The Purpose of Request

d. The Purpose of Request

The condition of the requester tries to get the requestee to do something is called request according to Searle in Achiba, 2003:6. Achiba 2003:94 explains there are four purposes in conducting a request. They are requests for goods, requests for the initiation of action, requests for the cessation of action, and requests for joint activity. The purposes are presented below. 1 Requests for goods The purpose of requests for goods is questioning stuff or goods by the requester Achiba, 2003:94. There are two contexts behind an example of the utterance, Could I please have one choco chip? In the first context, the requestee is asked to give a chocolate chip to the requester. In the second context, the requestee is being asked to give the requester an approval for taking a chocolate chip. The main purpose in this type is request for delivering goods to the requester. This purpose is achieved by focusing on the object of goods. 2 Requests for the initiation of action Request for the initiation of action is to begin the request by saying utterances which contain the demand for doing actions. This type is expecting non-verbal action on the requestee Achiba, 2003:94. The example is Could you please go to your room? A requester said so to ask the requestee to go to hisher room and the requestee carries out the request by moving to hisher room. Meanwhile, it can be used to ask verbal action as in the utterance Say something. When uttering that example, a requester tries to ask the requestee to say something. Then, heshe performs it by talking some utterances. This type deals with the response of the requestee to the utterances by performing an action. To have more statement, requests for the initiation of action is classified above requests for goods. This purpose is achieved by focusing on the performance not the object. 3 Requests for the cessation of action Different from requests for initiation of action, request for cessation of action is to stop a running action by saying utterances or avoiding certain problems from an occurrence Achiba, 2003:94. The example is D on’t move the table okay. A requester delivers hisher utterance to prevent the requestee moving the table. This purpose is achieved by the stoppage of action from the requestee. 4 Requests for joint activity or invitation to join in an action Achiba 2003: 94 says requests for joint activity have purposes to invite or engage the requestee to join the similar activity with the requester, for example, shall we play with the doll-dollies? The utterance is in proposal form. By saying so, the requester persuades the requestee to play doll-dollies together. This purpose is achieved when the requestee joins in the same activity with the requester.

5. The Intern