11 93 crisis management manajemen krisis

12 115 internal recruiting rekrutment internal

13 116 external recruiting rekrutment eksternal

14 122 compensation system sistem kompensasi


1) real GDP  GDP riil

The phrase ‘real GDP’ is translated with linear substitution into target language. ‘Real’ which comes as the first word from source language goes to second phrase in target language and vice versa. The word ‘riil’ is borrowed from source language ‘real’ with some writing system. The letters ‘ea’ in source language is replaced by target language ‘ii’. ‘GDP’ refers to Gross Domestic Product which comes as the last word in source language goes to the first word in target language. GDP is purely borrowed from source language ‘GDP’.

2) nominal GDP  GDP nominal

The phrase ‘nominal GDP’ is translated with linear substitution into target language. ‘nominal’ which comes as the first word from source language goes to second phrase in target language and vice versa. The word ‘nominal’ is purely borrowed from source language ‘nominal’.

‘GDP’ refers to Gross Domestic Product which comes as the last word in source language goes to the first word in target language. GDP is purely borrowed from source language ‘GDP’.

3) vertical integration  integrasi vertical

The phrase ‘vertical integration’ is translated with linear substitution into target language. ‘vertical’ which comes as the first word from source language goes to second phrase in target language and vice versa. The word ‘vertical’ is purely borrowed from source language ‘nominal’.


‘integration’ which comes as the last word in source language goes to the first word in target language. ‘integrasi’ is purely borrowed from source language ‘integration’ with writing system changes suffix ‘-tion’ in source language to ‘si’ in target language.

4) business process management  manajemen proses bisnis

The phrase ‘business process management’ is translated with linear substitution into target language. ‘business’ which comes as the first word from source language goes to third phrase in target language and vice versa. The word ‘bisnis’ is borrowed from source language ‘business’ with writing system changes letters ‘es’ to ‘i’. ‘proses’ is the second phrase is borrowed from source language ‘process’ with writing system changes letters ‘c’ to ‘s’.

‘management’ which comes as the last word in source language goes to the first word in target language. ‘manajemen’ is borrowed from source language ‘management’ with writing system changes the letter ‘g’ to ‘j’ and also omits the letter ‘t’ in source language.

5) strategic alliance  aliansi strategi

The phrase ‘strategic alliance’ is translated with linear substitution into target language. ‘strategic’ which comes as the first word from source language goes to second phrase in target language and vice versa. The word ‘strategi’ is borrowed from source language ‘strategic’ with writing system changes letter ‘c’ is omitted.


3. Literal Translation = 47 x 100% = 28, 6 164

4. Equivalence = 5 x 100% = 3, 2 164

5. Transposition = 8 x 100% = 4, 9 164

Table 13: Table of Translation Procedures (Findings)

No. Translation Procedures

No. Data Total Percentage

1 Borrowing Pure Loan (29, 34,

39, 40, 48, 56, 57, 66, 71, 73, 74, 126, 129, 130, 131, 145, 155, 156, 157, 159, 161, 163)

Mix Loan (12, 15, 16, 19, 20, 24, 32, 49, 72, 76, 94, 114, 117, 132, 141, 142, 144)

Loan Blend (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 14, 17, 21, 22, 23, 26, 27, 28, 35, 37, 52, 58, 59, 63, 77, 80, 84, 85, 87, 89, 90, 92, 99, 100, 101, 111, 113,


133, 134, 138, 140, 146, 147, 148, 152, 153, 154.

2 Calque (9, 10, 30, 33, 67, 70, 78, 79, 86, 88, 93, 115, 116, 122, 125)

15 9, 1%

3 Literal Translation (11, 18, 36, 38, 41, 42, 44, 45, 46, 47, 50, 53, 54, 55, 60, 62, 64, 68, 69, 75, 81, 82, 83, 95, 96, 97, 98, 103, 105, 106, 107, 112, 121, 123, 124, 135, 136, 137, 139, 143, 149, 150, 151, 158, 160, 162, 164)

47 28, 6%

4. Equivalence (118, 119, 120,127, 128)

5 3, 2%

5 Transposition (6, 13, 25, 31, 43, 51, 61, 65)

8 4,9%

6 Modulation - - -

7 Adaptation - - -

Total 164 100%





Having analyzed the data from this analysis, it could be concluded that the most dominant procedure found from the data analysis is borrowing with 89 cases (53, 4%). From that conclusion, it can be said that most of business terms translated from source language (English) into target language (Bahasa Indonesia) use borrowing procedure. And also, not all procedures exist in this data analysis because modulation and adaptation do not exist in this data analysis. The results of this data analysis will be presented in this following table.

Table 14: The Percentage of Each Translation Procedures

No. Translation procedures Number of cases Percentages

1 Borrowing 89 cases 54, 2%

2 Calque 15 cases 9, 1%

3 Literal Translation 47 cases 28, 6%

4 Equivalence 5 cases 3, 2%

5 Transposition 8 cases 4,9%

6 Modulation - -



Translation is an understanding subject to study. There are parts of translation that can be observed from the data in this thesis. Therefore, it is suggested to those who are interested in studying translation to make other translation from this thesis such as the translation shifts, translation equivalence, and the others. It is also suggested for those who are interested to observe seven procedures of translation to explore more about each process in translation such as the elaboration of borrowing, calque, literal translation, and so on.



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