Target Needs Learning Needs



This research has two main goals which are finding out the target and learning needs of Grade X students of Travel Agent Department of SMK N 6 Yogyakarta and developing an appropriate learning materials for Grade X students of Travel Agent Department of SMK N 6. This chapter describes the conclusion of the research and the suggestions to other materials developers and the teachers of vocational high school.

A. Conclusions

The conclusions drawn from this research are divided into three parts. They are the target needs and learning needs of Grade X students of the Travel Agent Department, and the characteristics of the developed English learning materials for them.

1. Target Needs

The target needs of learning English are divided into short and long term goals. Based on the needs analysis, it was found that the students‟ short-term goal was acquiring communication skills which support the student‟s future carrier in the travel agent. Meanwhile, their long-term goal was obtaining knowledge about language functions in English. 118

2. Learning Needs

The result of the needs analysis shows that the students ‟ expectation of the input for listening are dialogues with 200-300 words long. For the input of speaking the students expected dialogues. The input for reading that the students want are reading texts in the form of comic strips with length 200-300 words. The input expected for writing instruction are the model of the discussed texts. In terms of listening activity, the students‟ expectation is completing some texts while listening to the texts. Meanwhile, the activities expected for speaking are discussing a topic and delivering opinion related to the topic and practicing a monologue or dialogue model in learning materials in front of the class. In addition, the activity for reading instruction that the students expect is discussing the content and the meaning of the text. The activity that the students want for writing instruction is writing texts which are the same as model texts given including the grammar and the structure related to the texts. Moreover, the activity expected for vocabulary instruction is finding some words in a text then finding out the meaning in dictionary. Then, the activity for grammar instruction is finishing some grammar questions. Last, the activity for pronunciation is listening to and repeating after the teacher pronunciation. Moreover, the students also expected particular setting for the instruction. The students enjoy the English instruction if it is conducted in the classroom. Besides, in finishing the task the students like to do the task individually, in pairs and in small group. In addition, the students also expected to listen to the teacher 119 explanation and expected the teacher to motivate the students to be creative in finishing their tasks.

3. Characteristics of the English Learning Materials for the Students of Travel Agent