Pertumbuhan Berat Mutlak Laju Pertumbuhan Harian LPH


5.1 Kesimpulan

Penambahan tepung bioflok sebagai suplemen pakan memberikan pengaruh terhadap pertumbuhan benih ikan lele sangkuriang. Pakan dengan penambahan 15 tepung bioflok dan 85 pelet komersial merupakan perlakuan terbaik selama pemeliharaan ikan lele sangkuriang.

5.2 Saran

Perlu dilakukan penelitian lanjutan dengan pemberian dosis tepung bioflok yang lebih tinggi pada benih ikan lele sangkuriang. DAFTAR PUSTAKA Angka SL, I. Mokoginta, and H. Hamid. 1990. Anatomi dan Histologi beberapa Ikan Air Tawar yang Dibudidayakan di Indonesia. Depdikbud, Dikti. IPB. Bogor. 212 hlm. Avnimelech, Y. 1999. CarbonNitrogen Ratio As A Control Element In Aquaculture Systems. Aquaculture, 176: 227-235. Avnimelech, Y and G. Rivo. 2003. Shrimp and fish pond soils: processes and management. Aquaculture. 220:549-567. Avnimelech,Y. 2007. Feeding with microbial flocs by tilapia in minimal discharge bio-flocs technology ponds. Aquaculture. 264: 140-147. Avnimelech, Y. 2009. Biofloc Technology. A Pratical Guide Book. World Aquacultur Society. Technion Israel Institute of Technology. Azim, M.E., D. Little. and B. North. 2007. Growth and Welfare of Nile Tilapia Oreochromis niloticus Cultured Indoor Tank using Biofloc Technology BFT. Presentation in Aquacultured 2007, 26 February-3 March 2007. Sna Antonio, Texas, USA. Bhilave, M.P., Bhosale, S.V., dan Nadaf, S.D. 2012. Protein eficiemcy ratio PER of Stenopharengedon idella fed on soyabean formulated feed. Biological forum-an international journal, 4 1: 79-81. Brune D.E, G Schwartz, AG Eversole, JA Collier, and TE Schwedler. 2003. Intensification Of Pond Aquaculture And High Rate Photosynthetic System. Aquaculture Engineering. 28: 65-86. Crab, R. M. Kochva, W. Verstraete, and Y. Avnimelech. 2009. Biofloc technology application in over-wintering of tilapia. Aquaculture Engineering, 40: 105-112. Craig, S. and L.A. Helfrich. 2002. Understanding fish nutrition, feeds, and feeding. Virginia Cooperative Extension, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Publication number. 420-256.