Cari Obyek Wisata Aplikasi informasi wisata dan hotel di Kabupaten Tabanan dengan Google Map Api.

c. Cari Obyek Wisata

Tampilan berikut ini adalah tampilan halaman pencarian tempat wisata, di mana user dapat mencari tempat wisata berdasarkan masukan nama tempat wisata yang dicari. Gambar 4. 18 Halaman Cari Obyek Wisata. Listing program untuk melakukan pencarian obyek wisata. 1. script 2. function initMap { 3. var mapCanvas = document.getElementByIdgoogleMap; 4. var mapOption = { 5. zoom: 1, 6. MapType: google.maps.MapTypeId.ROADMAP 7. }; 8. var map = new google.maps.MapmapCanvas, mapOption; 9. var infoWindow = new google.maps.InfoWindow{map: map}; 10. var bounds = new google.maps.LatLngBounds; 11. var directionsService = new google.maps.DirectionsService; 12. var directionsDisplay = new google.maps.DirectionsRenderer{ 13. draggable: true, 14. map: map, 15. panel: document.getElementByIddirectionsPanel 16. }; 17. ?php 18. include ..Koneksikoneksi.php; 19. 20. if isset_POST[Namawisata] { 21. namawisata = _POST[Namawisata]; 22. ser = SELECT FROM Wisata where Nama_wisata like namawisata; 23. result = mysqli_queryconn, ser; 24. if ser === { 25. echo error; 26. echo script language=javascriptalertgsahkskddnscript; 27. echo script language=javascriptwindow.location = HalamanWisata.phpscript; 28. } else { 29. foreach result as row { 30. koord_x = row[Latitude]; 31. koord_y = row[Longtitude]; 32. namawis = row[Nama_wisata]; 33. Alamat = row[Alamat]; 34. Harga = row[Harga]; 35. Notlp = row[No_tlp]; 36. Keterangan = row[Keterangan]; 37. Pengelola = row[Nama_Pengelola]; 38. Idwisata = row[Id_wisata]; 39. BtnLihat = div class=btn-group inlineform action=..LihatGambar.php method=GET 40. . button type=submit class=btn btn-info btn-sm inline value= . Pengelola . Lihat Gambarbutton 41. . formdiv; 42. btnTujuan1 = div class=btn-group inlineform action=HalamanWisata.php method=POST 43. . input type=hidden name=latid value= . koord_x . 44. . input type=hidden name=logit value= . koord_y . 45. . nbspbutton type=submit class=btn btn-info btn-sm inlineLihat Rute Ke Sinibutton 46. . formdiv; 47. echo addMarkerkoord_x, koord_y, brNama Obyek Wisata : namawis, brAlamat : Alamat, brBiaya Masuk : Harga, brNo Telp : Notlp,brKeterangan : Keterangan,brBtnLihat, brbtnTujuan1\n; 48. } 49. } 50. } else if isset_POST[Namawisata] { 51. result = mysqli_queryconn, SELECT FROM Wisata; 52. if result === FALSE { 53. echo script language=javascriptalertData Hotel Berhasil Disimpanscript; 54. echo script language=javascriptwindow.location = HalamanWisata.phpscript; 55. echo error; 56. } else { 57. foreach result as row { 58. Idwisata = row[Id_wisata]; 59. koord_x = row[Latitude]; 60. koord_y = row[Longtitude]; 61. namawis = row[Nama_wisata]; 62. Alamat = row[Alamat]; 63. Harga = row[Harga]; 64. Notlp = row[No_tlp]; 65. Keterangan = row[Keterangan]; 66. Pengelola = row[Nama_Pengelola]; 67. BtnLihat = div class=btn-group inline 68. . a href=..LihatGambar.php?Id_wisata= . Idwisata . 69. . button type=button Lihat Informasibutton 70. . a 71. . div; 72. btnTujuan1 = div class=btn-group inlineform action=HalamanWisata.php method=POST 73. . input type=hidden name=latid value= . koord_x . 74. . input type=hidden name=logit value= . koord_y . 75. . nbspbutton type=submit class=btn btn-info btn-sm inlineLihat Rute Ke Sinibutton 76. . formdiv; 77. echo addMarkerkoord_x, koord_y, brNama Obyek Wisata : namawis, brAlamat : Alamat, brBiaya Masuk : Harga, brNo Telp : Notlp,brKeterangan : Keterangan,brBtnLihat, brbtnTujuan1\n; 78. } } 79. } else if _POST[latid] _POST[logit] { 80. latid1 = _POST[latid]; 81. logit1 = _POST[logit]; 82. result = mysqli_queryconn, SELECT FROM Wisata WHERE Latitude=latid1 AND Longtitude=logit1; 83. if result === FALSE { 84. echo script language=javascriptalertData Hotel Berhasil Disimpanscript; 85. echo script language=javascriptwindow.location = HalamanWisata.phpscript; 86. echo error; 87. } else { 88. foreach result as row { 89. Idwisata = row[Id_wisata]; 90. koord_x = row[Latitude]; 91. koord_y = row[Longtitude]; 92. namawis = row[Nama_wisata]; 93. Alamat = row[Alamat]; 94. Harga = row[Harga]; 95. Notlp = row[No_tlp]; 96. Keterangan = row[Keterangan]; 97. Pengelola = row[Nama_Pengelola]; 98. BtnLihat = div class=btn-group inline 99. . a href=..LihatGambar.php?Id_wisata= . Idwisata . 100. . button type=button Lihat Informasibutton 101. . a 102. . div; 103.btnTujuan1 = div class=btn-group inlineform action=HalamanWisata.php method=POST 104. . input type=hidden name=latid value= . koord_x . 105. . input type=hidden name=logit value= . koord_y . 106. . nbspbutton type=submit class=btn btn-info btn-sm inlineLihat Rute Ke Sinibutton 107. . formdiv; 108. echo addMarkerkoord_x, koord_y, brNama Obyek Wisata : namawis, brAlamat : Alamat, brBiaya Masuk : Harga, brNo Telp : Notlp,brKeterangan : Keterangan,brBtnLihat, brbtnTujuan1\n; } 109.if navigator.geolocation { 110. navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition 111. functionposition { 112. var pos = {lat: position.coords.latitude, lng: position.coords.longitude}; 113. var xi = position.coords.latitude; 114. var yi = position.coords.longitude; 115. infoWindow.setPositionpos; 116.if isset_POST[latid] isset_POST[logit] { 117. lat2 = _POST[latid]; 118. long2 = _POST[logit]; 119. ? 120. displayRoutexi + , + yi, ?php echo lat2, long2; ?, directionsService, 121. directionsDisplay; 122. ?php 123.} else { 124. ? 125. displayRoutexi + , + yi, ?php echo koord_x, koord_y; ?, directionsService, 126. directionsDisplay; 127.?php } ? 128. infoWindow.setContentLocation found : + xi + , + yi + ; 129. map.setCenterpos; 130. }, 131. function { 132. handleLocationErrortrue, infoWindow, map.getCenter; 133. }; 134. } else { 135. handleLocationErrorfalse, infoWindow, map.getCenter; 136. } 137. directionsDisplay.addListenerdirections_changed, function { 138. computeTotalDistancedirectionsDisplay.getDirections; 139. }; 140. function displayRouteorigin, destination, service, display { 141. service.route{ 142. origin: origin, 143. destination: destination, 144. travelMode: google.maps.TravelMode.DRIVING 145. } 146. infoWindow.setContentLocation found : + xi + , + yi + ; 147. map.setCenterpos; 148. }, 149. function { 150. handleLocationErrortrue, infoWindow, map.getCenter; 151. }; 152. } else { 153. handleLocationErrorfalse, infoWindow, map.getCenter; 154. } 155. directionsDisplay.addListenerdirections_changed, function { 156. computeTotalDistancedirectionsDisplay.getDirections; 157. }; 158. function displayRouteorigin, destination, service, display { 159. service.route{ 160. origin: origin, 161. destination: destination, 162. travelMode: google.maps.TravelMode.DRIVING 163. } 164. , functionresponse, status { 165. if status === google.maps.DirectionsStatus.OK { 166. display.setDirectionsresponse; 167. } else { 168. if status === INVALID_REQUEST { 169. alerttesting; 170. } 171. else { 172. alertxi; 173.function computeTotalDistanceresult { 174. var total = 0; 175. var myroute = result.routes[0]; 176. for var i = 0; i myroute.legs.length; i++ { 177. total += myroute.legs[i].distance.value; 178. } 179. total = total 1000; 180. document.getElementByIdtotal.innerHTML = total + km; 181. } 182. function handleLocationErrorbrowserHasGeolocation, infoWindow, pos { 183. infoWindow.setPositionpos; 184. infoWindow.setContentbrowserHasGeolocation ? 185. Error: The Geolocation service failed. : 186. Error: Your browser doesn\t support geolocation.; 187.function infowindomarker, map, Infowindow, data { 188. google.maps.event.addListenermarker, mouseover, function { 189. 190. Infowindow.setContentdata; 191. Infowindow.openmap, marker; 192. 193. }; 194. } 195. 196. function addMarkerkoord_x, koord_y, Nama_wisata, Alamat, Harga, No_tlp, Keterangan, btn1, btn2 { 197. var maps = new google.maps.LatLngkoord_x, koord_y; 198. bounds.extendmaps; 199. var markerType = new google.maps.Marker{ 200. map: map, 201. position: maps, 202. icon: ..Gambarg4204.png 203. }; 204. 205. map.fitBoundsbounds; 206. infowindomarkerType, map, infoWindow, Nama_wisata + Alamat + Harga + No_tlp + Keterangan + btn1 + btn2; 207. 208. } 209. } 210. google.maps.event.addDomListenerwindow, load, initMap; 211. script

d. Cari Rute Tempat Wisata