The Definition of Translation Process of Translation

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In this chapter, there are some theories and terms supporting the data analysis. Here the researcher will discuss the theories and terms of the data analysis.

A. The Definition of Translation

There are some explanations of expe rt’s definition about translation. Even though there is a lot of definition, translation refers to the process of transferring both written and spoken messages from Source Text into Target Text. According to Newmark, he says that “translation is a craft consisting in the attempt to replace a written message and or statement in one language by the same message and or statement in another language.”1981,7. As described by Bell,” translation is the expression in another language or target language of what has been expressed in another language, preserving semantic and stylistic equivalence”1991,5. He states that translation is a different language expression of Source Text with maintaining the semantic and stylistic equivalent of Target Text. Meanwh ile, Catford states, “the translation is the replacement of textual material in one language source language by equivalent textual material in another language target language ” 1974,20. The main problem of translation activity is finding the target text equivalent and determining what kind of translation which will be made. commit to user From the definitions above, it can be concluded that translation is the transferring messages, thoughts, ideas and its language style from the source language into the target language.

B. Process of Translation

Nida in the Theory and Practice of Translation suggests three steps of the translation process as follows : The Process of Translation A Source Receptor Analysis Restructuring X Transfer Y Nida Taber, 1974:33 In the first step, the translator’s activities are reading the source language text, understanding the meaning of each word, phrase, or sentence, finding the message of the text, finding foreign words and giving sign for difficult words or sentence. The second step deals with the activities of translator are finding equivalents and translating the text. commit to user The third step is checking process by reading, naturalizing and rewriting the revision. It has to do with the restructuring of the translation to ensure that an accurate, acceptable, and readable translation has been produced.

C. Problems of Translation