Previous Related Studies THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK

supports and in fact accessed supports at a higher level than previously reported in the literature, especially for struggling learners. 25 From all those previous researchers, it seems a scaffolding gives significance improvement. Most of the samples were university students. So, I want to know further about scaffolding, especially for elementary students. The writer would do a research entit le “The Study of the Effect of Scaffolding on the Writing Descriptive Text in Eight Grade of SMP Al- Zahra Indonesia Pamulang”.

E. Theoretical Framework

This study was conducted to find out the significant effect of using scaffolding in writing descriptive text for eight grade of Junior High School. There are so many theories explained above; definition, kinds and advantages of using scaffolding. Those theories could concluded that scaffolding is facilitating the climb from one complex phase to the next slightly more complex phase of a project. Because of this view, some expert call scaffolding as a tool in gaining formative feedback or assessment. By using scaffolding in teaching means to help students to finish their task. The help could be through hint, question or some stages in reaching their tasks. Many experts tried to make some ways in applying scaffolding, especially in writing. In this study, the writer conduct a scaffolding technique in teaching writing descriptive text. She adopted a scaffolding model of Sylvia Read. At least, there are five steps: Inquiry, Modelling, Shared, Collaborative and Independent. In inqury phase, the writer asked students to find out some information about their idol who will be described in their descriptive writings. After they found out the information Then, the teacher do modelling how to writer a proper writing and make a point that they should pass some stages in writing. after know what they are going to do first, then , they share the idea with the writer. They ask how to describe their idol. They make an outline and construct a rough draft from the ouline. 25 C. Patrick Proctor, Bridget Dalton, and Dana L. GrishamPatrick, “Scaffolding English Language Learners and Struggling Readers in a Universal Literacy Enviroment With Embedded Strategy Instruction and Vocabulary Support”, Journal of Literacy Research, 39, 1, 2007, p.16. After finishing their writing, the students should do peer feedback. They try to analyze their friends‟ writing and find the mistake. In peer feedback, they should use some guided question which was given from the writer. The guided question could be seen on appendix. Finally, the students are asked to revise their writing and their final writing will be post-test. Then, the writer would score their writing by using the rubric of assessing writing by Anderson. The rubric could be seen in chapter III.

F. Research Hypotheses

The hypotheses of this research are: 1. H Null hypothesis: There is not an effectiveness of using scaffolding technique towards students‟ skill in writing descriptive text. 2. H 1 Alternative hypothesis: There is an effectiveness of using scaffolding technique towards students‟ skill in writing descriptive text. 23


This chapter focusses in describing the method and the design which were used in this study, the place and the time of the study, the population and the sample of the study, the instrument of the study, the data collection, the data analysis, and the statistical hypothesis.

A. Place and Time of the Study

This study was held at SMP Al-Zahra Indonesia which is located in Vila Dago, Pamulang, Tangerang Selatan. This study was done for about three months started from August 2014 until November 2014.

B. The Method of the Study

Quantitative research methods are commonly used to determine if an intervention led to a desired outcome. At least there are three kinds of quantitative research designs, they are experimental, quasi-experimental and single-group. In the study, the writer used the quasi-experimental. In this study, the writer wants to find out the effectiveness in using variable x scaffolding technique towards variable y students‟ skill in writing descriptive text. Quasi-experimental designs are those that are “almost true” experimental designs, except that the researcher studies the effect of the treatment on intact groups, rather than being able to randomly assign participants to the experimental or control groups. 1 Quasi experiment design is meant to approximate as closely as possible the advantages of trus experimental designs where the problems mentioned above occur, such as having to implement a programme in a natural school setting. 2 1 Donna M. Mertens and John A. McLaughin, Research and Evaluation Methods in Special Education, California: Corwin Press, 2004, p. 4. 2 Daniel Muijs, Doing Quantitative Research in Education with SPSS, London: Sage Publication, 2004, pp. 26-27.

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