Biography of William Jefferson “Bill” Clinton

secure power, it makes sense to persuade everyone else that what you want is also what they want. By encouraging citizens to embrace his or her goals of their own accord, any cost-conscious ruler is able to save money on armed forces and police officers. To achieve this, an ideology needs to be established: one which makes the beliefs which you want people to hold appear to be ‗common sense‘, thus making it difficult for them to question that dominant ideology.

9. William Jefferson “Bill” Clinton’s Speeches

Figure 1. President William Jefferson ‗Bill‘ Clinton

a. Biography of William Jefferson “Bill” Clinton

William Jefferson Bill Clinton born William Jefferson Blythe III; August 19, 1946 is an American politician who served as the 42nd President of the United States from 1993 to 2001. He took office at the end of the Cold War and has been described as a New Democrat. Many of his policies have been attributed to a centrist: Third Way philosophy of governance. His proponents contend that under his presidency the US enjoyed the lowest unemployment and inflation rates in recent history, high home ownership, low crime rates, and a budget surplus reported by The Congressional Budget Office between the years 1998 and 2000, the last three years of Clintons presidency. They give him credit for eliminating the federal deficit and reforming welfare, despite being forced to deal with a Republican-controlled Congress. Clinton was elected president in 1992, defeating incumbent president George H.W. Bush. As a president, Clinton presided over the longest period of peacetime economic expansion in American history. He signed into law the North American Free Trade Agreement. He implemented Dont ask, dont tell policy, a controversial intermediate step to full gay military integration. After a failed health care reform attempt, Republicans won control of Congress in 1994, for the first time in forty years. Two years later, the re-elected Clinton became the first member of the Democratic Party since Franklin D. Roosevelt to win a second full term as president. He successfully passed welfare reform and the State Childrens Health Insurance Program, providing health coverage for millions of children. In the world, he successfully dispatched peace keeping forces to war-torn Bosnia and bombed Iraq when Saddam Hussein stopped United Nations inspections for evidence of nuclear, chemical, and biological weapons. He became a global proponent for an expanded NATO, more open international trade, and a worldwide campaign against drug trafficking. He drew huge crowds when he travelled through South America, Europe, Russia, Africa, and China, advocating U.S. style freedom. However, his opponents say that Clinton cannot take credit for the economic prosperity experienced during his scandal-plagued presidency because it was the result of other factors. In fact, they blame his policies for the financial crisis that began in 2007. They point to his impeachment by Congress and his failure to pass universal health care coverage as further evidence that he was not a good president. Clinton left office with the highest end-of-office approval rating of any U.S. president since World War II. Since then, he has been involved in public speaking and humanitarian work. Based on his philanthropic worldview, Clinton created the William J. Clinton Foundation to promote and address international causes such as prevention of AIDS and global warming.

b. The Summary of William Jefferson “Bill” Clinton’s Apologia