Social Function Generic Structure Language Features Example of a Report Text Platypus

2. ………………. cut up some meat and vegetables and put them in a bowl with your favorite barbeque marimade. 3. ………………. put the meat and vegetables on the skewers. 4. ………………. put he kebobs on the barbeque and cook for 10 to 15 minutes, turning them over from time to time. 5. ……………..... take the kebobs off the barbeque and enjoy them. 4.2.5. Report Text

a. Social Function

The social function of a report text is to draw a general inference or to report. For example, a whale is a kind of mammal because it gives birth its calf. To make such a report, students need to observe and compare whales from other animals having similar characteristics. Students may also make a report about, for example, a very simple house, warung tegal, a school, a hospital, etc. by providing description of the subject.

b. Generic Structure

The generic structure of Report text refers to general statements which explain reported subject, additional information, and its classification. Text Elements Content General statement Definition, classification or a brief description. Description Description of the topic which tells about the important facts about the subject.

c. Language Features

The language features of Report Text include the following. 1. General nouns, such as ‘Reptiles in Comodo Insland’. 2. Relating verbs to explain features such as reptiles are scary animals This feature is used for all reptiles. 3. Action verbs explaining characters such as lizards cannot fly. 4. Present Tense to express common thing, such as Comodo dragons usually weight more than 160 kg. 5. Tecnical terms such as water contains oxygen and hydrogen. 6. Paragraph with a topic sentence to organize informations.

d. Example of a Report Text Platypus

General statement Many people call platypus duckbill because this animal has a bill like duckbill. Description Platypus is a native Tasmania and southern and eastern Australia. Platypus has a flat tail and webbed feet. Its body length is 30 to 45 cm and covered with a thick and woolly layer of fur. Its bill is detecting prey and stirring up mud. Platypus eyes and head are small. It has no ears but has ability to sense sound and light. Platypus lives in streams, rivers, and lakes. Female platypus usually digs burrows in the streams or river banks. The burrows are blocked with 394 PENDALAMAN MATERI BAHASA INGGRIS soil to protect it from intruders and flooding. In the other hand, male platypus does not need any burrow to stay. Source: e. Exercise  Vocabulary Change these nouns to their singular forms 1 teeth 5 geese 9 oases 13 lives 2 potatoes 6 hooves 10 dwarfs 14 salaries 3 radii 7 women 11 thieves 15 diaries 4 heroes 8 luxuries 12 mice 16 sheep  Grammar Arrange the following sentences into a good order of a report text. Correct the form of the verbs in the bracket. 1. Then the snake open its mouth and move the egg into its throat. 2. Snakes eat all sort things. 3. Then the snake spit out the egg shell. 4. Snakes love to eat eggs. 5. Eggs be favourite food of many snakes. 6. It squeeze the egg with muscles in its neck. 7. When a snake eat an egg, the snake first curl around the egg. 8. It do not want the egg to roll away. 9. The egg break and go into the snake’s stomach. 4.2.6. Anecdote Text

a. Social Function