Sometimes the students used two verbs or double verbs.

F. The Significances of the study

1. The teacher The teacher can use the method to improve other students‟ grammar accuracy of simple past in narrative writing. It is expected that the teacher can help the students to solve their problem by applying the teaching strategy. 2. The students The students can improve their grammar accuracy about simple past tense. It is expected that the students can understand well about grammar especially simple past tense. The students can apply the knowledge for the next grade in twelve grades. 3. For further researchers The result of this study can be useful as the source for further research on improving students‟ writing ability by giving feedback for narrative or the other texts, such as descriptive, recount and procedure. 4. For the English Education Department of Yogyakarta State University It can be used as a research reference with the similar theme or purpose. 6 CHAPTER II

A. Literature review

This part discusses the nature of writing and teaching writing.

1. Writing a. The Nature of Writing

According to Tiedt 1989, writing is the way to express people‟s ideas in a written form p. 1. It is clear that writing is a process of delivering people thoughts or expression in a written form. Raimes 1993 notes “Writing was subservient skill, whose function was to support the development of oral language” as cited in Nunan. 1999. p.271. It means that writing skill is a complementary skill for speaking skill. Zimmerman and Rodrigues 1992 reveal “Writing is a way of thinking, a way of learning, a way of sharing ideas with others” p. 4. It is clear that someone can learn something, share the opinion each other by writing process. Zimmerman and Rodrigues 1992 also points out “Good writing is writing that is appropriate to the specific writing situation for which it was produced” p. 8. It means that writing should have a characteristic or criteria which make it suitable to be said a good writing. 7