Research Design Thesis Muhsiyana Nurul Aisyiyah

39 CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHOD This chapter describes the research method and research design of this thesis, as well as data and population used for analysis. This chapter also elaborates the used translation quality assessment tool, ways of collecting and analyzing data, and briefs the procedures of research .

3.1. Research Design

This study was conducted by using descriptive qualitative approach. Creswell 2014: 69 defines qualitative approach as “an approach for exploring and understanding the meaning individuals or groups ascribe to a social or human problem”. The result of qualitative research design according to Ary et al. is a narrative report, that you can understand the social reality experienced by the participants 2009:23. The problems described in this study are the wordplay types found in Roald Dahl’s books for children and their significances. This study also discusses the translation strategies used in translating Dahl’s wordplays and the equivalence degree of the translated wordplays. This study is a product oriented study. The purpose of this study is to find out what strategies are adopted by the translator in dealing with wordplay translation and to describe whether the translation strategy effects the degree of wo rdplay translation equivalence in Roald Dahl’s books for children. Holmes in Sorvali 1996: 21 explained that pure translation studies has two main goals: descriptive and theoretical. Descriptive translation studies’ goal is to describe the phenomena of translating and translations as they manifest themselves in the world of experience. Further, he classified descriptive translation studies into three types: 1 product oriented, 2 process oriented, and 3 function oriented. Product- oriented research focuses on the translation product, instead of the translation process. This view is based on the fact that from translation products, the data can be easily obtained and lingual unit that can be studied range from word level to textual level. The purpose of this study also varied. This study can be conducted to measure the translation quality, to reveal the types of translation, and to describe what strategies and approaches are adopted by the translator in dealing with equivalence issues.

3.2. Data and Sources of the Data