Magdalena Ella Halloway THE ANALYSIS


3.1 Magdalena Ella Halloway

Lena is the main character in a novel by Lauren Oliver Delirium. She is a 17-years-old girl. Lena lives with her aunt, Carol Tidlle. Lena’s mother, Annable Halloway has died committed suicide when Lena was 6 years old. The thoughtness from that accident because Annable Halloway loves her husband so much, who has passed away for long time ago. Annable has repeated undergone evaluation and the results still show that Annable still has Deliria disease, a disease that is claimed Love is Sin. Therefore, Lena is isolated from her environment. Oliver 2011:157 says, For the first time, in my life. I understood the look that people had been giving me forever, the same curl of the lip Whenever they hear the name Halloway. Piti, yes --- but disgust, also, and fear of contamination. Lena’s Family is rumored has contracted Deliria and the desease is the most feared in Portland. The day after her mother’s died because of Deliria, her sister, Rachel has convicted of contracting Deliria. Oliver 2011:173 says, “Here is the secret about my family: My sister contracted the Deliria several months before her scheduled procedure. She fall in love with a boy, named Thomas. Who was also uncured. During the day she and Thomas spent all their lying in a field of wild- flowers, shielding their eyes against the sun, whispering promises to each other that could never be kept.” This is already an open secret. Lena has been used to hearing things about her family and this skewed random key makes Lena become a shy person. Oliver Universitas Sumatera Utara 2011:155 says, Everyone around me, everyone in school, all my neighbors and my aunts friends ----- they all know about my family already and my family shamefull secrets. Thats why they always looked at me pityingly, from the corner of their eyes. Thats why for years I rode a wave of whispering into every room. At the beginning of the story, Lena is a girl who is obedient and compliant with all of regulations in Portland. In Portland there is a disease called Amor Deliria Nervosa, which the love is a great sin and everything that joy is prohibited. Each people will be exposed to punishment in violation of the ban. Therefore, every people should follow the evaluation and do the healing on each birthday date of their 18th year. Oliver 2011:76 says, Ive never spoken back to her. Have always tried to be as patient and obedient and good as of this writing - have always tried to be as invisible as of this writing. But a few days before the evaluation’s days, Lena has met with Alex. He is a laboratory guard, where the execution of every evaluation’s held. Alex is a person who has been cured. Since she meets Alex, Lena slowly turns into a girl who has found her real self. Previously, Lena always feels she has a strange personality. Oliver 2011:50 says, Sometimes, I feel as though there are two mes. coasting one directly on top of the other: the superficial me, who nods when shes supposed to say, and some other, deeper part, the part that worries and says Gray. She meets Alex has made her become more disobedient with all applicable regulations. Lena also has been easy to lie to the people around her. Oliver 2011:119 says, Ive never been out this late on my own in my life. Ive never Universitas Sumatera Utara broken Curfew. According to the regulations in Portland, lying is one of the symptoms deliria and this is clearly strongly opposed. Aunty carol also has increasingly overseen Lena for the day of evaluation. As someone who has lived and stayed with Lena, She has known and understood all the changes of Lena. Oliver 2011:237 says, Carol shakes her head and looks disappointed.Honestly, Lena. I do not know when you started disobeying me. I thought that you of all people ----- She breaks off. But precisely, because of her relationship with Alex, Lena should feel more beautiful than ever. Lena just feels that she is a shy and uninterested girl. Alex actually has given confidence to Lena that all of presumptions are wrong. Oliver 2011: 261 says, for the first time in my life, I stand in front of my bathroom mirror and do not see an in between girl ---. For the first tie, with my hair swept back and my night gown slipping off one. Shoulder and my eyes glowing, I believe what Alex said, I am beautiful. Besides that, Lena also feels the freedom that has not been acquired. Oliver 2011:83 says, Then I take off again feeling a lifting sensation in my chest, that same sense of happiness and freedom. I cannot believe it was easy to get out of the house. She has fallen in love with Alex, Lena also realizes that all of things she has felt are toward to Deliria symptoms. But everything about Alex has made her fall in love and forget about all the punishment that will be given to someone who is infected Deliria. Oliver 2011:60 says, Today, I like him. Feel like its some-how Universitas Sumatera Utara rubbing off on me. Like if I was around him enough, I would never feel awkward or frightened or insecure. Since Lena falls in love with Alex, She has forgotten anything about the procedure and anything that’s promised after the evaluation day’s done. Lena also has forgotten the name of Brian Scraff and some other names that have been paired with Lena in accordance with the conditions and results of the evaluation of Lena. Oliver 2011:309 says, Ive been ignoring the date of the procedure, and Ive avoided even thinking Brian Scharffs name. Lena has wanted to be with him forever, Lena’s love for Alex has been very large. Oliver 2011:332 says, I want Alex and I want my old life and i want peace and happiness and i know that I cannot live without him, all the same time. Lena has become a new person. For Lena, Love and Happiness are the big things that should not be avoided as those set forth in the regulations in Portland. Lena finds happiness and freedom from Alex. Lena feels the happiness of her life if only Alex is near with her. Until the end Lena must be willing to bury deeply her love for Alex, who has died because somebody has shot him, while Lena and Alex regulators want to escape to The Wild. Universitas Sumatera Utara

3.2 Alex Sheathes