Rehabilitasi Hutan dan Lahan RHL Forest and

Target Projection in No. Main Activities 2007 2008 2009 meningkat 25 dibandingkan tahun sebelumnya Quality increasing of FGMP as many as 25 compared with last year. bersaing secara global Capability development of FGMP to be able to compete in global trade.

25. Pengelolaan DAS Water- shed River Basin Area RBA

Management . - Penetapan pengelolaan DAS Terpadu, Konsepsi Sistem Insentif dan Disinsentif bidang PDAS Adjudication of integrated management of RBA, Conseption of Incentive and Disintencive System on RBA Management. - Kriteria dan Standar Pengembangan Kelembagaan PDAS, dan Modul-modul Pengelolaan DAS Establishment of criteria and standard in developing Institution of RBA Management, and Moduls on RBA Management. - Data dan informasi kondisi karateristik 282 DAS prioritas Information and data provision of Characteristic Conditions of 282 Priority RBAs. - Identifikasi bencana erosi, longsor dan kekeringan, di seluruh wilayah DAS prioritas Identification of erosion, landslides, and drought calamities in the entire priority RBAs - Pengelolaan 282 DAS prioritas mendapat dukungan penuh stakeholder Strengthening of 282 Priority RBA Managements by gaining fully support from stakeholders. - Bangunan sipil teknis untuk pengendali erosi, sedimentasi, dan tanah longsor terbangun pada tempat-tempat yang strategis di 282 DAS prioritas Construction of Check dam for controlling erosion, sedimentation, and landslides at eligible places in 282 Priority RBAs. - Ancaman bahaya erosi, sedimentasi, dan tanah longsor dapat dihindari dan menurun secara nyata Avoiding and Decreasing of danger threat of erosion, sedimentations and landslides factually. - Pengelolaan DAS dapat meningkatkan penyerapan tenaga kerja setempat sebesar 10 Intensification of RBA Management Activities with local labour employment absorption by 10 . - Pengelolaan 282 DAS Prioritas mendapat dukungan penuh stakeholder Strengthening of 282 Priority RBA Managements with full support by stakeholders.

26. Rehabilitasi Hutan dan Lahan RHL Forest and

Land Rehabilitation FLR. - Rancangan Undang-Undang RUU Konservasi Tanah, dan RPP penjabarannya Establishment of Law Bill regarding Land Conservation, and its detail as Government Rules. - Rencana gerakan penanaman swadaya bersama organisasi-organisasi kemasya- rakatan Planning of folkself – planting activation along with social organization. - Finalisasi RUU konservasi tanah dan RPP Finishing of Law Bill, and Government Rules Bill regarding Land Conservation. - Gerhan di 282 DAS33 Prop, berupa : Reboisasi Lahan Kritis HP, HL, HK LOA, Penghijauan hutan rakyat, lingkungan, hutan kota, turus jalan, Mangrove, Sipil Teknis, Pemeliharaan dan Kelembagaan Performance of FLR Activation in 282 RBAs - Pengajuan RUU konservasi tanah ke DPR untuk dibahas dan pengesahan Submitting of Law Bill regarding Land Conservation to House of Representative to be discussed and enacted. - RHL di 282 DAS Prioritas mencapai 5 juta Ha dengan ratio 60 dalam kawasan hutan dan 40 diluar kawasan hutan Achievement of FLR in 282 Priority RBAs as broad as 5 Target Projection in No. Main Activities 2007 2008 2009 - Master Plan RHL MP-RHL tersedia diseluruh Indonesia dan mendapat dukungan stakeholders Preparation of FLR Master Plan and support from stakeholders. - Gerhan di 282 DAS33 Prop, berupa : Reboisasi Lahan Kritis HP, HL, HK LOA, Penghijauan hutan rakyat, lingkungan, hutan kota, turus jalan, Mangrove, Sipil Teknis, Pemeliharaan dan Kelembagaan Performance of FLR Activation in 282 RBAs 33 Provinces consisting of : Reforestation on barren lands in Production Forest PdF, Protection Forest PrF, Conservation Forest CF and Logged Over Area LOA, Land Rehabilitation folk forest FF, environment, forest for city, green belt area, Mangrove land, Check dam, Plantation Care, and Organization. 33 Provinces consisting of : Reforestation on barren lands in Production Forest PdF, Protection Forest PrF, Conservation Forest CF and Logged Over Area LOA, Land Rehabilitation folk forest FF, environment, forest for city, green belt area, Mangrove land, Check dam, Plantation Care, and Organization . - Sebesar 80 RHL di 282 DAS Prioritas tumbuh dengan baik Implementation of FLR in 282 Priority RBAs with result of well- growing plantation by 80 . - RHL di 282 DAS prioritas mendapat dukungan penuh stakeholders dan meningkatkan penyerapan tenaga kerja sebesar 5 Strengthening of FLR in 282 Priority RBAs by gaining full support from stakeholders and incerasing of labour employment absorption by 5 . million hectares with ratio of 60 in forest area and 40 outside forest area. - Gerhan di 282 DAS33 Prop, berupa : Reboisasi Lahan Kritis HP, HL, HK LOA, Penghijauan hutan rakyat, lingkungan, hutan kota, turus jalan, Mangrove, Sipil Teknis, Pemeliharaan dan Kelembagaan Performance of FLR Activation in 282 RBAs 33 Provinces consisting of : Reforestation on barren lands in Production Forest PdF, Protection Forest PrF, Conservation Forest CF and Logged Over Area LOA, Land Rehabilitation folk forest FF, environment, forest for city, green belt area, Mangrove land, Check dam, Plantation Care, and Organization. - Sebesar 80 RHL di 282 DAS Prioritas tumbuh dengan baik Implementation of FLR in 282 Priority RBAs with result of well- growing plantation by 80 . - RHL di 282 DAS prioritas mendapat dukungan penuh stakeholders dan meningkatkan penyerapan tenaga kerja sebesar 10 Strengthening of FLR in 282 Priority RBAs by gaining full support from stakeholders and incerasing of labour employment absorption by 10 .

27. Pengembangan hutan rakyat dan Hutan Tanaman Rakyat