Criteria of Good Comic Strip

48 engaging, dealing with language used in our daily lives, giving the learners a sense of accomplishment as they are able to figure out language from context and images. Besides, some college students in Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia also develop English learning materials based on a comic. The materials are shown in an exhibition of English instructional as reported in Kabar UPI on December 13, 2013. Therefore, based on the facts above the comic strip-based learning materials are developed by the researcher. In developing these materials, there also several considerations that should be taken into account. It is included the implementation of English instruction in the level of education and what approach that uses in developing the materials.

c. Criteria of Good Comic Strip

In defining the criteria of a good comic, Mccloud 2006 states that there are several aspects that should be considered. They are: 1 Choice of moment 2 Choice of frame 3 Choice of image 4 Choice of word 5 Choice of flow 6 Character design 7 Character‟s body language and facial expression 8 Choice of landscape and properties 49 The aspects, then, are described to be requirements of a good comic. The first criterion is related to the moment and the image illustrated. The moment and the image illustrated in a panel should describe the topic of the story. Second, the choice of frame, caption, and speech balloon should support the story. Third, the language use in the comic should discuss the topic of the story. Besides, it should be correct grammatically. Fourth, the plot of the story should be clearly identified by following the flow of the panel. Fifth, characters in a comic should be easily identified. In addition, the body language and the facial expression of the characters should be easily recognized. The last is about the coloration. The coloration of the comic should support the illustration of the comic.

B. Conceptual Framework

Based on the observations, it is found that there is a lack of learning materials in SMK 6 Yogyakarta. It is found that there are no specific learning materials designed or developed to support the teaching and learning process in the Travel Agent Department . It shows that the materials cannot meet the students‟ needs. In addition, the materials developed do not yet adopt Curriculum 2013 in which the curriculum must be applied in school this year. Moreover, the students say that the materials are less interesting in term of visualization. This issue then is being the background of this materials development. In conducting this research, the researcher has started by observing the availability of the learning materials in Travel Agent Department In SMK N 6 Yogyakarta. After identifying that problem, the researcher begins to develop learning materials.