Controlling of Forest Fire. Pengelolaan keaneka ragaman hayati Biodiversity

Target Projection in No. Main Activities 2007 2008 2009

13. Development of Natural Sanctuary Area NSA

Natural Preservation Area NPA Hunting Park HP. - Building up of standard, criteria and colaboration in utilizing and rehabilitating NSANPAHP. - Management Plan for 64 NSANPAHP. - Management Plan for 136 NSANPAHP units. - Strengthening managemant of 64 unist of NSANPAHP, fully supported by stakeholders. - Management of 200 unit of NSANPAHP are implemented optimum, fully supported by stakeholders, and these able to improve local labour absorption.

14. Controlling of Forest Fire.

- Informasi dan deteksi dini kebakaran hutan berfungsi optimal. Standarisasi pengendalian kebakaran hutan Strengthening of forest fire information and early detection by working with optimum function besides preparing standardization of forest fire control . - Sosialisasi pedoman-pedoman pengendalian dan sistem peringatan dini kebakaran hutan Socialization of guideline for controlling and early warning system of forest fire. - Data dan informasi spasial dan non-spasial lokasi-lokasi rawan kebakaran hutan perkebunan, lahan gambut, HTI, kawasan HP open access tersedia Information and data preparation regarding sensitive locations of forest fireestateplantation, peat land, plantation forest, open acces area of Production Forest PF. - Informasi dan deteksi dini kebakaran hutan berfungsi optimal Achievement of optimum function of forest fire early detection and information. - Pencegahan dan pemadaman kebakaran hutan di tingkat masyarakat berjalan efektif Heighthening of forest fire prevention and extinguishing by people with intensive implementation and effective effort. - Penurunan secara nyata frekwensi kebakaran hutan di Sumatera dan Kalimantan Factually decrease of forest fire in Sumatera and Kalimantan. - Informasi dan deteksi dini kebakaran hutan berfungsi optimal Achievement of optimum function of forest fire early detection and information. - Pencegahan dan pemadaman kebakaran hutan di tingkat masyarakat berjalan efektif Heighthening of forest fire prevention and extinguishing by people with intensive implementation and effective effort. - Pengendalian kebakaran hutan dan penurunan secara nyata frekwensi kebakaran hutan di Kalimantan dan Sumatera Forest fire conrol and Factually decrease of forest fire in Sumatera and Kalimantan.

15. Pengelolaan keaneka ragaman hayati Biodiversity

Management. - Pedoman pengelolaan spesies kunci prioritas Provision of Management Guideline for keypriority species. - Pedoman inventarisasi dan monitoring TSL, khususnya spesies TSL kunciprioritas Preparation of wildlife inventory and monitoring, mainly key priority species of wild vegetation and animal WVA. - Pengelolaan TSL di kawasan konservasi berjalan optimal dan mendapat dukungan dari stakeholder Achievement of optimum management of WVA in conservation area along with stakeholders support. - Populasi TSL di dalam dan diluar kawasan konservasi bertambah Augmentation of WVA population in conservation area and other - Pengelolaan TSL di kawasan konservasi berjalan optimal dan mendapat dukungan dari stakeholder Achievement of optimum management of WVA in conservation area along with stakeholders support. - Populasi TSL di dalam dan diluar kawasan konservasi bertambah Augmentation of WVA population in conservation area and other Target Projection in No. Main Activities 2007 2008 2009 - Sistem informasi spesies dan populasi TSL kunciprioritas tersedia Establishment of species and population informasion system for key priority WVA. - Penangkaran TSL langka komersil berrkembang Development of breeding and growing commercial species of scarce WVA. places. - Penangkaran TSL langka komersil berkembang Development of breeding and growing commercial species of scarce WVA. places. - Penangkaran TSL langka komersil berrkembang Development of breeding and growing commercial species of scarce WVA.

16. Penyusunan Rencana Kehutanan Drawing up of