Research Method Data Collecting Method Data Analysis Method


3.1 Research Method

In this thesis, the writer uses library research in analyzing the data. Nawawi 1991:30 says “penelitian perpustakaan dilakukan dengan mengumpulkan data dari setiap bacaan.” library research is done by collecting the data from every literature, even in the library or in the other place.

3.2 Data Collecting Method

The data business terms are taken from Ricky W. Griffin’s Business Eighth Edition and its translation Bisnis Edisi Delapan bySita Wardhani. The book consists of thirteen chapters. In order to make the research more efficient and accurate especially in conserving money, times and energy, the writer takes the data at random. It called systematical random sampling. Riduwan 2010:61 says Sampling Sistematis ialah pengambilan sampel didasarkan atas urutan dari populasi yang diberi nomor urut. Setelah pemberian nomor urut, pengambilan sampel dapat dilakukan berdasarkan nomor genap atau ganjil atau dengan nomor kelipatannya.t ‘Systematical sampling is a sample making based on the turn of population that has already given the line numbers, sample making could be done based on even numbers odds numbers or even double numbers.. From explanation, the writer takes the data from even chapters 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12. Universitas Sumatera Utara

3.3 Data Analysis Method

In analyzing the data for this thesis, the writer uses the descriptive qualitative method. Descriptive qualitative method is applied by giving a description of the result of analysis of Business Terms in Ricky W. Griffin’s Business Eighth Edition into Bahasa Indonesia. Bodgan and Blinken in Sugiyono 1982:21 say ‘Penelitian kualitatif merupakan dekriptif. Hal ini berarti bahwa data yang dikumpulkan lebih berbentuk kata-kata dari gambar daripada angka-angka.’ “Qualitative research is descriptive. The data is collected in the form of word or picture rather than number.” Descriptive research consists of explaining about variable which examine by giving the definition, complex explanation from another references, so that the something researched is more complete and directed. Maanen 1979:9 says, “Doing description is then the fundamental act of data collection in qualitative study.” And Nawawi 1991:63 says that descriptive method can be defined as a problem solving procedure which is researched by describing the subject or object of the research based on the real fact nowadays.” So, the following procedures were followed to carry out this analysis: a. Collecting the data from original book and its translation into Indonesia b. Listing translation procedures as the data findings c. Analyzing the seven procedures from the data d. Finding out the most dominant type of translation procedures found in the target language. Universitas Sumatera Utara The writer uses the common statistic formula based on ‘Educational Statistic’, Butler 1985, to draw the percentage of each procedure and then put it on the table. Table 2: Educational Statistic N= XY x 100 N= the percentage of types of procedures X= the number of types of procedures Y= the total number of all types of procedures

3.4 Models of Presenting the Result of Analysis