Research Design Techniques of Data Collection


A. Research Design

This study applied a descriptive-qualitative research. It describes the phenomenon of language use in its context and also interprets the data. A qualitative approach intends knowledge to be within perceptions and interpretations of the individual. Djajasudarma 1993:9 defines qualitative research as a certain tradition in social science which fundamentally depends on the person and his surrounding through his language. Moreover, Surachmad 1994:147 states that descriptive research is a method that deals with the possibilities to solve an actual problem by collecting, classifying, analysing, and interpreting data. Thus, this type of research seeks to describe or explains why a phenomenon happens by doing data collection, classification, analysis, and interpretation on that phenomenon itself. It does not deal with numeric data or variable and its relationship. This research concerns with providing a description of phenomena which occurs naturally without any intervention. In conclusion, this study focused on finding the types of speech acts based on Searle‘s classification, finding the context of situation influenced by, and explaining the arrangements of classical rhetoric in two apology speeches of President Clinton in Lewinsky scandal. 57

B. Data Preparation

1. Object of the Research, Data and Source of Data

The object of this study was all utterances spoken by William ―Bill‖ Jefferson Clinton in his two apology speeches during Lewinsky scandal. The data are in the form of words, phrases, utterances, and discourse uttered by him in the speech. The source of the data is the videos of two apology speeches of William ―Bill‖ Jefferson Clinton in August 17 and September 11, 1998 which were retrieved from and http:www.c- spanvideo.orgprogramHousePray and another supporting source, the transcripts of the speeches which were retrieved from http:www.historyplace.comspeechesclinton.htm and http:www.historyplace.comspeechesclinton-sin.htm.

2. Research Instrument

Bogdan and Biklen 1982:27 propose that a qualitative research involves the researcher himselfherself as the key instrument. Because the primary instrument is the researcher himherself, there is a close association with both participants and activities within the settings. It becomes one of the strengths of qualitative approach because it allows the reseacrher to see and document the qualities of interaction. As the first instrument, the researcher has the role of planning, collecting, analysing, and reporting the research finding. A set of Clinton‘s speeches, the speech transcripts, and the data sheets were also employed as supporting instruments. The form of data sheets can be seen as follows. Table 2. The data sheets of the findings of kinds of speech acts presented in President Clinton’s apology speeches I Misled and I Have Sinned Table 3. The data sheets of the findings of arrangements presented in President Clinton’s apology speeches I Misled and I Have Sinned so as to describe the context of situation of USA in 1993-2001 No Code Data The Arrangements of Classical Rhetoric Speech USA Social Issues in 1993-2001 Notes IN SF DV PR RF IR PC EM SC 1. AR100:08- 00:15 Notes: AR : arrangements SF : statement of facts IR : international relation issues 1 : number of data DV : division PC : political issues 00:08-00:15 : minute PR : proof EM : economical issues IN : introduction RF : refutation SC : socio-cultural issues No Code Data Context Illocutionary Function REP DIR COM EXP DEC 1 SP010:08- 00:15 Notes : SP : speech DIR : directive 01 : number of data COM : commisive 00:08- 00:15 : minute EXP : expressive REP : representative DEC : declaration

C. Techniques of Data Collection

The researcher undertook some steps during the data collection: watching the videos of the speeches, finding their transcripts, making data sheets, and categorising. The researcher collected documents to do an in- depth learning process and interpretations from the researcher. This technique of collecting data was a non-interactive technique because it did not involve the researcher interacting with subjects who were being studied. The steps that the researcher took while collecting the data collection were: 1. retrieving the videos of the speeches which will be the source of the data from and http:www.c-spanvideo.orgprogramHousePray ; 2. retrieving the two apology speeches‘ transcripts from http:www.historyplace.comspeechesclinton.htm and http:www.historyplace.comspeechesclinton-sin.htm ; 3. watching and re-watching the video to find the relevant data; 4. identifying the words, phrases, utterances, or discourse in the interview with a support of the transcript; 5. recording the data into the data sheet; and 6. analysing the data.

D. Techniques of Data Analysis