Jenis-jenis kalimat bahasa Yunani

1. Jenis-jenis kalimat bahasa Yunani

Di dalam bahasa Yunani sebuah kalimat dapat terdiri atas sebuah kata yaitu finite verb yang di dalamnya terdapat personal yang mengindikasikan subjek. Sebagai contoh: evfobh,qhsan (John 6:19) They were afraid. Perhatikan berikut ini jenis-jenis kalimatnya:

a. Simple Sentences The simple sentence terdiri atas sebuah subjek dan verb. Di dalam bahasa Yunani ini dapat

berupa verb saja. Subjek juga dapat dinyatakan oleh noun atau pengganti noun. Perhatikan contoh-contohnya: berupa verb saja. Subjek juga dapat dinyatakan oleh noun atau pengganti noun. Perhatikan contoh-contohnya:

e;rcetai h` mh,thr auvtou/ (Mark 3:31) His mother came .

Perhatikan diagramnya: evda,krusen o` VIhsou/j Jesus Wept

b. Sentences with Connective Verbs This kind of sentence has a verb which connects the subject to other words which identify or describe the subject. These verbs are described often as equative or linking. Adjectives are often used to describe an aspect of the subject. Sometimes the connective verb is understood rather than expressed (Brooks and Winbery, 1988: 156). Perhatikan contohnya:

qeo.j h=n o` lo,goj The Word was God (John 1:1)

c. Sentences with Object of the Verb Transitive verb adalah verb yang membutuhkan direct object. Dalam bahasa Yunani objek paling banyak di dalam accusative case (lihat cases di atas). Perhatikan contohnya:

Daui.d ku,rion auvto.n kalei/ David called him\Lord (Luke 20:44)

d. Sentences with Indirect Object Susunan normal dalam bahasa Inggris adalah subject, verb, indirect object dan direct object. Walaupun indirect object bisa diletakkan pertama dulu untuk penekanan. Namun dalam bahasa Yunani ini bisa bervariasi. Perhatikan contohnya: Tau/ta e;graya u`mi/n … (I John 5:13)

I have written you these things…. Perhatikan diagramnya: Tau/ta e;graya u`mi/n

These things I have written you

e. Interrogative Sentences Perhatikan contohnya: meme,ristai o` Cristo,j; (I Cor 1:13)

Is Christ divided? Di dalam diagram nampak seperti a simple sentence, perhatikan:

Su. ti,j ei=È (John 8:25) Who are you?

su. ei; ti,j

you are who

f. Commands and Request Biasanya dinyatakan oleh imperative mood. Future indicative, subjunctive of exhortation atau prohibition, infinitives dan participle. Perhatikan contohnya: cai,rete (Matt 5:12)

Rejoice Perhatikan diagramnya: (You) cai,rete

(You) Rejoice

g. Sentences with Participles and Infinitives

Participle: para,gwn ei=den Leui.n (Mark 2:14)

As he passed by , he saw Levi. (he) ei=den Leui.n

he saw Levi

he passed by



Infinitive: evmoi. to. zh/n Cristo.j (Phil 1:21)

For me to live is Christ. to. zh/n

to live


For me

(is) Cristo.j is Christ

h. Complex Sentence Complex sentence memiliki satu independent clause dan paling sedikit satu dependent clause. A dependent clause (subordinated) is a group of words with a subject and predicate

which serves as a part of speech (noun, adjective, or adverb) in a sentence. Terdiri atas tiga yaitu:

1. Adverbial Clause o[te ei=don auvto,n( e;pesa pro.j tou.j po,daj auvtou/ (Rev 1:17)

When I saw him

I fell at his feet. (I) e;pesa

I fell

o[te pro.j tou.j po,daj when at feet (I) ei=don auvto,n I saw him his

2. Substantival Clauses

o[soi eivj Cristo.n evbapti,sqhte( Cristo.n evnedu,sasqeÅ (Gal 3:27) You who were baptized into Christ have put on Christ.

o[soi evbapti,sqhte You who were baptized eivj Cristo.n into Christ evnedu,sasqe Cristo.n

have put on Christ

3. Adjectival Clauses evpoi,hsen dw,deka Îou]j kai. avposto,louj wvno,masenÐ (Mark 3:14)

He appointed twelve, whom he also named apostles. (He) evpoi,hsen dw,deka

He appointed twelve (he) wvno,masen ou]j avposto,louj he named whom apostle

i. Compound Sentences Compound sentence terdiri atas dua atau lebih independent clauses dengan sebuah conjugation atau lebih. Perhatikan contoh berikut:

hvkolou,qei auvtw/| o;cloj polu.j kai. sune,qlibon auvto,nÅ (Mark 5:24)

A great crowd followed him, and they were crowding him.

o;cloj hvkolou,qei auvtw/|

A Crowd followed him polu.j

(they) sune,qlibon auvto,n They were crowding him

Latihan: Tentukan jenis kalimat bahasa Yunani dari kalimat-kalimat berikut ini:

1. John 8:25 Su. ti,j ei=

2. 1 John 4:7 avgapw/men avllh,lou

3. o` path.r avgapa/| to.n ui`o,n (John 3:35)

4. seauto.n a`gno.n th,reiÅ (1 Tim 5:22)

5. evca,rhsan ou=n oi` maqhtai. ivdo,ntej to.n ku,rionÅ (John 20:20)