4.1 System Investigation

Stage of defining the problem to determine what the problem would be solved by using a web application that will be the author created. The problem to be solved by using a web application is the use of a CRM strategy in a karaoke room reservation application to search more information about the products offered. The purpose of development web application is to design an application planning of karaoke room reservations that can provide the optimal solution. In this analysis author will implementing the customer lifecycle stages of CRM concept that are contained in: 1. Acquiring new customer 2. Developing customer value enhance 3. Retaining existing customer In the CRM analysis methods, identified efforts to gain new customers, build relationships, to provide attractive offers to the customers so that the customers get satisfaction and will always be a loyal customer. So far a reservation is done by coming directly to by outlet without some mature planning cost expenditures. Not to mention the room that is not necessarily available by timing that also cannot be sure. This will make it difficult for the 57 customer if the customer has never been done reservations before. And even worse if it turns out financial expenditure in excess of the budget that had been planned earlier due to lack of information about the karaoke room price. Based on the results of investigations carried out by interviewing customers PT. Vizta Pratama Inul Vizta that often do the transaction of karaoke room reservation, obtained the information that the customer really need a media room reservation that is not limited by space and time and have the ease of ordering. Further interviews were conducted also to the management of PT. Vizta Pratama Inul Vizta, that the service makes it easy for customers in the karaoke room reservations is feasible so that they are easy to place an order at anytime and anywhere, also can provide more complete information. The reason the author chose CRM as a strategic approach to customers was because CRM is prioritizing customers who make the customer as the main target in providing of customer services and feedback from customers be used as an evaluation of the achievement of a karaoke company. So that by customer satisfaction, the good relationship between the customers with the company will be established this will generate customer trust and loyalty towards the company.

4.2 Systems Analysis