One Picture – A Sequence of Tasks for Writing

E. Previous Study

Some researches had been conducted related to the use of pictures on writing of recount text. There were so many kinds of picture used by the researchers. The first research was entitled “Improving Students’ Recount Text Writing by Using Picture Series A Classroom Action Research to the Tenth Grade Students of SMK Panca Bhakti Kubu Raya in Academic Year 20112012” written by Eni Yusnita, Clarry Sada and Dewi Novita had problem that students felt difficult to get ideas in recount text paragraph, so that the writers decided to use picture series to improve students’ recount text. The result found that by using picture series, students’ recount text writing could be improved. The result of first cycle was 61,5 less than 65, not achieved, while the second cycle was 66 achieved, higher than KKM score. The differences between this research and the writer’s are the writer will conduct an experimental research which is different from the research above – a classroom action research, the writer will not use picture series and the place of the research is also different. The second research was entitled “The Use of Picture Series to Improve Students’ Ability in Writing Recount Texts A Classroom Action Research on the Eight Grader of SMPN 3 Kartasura in 20092010 Academic Year” by Muhammad Luqman Hakim stated the problem that students felt difficult in making correct grammatical sentences, developing paragraph and finding appropriate vocabulary. Moreover, the teacher seldom taught writing process and only asked for writing production. Based on the questionnaire, 73.5 of students felt that writing was difficult, 61,8 of students felt that the time for writing was not enough, 55,9 said that they felt difficult to start writing, 52,9 students seldom paid attention to appropriate vocabularies and 52,9 students did not arrange an outline or draft before writing. The result said that there was an improvement of students’ ability in writing recount text, an improvement in teaching learning situation and an improvement in students’ personal competence. The differences between this research and the writer’s are the writer will conduct an experimental research which is different from the research above – a classroom action research, the writer will not use picture series and questionnaire as the instrument of data collection. The other difference is the place and the population of the research. The third research was entitled “Improving Writing Recount Text by Using Photographs: A Case Study of the Eleventh Year Students of SMA Negeri 1 Batangan Pati in the Academic Year of 20092010” written by Dwi Nur Indah. She thought that writing is more complex and difficult to teach because it needs grammatical mastery and theoretically devices and also the conceptual and judgment. The purpose was improving students’ recount writing by using photograph as it guided students to generate idea into a meaningful composition. The result of the improvement was very good which was 62,07 from pre-test became 76,8 from post-test. It meant that teaching writing recount text by using photographs in experimental class was successful. The differences between this research and the writer’s are the writer will use not only photographs but also illustration picture during the experiment process and the place and the population of the research is also different.

F. Thinking Frameworks

Writing as a skill which is needed to be mastered for students in Indonesia seems to be improved because some students do not interested in writing, feel confused to start writing and they lack of vocabularies. Students need interesting way to learn producing good writing. Recount is one of kinds of text which should be mastered by students because it is taught in high school. Writing recount means that students should write their own experience in written form. They should put their ideas in well-ordered writing. After reviewing theories about teaching writing by using picture, especially writing recount text, the writer could see that students’ were more interested in writing if they had clue such as picture as visual aid. It made them easier in organizing paragraphs for their writings. So that, the writer was interested in conducting research to know the effectiveness of using pictures on students’ writing of recount text at the tenth grade students of SMA Negeri 9 Kota Tangerang Selatan.

G. Theoretical Hypothesis

The hypothesis of the study can be formulated as follows: Ha: There was effectiveness of using pictures on students’ writing of recount text. Ho: There was no effectiveness of using pictures on students’ writing of recount text.