„Low Fat Hi Calcium‟

a. Data Description

Ultra Milk UHT is a product from PT. Ultra Jaya Milk Industry. Ultra Milk UHT is a brand of UHT milk that can be consumed by everybody, especially for people on diet and in growth. There are many kinds of Ultra Milk UHT milk, such as chocolate, strawberry and vanilla. Ultra Milk UHT made from fresh milk and it is rich of natural calcium and 15 vitamins and 9 minerals. Those who want to drink milk before or while doing their activities usually consume the product. It is very easy to serve, and because of that many people consume it every time. They only have to put the straw into the place and the milk is ready to consume.

The package of the product is made of a kind of box with white as the basic color. This package has 6 sides of layout, namely front, back, right side, left side, upside and downside layout.

The slogan is located on the front and back side of layout of the package and it is under the brand name. The brand name and the slogan are printed on a glass of white milk as the background. The slogan is printed in blue color and it The slogan is located on the front and back side of layout of the package and it is under the brand name. The brand name and the slogan are printed on a glass of white milk as the background. The slogan is printed in blue color and it

b. Data Interpretation

A package has a unity in conveying its message. The elements serve each

other to build a unity. The central idea of the package is the slogan that is supported by other elements, namely the illustration, the color, etc.

The slogan is written under the brand name in a purpose to clarify that the slogan belongs to the product. It also becomes the supportive explanation that Ultra Milk UHT is UHT milk that contains low fat and high calcium. White as the color of the background gives contrast view towards the blue color used in the letters of the slogan. The slogan is written in smaller blue letters with the same color of the background. By the contrast of color, the letters of the brand name can be easily seen by the con sumers‟ eye. The whole of the layout is dominated by white, blue and green colors. It makes the consumers feel attracted when they see the package of the product in the shelf store. The letters with various typographies and colors also add the attraction of this package. It makes the slogan more readable for the consumers.

The illustrations also support the slogan by giving pictures of a glass of white milk and a cow farm. The picture of a glass of milk gives a meaning that this product is not only delicious but also contains of low fat and high calcium. Meanwhile, the picture of a farm can be interpreted as the milk comes from a

calcium and contains 15 vitamins and 9 minerals. It can make its consumers healthy. Besides, the nutritious fact is also informed to the consumers in the form of a table on the right side of the layout. On the table, there is the amount of energy fat, protein, total carbohydrate, vitamins, calcium, phosphor; which proofs that the product contains low fat and high calcium. This nutrition value in the form of a table gives the certain number of fat and calcium that will be consumed by its consumers when they consume this product. It gives an impression that any consumers who consume Ultra Milk UHT milk will be healthy and have low fat and hi calcium in their bodies.

The explanation that the product is an UHT Milk can be known from the explanation on the left side of the layout. The explanation gives clear information how to serve it, so that the consumers will not find any difficulty to consume this product.

From the explanation above, the consumers can understand that the layout of the package supports the slogan to convince them to buy this product.

c. Data Analysis

The slogan of Ultra Milk UHT Milk written on the package is, „Low Fat Hi Calcium‟. It is made relevant to all the messages conveyed in the previous

elements i.e. the illustrations and the information of the product. it can be elements i.e. the illustrations and the information of the product. it can be

and gives evidence of it. The evidence can be seen from the ingredients and the explanation of the product on the layout.

The maxim of quantity is obeyed since the slogan gives sufficient information supporting the purpose of the manufacturer to offer the product to the consumers. The slogan tells that the product has low fat and high calcium and it is supported with the nutrition facts on the right side of the layout.

Considering that the product is UHT milk, the slogan that says „Low Fat Hi Calcium‟ has a relation with the product. Even though the consumers cannot

know what the product has low fat and high calcium only by reading the slogan, the fact that the product is beverage one makes the slogan related with the product. Therefore, the slogan fulfills the maxim of relevance since the slogan gives a relevant contribution about the product.

The relation of the slogan and the product is clear because the slogan gives clear information about the product. Because of that, the maxim of manner has been fulfilled.

The slogan implicates that „consuming Ultra Milk UHT Milk, people will receive not only an instant product but also fresh low fat and high calcium milk

which can give a health for their body and bones. ‟ which can give a health for their body and bones. ‟

02/ FW FRUTANG ORANGE „With Natural Orange Pulp‟

a. Data Description

Frutang Orange is a beverage product made by PT. Tang Mas Depok, in Indonesia.

The package is made of plastic bottle. Since the beverage has orange taste, the dominant color of the package is orange. However, there are many additional colors on this package such as white, red, yellow and green.

The package is divided into 2 parts, namely bottle cap and the body of the bottle. The front and back layout consists of the brand name, the slogan, the name of the manufacturer, the illustration and the net weight. On the left side of the layout, there are the ingredients and the nutritious facts in a form of table. On the right side of the layout, there are the production code and the barcode of the product.

consumers can see the product inside the package. The slogan is printed in green color and it is located under the brand

name. The slogan is written in the form of capital and lower case letters.

b. Data Interpretation

The package conveys its own message from its elements since the

elements serve each other to build a unity. The slogan is supported by other elements on the layout of the package to encapsulate the campaign theme of the package of the product.

Under the slogan there are the supported words, namely „Rich in

Vitamin C‟. It supports the slogan by explaining that this product is rich of vitamin C.

The choosing of color also gives meaning to the audience. Since the slogan mentions that this product has orange pulp and the product also has orange color, the package should have the same color. It arises the aesthetic value to give the impression that the product has matching color between the package and the product. The contrast colors between red and white on the slogan also make the slogan easy to read.

On the layout of the package, the illustrations of oranges represent the kind of the products. The illustration is used to increase the value of the slogan and to raise the consumers‟ attentions. The taste of orange fruit looks fresh in the On the layout of the package, the illustrations of oranges represent the kind of the products. The illustration is used to increase the value of the slogan and to raise the consumers‟ attentions. The taste of orange fruit looks fresh in the

The using of 2 languages in the layout interprets that the product has already known in many countries beside the country where the product is made. That is why; the slogan is translated into English, the major language in the world.

The slogan means that Frutang Orange is different with other similar brands because the taste is with natural orange pulp that rich in vitamin C.

c. Data Analysis

The slogan of the product is „With Natural Orange Pulp‟. It means that „Frutang Orange is a beverage product that has orange taste and the consumers are invites the consumers to enjoy the natural taste of orange pulp in the product .‟

The maxim of quality is obeyed since the slogan gives adequate evidence that the product has orange taste and it contains of orange pulp. The evidence comes from the ingredients and the explanation of the product. One material of the ingredients is orange so it can be concluded that the product contains of orange pulp.

product. The slogan informs the consumers a product has natural orange pulp. It can be known by the physical form of the product.

The maxim of relevance is fulfilled since the slogan explains the product. The consumers are informed through the slogan that Frutang Orange is a product with natural orange pulp.

The slogan obeys the maxim of manner since it does not have an ambiguity meaning that make the consumers feel obscure in understanding the slogan. It is because the sentence uses brief and clear words that easily to be understood by the readers. It means that the slogan used the well ordered words and they have literary meaning.

The slogan implicates that Frutang Orange is the natural orange pulp product since it contains natural orange pulp in the product so that it makes Frutang Orange different from other similar brand‟s flavor.

The relation between the slogan and the product is explicit because it has clear and brief meaning. By reading the slogan, the consumers will directly understand what kind the product is.