32 gained which were related to simple things, values, and life. Person B felt that the rumors which were spread by seniors were different from his experiences when joining the actual class. Person B felt that he should not be frightened when joining the class. Moreover, person B emphasized that SPD course was a challenging course. Finally, person B said that SPD was worth to be given to all ELESP students. Person B Awalnya saya merasa tegang, hal ini disebabkan karena saya mendapat informasi dari kakak kelas mengenai spd. Banyak isu miring tentang spd misalnya spd itu mengerikan dll. Awalnya saya berpikir wahhh semuanya impossible untuk dilakukan, Seiring berjalan waktu, saya mulai merasa menarik, karena banyak hal yang diperoleh, hal sederhana, hal tentang kehidupan. Saya menyadari bahwa apa yang dikatakan dengan apa yang saya alami berbeda. Sehingga saya sadar bahwa ketakutan selama ini itu tidak berasal. Saya juga merasa SPD itu sangat menantang. Jadi kesimpulannya sangat worthy banget lah. [At the first time, I felt worried. It happened because I got much information from seniors related to SPD. There were many bad issues related to SPD for instance SPD was a frightening course, etc. In the beginning, I thought that all the tasks in SPD were impossible to be done. As time went by, I started to feel interested in joining it because there were many things that could be gained – simple things and also related to life. I realized that those issues which were given by seniors related to SPD were different from what I had experienced. Finally, I realized that my fear at the beginning had no basic. I felt that SPD was a challenging course. So, the conclusion was SPD was a very worthy course.] Those statements above are the statements of person A and person B which are related to expressing their feeling toward SPD class. However, we will look at on how they obtain the knowledge of Entrepreneurship through Service Program Design Class. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 33

1. The Knowledge of Entrepreneurship

Baron 2012 emphasizes that entrepreneurship involves something more basic. It involves the application of human creativity, ingenuity, knowledge, and skills that creates some kind of value social or economic.

a. Creativity

Anderson 1959 defines a creativity as a phenomenon whereby something new and somehow valuable is formed. The created item may be intangible such as an idea, a scientific theory, a musical composition or a joke or a physical object such as an invention, a literary work or a painting. According to Kanematsu and Barry 2016, a creative person is usually energetic and full of ideas. This individual is also characterized by having a desire to grow and a capability to be puzzled, spontaneous, a divergent thinker, open to new experiences, persistent, and a hard worker. When the researcher looked at the creativity aspect, the researcher found that the lecturer, Dra. Lanny Anggawati, had her creativity an idea in sharing the knowledge of entrepreneurship. She used problems as her creative idea to teach entrepreneurship knowledge. Therefore, she used to state that she created the problems to make ELESP students faced them. Therefore, most of the participants stated that they faced many problems during SPD class. Person A stated that there were many problems during SPD class. However, those problems could be solved well. For example, all of them had to make time table twice since the first time table were considered by the lecturer as the bad one because there were many unimportant activities there. Another problem that person A told was there were many tasks given in 34 SPD class while they had no much time to finish all the tasks. Person A said that most of them were taking another course too in the same semester such as Proposal Seminar or PPL. However, she emphasized that those problems could be solved quite well since she made time schedule. Another participant, Person C, also emphasized that there were two big problems that she faced; it was related to the time management and the creativity task. The time management was considered as the big problem since person C also took another course in the same semester. Therefore, person C should try to make schedule. Related to the creative task, person C tried to improve her creativity by learning from her friends. Therefore, it would help her to solve the problem related to the creativity task. Person A Kalau ngomong soal masalah, itu tentunya pasti ada tapi semuanya masih bisa diatasi. Contohnya bikin time table 2 kali. Cik lanny minta kita untuk membuat ulang time tablenya karena yang pertama banyak kegiatan yang wasting time. Masalah yang lainnya adalah banyak tugas. Padahal saya juga pada saat itu juga lagi ngambil kelas Propsem, jadi harus bisa bagi waktu. Tapi pada akhirnya semuanya bisa terselesaikan. [Talking about problems, there were problems there. However, those problems could be solved. For example, we had to make time table twice. Miss Lanny asked us to make the time table again since the first time table consisted of unimportant activities which were just wasting time. The other problem was the tasks. Honestly, at that time, I was taking Proposal Seminar ProSem class too, so I should be able to manage time. Finally, those problems could be solved well] Person C Ada beberapa masalah yang saya alami selama mengikuti SPD pada saat itu, yang pertama itu management waktu. Kenapa saya bilang pada saat itu saat mengalami masalah dengan management waktu, itu karena pada saat itu saya juga mengambil propsem, sama beberapa makul lainnya, nah lumayan susah membagi waktunya. Masalah berikutnya itu mengenai bangun pagi. Saya sangat susah untuk bangun pagi. Trus masalah yang terakhir itu berkaitan dengan tugas-tugasnya terutama tugas artworknya