MySQL Similar Literature Studies

42  Can work on Windows-based operating system, Linux, Mac OS, and most versions of UNIX.  Costs required to use PHP inexpensive, or even free  Easy to use because it has special features and functions to create dynamic web. PHP programming language designed to be incorporated in the HTML embedded script  Security system is high enough  Faster execution time compared to other web programming languages  Access to the database system more flexible and convenient.

2.10 MySQL

MySQL is one type of database that uses SQL server as the base language for accessing databases. Including the MySQL RDBMS Relation Database Management System that is popular among web programmers Wahyu, 2005. MySQL is free no need to pay to use it. However, MySQL is composed of two licenses, namely: 1. Free license free software open source GNU general public license. MySQL is a free license to use, modified source program with a note should be published to the user. 2. Commercial license non-GPL. Users must pay a fee to MySQL AB as the copyright holder, according to the type of services available. 43 MySQL has the advantage accessible to many programming languages as frontend. MySQL is a database server ideal for data of all sizes with the ability to have a very high speed in performing data processing, multi-threaded, multi- user and query. MySQL database file size is smaller than the other database files. SQL Structure Query Language is a language of ANSI American National Standard Input is used to query the data in the database. All operating data can be done easily by using this language, especially in entry and data selection. SQL language has a structure that is easy to understand, because it uses the commands in English. SQL commands in MySQL databases such as: a. insert or add a new record into the database b. execute database queries c. retrieve data from database d. modify records in the database e. delete records in the database

2.11 Similar Literature Studies

Methods of data collection is analyzing by similar research to find advantages to the researcher doing research now than existing research. 44 No Author Title Method Agency Year 1 Ucu Deti “Rancang bangun aplikasi customer relationship management CRM berbasis web pada PT. Gatra Citra kencana Tour Travel” RAD PT. Gatra Citra kencana Tour Travel 2011 2 Dhery Haryadi Suhendra “Rancang bangun web perjalanan umrah berbasis customer relationship management pada PT. Agra semesta tour” SDLC PT. Agra semesta tour 2010 3 Eggy Ramadhani Djunaedi “Konsep rancang bangun aplikasi e-traveling berbasis CRM menggunakan Rich internet application” RAD Bayu buana travel service 2011 4 Muhammad Wyzer “Aplikasi penjualan produk alat musik berbasis web study kasus: PT. Duta Karya Musikindo jakarta” SDLC PT. Duta Karya Musikindo jakarta 2011 45  Abstract Literature 1, the author is Ucu Deti 2011; student of Islamic State University Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, the research title is “Rancang bangun aplikasi customer relationship management CRM berbasis web pada PT. Gatra Citra kencana Tour Travel”. Author describes application system design using web based application to serve the customer, which is reservation online using CRM concept. Whereas by online reservation will help the customer to buy some travel packet to company.  Abstract Literature 2, the author is Dhery Haryadi Suhendra 2010; student of Islamic State University Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, the research title is “Rancang bangun web perjalanan umrah berbasis customer relationship management pada PT. Agra semesta tour”. Author describes system design for “umrah” websites using CRM concept. This application is to help the customer to book “umrah” travel packet to company.  Abstract Literature 3, the author is Eggy Ramadhani Djunaedi 2011; student of Islamic State University Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, the research title is “Konsep rancang bangun aplikasi e-traveling berbasis CRM menggunakan Rich internet application”. This research is same as the first literature that describe about travel. But this research is using e- Traveling application, and this also used CRM too. The concept is to ease the customer to reserve some travel packet. 46  Abstract Literature 4, the author is Muhammad Wyzer 2011; student of Islamic State University Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, the research title is “Aplikasi penjualan produk alat musik berbasis web study kasus: PT. Duta Karya Musikindo Jakarta”. The purpose of this research is to improve the selling transaction. The result of this system is to ease the customer to get the information about the product and help the customer to buy the product using online system. 47 CHAPTER III RESEACH METHODOLOGY CHAPTER III