Materials Evaluation Developing Materials d. Materials Development


e. Materials Evaluation

Based on Tomlinson 1998 materials evaluation is an attempt to assess the value of the materials. It includes the consideration of whether or not the materials will be used for the students without any difficulties and forces. Littlejohn in Tomlinson 1998 proposes several aspects to be analyzed when evaluating learning materials. In this case, Littlejohn divides the aspects into two main points which are publication and design. In publication point there are several aspects needed to be taken into account. They are: 1. Place of the learner‟s materials in any wider set of materials 2. Published form of the learner‟s materials 3. Subdivision of the learner‟s material into sections 4. Subdivision of section into sub-sections 5. Continuity 6. Route 7. Access While several aspects in term of design are: 1. Aims 2. Principles of selection 3. Principle of sequencing 4. Subject matter and focus of subject matter 5. Types of learningteaching activities: - What they require the learners to do 41 - Manner in which they draw on the learner‟s process competenceknowledge, affects, abilities, skills 6. Participation included who, what, whom 7. Learners‟ roles 8. Teachers‟ roles 9. Role of materials as whole Moreover, Cunningsworth 1995 in Richards 2001: 258 suggests four criteria for evaluating materials especially textbooks as follows. a. They should correspond to learners‟ needs. They should match the aims and objectives of the language learning programm. b. They should reflect the uses present or future that learners will make of the language. Textbooks should be chosen that will help equip learners to use language effectively for their own purposes. c. They should take account of students‟ needs as learners and should facilitate their learning processes, without dogmatically imposing a rigid „method‟. d. They should have a clear role as a support for learning. Like teachers, they mediate between the target language and the learner. Those are the explanations of how materials are developed and how materials should be evaluated. Related to the discussion above, in this research the researcher uses comic strip as the main media in developing the materials. It is due to several considerations that discussed below. 42

8. Comic Strip for Language Teaching