for reading should be done before they start to read the selected material and use it afterward as a basic for discussion to determine whether the reader has achieved hisher goal. According to Grabe and Stoller, reading purposes are classified into four main headings; 1. Reading for finding simple information In this reading purpose, the combination of scanning and skimming commonly occurred. When people read the text with this purpose, they typically scan the text to search for specific or selected information. Afterward, skimming is involved in order to find the important information of the text. 2. Reading for learning This reading purpose commonly makes the reader has a slower reading rate due to the repetition of reading for remembering the information, and it is commonly occurred in academic and professional context, where the reader demanded to have the ability to establish the main idea and supporting details of the text, recognizing rhetorical frames, an relating their basic knowledge to the text. 3. Reading for collecting information, write, and critique texts Reading for collecting information definitely demands the reader to have the ability to evaluate the information critically in order to determine which information being integrated. Meanwhile, reading to write and critique texts demands the reader to have the ability to select, establish, and give the critique to the information of the text.sified into four main headings; 4. Reading for general comprehension. 8 This reading purpose is regarded as the most basic purpose for reading, while it also can be no less difficult than any other reading purposes. Reading for general comprehension requires very rapid reading rate 8 William Grabe and Fredrica L. Stoller, Teaching and Researching Reading: Second Edition, New York: Routledge, 2013, p. 7-8 and word processing, and also the readers are demanded to have a strong skills for getting the meaning of main idea under limited time. Consequently, this reading purpose is suitable for the fluent reader. 3. The Understanding of Reading Comprehension As defined by some experts in the previous section, reading is the process of getting the meaning from the printed material. Furthermore, to get the actual meaning of the text, the reader should integrate some skills to do it, and it is called comprehension; therefore, reading comprehension has more complex definition than reading itself because it involves some factors which interrelated to each other. According to Martin, there are several suggestions for reading comprehension; 1. Gain your reading knowledge 2. Learn the grammatical structures 3. Analyze the author type of reasoning 4. Make a prediction of what are the ideas going to be discussed next 5. Look out on how the author organized the material 6. Gain your motivation and interest in reading the information 7. Look out for the supporting cues that the author given in the text 8. Highlight, summarize, and review the important point 9. Gain your vocabulary 10. Use systematic reading technique like SQ3R 11. Look out the effectiveness of your reading activity. 9 Meanwhile, Pamela, et al, defined reading comprehension as a process for understanding what the writer is tried to extend in the text. 10 Based on the statement above, it can be seen that reading comprehension is not just a process for getting written meaning of the text, yet it is a process 9 Donald Martin, How to be a Successful Students: Second Edition, USA: Martin Press, 1991, p. 7. 10 Pamela S. Farris, Carroll J. Fuller, Maria P. Walther, Teaching Reading: A Balanced Approaches for Today’s Classroom, New York, McGraw Hill, 2004, p. 321 for getting the implied meaning of the text, therefore reading comprehension has a to have strong skills for analyzing the text to get the implied meaning which is not written in the text. For instance, when the writer taught her students about conditional sentence “If the victims had brought their identity card, the police would be easier to know their names”, then the writer asked the students what is the meaning of this statement, and the students directly answered the translation of that statement, and when the teacher asked the students about the literal meaning of the sentence, the students kept silent for a while to analyze the sentence, then answered as they discovered the literal meaning of it. Based on that case, it is proved that comprehending the text is not as simple as reading the text.

B. SQ3R Method

1. The Understanding of SQ3R As stated in the previous chapter, SQ3R is one of the reading methods which can help the teacher to solve the problem of the students in comprehending reading materials. SQ3R is the acronym of Survey, Question, Reading, Recite, and Review. As its name, there are five steps that the students need to go through orderly in using this method, those are; surveying, questioning, reading, reciting, and reviewing. According to Congo, in the academic resource article, SQ3R is a method to fight the textbook assignments which had been worked for many learners. 11 This means that SQ3R is very useful for the students in learning textbook materials which have a lot of headings and subheadings that often cause the confusion for students; consequently, they forgot what they read. Thus, this method was created to solve such problem. Students may find the difficulty in doing this method at the first place, because it will take more time than simply reading due to the steps they have to go 11 Dennis Congo, SQ3R: Textbook Study System, Massachussets: Worcester Polytechnic Institue, p.1 through in this method, but if the students do this method as the habitual routine in reading textbook, it will become easy, and also, their skill will be increased because they got the complex mental processes of learners who commonly just read and memorize the text. 12 However, SQ3R was originally created as a reading strategy for college students. 13 Yet, in fact, the SQ3R method can be applied for any level of reader with the exception; the procedure are given accordingly. For instance, the early elementary level students can also use SQ3R method as their reading strategy only given until „recite‟ step. Teacher can introduce the SQ3R method to the students by asking them to survey the material they are going to read, make questions based on what they have surveyed, read the text to answer the question they have created, and recite or write the answer of the questions based on what they have read. When the students enter to the higher grade in which they start to read longer and complex passage, all of the steps in SQ3R can be applied. Furthermore, Kwantlen Counselling Sevices stated that SQ3R method can make the students‟ textbook comprehending activity which is not an easy work to do become easier and interesting. 14 There are steps that the students need to do in doing SQ3R method which leads the students to be involved in reading process actively. For example, in the Question step, the students are demanded to predict or imagine what are the information going to be appeared next, and it will positively rise the students‟ curiosity and interest in reading process. Moreover, if the method is practiced and applied constantly, their reading comprehension will perhaps improve. 15 And there is a huge possibility that the students will find similar questions during reading test as a result of the Question step they had done previously. 12 Loc.Cit. 13 Michele, SQ3R: Studying More Effectively, https:www.mindtools.compagesarticlenewISS_02.htm , accessed on June, 18 2016. 14 Fraser L. and University of Illinois Website, The Reading Method, Kwantlen University College, 2002, p. 1. 15 Ibid., p. 2. Based on the theories of SQ3R above, the writer concludes that SQ3R, which is the acronym of Survey, Question, Reading, Recite, Review, is a method for improving reading comprehension by doing 5 steps which have to be followed by order. This method is suitable for the textbook reading assignment, but it is also can be used for other passage with the adjusted procedures, and this method can be used for any level of learner with the exception as stated before. 2. The Applications of SQ3R Based on the theories above, it can be seen that SQ3R is known as the method for improving reading comprehension. To be concluded, SQ3R indeed, an effective technique to study textbook, yet, it also can be modified to be used for various kind of texts beyond textbook. In each type of texts, the basic 5 steps in SQ3R method are included; Survey, Question, Reading, Recite, and Review. While the procedures can be modified adjusted to the type of material and the purpose of the instructor. In this case, the writer decided to use SQ3R method on narrative text which included in collateral reading type of text, the 5 steps of SQ3R are included, yet the procedure of SQ3R are modified due to the purpose of the writer‟s research. The modifications are as follows: a. First, the students are asked to survey the text by reading the introduction and conclusion of the text, and also finding for the unfamiliar words. SURVEY b. Second, the students are ordered to close the text and make the questions regarding to the whole content of the text that they expected to find the answer when they read the text with the minimum 10 questions. QUESTION c. Third, after making the questions, the students are asked to read the text in order to find out the answer of the questions they made before. READ d. Fourth, after reading step, the students are asked to close the text and recite their answer of the questions they made before. RECITE e. Fifth, the last step of all, the students are asked to read the text for the second time and reviewed their answer to find out whether their answer had been clearly answered the questions or not. 3. The Procedures of SQ3R As stated in Robinson‟s book with the tittle Effective Study, there are 5 procedures that the learners have to do in SQ3R method; the first step is surveying, second is questioning, third is reading, the fourth is recite, and the last step is review. 16 Those five steps have significant role in improving students‟ reading comprehension which must be followed by order. Below are the descriptions of each step in SQ3R method: a. Survey As stated in reading journal, this step demands the students to glance over the material they are going to read so they can illustrate about what is the text will be discussed. 17 This helps the students to know the basic knowledge of the material which makes reading activity become more efficient. Moreover, by doing this step, students can also be helped to under stand the writer‟s writing format and what is heshe tried to convey in the text. 18 b. Question As the students already finished on surveying the text, the next step that the students have to do is formulating some questions that they are going to find the answer in reading step. The 5W1H words are added on each first sentence to transform the heading of the chapter into 16 Ibid., p. 29-30. 17 Dolores Fadness Tadlock, SQ3R: Why it Works, Based on an Information Processing Theory of Learning, Wiley on behalf of the Internationnal Reading Association, p. 111. 18 Laraine Flemming, Reading for Result, Bouston: Houghton Miffin Co, 1997, p. 383.