Life Skills development Social Function


c. Types of functional text 4 = The textbook contain simple and

brief functional texts at least 95 of KI and KD materials coverage 1 = The textbook contain simple and brief functional texts less than 95 of KI and KD materials coverage.

2. Materials In-Depth

a. Exposure

4 = Each type of text includes at least 2 examples in the textbook that have relevant social function and task for student to find at least 2 examples of similar texts from other sources. 1 = each type of text includes less than 2 examples in the textbook that have relevant social function and task for student to find less than 2 example of similar texts from other sources.

b. Text formation rules retention

4 = Text formation rules, taught based on 3 elements; social function, element and structure of meaning, and linguistic feature. 1 = one from 3 elements of text formation rule; social function, element and structure of meaning, or linguistic feature are not taught. 20

c. Production 4 = Task to produce text contain 3 text

formation elements; social function, element and structure of meaning, and linguistic feature. 1 = One of text formation element; social function, element and structure of meaning or linguistic feature are not included in the task. B MATERIALS ACCURACY

3. Social Function

4 = At least 95 of texts are useful to achieve the exact social function. 1 = Less than 95 text are useful to achieve the exact social function. 4 Generic structure 4 = At least 95 generic structure of text appropriate with its social function. 1 = less than 95 generic structure of text appropriate with its social function.

5. Linguistic feature

4 = At least 95 linguistic feature of the text appropriate with its social function. 1 = less than 95 linguistic feature of the text appropriate with its social function. 21 C LEARNING SUPPORTING MATERIAL 6 Up-to-Datedness

a. The relevance of materials and source of reference

4 = Overall 91 —100 teaching material taken from relevant source of reference. 3 = Overall 76 —90 teaching material taken from relevant source of reference. 2 = Overall 61 —75 teaching material taken from relevant source of reference. 1 = 0—60 teaching material taken from relevant source of reference.

b. Up-to-date material and source of reference

4 = Overall 91 —100 of sources published in the past 4 years. 3 = Overall 76 —90 of sources published in the past 4 years. 2 = 61 —75 of sources published in the past 4 years. 1 = 0 —60 of sources published in the past 4 years.

7. Life Skills Development;

- Personal - Social 4 = Overall contain texts that contain 91 —100 life skills element. 3 = Overall contain texts that contain 22 - Academic - Vocational 76 —90 life skills element. 2 = Overall contain texts that contain 61—75 life skills element. 1 = Overall contain texts that contain 0 - 60 life skills element.

8. Development Of Diversity

Insight; - Appreciation to multicultural and plural society. - Aware of local potential and resources. - Appreciation of democratic values. - Comprehending the national vision. 4 = Overall contain texts that contain 91 —100 elements of diversity insight. 3 = Overall contain texts that contain 76 —90 elements of diversity insight. 2 = Overall contain texts that contain 61 —75 elements of diversity insight. 1 = Overall contain texts that contain 0 —60 elements of diversity insight.

1. Curriculum

1. Definition of Curriculum

There have been various definition of curriculum depends on the approach to it. Allan and Francis specified five basic definition of curriculum which also defined by other experts in curriculum studies; a. Curriculum can be defined as a plan for achieving goals. The plan involves a sequence of steps as wiles and Bondi proposed. Curriculum is a four step plan involving purpose, design, implementation and assessment. 23 b. Curriculum can be defined broadly, as dealing with learner’s experiences. Dewey proposed that almost anything happened in or outside of school is part of the curriculum. It can be interpreted that curriculum consists of the ongoing experiences of children under the guidance of the school. c. Curriculum is a system for dealing with people d. Curriculum can be defined as a field of study with its own foundations, knowledge domains, research, theory, principles, and specialist. Those who adopt this definition tend to discuss curriculum in theoretical aspect instead of practical terms. e. Curriculum can be defined in terms of subject matter or content. This definition emphasizes the fact and concepts of particular subject areas. 13 In other source, Prof. Dr. Nana Syaodih referred to Beauchamp stating that curriculum as a lesson plan and a system curriculum system which is part of school system. As a lesson plan, curriculum includes main aim to be achieved, , learning activities, learning materials and timetable. 14 It can be inferred that curriculum is a system in school or education establishment involving purpose, design, implementation and assessment of learning materials and activities.

2. Curriculum 2013

There have been frequent changes of curriculum for the past 10 years in Indonesia. There was KBK Competence Based Curriculum which syllabus is made by school and teacher. Compiled based on the characteristics of the school in the aspect of school, teacher, and student competence. 15 KTSP School Based- Level Curriculum which is developed from KBK itself with an addition in 13 Allan C. Ornstein, Francis P. Hunkins, Curriculum: Foundation, Principles and Issues, U.S.A: Pearson, 2009 , p. 10. 14 Nana Syaodih Sukmadinata, Pengembangan Kurikulum:Teori dan PraktIk, Bandung; PT Remaja Rosdakarya, 2009, p. 6. 15 Departemen pendidikan Nasional, Kurikulum Berbasis Kompetrensi Jakarta: Pelayanan Peofesional Kurikulum 2004, 2003, p. 14.

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