The Normality Test Analysis of the Data

41 The researcher made two hypotheses of significance before testing the as follow: Ha : There is significant correlation between two variables Ho : There is no significant correlation between two variables The formulation of test: 1. If it means that the null hypotheses is rejected and there is significant correlation. 2. If it means that the null hypotheses is accepted and there is no significant correlation. Based on the calculation, the result is compared by in the significant 0.05 and 0.01 and n = 35, the researcher found the Degree of Freedom Df with the formula: Df = n- nr = 35 – 2 = 33 From Df = 33, it is obtained of 0.05 = 2.035 and of 0.01 = 2.733. It means that is higher than 64.1 2.035 and 64.1 2.733. Therefore, the null hypothesis Ho is rejected. On the other words, there is significant correlation between parents’ involvement and student’s English learning achievement.

3. The Interpretation of the Data

Based on the analysis drawn, the result of normality test of questionnaire showed that the data are normally distributed and it is found that the correlation value is = 0.996. After knowing the correlation value, then the researcher needs to classify the category of relationship as the table follow: 42 Table 4.6 The Level of Correlation 2 Product Moment r Interpretation 0.00 – 0.199 Very Low Correlation 0.20 – 0.399 Low correlation 0.40 – 0.599 Moderate Correlation 0.60 – 0.799 High Correlation 0.80 – 1.000 Very High Correlation From the table, r result is included in the fifth category 0.80 – 1.00 which means there is very high correlation between X variable and Y variable. The result showed r xy r table = 0.996 0.80. It means that Ha is accepted and Ho is rejected. Therefore, it can be concluded that the higher parents are having involved the higher students ’ English learning achievement will be. Moreover, the high correlation is also supported by t-test formula in order to know the significance. From Df = 33, and the value of significance of of 0.05 = 2.035 and of 0.01 = 2.733. It is obtained that is higher than 64.1 2.035 and 64.1 2.733. Therefore, it is strongly approved that the null hypothesis Ho is rejected. On the other words, there is signif icant correlation between parents’ involvement and student’s English learning achievement.

B. Discussions

The research revealed that parents’ involvement significantly correlated to student’s English learning achievement. The findings were supported by the correlation analysis result that there is very high correlation between parents’ involvement and student’s English learning achievement. Furthermore, according to the result of ended question, it is found that 14.2 parents role as a monitor, 39 parents role as an advocate in economy, 2 Sugiyono, Metode Penelitian Pendididkan: Pendekatan Kuantitatif, Kualitatif dan RD, Bandung: Alfabeta, 2013, p. 257. 43 22.8 parents role as a motivator and 23.8 parents role as a model see appendix 8. Specifically, the researcher found that 28.5 students who got low score are dominated by male gender. And the reason behind their low achievement in learning is because of generally three reasons. First, their parents are lacking in monitoring their schedule in the school and tend to forget to remind their children about the tasks they might get from the school. Second, their parents are very busy to work in order to facilitate and provide the family daily needs which finally cause lacked of cares. Third, the children tend to act freely to do things because they do not have any rules in their home. In addition, to make a clear distinction between the students who got low achievement and good achievement, the researcher found that 17.3 students who got good achievement in learning because they come from a good family background. Most of them are getting more courses and having a good facilitates such as connection to internet at home and connection to television cable which is airing more varied shows so that they are apparently exposed to English language. Another reason why these students got good achievement is they are having a very supportive milieu in which the role of parents whether as an advocate in economy, as a monitor, as a model or as a motivator are fully fulfilled see appendix 9. This finding was in line with Pomerantz’s finding. Her research claimed that students need their parents to involve in their academic lives to positively support them in the school and in the home. Moreover, the finding in this study about parents’ involvement which is effective on increasing students’ English learning achievement was in accordanc e with the line “…parents’ involvement benefits children in terms of their achievement.” 3 In addition, there were some reasons why parents’ involvement could have significant relationship and also influence students’ English learning achievement. The reasons are concluded from the open-ended question which is provided by the researcher in order to draw more valid data. They are as follow: 3 Eva M. Pomerantz, et. al ., The How, Whom and Why Parents’ Involvement in Children’s Academic Lives: More Is Not Always Better, American Educational Research Assosiation, Vol. 77, No. 3, 2007, p. 379.