Background of the Study

students try to find out as many as information and pass some phases in learning in order to prove an authentic assessment. Scaffolding is a technique which is used to gain score in formative assessment. Using scaffolding will help students master each step in the process proceeding further. 3 Scaffolding is one kind of technique in learning. It is a process by which a teacher provides students with a temporary framework for learning. 4 It could be defined as the role of teachers and others in supporting the learner‟s development and providing support strutures to get to that next stage or level. 5 By understanding the definition and the use of scaffolding technique, we can use the technique in teaching writing. Scaffolded writing is intended to be a temporary technique in order to make the learner be an independent writer. In teaching writing, the teacher do modelling what should the students do to compile a proper writing. The modelling will be usefull for students‟ learning. Actually, the nature of writing is a process, it means pupils need more time to create a good writing. Lack of time in th e class makes pupils‟ works does not run well. Actually, they need more time in creating good writing. Hence, a proper writing need more time to reach every single step. Students should know what exactly they have to write. Then, they do prewriting to brainstorm their ideas. Not stop at the step, they should construct a good framework before starting their draft. Then, proving their writing, finally their writings are ready to read. It can be said that using scaffolding is an effective way to see students‟ processes in writing, moreover the products will be better because they passed some steps. In applying scaffolding as an alternative techniques of writing may help teacher to know the weakness of the pupils so he can build up the pupils‟ knowledge. Furthermore, it supports the notion that writing is process that involve 3 Allyson Skene and Sarah Fedko, Assignment Scaffolding, Centre for Teaching and Learning, 2012, p.1. 4 Veeramuthu, Wei Hui Suan and Tajularipin Sulaiman, The Effect of Scaffolding Technique in Journal Writing among the Second Language Learners, Journal of Language and Research, 2, 4, 2011, p. 934. 5 Wang Yuanying, College English Writing on Scaffolding Theory, Studies in Literature and Language, 3, 2011, p.46. growth, development, and learning as well as a product. It also helps students to become actively involved in assessing their needs, progress, achievement and effort. 6 Based on the background of the study above, the writer would like to do a study on teaching the students‟ descriptive writing skill through scaffolding in the eight grade of SMP Al-Zahra Indonesia to look for the empirical evidence.

B. Identification of the Problem

The writer did a preliminary study in February 2014, she found some problems in teaching and learning writing especially in descriptive text in the eight grade. Some factors came from teachers, and students: 1. From Teacher The writer could see there were some teachers who are not aware with students‟ writing process. They just focus on the product without pay attention in how the students finish it. Hence, they just ask the students to make a good writing before doing some steps in writing process. 2. From Students Most the students could not write a descriptive text as teacher‟s instruction because they lack of time, they spend a lot of time just for getting an idea. As the result, they got bad scores in their writing tasks. From all those reasons, the writer thinks of another technique in teaching students ‟ writing especially in writing descriptive text.

C. Limitation of the Problem

The writer limited the problem in the effectiveness of scaffolding technique toward students‟ ability in writing descriptive text. Hence, the teacher asked students to find out as many as sources which can be helpful in finishing their writing. Then, the students will be asked to write descriptive text through some steps which will be designed by the writer. 6 Rose, et.all., Scaffolding Academic Reading and Writing at the Koori Centre, The Australian Journal of Indigenous Education, 32, 2003, p.42.

D. Formulation of the Problem

According to the limitation of the study, the writer makes some study questions, they are: “Is scaffolding technique effective in teaching writing of descriptive text in the eight grade of SMP Al-Zahra Indonesia ?” E. Objective of the Study The objective of the study is to find out whether the scaffolding technique is effective in teaching descriptive text for junior high school level.

F. Significance of the Study

The significance of this study is conveyed to: 1. Teacher The writer hopes it will give the alternative technique in teaching writing, especially in writing descriptive text. 2. Students She hopes it can be useful because by using scaffolding technique they also know some steps in writing is really meaningful. She also hopes by using scaffolding the students could improve their scores in writing descriptive text. 6


This chapter discusses some theories to support the topic of the study. The first, theory about writing includes the understanding of writing from some experts. Then, theory about descriptive as the y variable in this study, it describes what descriptive text is and some features in descriptive text. The last is theory about scaffolding technique as x variable, it describes the definition, and advantages of the scaffolding.

A. Writing

1. The Understanding of Writing

Talking about writing, most people did a writing. When they are asked what is writing, they may answer that writing is one way to communicate each other through a paper and a pen. Actually, The role of writing in foreign language was explored. Some of them gave their understanding of writing in internet, book, and also magazine of language discussion. There are so many understandings of writing that can be found. For example, Heaton said that writing skills are complex process and sometimes difficult to teach, requiring mastery not only grammatical and rhetorical devices but also of conceptual and judgmental elements. 1 But we know and believe that writing is a skill that anyone can learn to manage. In addition, Raimes gave her complex opinion about writing, she states that: Writing reinforces the grammatical structures, idioms and vocabulary that we have been teaching our students. They also have a chance to be adventurous with the language, to go beyond what they have just learned to say, to take risks. So, when they write, they necessarily become very involved with the new language, the effort to express ideas and the constant use of eye, hand, and brain isan unique way to reinforce learning. 2 1 J.B Heaton, Writing English Language Test, New York: Longman, 1990, p. 135 2 Ann Reimes, Techniques in Teaching Writing, New York: Oxford University Press, 1983, p. 3.

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