Regression Analysis: E versus CH; Slope Regression Analysis: R versus CH; Slope Regression Analysis: E Regression Analysis: R

151 Lampiran 15. Lanjutan

5. Regression Analysis: E versus CH; Slope

The regression equation is E = - 117,66 + 9,8708 CH + 5,1619 Slope Predictor Coef SE Coef T P VIF Constant -117,66 16,71 -7,04 0,000 CH 9,8708 0,2805 35,19 0,000 1,0 Slope 5,1619 0,9204 5,61 0,000 1,0 S = 81,40 R-Sq = 87,9 R-Sqadj = 87,8 PRESS = 1282568 Analysis of Variance Source DF SS MS F P Regression 2 8660682 4330341 653,54 0,000 Residual Error 180 1192669 6626 Total 182 9853351 Correlations: E ; CH; Slope Erosi-B1 CH CH 0,926 0,000 Slope 0,215 0,076 0,003 0,309 Cell Contents: Pearson correlation P-Value

6. Regression Analysis: R versus CH; Slope

The regression equation is R = - 0,2630 + 0,3126 CH + 0,2114 Slope Predictor Coef SE Coef T P VIF Constant -0,263 1,055 -0,25 0,804 CH 0,31255 0,01771 17,65 0,000 1,0 Slope 0,21144 0,05812 3,64 0,000 1,0 S = 5,140 R-Sq = 65,1 R-Sqadj = 64,7 PRESS = 4936,26 Analysis of Variance Source DF SS MS F P Regression 2 8883,2 4441,6 168,12 0,000 Residual Error 180 4755,4 26,4 Total 182 13638,6 Correlations: Run off-B16; CH; Slope Run off- CH CH 0,791 0,000 Slope 0,219 0,076 0,003 0,309 Cell Contents: Pearson correlation P-Value 152 Lampiran 15. Lanjutan

7. Regression Analysis: E

3 versus CH; Slope The regression equation is E 3 = - 51,015 + 2,8381 CH + 2,3396 Slope Predictor Coef SE Coef T P VIF Constant -51,015 6,818 -7,48 0,000 CH 2,8381 0,1172 24,21 0,000 1,0 Slope 2,3396 0,3705 6,31 0,000 1,0 S = 32,70 R-Sq = 78,2 R-Sqadj = 77,9 PRESS = 207337 Analysis of Variance Source DF SS MS F P Regression 2 689271 344635 322,24 0,000 Residual Error 180 192512 1070 Total 182 881783 Correlations: E 3 ; CH; Slope E 3 CH CH 0,856 0,000 Slope 0,266 0,055 0,000 0,463 Cell Contents: Pearson correlation P-Value

8. Regression Analysis: R

3 versus CH; Slope The regression equation is R 3 = - 1,7078 + 0,1530 CH + 0,1779 Slope Predictor Coef SE Coef T P VIF Constant -1,7078 0,4708 -3,63 0,000 CH 0,153014 0,008096 18,90 0,000 1,0 Slope 0,17791 0,02559 6,95 0,000 1,0 S = 2,258 R-Sq = 70,1 R-Sqadj = 69,7 PRESS = 957,410 Analysis of Variance Source DF SS MS F P Regression 2 2147,9 1074,0 210,60 0,000 Residual Error 180 917,9 5,1 Total 182 3065,8 Correlations: R 3 ; CH; Slope R 3 CH CH 0,788 0,000 Slope 0,326 0,055 0,000 0,463 Cell Contents: Pearson correlation P-Value 153 Lampiran 15. Lanjutan

9. Regression Analysis: E