Arti, jenis dan fungsi dari setiap participle bahasa Yunani.

6. Arti, jenis dan fungsi dari setiap participle bahasa Yunani.

Participle adalah verbal adjective. Dia memiliki karakteristik verb dan adjective. Seperti verb, participle memiliki tense dan voice, bisa dijelaskan oleh adverb, dan memiliki direct object (tetapi bukan subjek). Seperti adjective, participle diturunkan menurut case, gender dan number. Dapat digunakan seperti adjective. Perhatikan beberapa jenis participle bahasa Yunani berikut ini:

1. The Attributive Participle

An attributive Adjective Participle may be used to define or identify its subject, pointing out what person or thing is meant. It is then equivalent to a restrictive relative clause (Burton, 1893: 422). The attributive participle may be used with or without an article. If there is an article, and there usually is, the participle is of course in the attributive position following the article (Brooks and Winebery, 1988: 143). Perhatikan contohnya: h` eivrh,nh tou/ qeou/ h` u`pere,cousa pa,nta nou/n frourh,sei ta.j kardi,aj u`mw/n (Phil 4:7)

The peace of God which surpasses all understanding will protect your hearts.

2. The Substantival Participle The participle, like an adjective, may be used in the place of a noun or other substantive. The participle itself then function as a noun. Its case, gender, and number are determined by its use in the sentence. It may be used in most of the ways in which a noun is used, e.g. as a subject nominative, as a dative of indirect object, as an accusative of direct object, etc. it may be used with or without an article. It always stands in the attributive position (Brooks and Winbery, 1988: 144). Perhatikan contohnya: ~O filw/n pate,ra h' mhte,ra u`pe.r evme. ouvk e;stin mou a;xioj (Matt 10:37)

The one who loves father or mother more than me is not worthy of me.

3. The Predicative Participle With the verb “to be” the participle functions in the predicate as a predicate adjective (MacDonald, 2005: 58). Perhatikan contohnya: h;mhn avgnoou,menoj tw/| prosw,pw| tai/j evkklhsi,aij th/j VIoudai,aj (Gal 1:22)

I was unknown by face to the churches of Judea.

4. The Adverbial Participle The participle, just like an adjective, sometimes modifies a verbal idea rather than a noun and is therefore used like an adverb. This use of the participle is often referred to as the circumstances under which the action of the main verb take place. The adverbial or circumstantial participle always stands in the predicative position (Brooks and Winbery, 1988: 145-46). Terdiri atas beberapa kegunaan yaitu:

a. The Temporal Participle Yaitu untuk menunjukkan waktu terjadi suatu tindakan dari the main verb. Perhatikan contohnya: avpotaxa,menoj auvtoi/j evxh/lqon eivj Makedoni,anÅ (II Cor 2:13)

When I departed from them I went away into Macedonia.

b. The Telic Participle Yaitu untuk menunjukkan tujuan dari tindakan the main verb. Perhatikan contohnya: diV evtw/n de. pleio,nwn evlehmosu,naj poih,swn eivj to. e;qnoj mou paregeno,mhn (Acts 24:17)

After many years I returned in order to make gifts to my nation.

c. The Causal Participle Untuk menyatakan alasan atau reason dari tindakan the main verb. Perhatikan contohnya: h`me,raj o;ntej nh,fwmen (I Thess 5:8)

Let us be sober because we are of the day.

d. The Conditional Participle Participle ini berfungsi sebagai protasis dari conditional sentence yang menunjukkan sebuah kondisi yang harus dipenuhi sebelum tindakan the main verb terjadi. Perhatikan contohnya: pw/j h`mei/j evkfeuxo,meqa thlikau,thj avmelh,santej swthri,aj; (Heb 2:3)

How shall we escape if we neglect such a great salvation?

e. The Concessive Participle

A concessive participle refers to a fact which is unfavorable to the occurrence of the event denoted by the principal verb (Burton, 1893: 438). Perhatikan contohnya: kai,per w'n ui`o,j( e;maqen avfV w-n e;paqen th.n u`pakoh,n (Heb 5:8)

Although he was a Son he learned obedience from the things which he suffered.

f. The Instrumental Participle Untuk menyatakan alat atau agent yang dipakai untuk melakukan tindakan the main verb. Perhatikan contohnya: e`auto.n evke,nwsen morfh.n dou,lou labw,n( evn o`moiw,mati avnqrw,pwn geno,menoj (Phil 2:7)

He emptied himself by means of taking the form of a servant, by appearing in the likeness of men.

g. The Modal Participle Untuk menyatakan manner atau cara dimana tindakan the main verb dilakukan. Perhatikan contohnya: avkou,saj de. o` neani,skoj to.n lo,gon avph/lqen lupou,menoj (Matt 19:22)

When the young man heard this word he went away sorrowing.

h. The Complementary Participle The complemenatary participle completes the idea expressed by the main verb (Brooks and Winbery, 1988: 150). Perhatikan contohnya: h. The Complementary Participle The complemenatary participle completes the idea expressed by the main verb (Brooks and Winbery, 1988: 150). Perhatikan contohnya:

I have no greater joy than this, that I may hear that my children are walking in the truth.

i. The Circumstantial Participle Disebut juga the participle of attendant circumstance. The action of a Participle of Attendant Circumstance may precede the action of the principal verb, accompany it, or even follow it. But as respects logical relation, it is presented merely as an accompaniment of the action of the verb (Burton, 1893: 450). Perhatikan contohnya: Tau/ta auvtou/ lalou/ntoj polloi. evpi,steusan eivj auvto,nÅ (John 8:30)

While he was saying these things many believed on him.

j. The imperatival Participle Untuk menyatakan perintah. Perhatikan contohnya: avpostugou/ntej to. ponhro,n( kollw,menoi tw/| avgaqw/| (Rom 12:9)

Hate evil; hold fast to the good.

Latihan: Kategorikan arti, jenis dan fungsi dari setiap participle di bawah ini:

1. o` to.n lo,gon mou avkou,wn kai. pisteu,wn tw/| pe,myanti, me e;cei zwh.n aivw,nion (John 5:24)

2. to.n evrco,menon pro.j evme. ouv mh. evkba,lw e;xw (John 6:37)

3. o[moio,j evstin avnqrw,pw| oivkodomou/nti oivki,an (Luke 6:48)

4. auvto.j evdi,dasken evn tai/j sunagwgai/j auvtw/n doxazo,menoj u`po. pa,ntwnÅ (Luke 4:15)

5. a;ndrej fe,rontej evpi. kli,nhj a;nqrwpon o]j h=n paralelume,noj (Luke 5:18)

6. tw/| de. evrgazome,nw| o` misqo.j ouv logi,zetai kata. ca,rin (Rom 4:4)

7. diV o[lhj nukto.j kopia,santej ouvde.n evla,bomen\ (Luke 5:5)

8. evca,rhsan ou=n oi` maqhtai. ivdo,ntej to.n ku,rionÅ (John 20:20)