49 The aspects, then, are described to be requirements of a good comic. The first criterion is related to the moment and the image illustrated. The moment and the image illustrated in a panel should describe the topic of the story. Second, the choice of frame, caption, and speech balloon should support the story. Third, the language use in the comic should discuss the topic of the story. Besides, it should be correct grammatically. Fourth, the plot of the story should be clearly identified by following the flow of the panel. Fifth, characters in a comic should be easily identified. In addition, the body language and the facial expression of the characters should be easily recognized. The last is about the coloration. The coloration of the comic should support the illustration of the comic.

B. Conceptual Framework

Based on the observations, it is found that there is a lack of learning materials in SMK 6 Yogyakarta. It is found that there are no specific learning materials designed or developed to support the teaching and learning process in the Travel Agent Department . It shows that the materials cannot meet the students‟ needs. In addition, the materials developed do not yet adopt Curriculum 2013 in which the curriculum must be applied in school this year. Moreover, the students say that the materials are less interesting in term of visualization. This issue then is being the background of this materials development. In conducting this research, the researcher has started by observing the availability of the learning materials in Travel Agent Department In SMK N 6 Yogyakarta. After identifying that problem, the researcher begins to develop learning materials. 50 According to the theories described above to develop learning materials there are several steps that must be conducted by the researcher. There are conducting needs analysis, writing course grid, developing materials, implementing the materials, evaluating the materials, and revising and writing final draft. However, in this research the researcher passes over the fourth step which is implementing the materials since the validation from expert judgment is confirmed to be applied. Related to this the researcher uses comic strips in developing learning materials due to consideration that comic strips is examined to be good media of learning language as stated in the literature above. 51


A. Type of Research

This research which concerns on developing learning materials is classified into research and development type of study. Its purpose is to bridge the gap that occurs between educational research and educational practice Borg, 1983. Borg 1983 defines research and development as a process which is used to develop and validate educational product. In that process, there are several steps that should be conducted. In broad outline they are studying related research about the materials which will be developed, developing the product based on the findings, field testing, revising the product based on the field testing result, and repeating the cycle until the products meets the objective.

B. Product of the Study

In this research the product is comic strip based learning materials for Grade X students of Travel Agent Department in SMK N 6 Yogyakarta based on curriculum 2013.

C. Setting of the Study

This research was conducted at September 2013 to July 2014. It was started from the planning of this study and ended with the writing the report. In this research, the participants were the students of Travel Agent Department of SMK 6 Yogyakarta Grade X. The students participated in the needs analysis step of this study. Besides, a manager of a travel agent helped the researcher to find the