The impact of family`s conflicts toward pari`s personality development seen in Khaled Hosseini`s and the Mountains Echoed.



KRISMADI, YOHANES DRIYA. The Impact Of Family’s Copflicts Toward The Role Of Pari’s Id Seep Ip Khaled Hosseipi’s And The Mountains Echoed. Yogyakarta: Department of English Letters, Faculty of Letters, Sanata Dharma University, 2016.

The literary work that is analyzed in this study is a novel entitled And The Mountains Echoed by Khaled Hosseini. Tyson on his book, Critical Theory Today, says that an art work, such as novel, is largely a product of the forces of the unconscious mind of the author. An artwork that describes about humans there will be psychoanalytic principles in that work (2006:37). That is why the focus of this study is about the personality development experienced by the main character in the novel and psychological theory is the main theory that is used to do the analysis. The main character that is analyzed is Pari, a female figure in the novel.

There are three questions that are formulated as problem formulation. The first is to find Pari’s personality before experiencing the conflict. The second is to reveal the family conflicts that are experienced by Pari. The third is to find the personality change that is experienced by Pari after facing some family conflicts.

The writer employs library research as the method of the study. The primary source is the novel entitled And The Mountains Echoed. The secondary sources of this study are theory of character and characterization, theory of personality, theory of family and theory of conflict. Theory of personality that is used is Freud’s theory about the role of three mental stages (Id, Ego and Superego) and theory of Female Oedipus Complex.

The first question formulated in the problem formulation section finds that Pari is known as a spoiled and lacking confident person. The second question reveals the family conflicts experienced by Pari are: The one when she is separated from her brother, Abdullah and the one when she is alluded by her stepmother about her physical and ability. The third question identifies Pari’s personality that changes after facing some family conflicts. After experiencing some important family conflicts Pari’s Id drives her to be jealous and reckless person. In the first problem formulation Id, Ego and Superego has almost the same role in driving Pari’s personality, but in the third problem Pari’s Id has the main role and it changes Pari’s personality. Especially, the important role of Id that drives Pari to make her Female Oedipus Complex’s to be real. The change that Pari experienced makes her become a worse person than before.



KRISMADI, YOHANES DRIYA. The Impact Of Family’s Copflicts Toward The Role Of Pari’s Id Seep Ip Khaled Hosseipi’s And The Mountains Echoed. Yogyakarta: Program Studi Sastra Inggris, Fakultas Sastra, Universitas Sanata Dharma, 2016

Karya sastra yang dianalisa pada studi ini adalah sebuah novel dengan judul And The Mountains Echoed karangan Khaled Hosseini. Tyson mengatakan bahwa sebagian besar karya seni, yang dalam hal ini adalah karya sastra dalam bentuk novel, adalah hasil dari dorongan pikiran bawah sadar para penulisnya. Sebuah karya seni yang menggambarkan tentang kehidupan manusia pasti akan ada prinsip-prinsip umum tentang kejiwaan atau kepribadian dalam karya tersebut (2006:37). Oleh karena itu studi ini berfokus pada perubahan kepribadian yang dialami oleh tokoh utama dan teori yang berkenaan dengan psikologilah yang akan dijadikan teori utama yang akan digunakan untuk menganalisanya. Karakter yang dianalisa disini adalah karakter perempuan bernama Pari.

Ada tiga pertanyaan yang dirancang sebagai pertanyaan utama dalam studi ini. Pertama, mengenai kepribadian Pari sebelum mengalami konflik keluarga. Kedua, ditujukan untuk meumuskan konflik-konflik keluarga yang dialami oleh tokoh utama. Ketiga untuk menemukan sifat baru tokoh utama, yaitu Pari, yang berubah setelah mengalami konflik-konflik keluarga.

Penulis menerapkan riset pustaka sebagai metode studi yang digunakan. Sumber utama adalah novel And The Mountains Echoed. Buku teori pendukung adalah buku tentang teori karakter dan karakterisasi, teori kepribadian, teori keluarga dan teori konflik. Teori kepribadian yang digunakan merupaka teori milik Freud yang berfokus pada Id, Ego, Superego dan Female Oedipus Complex.

Pertanyaan pertama pada rumusan masalah menegaskan bahwa kepribadian Pari sebelum mengalami konflik adalah pribadi yang manja dan kurang percaya diri. Pertanyaan kedua mengemukakan konflik keluarga yang dialamioleh Pari. Konflik tersbut ialah: Konflik yang terjadi saat Pari dipisahkan dengan kakanya dan konflik yang terjadi karena sindiran ibu tirinya terhadap fisik dan kemampuannya. Pertanyaan ketiga mengidentifikasi perubahan kepribadian yang dialami Pari setelah mengalami konflik dalam lingkup keluarganya. Sebelum menghadapi konflik peranan Id, Ego dan Superego dalam diri Pari cenderung imbang, namun setelah mengalami konflik Pari cenderung menuruti keinginan Id nya yg kuat, sehingga menjadi pribadi yang pencemburu dan sembrono. Terutama saat menuruti keinginan yang disebabkan Female Oedipus Complex yg dia rasakan. Perubahan kepribadian yang dialami Pari membuatnya menjadi seseorang yang berkepribadian lebih buruk dari sebelumnya. Secara garis besar Pari berubah menjadi pribadi yang lebih buruk karena dorongan Id.




Presented as Partial Fulfillment of Requirements





Presented as Partial Fulfillment of Requirements for the Degree of Sarjana Sastra

in English Letters


Yohanes Driya Krismadi

Student Number: 114214029






Presented as Partial Fulfillment of Requirements





AN UNDERGRADUATE THESIS Presented as Partial Fulfillment of Requirements

for the Degree of Sarjana Sastra in English Letters


Mohanes Driya Krismadi Student Number: 11 4214 029





A Sarjana Sastra Undergraduate Thesis













.Dnya Krismadi : ll42l4o29

February 12,2016

Maria Ananta Tri S.. S.S., MEd Co-Advisor

February 12,2A16


A Sarjana Sastra Undergraduate Thesis














Yohanes Driya Krismadi :114214029

Name Chairperson

Secretary Member I Member 2 Member 3



r'ruryJi. rra.a



Yogyakarta, February 29, 2016 Faculty ofletters




I certify that this undergraduate thesis does not contain any material which has been previously submitted for the award of any other degree at any university, and that, to the best of my knowledge, this undergraduate thesis contains no material previously written by any other person except where due reference is made in the text of the undergraduate thesis.

Yogyakarta, February 12, 2016




Yang bertanda tangan di bawah ini, saya mahasiswa Universitas Sanata Dharma Nama : Yohanes Driya Krismadi

Nomor Mahasiswa : 114214029

Demi pengembangan ilmu pengetahuan, saya memberikan kepada Perpustakaan Universitas Sanata Dharma karya ilmiah saya yang berjudul



beserta perangkat yang diperlukan. Dengan demikian saya memberikan kepada Perpustakaan Universitas Sanata Dharma hak untuk menyimpan, mengalihkan dalam bentuk media lain, mengelolanya dalam bentuk pangkalan data, mendistribusikan secara terbatas, dan mempublikasikannya di internet atau media lain untuk kepentingan akademis tanpa perlu meminta ijin kepada saya maupun memberikan royalty kepada saya selama tetap mencantumkan nama saya sebagai penulis.

Demikian pernyataan ini saya buat dengan sebenarnya. Dibuat di Yogyakarta

Pada tanggal 12 Februari 2016 Yang menyatakan,



“I tell you, keep askino, and it will be oiven you. Keep

seekino, and you will find. Keep knockino, and it will

be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives.

He who seeks finds. To him who knocks it will be



Luke 11:9-10








I would never finish this undergraduate thesis without help, support and love that comes from many people in my life. First of all, I would like to praise the Lord Jesus Christ, for the guidance and blessing given to me. I realize that without His guidance and His blessing I would never accomplish this undergraduate thesis. I also would like to express my gratitude to my father and my mother for their support, their love and their prayer for me. Love and support from my brothers Tama and Agung also strengthens me. I thank Ludgardis Venny for her support, her prayer, and her love. She stands beside me patiently in every condition that I feel.

I realize that this undergraduate thesis would never be a good thesis without guidance from my thesis advisor Dr. FX. Siswadi, M.A who spends his time in guiding and helping me to finish my thesis patiently. I also thank my co-advisor Maria Ananta Tri S., S.S., M.Ed for giving me suggestions so I can revise my undergraduate thesis. I also thank all the family of Sanata Dharma University especially the staffs and lecturers in English Letters Department who help me to learn in Sanata Dharma University.

I would like to send my deepest gratitude to all my friends who take part in supporting me finishing my undergraduate thesis. For my classmates in class A, Jarot, Yudha, Dhika and all my classmates that I cannot mention one by one, I am thankful for their support and suggestion. I also would like to thank Wellem, Telles, Agus and Fajrin for the support and unforgettable moment in our boarding house.

The profound gratitude also goes to all people whose name I cannot mention. I appreciate their support and their help in the process to finish this undergraduate thesis. May God Almighty bless them all.









MOTTO PAGE ... vii





ABSTRAK ... xii


A. Background of the Study ... 1

B. Problem Formulation ... 6

C. Objectives of The Study ... 6

D. Definition of Terms ... 7


A. Review of Related Studies ... 9

B. Review of Related Theories ... 12

C. Theoretical Framework ... 19


A. Object of the Study ... 20

B. Approach of the Study ... 23

C. Method of The Study ... 24


A. The Characterization of Pari ... 27

B. Family Conflicts experienced by Pari ... 39

C. The Development of Pari’s personality ... 47





KRISMADI, YOHANES DRIYA. The Impact Of Family’s Conflicts Toward The Role Of Pari’s Id Seen In Khaled Hosseini’s And The Mountains Echoed.

Yogyakarta: Department of English Letters, Faculty of Letters, Sanata Dharma University, 2016.

The literary work that is analyzed in this study is a novel entitled And The Mountains Echoed by Khaled Hosseini. Tyson on his book, Critical Theory Today, says that an art work, such as novel, is largely a product of the forces of the unconscious mind of the author. An artwork that describes about humans there will be psychoanalytic principles in that work (2006:37). That is why the focus of this study is about the personality development experienced by the main character in the novel and psychological theory is the main theory that is used to do the analysis. The main character that is analyzed is Pari, a female figure in the novel.

There are three questions that are formulated as problem formulation. The first is to find Pari’s personality before experiencing the conflict. The second is to reveal the family conflicts that are experienced by Pari. The third is to find the personality change that is experienced by Pari after facing some family conflicts.

The writer employs library research as the method of the study. The primary source is the novel entitled And The Mountains Echoed. The secondary sources of this study are theory of character and characterization, theory of personality, theory of family and theory of conflict. Theory of personality that is used is Freud’s theory about the role of three mental stages (Id, Ego and Superego) and theory of Female Oedipus Complex.

The first question formulated in the problem formulation section finds that Pari is known as a spoiled and lacking confident person. The second question reveals the family conflicts experienced by Pari are: The one when she is separated from her brother, Abdullah and the one when she is alluded by her stepmother about her physical and ability. The third question identifies Pari’s personality that changes after facing some family conflicts. After experiencing some important family conflicts Pari’s Id drives her to be jealous and reckless person. In the first problem formulation Id, Ego and Superego has almost the same role in driving Pari’s personality, but in the third problem Pari’s Id has the main role and it changes Pari’s personality. Especially, the important role of Id that drives Pari to make her Female Oedipus Complex’s to be real. The change that Pari experienced makes her become a worse person than before.




KRISMADI, YOHANES DRIYA. The Impact Of Family’s Conflicts Toward The Role Of Pari’s Id Seen In Khaled Hosseini’s And The Mountains Echoed.

Yogyakarta: Program Studi Sastra Inggris, Fakultas Sastra, Universitas Sanata Dharma, 2016

Karya sastra yang dianalisa pada studi ini adalah sebuah novel dengan judul And The Mountains Echoed karangan Khaled Hosseini. Tyson mengatakan bahwa sebagian besar karya seni, yang dalam hal ini adalah karya sastra dalam bentuk novel, adalah hasil dari dorongan pikiran bawah sadar para penulisnya. Sebuah karya seni yang menggambarkan tentang kehidupan manusia pasti akan ada prinsip-prinsip umum tentang kejiwaan atau kepribadian dalam karya tersebut (2006:37). Oleh karena itu studi ini berfokus pada perubahan kepribadian yang dialami oleh tokoh utama dan teori yang berkenaan dengan psikologilah yang akan dijadikan teori utama yang akan digunakan untuk menganalisanya. Karakter yang dianalisa disini adalah karakter perempuan bernama Pari.

Ada tiga pertanyaan yang dirancang sebagai pertanyaan utama dalam studi ini. Pertama, mengenai kepribadian Pari sebelum mengalami konflik keluarga. Kedua, ditujukan untuk meumuskan konflik-konflik keluarga yang dialami oleh tokoh utama. Ketiga untuk menemukan sifat baru tokoh utama, yaitu Pari, yang berubah setelah mengalami konflik-konflik keluarga.

Penulis menerapkan riset pustaka sebagai metode studi yang digunakan. Sumber utama adalah novel And The Mountains Echoed. Buku teori pendukung adalah buku tentang teori karakter dan karakterisasi, teori kepribadian, teori keluarga dan teori konflik. Teori kepribadian yang digunakan merupaka teori milik Freud yang berfokus pada Id, Ego, Superego dan Female Oedipus Complex.

Pertanyaan pertama pada rumusan masalah menegaskan bahwa kepribadian Pari sebelum mengalami konflik adalah pribadi yang manja dan kurang percaya diri. Pertanyaan kedua mengemukakan konflik keluarga yang dialamioleh Pari. Konflik tersbut ialah: Konflik yang terjadi saat Pari dipisahkan dengan kakanya dan konflik yang terjadi karena sindiran ibu tirinya terhadap fisik dan kemampuannya. Pertanyaan ketiga mengidentifikasi perubahan kepribadian yang dialami Pari setelah mengalami konflik dalam lingkup keluarganya. Sebelum menghadapi konflik peranan Id, Ego dan Superego dalam diri Pari cenderung imbang, namun setelah mengalami konflik Pari cenderung menuruti keinginan Id nya yg kuat, sehingga menjadi pribadi yang pencemburu dan sembrono. Terutama saat menuruti keinginan yang disebabkan Female Oedipus Complex yg dia rasakan. Perubahan kepribadian yang dialami Pari membuatnya menjadi seseorang yang berkepribadian lebih buruk dari sebelumnya. Secara garis besar Pari berubah menjadi pribadi yang lebih buruk karena dorongan Id.



A. Background of the Study

And The Mountains Echoed is an interesting fiction novel. It tells about the journey of a girl who seeks her brother. The girl, named Pari, has to live in a two different family. She has to experience it because she is sold by her father. Through the journey of Pari, the writer finds something that attracts the writer’s attention. It is about Pari’s personality. Giving more attention to Pari’s struggles which has to live in two different families, the writer knows that Pari’s personality changes. It is not a distinct change. It is an indistinct change. The change does not give her traits which are totally different like what she has before, but the change really changes her way to make a decision. It changes the way her mind thinks. The change happens after she struggles to stand on the family conflicts that she experiences. The indistinct change on the main character’s personality which is caused by family conflicts makes the writer decides to analyze something that cause the personality changes of the main character. So, this undergraduate thesis is about the development of the main character in a literary work, in this case is a novel.

In the book Theory of Literature, it can be found that a literary work is a kind of creative action, an art work (Wellek and Warren, 1956:15). Based on that statement, it can be said that an artistic touch is needed in making a literary work, not only an


ability in writing. Obviously, all readers can feel and understand the difference when the language in the literary text, as an art work, is compared with the language in an essay, as an academic writing. (1956:22). Art works, whether as an literary works or any other forms of art, are largely products of the forces of the unconscious mind of the author in the society as whole. An art work or literary work that shows or describes human behavior can be the product of author’s unconscious mind and there will be psychoanalytic principles in that work whether the author has any awareness of those principles or not when writing or creating the work (Tyson, 2006:37). Art work, in this case is literary text, that is discussed is a novel with the title And The Mountains Echoed by Khaled Hosseini.

As a kind of literary text, the term “novel” can be said as kind of an extended work of fiction written in prose (Abrams, 1981:119). As a work of fiction, a novel has some important intrinsic elements such as plot, characters, and settings (Stanton, 1965:2). Those intrinsic elements complete one another and they make whole story seems interisting. An intrinsic element that becomes the focus of this study is the character.

Hjelle and Ziegler in their book Personality Theories state that humans or people are unique because their personality is unpredictable and they behave exceedingly in complex ways (1981:1). Human behavior is not fully understood, because human always has their uniqueness. The main character’s in the novel that is analyzed changes is unpredictable, because the change is seen through the development of the three mental stages of mind.


As social beings, humans always have the relation with the people among them. Based on that brief definition, which are a social being with their own uniqueness, a conflict is likely to happen many times because of the differences. That condition also happens in a story which describes about human’s life and it is also experienced by the main character in a story as a representation of human being. Conflict also takes part in human’s personality development. Sometimes, conflict can define the motivation of the character in doing something. Roberts and Jacobs also say that every single moment, such as action, interactions, or speeches and also conflict that is experienced by characters, can give the impact to the plot of the story or to the characters or even both. The most important of those points is able to be observed to know the detail about the character (1987: 119). Stanton in his book, An Introduction to Fiction divides a conflict into two parts:

Every work of fiction contains obvious internal conflicts between two desires within a character, or external conflicts between characters or between a character and his environment (1965:16).

Stanton’s explanation makes the focus of the analysis of the main character’s conflict clearer. It is obviously explained that there are two kinds of conflicts which happen in a story, internal and external conflict. He also adds a statement that those two kinds of conflicts are in turn subordinate to the central conflict and central conflict always happens between the fundamental and opposing qualities of forces (1965:16). The explanation about character and the conflict above gives the writer certainty to raise the issue of conflict and its impact to the personality development of the character.


Based on the object of the study of this undergraduate thesis, And The Mountains Echoed, the writer can find some little families in a different social class and they deal with their own different problems as people who live in Afghanistan. Almost all families in the story have a female figure, whether as a mother, as a daughter or as a sister. The female figures in the novel take an important part in their own family life. One example is in Parwana’s family. Parwana takes a significant role in her family. She has a sister and her name is Masooma. She cannot walk anymore after falling from the tree. Because of that accident she becomes paralyzed. In this condition, Parwana takes an important part in taking care of her sister, Masooma. Parwana has to struggle more in taking care of her sister alone.

The example that the writer puts above gives a brief description about the family’s life and the important role of female figure in the novel. The female figures in the novel always have the conflict within themselves, or it can be said as inner conflict. The writer takes one female figure that experiences the most important conflict which causes the main character’s personality to change. That character is Parwana’s step daughter, Pari.

Starting from Hjelle and Ziegler’s statement that says human’s personality is unpredictable, the writer focuses on analyzing the personality of Pari and its development until she grows up and becomes an adult woman. Pari is the youngest biological children of Saboor, the name of Pari’s father. Pari’s mother is dead when Pari is born. Pari’s father, Saboor, decides to marry Parwana. Parwana as a new


mother can serve and love the kids only in the beginning and the responsibility to take care of Pari has fallen to Abdullah, Pari’s old brother. The relationship between Pari and Abdullah becomes closer and closer, and no one is closer to Pari than Abdullah, even their father and mother. Abdullah does mother’s and father’s job gladly. Their togetherness is damaged by Saboor’s will. Because of the urgent matter he has to separate Abdullah and Pari. Starting from that moment Pari’s personality gets the impact of that separation.

Reading And The Mountains Echoed and observing Pari’s personality makes the writer hypothesizes that the author of the novel, consciously or unconsciously, gives significant improvement on Pari’s personality which is started from the moment she is separated from her brother, Abdullah. In this thesis, the writer tries to relate the conflicts which are experienced by Pari and its impact to her personality development through the story. It includes the moment when she stays in France. Analyzing the development of the personality becomes important after knowing that Brouwer on his book says that Tempora mutantur et nos mutamur in illis, when the times change, we change with the times (1979:1). In this context the development through the times is in the scope of Pari’s growth.

According to the Roberts’ and Jacobs’ statement that every single moment can give significant effect to the character, the writer decides to focus only on the family conflicts which are experienced by the main character on her early age. The family here means any group which consists of people in intimate relationships (Cheal in


Cheal, 2002:4). So, the family conflicts are in the scope of little social group which has relation to Pari. In this novel, family conflict that is experienced by Pari on her early age is considered as the important thing that can determine her personality development later.

B. Problem Formulation

1. How is Pari’s personality described in the story? 2. What are the family conflicts experienced by Pari?

3. How do the conflicts affect Pari’s personality development?

C. Objectikes of the Study

The topic that is discussed in this thesis is about the personality development caused by the family’s conflicts that is experienced by the main character in Khaled Hosseini’s And the Mountain Echoed, and the main character’s name is Pari. The objectives of the study here as a guideline to answer the research questions that are stated in problem formulation.

The first objective is going to identify the characters or personality of Pari on her early age, it means that the first objective analyzes Pari’s early life in Afghanistan until she moves to Paris and lives her life with her mother only. The second objective is found in conflicts, in the scope of family, that are experienced by Pari on her early age. The last objective is analyzing the impact of the conflicts that are experienced by Pari toward her character, especifically her personality.


D. Definition of Terms

In order to help the understanding, these are some terms that are used in this thesis:

1. Conflict

One of important intrinsic element in a novel is a conflict. In a story can found that conflict is a controversy in the story and it may happen as the opposition of two people in arguing, fighting or helping against each other. It can happen in a small group or large group of people. Not only between human, but also the conflict between individual and natural object or public opinion is also possible to happen (Robert and Jacobs, 1987:87). The writer adds an explanation about conflict in a family since the focus of this study is a family conflicts experienced by the main character. The writer thinks that it is needed to know both definitions about conflict in a story to help the reader what kind of conflict that is analyzed in this study. As what Fitzpatrick and Noller states in their book that family conflict occurs when family members do not agree about the events and situation in their lives. They may disagree about situation, the task, the decisions are made or the way resources are shared (1993:99).


2. Personality

Taken from APA Dictionary of Psychology, the writer provides a definition of personality to help the reader’s understanding. Personality is the configuration of characteristics and behavior including life, major traits, interests, values, self-concept, abilities and emotional patterns. Personality is viewed as a complex and dynamic integration which is shaped by hereditary, constitutional tendencies, early training, identification with significant individuals or groups and critical experiences and relationship (2007:689).



REVIEW OF LITERATURE A. Review of Related Studies

In this undergraduate thesis the writer uses two undergraduate theses and a journal as related studies. Those undergraduate theses are Kurniasih’s The influence of Amir’s guiltu feeling upon his self-concept in Khaled Hosseini’s The Kite Runner

and Guritno’s The Influence of Amir Khan’s personalitu development in facing his conflict as seen in Khaled Hosseini’s The Kite Runner. The last is the journal written by Wellney Yarra entitled Khaled Hosseini’s And The Mountains Echoed in a Feminist Perspective.

Kurniasih analyzes Amir, the main character in the novel The Kite Runner, has self-concept that is influenced by his social interaction and also conflict that is experienced by him which cause his feeling of guilty. Amir’s guilty feeling which affects his self-concept gives significance impact to him. Because of that he also suffers from physical disorder. Kurniasih also says that the main character uses some defense mechanism to protect and retain his positive transitory self-concept.

He suffers from physical disorder from getting headache, getting a difficulty to breathe to becoming an insomniac. Moreover, to protect and retain his positive transitory self-concept, he uses some defense mechanism to make him feel better. He does the rationalization by convincing himself that Hasan is just a Hazara who is that important to be stood up for. Amir uses fantasy by removing Amir himself from unpleasant reality into a more pleasant world of fantasy by reading stories, writing stories, and drawing (2008:54).


Another writer, Gunarto, sees Amir in a different way. She analyzes what Amir can do to solve the conflict that he faces after his personality changes. In her undergraduate thesis, Gunarto says that Amir is experiencing personality development after moving to America and it gives significant effect to the way Amir deals with the conflict that he has.

Before experiencing personality development, Amir tends to run away or hide when dealing with conflicts. He cannot reveal his thoughts and feelings well. After his personality develops his way in facing the conflicts change. He becomes braver and responsible. Besides that, he becomes more open and able to communicate well. Moreover, he dares to end the problems and the risks (2012:46).

The writer clearly sees the similarities and the differences between those two theses. Both of them analyze the personality development of the main character, named Amir in The Kite Runner’s Khaled Hosseini, using psychology theory. Kurniasih analyzes the external conflicts or problems in society that are experienced by the main character that can cause the main character’s self-concept and Gunarto analyzes personality development that is experienced by the main character that can give impact to his ability in facing or solving his external conflict.

Meanwhile, in this undergraduate thesis the writer analyzes different thing. The writer focuses in analyzing the female main character in the novel And The Mountains Echoed by Khaled Hosseini. The main character’s name is Pari. The writer analyzes the conflicts that are experienced by the main character in her early age until her teen age and the impact of the conflicts toward the main character’s personality.


The writer agrees with Gunarto and Kurniasih that psychological approach can reveal the personality development of charcter in the story. A quote below emphasizes the use of psychological approach in analyzing the literary text that is used by the writer now.

And, of course, if psychoanalysis can help us better understand human behavior, then it must certainly be able to help us understand literary texts, which are about human behavior (2006:11).

Apart from Gunarto’s and Kurniasih’s ways in analyzing the conflict and the main character, the writer takes another way in analyzing the conflict which can cause the development or the change of the personality. The writer limits the scope in analyzing the conflict only to conflics that happen in the scope of family.

Another sources written by Wellney Yarra about feminist perspective in Khaled Hosseini’s And The Mountains Echoed says that in this novel Hosseini expresses the unvoiced oppresion towards female. This novel is also said as a great feminist fiction that counteracts themarginalization of women by bringing forward characters that go against it and fight for feminism (Yarra, 2013:10).

The analysis which is done by Yarra on her paper which uses the same sources as the writer does is really helpful and it also puts this undergraduate as an undergraduate thesis that discovers something new, compared to those three papers explained before, in analyzing Khaled Hosseini’s And The Mountains Echoed. Something new that the writer shows is the use of psychological approach in analyzing the personality development of female main character in And The Mountain


Echoed. The writer also limits the conflict that is analyzed, because the focus is only on the conflict which happens in the scope of the main character’s family.

B. Review of Related Theory

1. Theory of Character and Characterization

This study chooses Pari, one of the characters that involves in many parts in Khaled Hosseini’s And the Mountains Echoed, as the object to be analyzed and to be understood based on her every single act as the main character in the novel And The Mountains Echoed.

In order to reveal or analyze the character in a story, which is a representation of human being, understanding every single action, speech, and thought is very important to arrange the details about the character and draw the conclusion about the character itself (Robert and Jacobs, 1987:119). Robert and Jacobs also say that there are two types of the character; they are round and flat character. Round character is usually the main or major character in a story and its traits always develop, change or grow, in other word the round character mostly dynamic. Another type of character as contrasted with round character is flat character which is not so important, whether its role or its traits. The characteristics of flat character are mostly not change, grow or develop. The flat character is usually minor character (1987:120-121).

Certainly, character that is created by an author is interpreted by the readers while reading and understanding the story and that’s why the readers must use their


own knowledge and experience about human being to make conclusion about the qualities of the character (Robert and Jacobs, 1987:122). In this thesis the writer applies the character and characterization theory based on Robert and Jacob’s book in order to define the qualities of the character. Robert and Jacobs also state that there are four aspects that should be done in characterizing a character in a story. They are including what the characters themselves say and think, what the characters do, what other characters say about them, and the last is what the author says about them. (1987:123).

According to literary theory about character, the main character in the novel that undergoes certain distinct changes or developments can be categorized as the round and dynamic character. Arp and Johnson in Storu and Structure say that the developing or dynamic character undergoes some distinct change, it can be personality or outlook, the change may be a large or small, and the change can be negative or positive. The writer also gives the reason why the main character changes in the analysis because based on Arp and Johnson statement that essential changes in human character do not usually occur suddenly (2012:106-107). In the analysis the writer proves the personality change or development of the main character is not a sudden change, it is caused by the conflict that is experienced by her.


2. Theory of Conflict

Life is full of conflicts. Every people will always face a conflict, because it can happen every day and everywhere. Quoting from Isenhart and Spangle’s book,

Collaborative Approaches to Resolving Conflict, conflict is so complex and does not only involve a decision between two choices that can be solved by compromising and negotiating together. But often, conflict entails the struggle of power, the way we talk, the way decisions are made, and unresolved problems from the past (2000: 2). Considering the focus of this study is a conflict that likely to happen in a daily life, to be more specific is in the family, the writer decides to explain about conflict in family.

Based on Fitzpatrick and Noller’s book, Communication in Familu

Relationships, conflict in family occurs when family members do not agree about the events and situations in their lives. They may disagree about certain behavior in certain situation, the family member’s task, the way decision is made or the way resources are shared. Those differences are likely to have an impact on family members (1993: 99).

Considering the object of this study is a literary work in a form novel or story, the writer believes that what Robert Stanton says in his book, An Introduction to Fiction, about conflict is needed in order to make the identification of the family conflict in a novel easier. Stanton states that every work of fiction contains of conflict. He states that there are two kinds of conflict. They are internal conflict and external conflict. Internal conflict happens between two desires within a character


and external conflict happens between characters or between a character and his environment (1965:16). Based on what Robert and Jacobs’ statement the writer can say that the kind of environment can be the natural object or public opinion (1987:87).

3. Theory of Personality a) Id, Ego and Superego

Robert and Jacobs say that character is an extended verbal representation of human being (1987:119) and Stanton in his An Introduction to Fiction states that emotion, moral principle, intention are some of elements that refer to the character (2007:33). So, in this undergraduate thesis the theory of personality is needed to reveal the personality of the character which is a human being that shows the emotion, expression, the thought and the action which refer to the character.

Theory personality that is used in this study is Freud’s theory about mental life which can be divided into two: they are conscious and unconscious. Conscious in this context is the level of mental life that can be accessed by our mind directly and every single idea can be reached by this level of mental life, so it can be directly felt or said. In the contrary, unconscious is the level of mental life which cannot be accessed directly and it contains of unwanted anxiety experience that is forced until it comes to the unconscious level (Feist and Feist 2008:23-24).

The basic concept of personality development is taken from the book An Introduction to Theories of Human Development by Neil J. Salkind. Salkind, based


on Freud’s theory, states that the development of personality is so revolutionary and it contains of many dynamic components and each of those components are influenced by the need to satisfy the basic instinct which is the biological need. Based on the Freud’s theory that he writes on his book, he states that there are three different components but still connected to one another that can arrange the behavior they are id, ego and superego (2009:24).

Id is the most primitive desire in mind. It works based on pleasure principle and its energy is spent to seek pleasure without regard for what is proper or just. Ego is the only one which has an access or a contact with reality and it works based on reality principle. Ego is the only one that can control the Id and Superego. If the Id

and Superego cannot be controlled well by Ego, the anxiety will appear. At the time when the anxiety appears Ego tends to repress with the defense mechanism to defend against the anxiety. Superego is the opposite of Id, because it wants the desire that against Id’s want. Superego represents the moral and ideal aspects of personality. It is guided by the moralistic and idealistic principle, so it strives blindly toward perfection. When the Ego’s act is against what the superego wants, the guilt will appear (2008:27-30)

It can be concluded that Ego which is the one that can balance the blindly desire of Id to seek pleasure amorally and superego in being morally and ideal blindly. The three stages of mind explained above is the important part in analyzing the development of the main character in the novel And The Mountains Echoed,


because the development or change of those three stages of mind which is had by the main character determines the development of the main character’s personality.

Based on Freud’s theory, phallic phase, when the genital area becomes the leading erogenous zone, also takes an important part in the personality development psychologically. Freud also says that Oedipus complex plays an even more crucial role in the personality development. In this study, the writer uses Female Oedipus Complex in analyzing the main character, Pari.

b) Female Oedipus Complex

Female Oedipus Complex is different from Male Oedipus Complex. At the

pra-Oedipal stage, the girl thinks that all children have the same genital equipment whereas the boys have different, and it is even more special. Female feels so envious of this appendage and desire to have penis (penis envy). The girls’ envy starts to develop and they thinks that the mother has the responsibility why they are not be born with penis. The feeling of envy of the girls triggers their Libido that is shifted to the figure of father, who can satisfy their desire to have penis. The desire to have sexual intercourse with the father and the feeling of envy to the mother is well known as Female Oedipus Complex (Feist and Feist, 2008:41).

The writer needs to apply the simple Female Oedipus Complex because the writer sees the main character shows affection to her stepmother lover. The relationship that does not reflect the relationship between father and his daughter


makes the writer wants to analyze it. The Female Oedipus Complex is considered as the most appropriate one.

4. Theory of Family

Considering the scope of this study is about family’s conflict, the writer provides a brief explanation about family from Cheal’s book, Sociologu of Familu yife. The writer provides the theory of family in order to limit the conflict that is analyzed. The writer focuses only on the conflict that happens on the scope that is explained in the statement below.

In his book, Cheal says that family is considered to be any group which consists of people in intimate relationships which are believed to endure over time and across generations (2002:4). It helps the writer in applying the analysis of Pari’s family and her relation with other people and also limits the scope of the analysis.

Cheal (2002:2) also says that the process we grow from childhood into adulthood has been influenced by the area where our family lives. In analyzing the way the main character grows from childhood into adulthood especially on the area where the main character’s family lives. This quote is appropriate when it is applied in analyzing the character such as Pari, knowing that Pari has experienced different family life during her life. Although Pari has relation with many people, but the writer only analyzes conflict that happens in the scope of family like what Cheal says on his statement above.


C. Theoretical Framework

There are four theories that are used in order to answer the research questions in problem formulation, those are theory of character and characterization, theory of conflict, theory of personality and the last is theory of family.

The first theory is theory character and characterization that is used toreveals the whole characteristics of the character that is provided by the author in the story. The characteristic shows how the three mental stages of the main character work, especially her Id. The second is theory about conflict that is used to define the family conflicts that are experienced by the main character in a story. It includes the conflict from her childhood until her teens and inner conflict within the main character that is caused by her family member. The third is theory about family which limits the scope of the analysis. The scope focuses only on the main character family and important conflicts which happens in the main character’s family. The last theory is about personality which is used as the last theory to conclude what kind of person the main character is. It is applied to analyze the personality, mental life of main character in the beginning of the story and after the conflict she experienced.



A. Object of the Study

The object of this study is a fiction novel, And the Mountains Echoed, written by Afghan-American novelist named Khaled Hosseini whose 38 million copies of his book sold in more than seventy countries. His previous phenomenal novels are The Kite Runner and A Thousands Splendid Suns. Those novels became best seller and were adapted in to a film.

Khaled Hosseini’s And the Mountains Echoed was published in 2013 by Bloomsbury. It consists of 466 pages and 9 chapters. This novel has received many compliments from many readers, such as New York Times, Daily Telegraph, The Times and The Oprah Magazine because of its interesting plot.

And the Mountains Echoed tells story about Abdullah and his sister, named Pari, who live in Shadbagh, Afghanistan. The setting takes place in Afghanistan, Paris and California. The year of this story starts in 1952 till 2010. The story begins in the little village in Shadbagh, Afghanistan. Abdullah and Pari live with their father and their step mother. Their life in Shadbagh is not good, they have financial problem because of their father is incapable to get enough money. That is the reason why he finally decides to sell his little daughter, Pari, to the rich married couple, Mr.Wahdati and his beautiful wife, Mrs. Nila Wahdati.


As a brother and sister Abdullah and Pari have close relationship, they need each other, they share to each other, and they love each other. Abdullah wants to do everything to make his little sister happy. He is the boy who looks after her sister since he is ten. Abdullah is the one who loves Pari more than anyone. He takes an important rule of mother in taking care of her daughter. He gives Pari a comfortable feeling when she is near him. Abdullah and Pari’s togetherness comes to an end when they are separated by their father’s decision. Their father decides to bring Pari to Kabul and sells Pari to Wahdati’s. Their Father’s decision hurts both Abdullah and Pari. It also affects Abdullah. He loses her sister that he loves so much.

Pari has a better life with Mr. and Mrs. Wahdati in Kabul. They treat Pari as the child that they have been waiting for years. Pari’s memory about her family in Shadbagh starts to disappear and she never remembers who Abdullah is and where Shadbagh is. Mr. and Mrs.Wahdati’s affection replaces the role of Abdullah in Pari’s life well. The harmony of this family faces its end when Mrs. Nila Wahdati knows that Mr. Wahdati has affection to their driver guy, Nabi. Sort after that, Mr. Wahdati has trouble with his health. He got stroke.

When Mr.Wahdati gets trouble with his health, Pari is asked to move to Paris with her step mother, Mrs.Wahdati. In Paris, Pari grows well and she has good education that brings her to be the best youngest professor when she is at thirty six years old. Pari’s need seems fulfilled and everything is going well, but Pari’s inner does not feel so. She keeps many questions questioning her real past life about her father, her grandfather, her brother and her uncle. She keeps asking about her past to


her mother, Mrs. Wahdati, but she never gives Pari satisfying answers. Pari feels a serious missing of a man figure.

The lack of affection from the figure of man or the figure of father leads Pari to do and make decision that trigger the conflict within herself and conflict between her and her mother. The need of affection is shown when Pari attracts her step mother’s lover, Julien. The relationship between Julien and Pari creates a conflict between Pari and her step mother. It also becomes the conflicts that lead her step mother to commit suicide.

Pari’s journey continuous to the California after receiving the facebook message that tells about her family in Afghanistan, especially in Shadbagh. The old Pari goes to California wants to meet a girl named Pari, the daughter of Abdullah, Pari’s brother. Abdullah gives her daughter the same name like his little sister.

In California, Pari finds her brother Abdullah easily. She is helped by another Pari, Abdullah’s daughter. Pari who never meets her brother for years feels nervous, she hopes he still remember about her. After she comes at the Abdullah’s house everything is so different, the happiest moment that she imagines is just a fantasy. Abdullah and Pari meet each other talk to each other, but Abdullah does not remember Pari.

Many chapters in this novel tell about other characters that have relation with the Pari’s and Abdullah’s journey in finding each other. The plot circled to another characters before it comes back to Pari’s life to seek her real family tree, especially her lovely brother, Abdullah. The writer does not focus on the Pari’s journey to


finding Abdullah after her mother commit suicide. The writer only focuses on the development of Pari’s three mental stages which consists of Id, Ego and Superego. To be more specific, the development of Pari’s Id is the main focus. The analysis covers Pari’s life before she moves to Paris and after she lives in Paris and has relationship with Julien.

B. Approach to the Study

Applying the appropriate approach is one of the most important steps in analyzing a literary work, especially in order to analyze the topic discussed in this writing. Since the literary work which is discussed is about human life, human behavior, and also their conflict in everyday life, the writer decides to use and apply psychological approach in analyzing the work, And The Mountains Echoed. The writer decides to apply psychological approach after finding the main character’s personality development in the novel. That is why the focus is on the personality development experienced by the character.

According to Lois Tyson, if psychoanalysis can help us better in understanding human behavior, so it must certainly be able to help us in understanding the literary work which is about human behavior (2006:11). She also says that an art work, it can be a literary work and any other forms of art work, which exactly describes human behavior is possible to have psychoanalytic principles whether the author has any awareness about those principles when writing the work or not. In some extent it can be called also as the product of author’s unconscious (2006:37). Psychological


approach is used because the attention is focused on the psychological interpretation and it is also used to reinforce the understanding and the appreciation of an art work by analyzing one of the characters in the novel through psychological approach.

In a more specific conclusion, psychological approach is used to determine what motivates and triggers Pari’s personality development like it is described in the novel. Is it motivated or triggered by her unconscious mind? Which does involve more id, ego, or super ego? Why does she do that? Those are question that are answered by applying psychological approach in interpreting this literary work.

C. Method of The Study

The writer applied library research as the method of this study since all of the data are gathered from some books. The primary source of this study is the novel entitled And the Mountains Echoed, and the secondary sources for this study are theory of character and characterization, theory of personality, theory of family and theory of conflict that is collected from some printed books.

There were four steps in analyzing three problem formulations that have been stated before. The first was reading the novel as the object of the study several times and carefully in order to understand and to gainmore detail information about it. The second was characterizing the main character, Pari, what kind of person she is described in the novel. The third was analyzing the conflict that she experiences during her childhood and her teens, including inner conflict experienced by the main


character that is caused by her family member. The fourth was analyzing and identifying the impact of the conflicts to her personality development and mental life.




The focus of this undergraduate thesis is the personality development of the main character, named Pari, and conflicts that affect the main character’s personality to change or develop. Since this study using psychological approach which is based on Freud’s theory, the scope of the development or change that is experienced by the main character is in the scope of three stages of mind introduced by Freud, which are Id, Ego and Superego. Oedipal phase also involves in the personality development of the main character that affects her way in making decisions. In a brief, the focus is on the main character’s Id especially its role in driving the main character’s decision. The role of Id also affects the development of oedipal phase which is experienced by the main character.

Based on the research questions in problem formulation, there are three steps in analyzing the main character’s personality development. First, characterize the main character using the theory of character and characterization. In this part the writer describes the character of the main character in her early life. The way the main character acts, thinks, and says which are described by the author of the novel are the important thing that influence how to describe the main character’s personality in her early life. Second, identify the conflicts that are experienced by the main character in the story by applying the theory of conflict. In this part the focus will be on the family


conflict or the conflicts that happen in the scope of family. Third, analyzing Pari’s personality using theory of personality and how the conflicts affect her character.

A. The Characterization of Pari

Considering this undergraduate thesis uses Freud’s theory which focuses on the role of Id, Ego, Superego and Female Oedipus Complex in analyzing the main character’s personality, so it is important to analyze the childhood of the main character, especially her personality. Based on the theory of character and characterization that is stated by Robert and Jacobs, there are four important points that are applied to convey information of the character in a fiction. Those points are, what the character themselves say (and think, if the author express her thoughts), what the character does, what the other characters say about her, and what the author say about her (1987:123). The following points below are the characteristics of the main character in her early life or her childhood which has been analyzed using theory of character and characterization. The writer decides to apply the theory of personality in order to make the comparison about the role of Id is easier to be analyzed, since the focus is on the role of Id before and after the main character experiencing the conflict. The characteristics that are found describe how the role of Id within Pari’s mind. So, the following characteristics are considered as the characteristics that describe how Pari’s Id creates Pari as a person who has these two characteristics.


1. Spoiled

In her early life, when Pari stays in Afghanistan, one of her personality that is clearly described by the author is spoiled. Little Pari is shown as a spoiled child. She is described, as the child who has many wishes. Because of Abdullah’s habit who treats and pleased Pari, she assumes that everyone will do the same thing to her. She expresses it the most to her father.

After the mother’s death, Pari’s brother named Abdullah treats his sister well. He treats Pari better than his father does. It is caused by the limited time had by their father. The way Abdullah treats Pari is a bit excessive. It is shown when Abdullah wants to trade his shoes for a peacock’s feather to see the joy of her little sister, Pari.

;and the one of which Pari was proudest, an iridescent green peacock feather with a beautiful large eye at the tip.

This last was a gift Abdullah had given her two months earlier. He had heard of a boy from another village whose family owned a peacock. One day when Father was away digging ditches in a town south of Shadbagh, Abdullah walked to this other village, found the boy, and asked him for a feather from the bird. Negotiation enured, at the end of which Abdullah agreed to trade his shoes for the feather (2013:22-23).

But when he knelt beside pari, gently shook her awake from a nap, and produce the feather from the behind like a magician, it was all worth it-worth it for the way her face broke open with surprise first, then delight; for the way she stamped his cheeks with kisses, for how she cackled when he tickled her chin with the soft end of the feather-and suddenly his feet didn’t hurt at all (2013:25-26).

The quotes above show the way how Abdullah makes Pari happy by trading his shoes with just a peacock’s feather. Abdullah seems a bit excessive since he has to walk to the other village by foot and takes only a feather. In other side, the author


shows how deep Abdullah loves her sister, Pari, and she is happy having Abdullah nearby. In other hand, the quotes above also show how Abdullah really loves Pari, the bound is so thick.

Apparently, the way Abdullah treats Pari triggers the feeling of comfort and pleasure that she feels when Abdullah is nearby. She feels that she is the one that is loved by her brother. That feeling is shown and expressed on the dialogue below:

“Abollah?” “Yes”

“When I grow up will I live with you?” … “If you want. But you won’t want to” “Yes I will!”

“You’ll want a house of your own.” “But we can be neighbors.”


“You won’t live far.”

“What if you get sick of me?” … “I wouldn’t!”

… “All right, fine.” “You’ll be close by.” “Yes.”

“Until we’re old.” “Very old.” “For always.” “Yes, for always.” (2013:27-29).

Abdullah is the special person for Pari. He substitutes, in some ways, the role of mother, or even parents for her sister Pari. Pari is so attached to her brother. The way Abdullah treats Pari lets her to have feeling of pleasure and comfort like what is described above.


The dialogue above describes the unconscious wish of Pari. Based on Freud’s theory which is quoted from the book Theory of Personality by Feist and Feist, unconscious is described as the part of mind that contains of all uncontrolled drives, urges, instinct that motivates most of our words, feelings, and actions (2008:24). Unconscious wish that Pari has in order to live together with Abdullah, to have Abdullah fully, to feel the joy, the comfort and the pleasure that she feels whenever she spends her time with Abdullah. In this case, Abdullah is the source of Pari’s happiness.

Pari’s characteristic as a spoiled child is not only shown in a dialogue above, but also in the dialogue between Pari and her Father, Saboor. Abdullah’s habit that treats Pari as the special person makes Pari think that another person, in this case is her father, will treat her like Abdullah does. That is why she also has so many requests to her father. Unfortunately, her father is not the same like Abdullah. The father cannot do what Pari asks to him.

But these days, Father was always too exhausted from work when Pari pulled on his sleeve and asked him to make her fly on the swing.

Maybe tomorrow, Pari.

Just for a while, Baba. Please get up. (2013:32). “Baba,” Pari said. “Tell a story.”

“It’s getting late,” father said. “Please.”


Those two quotes given above shows the characteristic of Pari that is so spoiling. She delivers her will without thinking. She delivers it in a way that shows a little bit forcing.

The way her brother treats her in order to see Pari’s happiness triggers the feeling of comfort and pleasure. As a child, she is still attached to some people, she cannot make her own happiness and that is why the feeling of pleasure or joy that she felt must be given from other people, in this case is her brother and her father. In this part, it can be said that Pari tends to chase her pleasure to other person that she meets, in this case is her father, and it is caused by her brother’s treatment that always please her excessively. The writer can say that the role of Pari’s Id takes an important part in driving Pari to be a spoiled person who says her requests to another person with no consideration about the other person’s condition. The natural instinct as a person that wants to be pleased is shown by Pari’s request that is a bit demanding.

2. Lacking Confidence

In the novel, little Pari and her stepmother Mrs. Nila Wahdati move to France shortly after Mr.Wahdati got stroke. Pari lives in Paris with her mother. Her mother is the only person that guides and teaches her. The moment to live together with her mother gives good and bad effect to her. The good effect is her stepmother fulfills Pari’s need, especially the need of education. The bad effect is the closer the relation between Pari and her step mother, the more she realizes that she does not belong to


her. She is different and she does not resemble Mr. and Mrs. Wahdati. Even though Pari is just a kid, she realizes about that fact.

She didn’t resemble her father much either, Pari believed. He had been a tall man with a serious face, a high forehead, narrow chin and thin lips. Pari kept a few pictures of him in her room from her child hood in the Kabul house. (2013:214)

By seeing her stepfather picture it gives less effect to Pari psychologically, but by living and seeing her stepmother it gives significant effect to Pari, especially psychologically. She thinks that Maman, the way Pari calls her mother, so much beautiful compared to her. She realizes it and she keeps a wish to be as attractive as her mother, especially when she knows that her Maman has good ability to attract man’s attention. A man figure in here is Julien, Based on the novel, Julien is the first man that Pari meets and she often sees him after he becomes her Maman’s lover.

Pari watched Maman as she murmured playfull, giggled at Julien’s jokes, tilted her head and absently twirled a lock of her hair. She marveled again at how young and beautiful Maman was—Maman, who was only twenty years older than herself. Her long dark hair, her full chest, her starling eyes, and a face that glowed with the intimidating sheen of classic regal features. Pari marveled further at how little resemblance she herself bore to Maman, with her solemn pale eyes, her long nose, her gap-toothed smile, and her small breasts. If she had any beauty, it was of a more modest earth–bound sort. Being around her mother always reminded Pari that her own looks were woven of common cloth. At times, it was Maman herself who did the reminding, though it always came hidden in a Trojan horse of compliments. Pari understands the difference between her stepmother and her, in this case is the physical difference. She realizes that she is different and there is not any single


thing that represents her mother within herself. The thought about her difference causes the inferiority within herself.

The compliment uttered by her stepmother in order to reinforce Pari is useless. It helps nothing, it gives nothing, it just emphasizes implicitly that she is different and never be as good as her mother. It just triggers a flaming within Pari herself.

Being around her mother always reminded Pari that her own looks were woven of common cloth. At times, it was Maman herself who did the reminding, though it always came hidden in a Trojan horse of compliments.

She would say, You’re lucky, Pari. You won’t have to work as hard for men to take you seriously. They’ll pay attention to you. Too much beauty, it corrupts things. She would laugh. Oh, listen to me. I’m not saying I speak from experience. Of course not. It’s merely an observation (2013: 213-214). Pari sees her mother as a superior and she herself as an inferior. The way Pari sees how different her mother and she herself affects her confidence, especially while having conversation with a man. Moreover, it also affects her behavior.

And yet, under his unrelenting gaze, she could not help her pulse quickening and her belly tightening. She found herself speaking in an artificially sophisticated, ridiculous tone that was nothing like the way she spoke normally. (2013:216)

In addition, the decision of the author of the novel not to give one or two boyfriends as a Pari’s friend explains that Pari has no any relation with boy or man, except with her Maman’s lover, Julien. In the novel, it is emphasized that Pari has no other friend except Collette, which is a girl, who has been a close friend to Pari since second grade.


She was going to her friend Collette’s house to study, she said. Her friend since second grade, Collette was a wiry brittle-looking girl with long limp hair and nose like a crow’s beak (2013:218).

Based on the facts that she has only a girl friend and the feeling that she feels whenever she meets a man can conclude that Pari has a problem about her confidence when having relationship or just a conversation with a man.

3. Jealous

Another Pari’s characteristic that is shown by the author is the jealousy. The term of jealous has a meaning as an action that shows anger or unhappiness because somebody that is loved or liked is showing interest to somebody else (Oxford, 2010:802). In this part, the writer shows the jealousy expression that Pari has. Pari does not show any anger on someone but she feels the unhappiness. As an example, she is jealous of her stepmother’s achievement. She is unhappy that her stepmother gets the man that Pari wants, named Julien. Besides, the author of the novel does not clearly show that Pari wants Julien through an explicit dialogue. The author shows it through Pari’s action that wants to be treated like how Julien does to Pari’s stepmother.

Sometimes she walked like this, undressed, to her mother’s room and lay on the bed where she knew Maman and Julien made love. Pari lay there stark-naked with her eyes closed, heart battering, basking in heedlessness, something like a hum spreading across her chest, her belly, and lower still (2013:218-219).

The statement above shows that Pari wants to feel what her stepmother feels with Julien. Pari wants to make love with Julien. She wants Julien. Moreover, this


statement below describes that Pari thinks that the reason why Julien still stays with her stepmother is because he wants to get close with Pari. The statement that provides the reason why Pari shows the jealousy to her stepmother is explained in these two quotes below.

Julien took her to faculty events at the university, and Maman invited him to author readings at the bookstore. Pari tagged along at first-Julien asked her to, which seemed to please Maman-but soon she started making excuse to stay home. She wouldn’t go, couldn’t. It was unbearable. She was too tired, she said, or else she didn’t feel well. She was going to her friend Collete’s house to study, she said (2013:218)

“I’ll bet he’s disappointed,” Collete said. “That you don’t go out with them.”

“Well, if he is, he’s not letting on.”

“He wouldn’t let on, would he? What would your mother think?”

“About what?” Pari said, though she knew, of course. She knew, and she wanted was to hear it said.

“About what?” Collete’s tone was sly excited. “That he’s with her to get to you. That it’s you he wants.”

“That is disgusting,” Pari said with a flutter (2013:218).

The first quote explains that Pari is always invited whenever Julien and her stepmother (Maman) have a date. Julien, her stepmother and Pari often spend time together. It does not only make the relation between Julien and her stepmother closer but it also makes Pari feels closer with Julien. Because of the closer relation between Pari and Julien, Pari shows jealousy whenever she sees her mother with Julien even it is not shown clearly by the author. The second quote shows a clearer prove that Pari has a hope in Julien. As stated before, Pari thinks that the real purpose of Julien is to get Pari, not her stepmother. Because of that thought, Pari does not like see her


stepmother with Julien and because of that she decides to go to her friend’s house than to join their activity.

By applying the three mental stages theory by Freud, the writer can say that Id has the role in driving Pari’s personality becomes a jealous person. Pari has a wish to get Julien, because Pari loves and likes Julien. The desire to get Julien fully is impossible to be realized. Julien is Pari’s stepmother’s lover and Pari cannot arrogate him from her stepmother. The pleasure that can be satisfied by having Julien as a lover is impossible. One of the three mental stages that seek pleasure is Id. In this problem, Pari’s Id has a desire to get Julien as a person who can satisfy Pari’s desire. The desire of Pari’s Id is the reason why Pari has hope for Julien’s love. She wishes that Julien wants to get her not her stepmother. Pari’s Id desire is illogical, primitive and amoral (2008:28) because it wants the stepmother’s lover.

Id is one of the mental stages that have no connection with the reality. Ego is the one that has a connection with the reality. Ego has a power to follow the power of Id or reject it, because Ego works based on the reality (2008:29). The reality that is faced by Pari makes Ego cannot follow the desire of Pari’s Id. Id’s desire which cannot be followed by the Ego shows a reaction, that reaction makes Pari become a jealous person. In this part, the three mental stages that involve in Pari’s characteristic are Id and Ego which have power against each other.

As the conclusion of part A, the writer can say that in the novel And the Mountains Echoed, the three characteristics of the main character explained before are the characteristics in Pari’s early life which is concluded based on what the author


says, the character does and the other characters say about the main character. In her early life, Pari is a spoiled, lacking confidence and jealous person.

The following is analyzing the three mental stages of mind, Id, Ego and Superego. Since the three mental stages of mind is the core of the personality analysis in this writing. This part of analysis cannot be done without relating the three stages of mind (Id, Ego, and Superego) within Pari’s personality. In this part, the writer can conclude that the mental stage of Pari has no tendency to one of three mental parts, id, ego and superego. According to the Pari’s characteristic, spoiled, lacking confidence and jealous, the writer is able to say that those three characteristics are driven by Id, Ego and Superego. The three of them have the same role in Pari’s characteristics before experiencing the conflict and they drive Pari to be a negative or bad person.

The first Pari’s characteristic is spoiled. The term of Spoiled in this case is explained as a something negative. It drives Pari to fulfill her pleasure. The use of Freud’s theory takes the most part in analyzing the personality of the main character, so the writer sees spoiled that Pari has is driven by Id (2008:27). It can be said as a negative characteristic.

The second characteristic is lacking confidence. Ego and Superego are shown as the mental stages that take most part in the second characteristic of Pari. When Pari experiences that she has the most attractive mother who is able to attract man easily, she, unconsciously, wants to be able to do it also. However in fact, her look is not as attractive as her mother and when she knows it, the Ego and Superego take part in


stepmsther, Mrs. Nila Wahdati. The beauty and the attractiveness shswn by Pari’s stepmsther trigger the feeling sf envy within Pari herself. Pari, whs keeps the envy ts her msther, is praised by her msther that she has ensugh skill and beauty ts attract a man. Unfsrtunately, Pari takes it as a “Trsjan hsrse” csmpliment. It is nst addressed ts praise Pari’s beauty, but it is just an allusisn absut Pari’s beauty and ability ts attract a man. The inner csnflict is between Pari’s desire ts be as beauty as her msther against the fact that she dses nst have any beauty ts attracts a man. Thsse things trigger the feeling sf inferisr within Pari herself in having csnversatisn sr relatisn with a man. The third prsblem fsrmulatisn is absut Pari’s perssnality that changes caused by the family csnflict. In this part the writer prsves that Pari’s perssnality changes after experiencing family csnflicts. It is nst a large sr extreme change but it is a gradual change.

Csnsidering that the nsvel that is used has a psychslsgical side in its stsry, especially in its character. The writer decides ts analyze the main character’s perssnality. The main character in the nsvel experiences perssnality change. The change makes the main character becsme a perssn whs has wsrse perssnality which is ss negative. The thesry that is applied ts this undergraduate thesis is Freud’s thesry, especially absut Female Oedipus Complex and the three mental stages (Id, Ego and Superego). The perssnality change experienced by the main character is analyzed based sn the Female Oedipus Complex and three mental stages principle.

Pari’s characteristics as a spsiled, lacking csnfidence and jealsus perssn, at the first prsblem fsrmulatisn is influenced by Id, Ego and Superego. Id drives Pari ts be


spsiled perssn whs always asks ssmesne ts please her. Ego and Superego are against each sther in driving Pari ts be an inferisr perssn whs lack sf csnfidence. The ego-ideal which is had by Superego fsrces Pari ts be perfect like her msther in attracting a man, unfsrtunately she is nst as beautiful as her msther. Ego which can access the reality sees it as an impsssible desire ts be realized. Mrs. Nila Wahdati’s praise which hurts Pari emphasizes that Pari cannst be as attractive as Mrs. Nila Wahdati. It makes Pari’s inferisr feeling becsme wsrse. The inferisr feeling is caused by Ego’s ability that cannst fsllsw Superego’s desire. Becsming an inferisr perssn whs has ns relatisn with many pesple makes Pari get less “Trsjan hsrse” csmpliment frsm ansther pesple like what her stepmsther dses which hurts her. The prssf that Pari is a perssn that lacks sf csnfidence is prsven by the relatisn that she has alsng the stsry. She has snly sne friend and her friend is a girl. Msresver, in the last Pari’s characteristics, the pswer sf Id is against the pswer sf Ego. Id’s desire which can be satisfied by having Julien as Pari’s lsver cannst be fsllswed by the Ego. Ego which has the relatisn with the reality rejects Id’s desire. The rejectisn sf Ego triggers Pari ts shsw the jealsusy when she sees stepmsther and Julien.

The impsrtant family csnflict which is experienced by Pari is categsrized ints tws parts. The first part is the csnflict which happens in Afghanistan and the secsnd part is the csnflict that happens in France. The csnflict that happens in Afghanistan affects Pari’s perssnality that gives significant effect later. In Afghanistan Pari is separated frsm her brsther that lsves her ss much, at that time she lsses the figure sf man that gives affectisn ts her. The need sf man’s affectisn affects Pari perssnality.


Later, she shsws that she wants her stepmsther’s lsver whs is able ts give Pari affectisn. She alss shsws the signs sf Female Oedipus Complex by having a rivalry with her stepmsther ts get Julien’s attentisn, her stepmsther’s lsver. The Female Oedipus Complex finds its climax when Pari has an intimate relatisn when she stays in Julien’s apartment. The secsnd part is absut the csnflict within Pari herself. It is an internal csnflict between the desire ts be as beautiful as her msther against the fact that she dses nst have any beauty ts realize it. The truth that Pari dses nst have beauty is emphasized by her stepmsther’s statement which hurts Pari and triggers the rivalry between them.

The perssnality change, in a csntext sf the three mental stages, really happens after csnnecting the family csnflicts experienced by Pari and Pari’s characteristics in her early life. Pari’s characteristics in her early life are spsiled, lacking csnfidence and jealsus. Id, Ego and Superego has the same rsle in driving Pari ts be spsiled, lacking csnfidence and jealsus perssn. Id, Ego and Superego has the same rsle in Pari’s early life perssnality. After experiencing family csnflicts, Pari’s perssnality develsps. Pari becsmes msre jealsus and she becsmes a reckless perssn. Thsse tws characteristics are negative and thsse are driven msstly by the blindly wish sf Id which seeks pleasure. It is different with Pari’s early perssnality which is nst dsminated by sne sf the three mental stages.

In the third prsblem fsrmulatisn, Pari becsmes jealsus after having a rivalry with her msther. She becsmes jealsus after knswing that Julien has an intentisn ts her stepmsther, which is Pari rival ts get Julien’s attentisn. Befsre she shsws the


jealsusy, she feels ss csmfsrtable and she is pleased by having a lsng csnversatisn with Julien, the figure sf a man that she wants. The feeling that makes her feels the csmfsrt and pleasure shift ints an unpleasant situatisn that makes her shsws her jealsusy.

Pari alss becsmes a reckless perssn. She becsmes reckless because her Id drives Pari’s decisisn. Pari’s recklessness is shswn when she accepts Julien’s invitatisn ts stay with him in an apartment. By staying tsgether in Julien’s apartment Pari can realize the Female Oedipus Complex desire that she has. Unfsrtunately, the decisisn ts accept Julien’s invitatisn hurts her stepmsther, because Julien is her stepmsther’s lsver. Pari is clearly described as a dynamic character that experiences a distinct change in her perssnality. The change that she experiences makes her becsme a wsrse perssn than befsre because the Id has msre pswer sf csntrsl sver her.

Applying thesry frsm Rsbert and Jacsbs the writer csncludes that Pari has three characteristics, spsiled, lacking csnfidence and jealsus. By applying Freud’s thesry absut the three mental stages, the writer knsws that Pari’s characteristic as a spsiled, lacking csnfidence and jealsus perssn is driven by the Id, Ego and Superego. After experiencing csnflict, Pari shsws msre jealsusy and makes reckless decisisn which hurts her stepmsther’s feeling. The jealsusy feeling and reckless decisisn that is shswn is driven by sne sf her mental stages, the Id. Pari’s Id develsps. Id’s rsle which tends ts seek pleasure drives Pari’s becsmes a perssn that has wsrse perssnality than befsre.




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