Clinton and his accusations, the speech was effective in achieving acceptance and support from the people as a whole. This is supported by the New York TimesCBS News Poll conducted the day following the speech, which showed that 63 of the public agreed that the issue of the Monica Lewinsky affair and its related accusations should be dropped, and the nation should move beyond the scandal. It is also evident today that the apology was successful because Bill Clinton was still in the office at that time and the issue of the scandal is no longer one of public interest until his end period of his presidential terms in 2001.

B. Implications

From the conclusions above, the researcher can draw some implications as the following: 1. Related to the first conclusion, to identify and analyse the kinds of speech acts in terms of illocutionary acts delivered by President Bill Clinton in his apology speeches I Misled and I Have Sinned imply how important to do a detail identification and an analysis in understanding the language, especially related with illocutionary forms of language. These processes are intended to make the readers or the audience to be aware of the essence of pragmatics thorough the speeches. 2. Related to the second conclusion, to identify and analyse the arrangement of rhetoric speech delivered by President Clinton in his two apology speeches I Misled and I Have Sinned imply how necessary to be aware of the speeches‘ structure. By that kind of process, it is hoped that the audience can be language learners as well. 3. To study about the related context at a particular time implies how important to know the background of related studies. As language learners, it is important to know more contextual knowledge and how the context can be used as a component to measure the effectiveness of the speech or not.

C. Suggestions

In relationship to the implications, there are some suggestions as in the following: 1. To English Education Department students It is hoped that the students of English Education Department can learn how to be a good speaker as well as learning how to structurise their rhetoric speech. By learning this research, the students are expected to be aware of the surrounding context and avoid misunderstanding in communication. 2. To English Education Department It is hoped that English Education Department gives more facility to help other researchers in conducting research in linguistic study. It becomes a paramount matter because this branch of science has broader gravity to cover, to investigate, and to be maintained. 3. To readers This research is supposed to give enriching ideas and knowledge for the readers to interpret and share meanings. The researcher hopes that the readers are able to grasp the need of communication and how to build a good environment of discourse. 4. To other researchers This research aims other researchers to explore more than this research has accomplished. The researcher in this thesis investigated only the illocutionary acts, the arrangements of classical rhetoric, and how the context surrounding should be responded. It is believed that this is far from being perfect. Limitations of this research hopefully can encourage other researchers to develop and investigate other aspects of pragmatics. Because pragmatics is so wide to be explored, it is hoped that other researchers can widen themselves to look into a wider perspective of discourse and become a true pragmatist. REFERENCES

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