Component Analysis Semantic Field

more clearly, consider the analysis component of meaning the words: man, woman, boy, girl, and bull. Table 2: The componential analysis of the meaning words: Man, woman, boy, girl and bull No. Components of meaning Boy Girl Man Woman Bull 1. Human + + + + - 2. Adult - - + + - 3. Male + - + - +- The table shows that man, woman, boy, girl have a component of meaning + human , while the bull has not a component of meaning + adult , while the boy and the bull has not a component of meaning - adult . Furthermore, it appears that man and the boy have a component of meaning + male , while the woman and girl have not component of meaning - male . And the bull may has or has no because the bull including male and female. 40 Componential analysis can provide some benefits for semantic analysis. 40 A. Lehrer, Semantic Field and Lexical Structure, pp.318-319. The benefits of componential analysis are: 1. The words meaning of componential analysis can provide the answer of why some sentence is right and the other is wrong. There is some sentences which is an anomaly. 2. Through the componential analysis, we can have prediction the relation of words. The relation of the meaning can be generally divided into some types: synonymy, antonym, contradiction, and hyponymy. 3. Componential analysis to give an explicit representation of the systematic relation between words. 41 4. According to Bierwisch 1970, Katz 1972 and Leech 1974 who have a designed a logic system that componential analysis may be used as experiment tool device that those sentences are analytic, anomaly, contradictions. 42 41 Ruth M, Kempson, Semantic Theory Melbourne: Cambridge University Press, 1977, p.18. 42 J.D.Parera, TeoriSemantik: Second Edition Jakarta: Erlangga, 2004, p.161. 29


A. Data Description

In data description, the writer tabulates the selected data of the lexemes of healthy which are taken from the Health text in The Global Health and Travel Magazine include the types of semantic field. The selected data can be tabulated as follows: Table 3: The Data of Types of Semantic Field, Lexemes, and the Sentence. No. Types of Semantic Field Lexeme The Sentence 1. Medical Treatment Surgery “The photo sharing phenomenon was also identified as a contributing factor to the uptick in demand for facial plastic surgery ” Therapy “How has hormone- replacement therapy HRT advanced from treating menopausal symptoms to become an anti-aging aesthetic treatment?” Biopsy “Historically, estrogen- replacement biopsy has received a lot of attention.” Chemotherapy “In newly-diagnosed lung cancer patients with EGR mutation, one tablet of Afatinib a day is more effective than chemotherapy ”. Radiotherapy “Treatment options, including whether surgery, radiotherapy , or chemotherapy.” 2. Chronicnon- communicable illness Leukemia “Cord blood also contains blood-forming stem cells that have the potential to treat disease such as certain types of leukemia or lymphoma, aplastic anaemia and some immunodeficiency ”. Diabetes “Researchers at McMaster University have found a novel way to suppress one potentially devastating side effect of statins, one of the world‟s most widely-used drugs for lowering cholesterol and preventing heart disease- which has been found to cause diabetes. Heart Disease “Researchers at McMaster University have found a novel way to suppress one potentially devastating side effect of statins, one of the world‟s most widely-used drugs for lowering cholesterol and preventing heart disease- which has been found to cause diabetes. Cancer “Breast cancer remains the leading cause of death in women and the most common cancer in women.” Stroke “Swedish scientists have devised a helmet which can quickly detect if a patient has had a stroke .” 3. Medical Center Hospital The hospital has seen many great achievements since the second half of 2013, and Tan attributes these successes to the team‟s ability to leverage its expertise. Maternity Hospital “The hospital’s maternity packages start from around U2,440 G3,006 for a standard single room”. Clinic “There will always be avenues to better ourselves- this is way we promote regular conversations, to spearhead new clinic solutions and to raise the standard of care extended to our patients,” she says. 4. Healthy Occupations Doctor “Dr. Kwong says she realized that a percentage of many young women in Asia who develop breast cancer likely inherited the genes that cause the disease.”. Nurse “Women are no longer just homemakers or caretakers; they are also providers – teachers, nurse, lawmakers, businesspeople, and activists, with a wide range of abilities and experience. Dentist “Professional whitening can be done in the clinic by a dentist or by the patient at home, using prescription products.” 5. The Liquid of Body Blood “Finding out if the stroke is due to a leaky blood clot is a prerequisite for proper treatment.” Urine “The team successfully identified biomarkers that could assess the exposure of 62 additional chemicals which are present in blood, urine, or other biological samples.” Sperm “At present, viable sperm for IVF procedures are usually chosen by looking at them through a microscope.” 6. The Types of Medicine Drug “However, his team found increased risk of diabetes is associated with use of the drug .” Tablet “One tablet of Afatinib a day is more effective than