29 obtained in the first phase. The interview result was also use d to clarify students’ answers in the questionnaire. According to Ary, et al. 2002, interview is a research instrument which is done to get data on individuals’ opinions, beliefs and feelings about the situations in their own words. It means that interview is done through a conversation between the researcher and the participants in order to explore participants’ opinion, feeling, experience, and evaluation in more depth. The benefit of interview is allowing the researcher to obtain much and detailed information Mason as cited in Hancock, 2006. The researcher interviewed three students of Speaking I class B. One of them was the representative who disagreed that her speaking ability got improved after applying language learning strategies while the other two were the representatives who agreed that their speaking ability got better after applying language learning strategies. The researcher chose them to know the use of those strategies, the factors influencing the use of those strategies, and then to analyze the relation between the use of those strategies and the students’ self-efficacy. For the detail, the blueprint of the interview can be seen in Appendix 5.

E. Data Gathering Technique

The technique used in gathering the research data were distributing questionnaire and conducting interview with the students of Speaking I class B. The statements in the questionnaire and the interview were done in Bahasa Indonesia in order to avoid misunderstanding and make the students feel more comfortable and free to answer. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 30 Firstly, the researcher distributed questionnaire. The questionnaire was distributed on Thursday, December 3 rd , 2015 which was the last meeting of the course. The researcher chose the last meeting because the students had been already involved in the class activities for one semester; therefore, they had more experience in speaking. Secondly, the researcher conducted interview. The interview was conducted with three students of Speaking I class B on 14 th of December. The purpose of the interview was to clarify the data from the questionnaire that examined the students’ opinion on self-efficacy and it was also done to get deeper information about self-efficacy.

F. Data Analysis Technique

In this research, all of the data were obtained through two instruments, namely questionnaire and interview. After collecting the data, the researcher then analyzed them to answer the research problems. There were several steps done by the researcher to analyze the results. The steps will be explained in the following explanations. 1. Questionnaire First, the researcher collected all of the questionnaires that had been distributed to the students. Then, the researcher analyzed the data from close- ended questionnaire by checking the answer of every question. Next, the researcher put the data into a table to make the counting easier. Afterwards, the researcher counted down how many ticks were put on each degree of agreement