Clinic “There will always be avenues to better ourselves- this is way we promote regular conversations, to spearhead new clinic solutions and to raise the standard of care extended to our patients,” she says. 4. Healthy Occupations Doctor “Dr. Kwong says she realized that a percentage of many young women in Asia who develop breast cancer likely inherited the genes that cause the disease.”. Nurse “Women are no longer just homemakers or caretakers; they are also providers – teachers, nurse, lawmakers, businesspeople, and activists, with a wide range of abilities and experience. Dentist “Professional whitening can be done in the clinic by a dentist or by the patient at home, using prescription products.” 5. The Liquid of Body Blood “Finding out if the stroke is due to a leaky blood clot is a prerequisite for proper treatment.” Urine “The team successfully identified biomarkers that could assess the exposure of 62 additional chemicals which are present in blood, urine, or other biological samples.” Sperm “At present, viable sperm for IVF procedures are usually chosen by looking at them through a microscope.” 6. The Types of Medicine Drug “However, his team found increased risk of diabetes is associated with use of the drug .” Tablet “One tablet of Afatinib a day is more effective than chemotherapy, since it has much higher chance a control, and longer duration of the cancer.”

B. Data Analysis 1.

The Semantic Field of “Medical Treatment” Table 4: The Componential Analysis from Seman tic Field of “Medical Treatment The Semantic Properties The LEXEMES SURGERY THERAPY BIOPSY CHEMOTHERAPY RADIOTHERAPY Medical health check + +_ + + + Something that people do or cause to happen + +_ + + + Something that happens at a given place and time + _ + + _ The characteristic features of the semantic properties on the table 4 are hypernyms of medical treatment. 43 The table above explained that surgery means a medical health check, something that people do or cause to happen and also something happens at given place and time. According to the American Medical Association Encyclopedia of Medicine surgery is the treatment of disease, injury, or other disorders by direct physical intervention, usually with instruments. 44 Operative surgery involves incision cutting into the skin or other organ, inspection, removal of diseased 43 44 Clayman B Charles, The American Medical Association; Encyclopedia of Medicine, New York, Random House New York 1989, p.956. tissue or organs, relief of obstruction, replacement of structure to their normal position, redirection of body channels, transplantation of tissue or whole organs, and implantation of mechanical or electronic devices. 45 Surgery may be minor or major. Minor operations are usually, but not always, performed using local anesthesia. Major operations are usually performed using general anesthesia, although local anesthesia is sometimes used. 46 In recent years there has been an increasing trend toward further sub specialization; some surgeons now confine their practice to such narrow limits as surgery of the hands, the cornea, the same blood vessels, or the skin. From both of meanings above the researcher concludes that surgery is the treatment of disease, injury and taken in hospital. Therapy means a medical health check this therapy could be something happen to patient and could be to prevent disease on patient‟s body. According to the American Medical Association Encyclopedia of Medicine therapy is the treatment of any disease or abnormal physical or mental condition. 47 Examples of therapy include radiation therapy for cancer and psychotherapy for psychiatric disorders. Biopsy means a medical health check to patient‟s body, something that people do or cause to happen and also something happens at given place and time. According to the American Medical Association Encyclopedia of Medicine biopsy is a diagnostic test in which tissue or cells are removed from the body for 45 Ibid. 956 46 Ibid , p.957 47 Clayman B Charles, The American Medical Association; Encyclopedia of Medicine, New York, Random House New York 1989, p.978. examination under the microscope. 48 Most of the procedures are minor and require no sedation, but some require anesthesia. From both of meanings there is correlation that biopsy is an accurate method of diagnosing many illnesses, including cancer. Chemotherapy means a medical health check to body‟s patient, something that people do or cause to happen and also something happens at given place and time. This treatment is done when the patient was conscious and continually. According to the American Medical Association Encyclopedia of Medicine chemotherapy is the treatment of infections of malignant disease by drugs that act selectively on the cause the disorder, but which may have substantial effects on normal tissue. 49 Infections are treated by antibiotics, which may be bacterial killing harmful bacteria, or bacteriostatic stopping further bacterial growth and allowing the body‟s immune system to take over and destroy the bacteria. 50 One problem with chemotherapy is that natural selection leads to the emergence of resistant bacteria or cells. This effect is minimized by the discriminatory use of antibiotics, and, in cancer chemotherapy, by giving several different types of drugs simultaneously. A further problem with cancer chemotherapy is that drugs act on all rapidly dividing cells, not just tumor cells. 51 Thus, they affect the bone marrow, the intestinal lining, the hair follicles sometimes causing baldness, and the mouth, sometimes causing severe side effects. Antibiotics act more selectively because bacteria have a different structure from human cells, making side effects 48 Ibid , p.170. 49 Ibid , p.258. 50 Ibid, p. 258 51 Ibid. . p. 258