Skill of Illustrating with Examples asked to give examples by using part of his body when students did not understand the meaning of a word. He should not directly inform the meaning in Bahasa to them.

e. Skill of Using Teaching Aids

The last teaching skill becoming the discussion in this study, skill of using teaching aids , had two components covered into lecturer’s feedback. Those two components were apply teaching aids that are meaningful and purposeful and engage students in learning process. There were 61, 5 or 8 of 13 student teachers receiving feedback from the lecturer in relation to the component apply teaching aids that are meaningful and purposeful, and there were 30, 8 or 4 of 13 student teachers gaining feedback about engage students in learning process. Table 4.6 Components and Details Existed in the Skill of Using Teaching Aids No Components in the skill of using teaching aids covered in lecturer’s feedback Percentage of student teachers gaining feedback on this component Details of each component covered and the percentage of student teachers gaining feedback regarding each detail 1 Apply teaching aids that are meaningful and purposeful 61, 5 - 2 Engage students in learning process 30, 8 - The chart below will represent the percentage of student teachers receiving both components mentioned above: Chart 4.17 The Percentage of Student Teacher Receiving Feedback on Skill of Using Teaching Aids For complete information about student teachers obtaining feedback dealing with two components as presented in the chart 4.15, the researcher attempted to provide further explanation beneath: 1 Apply Teaching Aids that Are Meaningful and Purposeful Student teachers obtaining feedback dealing with this component were ST 1, ST 3, ST 4, ST 5, ST 8, ST 9, ST 11, and ST 13. Feedback with same topic was gained by ST 1, ST 3, and ST 4. They got feedback that asked them to apply media that can be used to create an interaction between the media itself and the students. Lecturer told them that good media will help students to achieve the subject or the

61.5 30.8

Skill of Using Teaching Aids 1. apply teaching aids that are meaningful and purposeful 2. engage students in learning process