35 be productive. One of the strategies to make them productive in writing is by conducting the writing material using the Process-Based Approach. The school which was chosen to conduct this study is SMP Institut Indonesia Yogyakarta . This school has applied School-Based Curriculum KTSP in the learning process. According to Curriculum, students have to achieve some standards at the end of their study. These standards are called graduate competency standards which determine the success of the students to experience the next levels. These graduate competency standards are supported by competence standard and basic competence. Both competence standard and basic competence are needed to achieve the graduate competency standards of each subject. Since this study discussed only the writing skill, the writer limited the discussion of the graduate competency standards of English lesson especially for grade VIII of SMP students. The competence standards and basic competence used also to determine the learning objectives of the designed materials.

B. Theoretical Framework

In designing material, the writer used combination models between Kemp and Yalden. Not all of the steps were taken in this research. The writer combined some stages used to produce learning material which was appropriately applied for SMP. The writer used those two models since the combination of these models stated clear and complete steps in designing the materials. There were some steps from Kemp’s model which were excluded. They were learners’ characteristics, pre-assessment, and support services. The second step of Kemp’s model which is learners’ characteristics was replaced by need survey which was taken from 36 Yalden’s model. The step “Goals, topics, and General Purposes” was reordered. It was put after Need Survey. The reason why pre-assessment was omitted was that the Need Survey had covered data of learners’ background. The writer did not include support services because this step was not necessarily needed in this research. Thus, the writer combined the two models between Kemp and Yalden. The steps were 1 conducting need survey, 2 specifying goals, topics, and general purposes, 3 formulating learning objectives, 4 selecting and organizing contents, 5 selecting learning activities and resources, and 6 evaluating materials. This is the combination between Kemps’ and Yalden models which the writer constructs: Figure 2.6 The Writer’s Instructional Model Need survey Teaching Learning activities, resources Subject Content Learning Objectives Goals, topics, And General Purposes Evaluation Revise 37 The steps of the writer’s steps are explained as follows. Step 1. Conducting Need Survey There were two activities were done to collect the data. They were distributing questionnaires and conducting interview. The questionnaires were distributed to VIII grade students of SMP Institut Indonesia Yogyakarta. Besides, the writer also conducted an interview with the English teacher of SMP Institut Indonesia Yogyakarta. Step 2. Specifying Goals, Topics, and General Purposes Based on the data from need survey, the goals were formulated. The general purposes were specified into specific objectives in every topic. Since this study is based on the Process-Based Approach, the goal of learning writing used the Process-Based Approach focused on making the students’ awareness of the process of learning writing. They learn much through process. Step 3. Formulating Learning Objectives The objectives include the indicators which the students should be achieved on each meeting. The students must be active in learning especially in pre-writing activity. It needs the students’ participation a lot for example in brainstorming activity. The objective of learning writing-based on the Process- Based Approach was to encourage students to learn through process, rather than product. 38 Step 4. Selecting and Organizing Contents Subject content has a close relation with the objectives. In selecting the content of the materials, the writer considers also about the objectives. Learning through process is the basic goal of this designed-material. Step 5. Selecting Learning Activities and Resources In teaching and learning activity, teacher has to be able to encourage the students to learn actively. Thus, the teachers have to be creative in choosing the activities used in teaching-learning activities. Some activities used in this study were brainstorming before the writing begins, clustering, interviewing, peer discussion, etc. There were also activities which combine some students’ skills especially speaking and reading. Step 6. Evaluating the Materials This step was done by evaluating the materials. The materials design evaluation is conducted by distributing questionnaires. It aims to measure whether the materials design is appropriate, relevant, and success. 39


This chapter presents the methodology which is used to accomplish the study. The methodology is used to answer two research problems as stated in chapter I. These two problems are discussed into six parts. They are research method, research participants, research instruments, data gathering technique, data analysis technique, and research procedure.

A. Research Method

This research was conducted to answer two questions in the problem formulation. The questions are “How is a set of English writing materials using the Process-Based Approach for grade VIII students of SMP Institut Indonesia designed?” and “What does the set of English writing instructional materials using the Process-Based Approach for grade VIII students of SMP Institut Indonesia look like?” In order to solve the problems, the writer used Research and Development method R D. Borg Gall 1983: 772 argue that Educational Research and Development is a process used to develop and validate educational products. Products which can be produced are teaching materials, teaching methods, assessments instruments. The goal of R D is to produce products which functions to solve learning problems. Based on the R D steps, a set of writing materials for SMP Institut Indonesia Yogyakarta was constructed. There are ten steps in R D; they are Research and Information Collecting, Planning, Develop Preliminary Form of