A. Conclusion

Based on the research result and discussion, the use of Blended Learning is able to improve Students‟ Self Directed Learning in SMK N 7 Yogyakarta. The judgment is proven by the increase of Students‟ Self Directed Learning score that is collected by questionnaire for three indicators from 70,22 on the pre research to 73,66 on the first cycle and reaches to 79,60 on the implementation of the second cycle. In addition, the increase of the number of students who are able to reach the successful criteria from 23 students on the first cycle and 25 out of 32 students on the last cycle ensure the result that under the Blended Learning, the Students‟ Self Directed Learning is increase classically.

B. Suggestions

1. For the Teacher a. The teacher doing varied learning model that can improve students‟ self directed learning. b. Teachers need to learn to optimize the technology to increase students‟ self directed learning. c. Teachers must learn to do the e-learning so that students not only depend on learning in the classroom. d. The teacher has to let the students to gain other sources of knowledge especially from internet to increase self management, desire for learning and self control so decrease their dependency to teacher. 2. For the Researcher a. For the better research result, researcher need to try again in optimizing blended learning to improve students‟ self directed learning. b. For the better research result, researcher not only using blended learning to improve students‟ self directed learning but also another strategy to support the improvement of students‟ self directed learning. c. 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A. Kompetensi Inti