Problem Limitation Problem Formulation Research Objectives Research Benefits


B. Problem Limitation

This study is a case study on the code-mixed utterances created by a bilingual child. It gives a portrait about a language phenomenon experienced by a bilingual child. It focuses only on the code- mixing in the child’s utterances. The main participant of this study is a bilingual child living in Semarang. The child became bilingual as her parents decided to introduce English and Bahasa Indonesia to her since she was newborn. Her father often uses Bahasa Indonesia, whereas her mother always uses English when talking to Rose. In her daily conversations, she often mixes both languages in an utterance. The research discussion is limited to identifying the types of code-mixing and to finding the reasons for the child’s code-mixing. It focuses on the syntactic aspect that it attempts to look at the contribution of each language in forming mixed sentences. The data collection used to address the research problems is taken from noted observations of the main participant of the study and an interview with the childs parents. The observations will be conducted in her daily life interaction with the surrounding people, namely, family members, friends, and teachers. Those observations will be done during September 2012 to May 2013.

C. Problem Formulation

This study is aimed at addressing the following problems: 1. What are the types of code-mixing created by the bilingual child? 2. What are the possible reasons that may cause code-mixing in her utterances? 4

D. Research Objectives

As stated previously, this study is aimed to examine the tendency of a bilingual child in mixing languages. The objectives of the study are to identify the types of code-mixing and to discover possible reasons that may cause the bilingual child to produce code-mixing in her utterances.

E. Research Benefits

This study is expected to give benefits to many people. Firstly, this study is intended to help the parents who want to introduce two different languages to their children. The results of this study gives an insight about a phenomenon that is potential to happen regarding child bilingualism, namely, code-mixing. This study presents information that will help parents have a view of dealing with child bilingualism since early time. Secondly, the results of this study can be used as a reference for teachers who teach children in international schools. International schools attempt to use English as the main language of communication. However, because children are surrounded by Indonesian speakers in their daily lives, the tendency of using Bahasa Indonesia is still high. Therefore, it might lead the children to use both English and Indonesian to communicate at school. Thus, the new knowledge gained from reading this research paper will be beneficial to teachers who deal with child bilingualism. 5 Thirdly, this study is also beneficial to other researchers who are interested in studying code-mixing and child bilingualism. This study provides information that can be the base of other research on the same topic.

F. Definition of Terms