Equivalence Transposition DISCUSSIONS .1 Borrowing

35 124 salary Gaji 36 135 marketing Pemasaran 37 136 value Nilai 38 137 utility Kegunaan 39 139 services Jasa 40 143 target market pasar sasaran 41 149 intermediary Perantara 42 150 wholesaler pedagang besar 43 151 retailer Pengecer 44 158 specialty store toko khusus 45 160 bargain retailer pengecer murah 46 162 warehousing Pergudangan 47 164 order fulfillment pemenuhan pesanan

4.3.4 Equivalence

Vinay and Darbelnet in Venuti 2000:84-93 say equivalence is a replacement of a source language situation by a communicatively comparable target language situation. It is where two different languages are equal whether a syntagmatic changes occur in target language. Table 11: Equivalence No. No. Data SOURCE TEXT TARGET TEXT 1 118 on-the-job training pelatihan saat bekerja 2 119 off-the-job training pelatihan di luar tempat kerja 3 120 vestibule training pelatihan simulasi 4 127 merit salary system sistem upah berdasarkan Universitas Sumatera Utara prestasi 5 128 pay for performance upah berdasarkan kinerja On-the-job training, off-the-job training, vestibule training, merit salary system, pay for performance are equivalence. Because those words cannot be translated directly literally but with seeing the equivalence the target text into source language.

4.3.5 Transposition

According to Vinay and Darbelnet 1995:36 say that transposition involves replacing one word class with another without changing the meaning of the message. Table 12: Transposition No. No. Data SOURCE TEXT TARGET TEXT 1 6 standard of living standar hidup 2 13 balance of trade neraca perdagangan 3 25 enterprise resource planning perencanaan sumber daya alam 4 31 viral marketing pemasaran gaya virus 5 43 unlimited liability tanggung jawab tak terbatas 6 51 limited liability tanggung jawab terbatas 7 61 stakeholder or shareholder pemegang saham 8 65 board of directors dewan direksi 1 standard of living  standar hidup ‘of’ is omitted, but it doesn’t change the meaning. Universitas Sumatera Utara 2 balance of trade  neraca perdagangan ‘of’ is omittes, but it doesn’t change the meaning. 3 enterprise resource planning  perencanaan sumber daya perusahaan ‘resource’ is a word translated into a phrase. 3 viral marketing  pemasaran gaya virus a word a phrase ‘viral’ is a word in source language translated into a phrase in target language. 4 unlimited liability  tanggung jawab tak terbatas a phrase 2 phrases ‘Unlimited liability’ is a phrase in source language translated into two phrases in target language. 5 limited liability  tanggung jawab terbatas a word a phrase ‘liability’ is a word in source language turning into a phrase in target language. 6 stakeholder or shareholder  pemegang saham a word a phrase ‘ Stakeholder’ which is a word level in source language turning into a phrae level in target language. Universitas Sumatera Utara 7 board of directors  dewan direksi ‘of’ is omitted, but it doesn’t change the meaning of the message.

4.3.6. Modulation