Significance of the Research

1 Cognitive Aspect Categorization purposes of cognitive domain by Bloom, posited the existence of 6 six classlevel: a Knowledge, in this case the student is asked to recall one or more of the simple facts. b Understanding, that students are expected to be able to prove that he understands the relationship between simple facts or concepts. c Useapplication, students here are required to have the ability to choose or select a generalizationsabstractions concept, law, evidence, rules, how to by right to be applied in a new situation and apply it correctly. d Analysis is the students ability to analyzerelationship or a complex situation or basic concepts. e Synthesis is the ability of students to combine the staple elements into the new structure. f Evaluation is the ability of students to apply knowledge and ability that has been owned to judge a case. In the process of teaching and learning, these cognitive aspects are the most prominent and can be seen directly from the test results. Where here educator is required to carry out all these goals. This can be done by educators with how to enter the item into the given question. The questions are given to the students to meet the goal in terms of cognitive elements, so that learners can achieve the expected learning goals. 2 Affective Aspects The purpose of the affective domain relates to a hierarchy of attention, appreciation, attitude, values, feelings, and emotions. Kratwohl, Bloom, and Masia posited goal of taxonomy of the cognitive domain covering 5 categories namely receiving, responding, valuing, organization, and characterization. 3 Psychomotor Aspect Psychomotor domain associated with psychomotor, manipulation of objects or activities that require of nerves and body coordination. Kibler, Barket, and Miles stated the taxonomy of psychomotor domain includes the striking body movement, the precision of coordinated movement, nonverbal communication devices, and the ability to speak. In the process of teaching and learning, it is not only cognitive aspects that must be considered, but also psychomotor and affective aspects. To see the success both of these aspects, the educator can look at it in terms of attitude and skills performed by the learner after doing the process of teaching and learning.