The Appearance of The Character Asides and Soliloquies

c. Dialogue between Characters

The language or diction that the characters use when they talk to other characters throughout the drama also gives contributions in revealing their personalities.

d. Hidden Narration

The playwrights always implicitly give a clue about the characters through other characters. It often occurs in a drama when a certain character narrates something about another character.

e. Character in Action

As characters become more engaged in the certain situations, we can gradually learn more about them. When they get involved in the action of the play, they must perform particular acts which later will slowly reveal their motivations in behaving that way.

2. Theory of Postcolonial Feminism

This thesis deals with feminism, therefore, it is important to know about the general idea of feminism which is equality. Jo Freeman in Women: The Feminist Perspective says that either men or women were born free and want to place equally. In front of God, they have the same right in life. The purpose of equality is to avoid the justice of some existing inequality treatment. It means that women should have the same right as men have Freeman, 1975: 439. Peter Barry in Beginning Theory: An Introduction To Literary And Cultural Theory states that feminism also has a strong emphasis on „constructedness‟ of feminity that concern with conditioning and socialisation, and how the images and representations of femininity affect literary works and culture. All these formulations are ways of avoiding the assumption that femininity is universal and unchangeable. According to the feminist criticism in the 1970s, female characters created by male tend to represent stereotypes of actual women and constructed by patriarchy. These women are fictional women who men think women actually are. 1970s was the period when the critical attention on mechanisms of patriarchy took place; it is the cultural stereotypes „mind-set‟ in men and women which perpetuated sexual inequality Barry, 2002:122. Female sexuality does not casually exist from the beginning, but it is constructed by experiences and adjustments to particular situations. For instance, in the nineteenth century fiction, it hardly finds female characters who work for a living unless they are urged by dire necessity. From the example, we learn that women roles in the family can be changed out of the circumstances they live in. Shulamith Firestone as cited by Rosemarie Tong in Feminist Thought argues that women‟s sexual passivity comes from emotional, economic and physical dependence on men, therefore, it is not naturally given Tong, 2009: 133-134. This thesis also uses postcolonial theory along with theory of feminism, since it discusses the struggle of an Issei widow seen through postcolonial feminist perspective. Postcolonialism concerns about issues of race, nation, empire, migration, and ethnicity with cultural production. It is one of critical theories which also focus on some specific issues including issues of gender or