






A Research Paper

Submitted to the English Education Department as Partial Fulfillment of the requirements for

Sarjana Pendidikan Degree

Agnia Restu Amalia Mufti 1002729









Agnia Restu Amalia Mufti

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© Agnia Restu Amalia Mufti 2014 Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

Oktober 2014

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Agnia Restu Amalia Mufti 1002729

Approved by : First Supervisor

Dr. H. Odo Fadloely, M.A. NIP. 19540804 197702 1 001

Head of Department of English Education The Faculty of Language and Arts Education

Indonesia University of Education

Prof. Dr. H. Didi Suherdi, M.Ed. NIP. 19621101 198712 1 001


Agnia Restu Amalia Mufti, 2014

An Analysis Of Translation Procedures In Translating Figurative Words And Cultural Expressions In A

Narrative Story Entitled “The Wizard Of Oz” By Brown Watson

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | |


Page of Approval ... Statement of Authorization ... Quotation ...

Preface ... i

Acknowledgements ... ii

Abstract ... iv

Table of contents ... v

List of figures ... vi

List of tables ... vii

CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION 1.1Background of the Research ... 1

1.2Research Questions ... 3

1.3Aims of the Study ... 3

1.4Significance of the Research ... 4

1.5Scope of the Study ... 4

1.6Clarification of Terms ... 4

1.7Organization of Paper ... 5


2.1.1 The Definition of Translation ... 7

2.1.2 The Translation Process ... 9

2.1.3 The Translation Methods ... 11

2.1.4 The Translation Procedures ... 15

2.1.5 The Criteria of a good translation ... 19


Agnia Restu Amalia Mufti, 2014

An Analysis Of Translation Procedures In Translating Figurative Words And Cultural Expressions In A

Narrative Story Entitled “The Wizard Of Oz” By Brown Watson

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | |

2.3 The Definition of Figurative Language ... 21

2.4 Culture and Translation ... 22

2.4.1 The Definition of Cultural Words ... 22 Ecology ... 22 Material culture (artefacts) ... 23 Social culture ... 23 Social organisations (customs, activities, procedures, concepts) ... 24 Gestures and Habits ... 25

2.5 Problems of Translation ... 25

2.6 The Previous Research ... 26

CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHODOLOGY 3.1 Formulation of Problems ... 28

3.2 Research Design ... 28

3.3 Source of Data ... 29

3.4 Research Site and Participants ... 29

3.5 Data Collection And Procedure ... 30

3.5.1 Collecting Document ... 30

3.5.2 Questionnaire ... 30

3.6 Data Analysis ... 30

CHAPTER IV FINDINGS AND DISCUSSIONS 4.1 Findings and Discussions Related to the Translation Procedures Used ... 33

4.2 Findings and Discussions Related to the Problems in translating the story ... 41


5.2 Suggestions ... 46 References



Agnia Restu Amalia Mufti, 2014

An Analysis Of Translation Procedures In Translating Figurative Words And Cultural Expressions In A

Narrative Story Entitled “The Wizard Of Oz” By Brown Watson

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | |

Appendix 2 The Collection of Students’ Translation

Appendix 3 The Analysis of Students’ Translation Procedures Appendix 4 The Collection of Questionnaires

Appendix 5 Other Additional Collection


Figure 2.1 The three-stage system of translation Figure 2.2 Translation Process

Figure 2.3 Translation Methods



Table 3.1 The example of analyzing translation procedures

Table 4.1 The figurative words and cultural expressions from the story Table 4.2 The overall results of the analyzing the translation procedures Table 4.3 The examples of the use of couplets

Table 4.4 The examples of the use of triplets Table 4.5 The examples of the use of transference Table 4.6 The example of the use of reduction Table 4.7 The examples of the use of quadruplets Table 4.8 The examples of the use of literal Table 4.9 The example of the use of expansion Table 4.10 The examples of the use of paraphrase Table 4.11 Some questionnaire results


Agnia Restu Amalia Mufti, 2014

An Analysis Of Translation Procedures In Translating Figurative Words And Cultural Expressions In A

Narrative Story Entitled “The Wizard Of Oz” By Brown Watson


Agnia Restu Amalia Mufti, 2014

An Analysis Of Translation Procedures In Translating Figurative Words And Cultural Expressions In A

Narrative Story Entitled “The Wizard Of Oz” By Brown Watson

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | |






Abstrak:Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis prosedur penerjemahan

siswa dari sepuluh kata-kata kiasan dan ungkapan-ungkapan budaya dalam sebuah

cerita naratif berjudul “The Wizard of Oz” karya Brown Watson, dan

mengidentifikasi masalah-masalah yang paling umum ditemui dalam proses penerjemahan oleh 20 mahasiswa semester 8 di jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris yang mengambil kelas penerjemahan. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif deskriptif. Peneliti menganalisis data sesuai dengan teori penerjemahan Newmark (1988). Temuan dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa prosedur penerjemahan yang digunakan para responden yaitu couplets (143 buah), triplets (16 buah), transference (11 buah), reduction (9 buah), literal (7 buah),

quadruplets (7 buah), expansion (5 buah), dan paraphrase (2 buah). Masalah yang paling umum dihadapi para mahasiswa selama proses penerjemahan yaitu keberadaan kosakata yang tidak umum,kata ganti orang, kata-kata polisemi dan antropomorfisme di dalam cerita.

Kata kunci : Penerjemahan, prosedur penerjemahan, teks naratif, kata-kata kiasan,

ungkapan-ungkapan budaya.

Abstract: The study was aimed at analyzing students’ translation procedures of

ten figurative words and cultural expressions in a narrative story entitled “The Wizard of Oz” by Brown Watson, and identifying the most common problems

found during the translation process by 20 eighth-semester students of English Education Department majoring translating. This study employed a qualitative descriptive method. The data were analyzed based on the translation theory by Newmark (1988). The result revealed the translation procedures used by students were couplets (143 items), triplets (16 items), transference (11 items), reduction (9 items), literal (7 items), quadruplets (7 items), expansion (5 items), and paraphrase (2 items). Couplets were dominantly used because as Newmark (1988, p. 91) stated that couplets are particularly common for cultural words especially the combination of transference and cultural equivalent. Meanwhile, the most common problems faced by the students during the translation process were the existence of uncommon vocabulary, personal pronouns, polysemy and anthropomorphism words in the story.


Agnia Restu Amalia Mufti, 2014

An Analysis Of Translation Procedures In Translating Figurative Words And Cultural Expressions In A

Narrative Story Entitled “The Wizard Of Oz” By Brown Watson

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | |

Keywords: Translation, Translation Procedures, Narrative text, Figurative words, Cultural Expressions.


Agnia Restu Amalia Mufti, 2014

An Analysis Of Translation Procedures In Translating Figurative Words And Cultural Expressions In A

Narrative Story Entitled “The Wizard Of Oz” By Brown Watson

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | |


This chapter provides the nature of the present study and describes a brief introduction of the research which covers the background of the research, the research questions, the aims of study, the significance of the research, the scope of the study, the clarification of terms, and the organization of the paper.

1.1Background of the Research

Language is inseparable from communication. The most important tool when people wish to communicate is through language. The communication should be understandable for those who take part in the conversation. There is a vast variety of languages used by people in the world. A communication can be done through oral and written expressions. Thus, translation is one of the communication tools that is very important nowadays, to face the world free trade.

Translation is a process of converting written text from a Source Language (SL) into the Target language (TL). But, the conversion is not only about the text but also for the meaning and message itself. Peter Newmark (1988) stated that translation is rendering the

meaning of a text into another language accordingly to the author’s original intention of the

text. For bilingual people, translation is their activity that they usually do in daily life especially in written text.

Unfortunately, not every bilingual person has ability in translating one language into another language. Translation will be difficult to do without special skill as Barker (1995) said translation is difficult, even for people. To begin with, we have to know two languages intimately. And even if people speak two or more languages fluently, it does not guarantee that they would be good in translating. Some people who have profession as translators even should study more about many languages, theories, methods, and procedures of translation.

Since this research only focus on translation procedures, there is the difference between translation methods and translation procedures. Translation methods relate to whole


Agnia Restu Amalia Mufti, 2014

An Analysis Of Translation Procedures In Translating Figurative Words And Cultural Expressions In A

Narrative Story Entitled “The Wizard Of Oz” By Brown Watson

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | |

texts. Meanwhile, translation procedures are used for sentences and the smaller units of language. Delisle (1988) defined translation procedures as methods applied by the translators when they formulate an equivalence for the purpose of transferring elements of meaning from the source text (ST) into the target text (TT).

According to Peter Newmark (1988), there are 19 kinds of translation procedures; literal, transference, naturalisation, cultural equivalent, functional equivalent, descriptive equivalent, synonymy, through-translation or calque, shift or transposition, modulation, recognized translation, translation label, compensation, componential analysis, reduction and expansion, paraphrase, couplets, triplets, and quadruplets, and notes, addition, glosses.

Because translation is interwined with written texts, as we know that a story is a literary work, the researcher aims to find out the students’ translation procedures in translating ten figurative language and cultural words which are found in The Wizard of Oz story. According to Pratyasto (2011:32), narrative is a text type that amuses the readers, deal with real and vicarious experience in different ways; narrative also deal with some events that lead to crisis event, turning point, and resolution. A narrative text could be fiction and non-fiction. Hence, the researcher has selected a narrative story entitled “The Wizard of Oz”. The reason for choosing this story is because this narrative story is complex enough with many dialogues and some difficult vocabulary.

Many stories are translated into some other languages, but many of them have not fulfilled the criteria of a good translation. For El Shafey (1985: 3), there are three principles of a good translation, the first is there should be good knowledge in grammar and vocabulary and also the good understanding of the text to be translated. It is very important for the translators because if they do not completely understand the text and have wide knowledge, the text cannot be translated perfectly. The second is the translator should have the ability to translate the source language into the target language. It means that the translators have to master both the source language and the target language. The third is the translation should apply the same style or atmosphere from the original text into the target text in original composition. It is done by the translators to preserve the originality of the source text without changing anything.


Agnia Restu Amalia Mufti, 2014

An Analysis Of Translation Procedures In Translating Figurative Words And Cultural Expressions In A

Narrative Story Entitled “The Wizard Of Oz” By Brown Watson

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | |

A good translation can be accomplished by people especially the translators who have wide knowledge in grammar and vocabulary, because it will help them in translating text from the source language into the target language well. The translators also should not omit or add another idea that is not appropriate with the original. The style or the atmosphere of the original text must be preserved.

The difference between a source language and a target language is the variation in their cultures which make the translation process becomes a real challenge. Among the problematic factors involved in translation such as form, meaning, style, and so on, the present paper is going to concentrate on the translation procedures in translating ten figurative language and cultural words which are found in The Wizard of Oz story.

Besides accepting the past applicable theory, we should follow the new trends as well. So, it triggers the researcher to compare the previous studies with the present study and take an analysis on how students of translating in English Education Department use translation procedures particularly in translating figurative words and cultural expressions from The Wizard of Oz story. The reason for choosing The Wizard of Oz story as the source of this research is because the story contains many dialogues and vocabulary which are barely used in daily life that may make it more challenging .

In line with the explanation above, the goal of this research is to investigate the translation procedures used by students in translating figurative words and cultural expressions which are found in The Wizard of Oz story. Also the researcher wants to know the most common problems they faced during the translation process.

1.2Research Questions

Based on the background that has been explained by the writer before, two research questions emerge to the purpose of this study as follows:

a. What kind of translation procedures were used in translating figurative words and cultural expressions in the narrative story ?

b. What are the most common problems faced by the students during the translation process?


Agnia Restu Amalia Mufti, 2014

An Analysis Of Translation Procedures In Translating Figurative Words And Cultural Expressions In A

Narrative Story Entitled “The Wizard Of Oz” By Brown Watson

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | |

1.3 Aims of Study

This research is aimed at investigating:

1. The translation procedures used by the students in translating figurative words and cultural expressions in the narrative story.

2. The most common problems faced by the students during the translation process.

1.4 Significance of Research

There are several significances of this study which are expected to be beneficial especially for students in English Education Department UPI and English lecturers. From theoretical perspective, the result of this study is expected can increase the students’ ability in translating texts, also the students would motivate themselves to learn more about translation. From practical perspective, the lecturers would know the real ability of students from translation program and what are the problems that are often faced by the students in translating process, so that the lecturers could evaluate their teaching technique and help the students overcome their problems by finding the solution and improve their performance in teaching translation subject to the students.

1.5Scope of the Study

In making a good translation, the translators need some abilities, methods, strategies, and procedures. However, this research only focuses on the procedures used by the students in translating figurative words and cultural expressions in The Wizard of Oz narrative story from English into Indonesian, and the most common problems faced by the students during the translation process.

1.6 Clarification of Terms

In order to avoid misunderstanding in terms on this research,the definition of terms will be provided below:


Agnia Restu Amalia Mufti, 2014

An Analysis Of Translation Procedures In Translating Figurative Words And Cultural Expressions In A

Narrative Story Entitled “The Wizard Of Oz” By Brown Watson

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | |

a) Translation : rendering the meaning of a text into another language in the way that the author intended the text (Newmark, 1988: 4).

b) Translation procedures : the procedures used in translating sentences and the smaller units of lsnguage (Newmark, 1988: 81).

c) Narrative text : a text which includes a story (fiction/non fiction/tales/folktales/fables/myths/epic) that has purpose to amuse or entertain the reader. The story usually has problematic events which lead to a crisis and turning point and in the end there is a resolution.

d) Figurative words: a word or phrase used for vivid or dramatic effect (Hornby, 2005: 433)

e) Cultural Expressions: a specific word for special of “things”, events, or customs which only exist in one language. Cultural words can be clasified as ecology, material culture (artefacts), social culture, social organizations, cultures, and habits (Newmark, 1988: 95)

1.6Organization of Paper

This paper is organized into five chapters as follows:


This chapter contains the background of the research, the research questions, the aims of study, the significance of the research, the scope of the study, the clarification of terms, and the organization of the paper.


This chapter consists of details on the theoretical background in the present study. It provides the definition of translation, the translation process, the translation methods , the translation procedures, the criteria of a good translation, the definition of narrative text, the definition of figurative language, culture and translation, problems of translation, and the previous research.


Agnia Restu Amalia Mufti, 2014

An Analysis Of Translation Procedures In Translating Figurative Words And Cultural Expressions In A

Narrative Story Entitled “The Wizard Of Oz” By Brown Watson

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | |

This chapter explains the research methodology that consists of the formulation of the problems, the research design, the source of data, the research site and participant, the data collection procedure, and the data analysis.


This chapter provides the result found in relation to answer and discuss the research questions.


This last chapter conveys final conclusion of the study, suggestions as contribution for English department students, and possible issue for further research. Also, references and appendices are attached at the end of the paper.


Agnia Restu Amalia Mufti, 2014

An Analysis Of Translation Procedures In Translating Figurative Words And Cultural Expressions In A

Narrative Story Entitled “The Wizard Of Oz” By Brown Watson

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | |



This chapter outlines the methodology of the research. The chapter consists of formulation of problem, research design, source of data, research site and participants, data collection procedure, and data analysis procedure.

3.1 Formulation of Problem

This study was conducted to find the translation procedures used in the students’ translation of a narrative story entitled “The Wizard of Oz”. This present study aimed to provide the answer the following questions:

1. What kind of translation procedures were used in translating figurative words and cultural expressions in the narrative story ?

2. What are the most common problems faced by the students during the translation process?

3.2 Research Design

The researcher employed a qualitative descriptive method in this study. This method is considered to be applied to the research because the researcher attempts to collect the data, then analyze and classify it to find the description of the data for explaining the existing occurance. This research was done by collecting document and doing interview.

According to McMillan and Schumacher (1993, p. 479) qualitative research is “primarily an inductive process of organizing data into categories and identifying patterns (relationships) among categories.”. Besides, Fraenkel and Wallen (1993, p. 380) define qualitative research as “a research study that investigates the quality of relationships, activities, situations, or materials.” They mentioned five characteristics of qualitative research. Researchers gain the data from natural settings, for example by observing in daily activities, then the qualitative data are collected only through words and pictures, there is no


Agnia Restu Amalia Mufti, 2014

An Analysis Of Translation Procedures In Translating Figurative Words And Cultural Expressions In A

Narrative Story Entitled “The Wizard Of Oz” By Brown Watson

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | |

numerical indicator, after that researchers are concerned that processes is as important as products, most qualitative researchers tend to apply inductive methods to get conclusions, and the last is qualitative researchers concern about the perceptions of participants.

Descriptive method is a research method that tries to describe a phenomenon, occurance, event, that happens in the present. This findings is valid in that time but it might not be relevant for the future. The purpose of descriptive method is to find a detailed explanation and description about the object of the research systemically. Moreover, Fraenkel and Wallen (1993, p. 23) stated descriptive method is a method applied for explaining, analyzing, and classifying something through various techniques such as survey, interview, questionnaires, observation, and text.

So, based on the above explanation, the researcher assumes that a qualitative descriptive method is relevant for this research since the data was gained through collecting document and interview. The researcher analyzed and classified data to find the translation procedures and the most common problems faced by the students during the translation process.

3.3 Source of Data

The source of this present study was “The Wizard of Oz” story, written by Brown Watson in 1995. The reason for choosing this story, because this story contains many vocabulary which are barely used in daily life and the expressions which are hard enough to be understood as a challenge for the respondents and the story also consists of many dialogues and narration.

3.4 Research Site and Participants

The study was conducted in Faculty of Language and Arts Education of UPI Bandung, the participants were 20 eighth-semester students of English Education Department majoring translating and they had completed all of translating classes. They were selected because they are believed to have been familiar with translation.


Agnia Restu Amalia Mufti, 2014

An Analysis Of Translation Procedures In Translating Figurative Words And Cultural Expressions In A

Narrative Story Entitled “The Wizard Of Oz” By Brown Watson

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | |

3.5 Data Collection Procedure

To obtain the data, the researcher employed two instruments, the first is collecting document and the second is questionnaire.

3.5.1 Collecting Document

For the primary data, the researcher collected the document (students’ translation work) through several steps. First of all, the researcher sent “ The Wizard of Oz” story to the 20 students, then they got the same task that is to translate The Wizard of Oz story into Indonesian. To make it simple and efficient in time, the researcher sent the story by email to each participant. And then the results were submitted in 2 weeks. Then, the researcher

analyzed the figurative words and cultural expressions from each translation and find the translation procedures used by them.

3.5.2 Questionnaire

The secondary data was gained by giving the questions to the students through questionnaire. Since the students are Indonesian, the questions in the questionnaire were adapted in Bahasa Indonesia to avoid misunderstanding for the students. The researcher asked two questions for the 20 participants by email because there were only few students who could do the interview orally, so the researcher decided to have interview by email.

The interview was conducted to find the answer of the following questions:

1. What are the problems faced by the students during the translation process from English into Indonesian?

2. What are the solution that the students form to overcome those problems?


Agnia Restu Amalia Mufti, 2014

An Analysis Of Translation Procedures In Translating Figurative Words And Cultural Expressions In A

Narrative Story Entitled “The Wizard Of Oz” By Brown Watson

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | |

After the data were collected, then the researcher analyzed the data to find the answers of research questions. Hence, the data collection were analyzed through some steps. The first step was checking the translation from each student, from the translation the researcher then found ten figurative words and cultural expressions to be determined based on the translation procedures. The process of identifying and classifying the translation procedures were based on the theory of Newmark (1988) which have been explained in chapter two. Finally, the researcher calculated the total items of procedures used by each student.

After analyzing the translation procedures, the researcher identified the problems faced by the students during the translation process. The answers of the 20 students were compiled to get the most common problems.

Below are the examples of the analysis:

Table 3.1: The example of analyzing translation procedures.

No. SL TL Translation

Procedure 1.


And from the north, the wind gave a howl.

“Welcome to Munchkin Land!”

Dan dari utara, angin memberi longlongan.

“Selamat datang di Tanah Munchkin!”


Transposition, Transference

Table 3.1 shows two examples of classifying the translation procedures. The first example is the wind gave a howl, one of the students translated it become “angin memberi longlongan.” The translation procedure used is literal because the translation was done by converting grammatical construction of the source language word of sentence to the nearest target language equivalent where the lexical word is translated singly, out of context. The result of this translation is not good and appropriate in transferring the meaning.

The second example is Munchkin Land which is translated become Tanah Munchkin. This translation involved in couplets, because the translation procedures used were transposition, which involving a change in the grammar from SL to TL. And then


Agnia Restu Amalia Mufti, 2014

An Analysis Of Translation Procedures In Translating Figurative Words And Cultural Expressions In A

Narrative Story Entitled “The Wizard Of Oz” By Brown Watson

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | |

transference which used when the SL word is directly taken into the TL as it is. Since Munchkin is the name of a place, so, in the target language the name of place is still preserved. This translation result is good and appropriate because the name of a place “Munchkin” has no equivalence in the target language because of this is a place name in the source language. So the translator use transference to preserve it and deliver clear meaning to the readers.

Afterwards, the researcher got the secondary data by giving questionnaire to the 20 students. The questions were sent through email and after the students answered all of the questions, the researcher analyzed each answer to get the most common problems faced by the students during the translation process and the solutions to overcome those problems.

Finally, a conclusion reveals from the whole analysis of the data and the research questions answered.


Agnia Restu Amalia Mufti, 2014

An Analysis Of Translation Procedures In Translating Figurative Words And Cultural Expressions In A

Narrative Story Entitled “The Wizard Of Oz” By Brown Watson

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | |



This chapter covers the conclusions of the research and the suggestions that might be useful for everyone who are interested in conducting the research related to this study.

5.1 Conclusions

The researcher investigated the students’ translation procedures used by 20

respondents in translating “The Wizard of Oz” story based on the translation methods proposed by Newmark (1988). The researcher chose ten figurative words and cultural expressions to be analyzed. The researcher also identified the most common problems faced by the students during the translation process. From the data analysis in findings and discussions of the previous chapter, the research questions have been answered. Thus, the researcher came to several conclusions:

First, the translation procedures used by the students in translating ten figurative words and cultural expressions from “The Wizard of Oz” story were couplets (143 items), triplets (16 items), transference (11 items), reduction (9 items), literal (7 items), quadruplets (7 items), expansion (5 items), and paraphrase (2 items). Couplets were dominantly used because as Newmark (1988, p. 91) stated that couplets are particularly common for cultural words especially the combination of transference and cultural equivalent.

In relation to the explanation above, the translation result from the 20 students were very good. Because it is mentioned by Soemarno (1983, p. 5) that “the message of translation is related to the original manuscript, the message of original manuscript is expressed into target language correctly, the result of translation in target language must look like the

original one”. The majority of the students’ translation are translated appropriately because

the translation could be understood easily by the readers and carried the original message from the source text into the target text.

Second, the most common problems faced by the students in translating the text were: 1. There were some vocabulary which were not commonly spoken in daily life. Brislin (1995, p. 27) has argued that vocabulary problems are more serious between pairs of


Agnia Restu Amalia Mufti, 2014

An Analysis Of Translation Procedures In Translating Figurative Words And Cultural Expressions In A

Narrative Story Entitled “The Wizard Of Oz” By Brown Watson

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | |

languages whose cultural and linguistically differences are larger. The solution for this problem was to find the meanings by looking up the dictionary.

2. There were many personal pronouns in a sentence that made the translation unclear, the solution was to write down the names of the characters rathen than using personal pronouns.

3. There were some words belong to polysemy and anthropomorphism which could not be translated easily. The solution was to completely understand the text and adjust the meaning to the context.

5.2 Suggestions

Considering the research result, the researcher would give some suggestions for those who are interested to conduct the further research on translation studies:

1) It is better for the researcher to learn more and completely understand about the translation theories.

2) The researcher should consider the period of time to take a research, so that the researcher would have more time to analyze and calculate the data in order to get more accurate and clearer result.

3) Since this research only focused on translation procedures, and translation problems in translating a narrative story, for the next study, those who are interested in investigating such problems could examine another type of text, not only narrative text, the researcher could also analyze the methods and strategy of translation.


Agnia Restu Amalia Mufti, 2014

An Analysis Of Translation Procedures In Translating Figurative Words And Cultural Expressions In A

Narrative Story Entitled “The Wizard Of Oz” By Brown Watson

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | |


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Agnia Restu Amalia Mufti, 2014

An Analysis Of Translation Procedures In Translating Figurative Words And Cultural Expressions In A

Narrative Story Entitled “The Wizard Of Oz” By Brown Watson

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | |

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Agnia Restu Amalia Mufti, 2014

An Analysis Of Translation Procedures In Translating Figurative Words And Cultural Expressions In A

Narrative Story Entitled “The Wizard Of Oz” By Brown Watson

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | |

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Nord, C. 1999. Training Functional Translators. Retrieved June, 30, 2014 from,%20Training%20translator.pdf Nurjanah, S. (2012). Analysis of Translation Strategies and Meaning Transfer in Translating

the Four Bilingual Children Storybooks. Research Paper of Indonesia University of

Education, Bandung: Unpublished.

Robinson, Douglas. 1997. Becoming a Translator: an Accelerated Course. London. Routledge.

Supangkat. (2009). An Investigation of the Students’ Methods, Strategies, and Difficulties, in

Translating English Texts into Indonesian. UPI Bandung: Unpublished Thesis.

Suryana, Y. (2007). Translating Indonesian Fiction into English. UPI Bandung: Unpublished Thesis.

Utari, A. (2008). Analyzing the Naturalness and Accuracy of Students’ Translation of

Children’s Stories. Research Paper of Indonesia University of Education, Bandung:


Agnia Restu Amalia Mufti, 2014

An Analysis Of Translation Procedures In Translating Figurative Words And Cultural Expressions In A

Narrative Story Entitled “The Wizard Of Oz” By Brown Watson

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | |

Venuti, L. (2004). The Translation Studies Reader (Paperback). Second Edition. London: Routledge.

Watson, B. (2009). Fairy Tale Treasury. England: Brown Watson.


Agnia Restu Amalia Mufti, 2014

An Analysis Of Translation Procedures In Translating Figurative Words And Cultural Expressions In A

Narrative Story Entitled “The Wizard Of Oz” By Brown Watson

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | | CHAPTER V


This chapter covers the conclusions of the research and the suggestions that might be useful for everyone who are interested in conducting the research related to this study.

5.1 Conclusions

The researcher investigated the students’ translation procedures used by 20

respondents in translating “The Wizard of Oz” story based on the translation methods

proposed by Newmark (1988). The researcher chose ten figurative words and cultural expressions to be analyzed. The researcher also identified the most common problems faced by the students during the translation process. From the data analysis in findings and discussions of the previous chapter, the research questions have been answered. Thus, the researcher came to several conclusions:

First, the translation procedures used by the students in translating ten figurative words and cultural expressions from “The Wizard of Oz” story were couplets (143 items), triplets (16 items), transference (11 items), reduction (9 items), literal (7 items), quadruplets (7 items), expansion (5 items), and paraphrase (2 items). Couplets were dominantly used because as Newmark (1988, p. 91) stated that couplets are particularly common for cultural words especially the combination of transference and cultural equivalent.

In relation to the explanation above, the translation result from the 20 students were very good. Because it is mentioned by Soemarno (1983, p. 5) that “the message of translation is related to the original manuscript, the message of original manuscript is expressed into target language correctly, the result of translation in target language must look like the

original one”. The majority of the students’ translation are translated appropriately because

the translation could be understood easily by the readers and carried the original message from the source text into the target text.

Second, the most common problems faced by the students in translating the text were: 1. There were some vocabulary which were not commonly spoken in daily life. Brislin (1995, p. 27) has argued that vocabulary problems are more serious between pairs of


Agnia Restu Amalia Mufti, 2014

An Analysis Of Translation Procedures In Translating Figurative Words And Cultural Expressions In A

Narrative Story Entitled “The Wizard Of Oz” By Brown Watson

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | |

languages whose cultural and linguistically differences are larger. The solution for this problem was to find the meanings by looking up the dictionary.

2. There were many personal pronouns in a sentence that made the translation unclear, the solution was to write down the names of the characters rathen than using personal pronouns.

3. There were some words belong to polysemy and anthropomorphism which could not be translated easily. The solution was to completely understand the text and adjust the meaning to the context.

5.2 Suggestions

Considering the research result, the researcher would give some suggestions for those who are interested to conduct the further research on translation studies:

1) It is better for the researcher to learn more and completely understand about the translation theories.

2) The researcher should consider the period of time to take a research, so that the researcher would have more time to analyze and calculate the data in order to get more accurate and clearer result.

3) Since this research only focused on translation procedures, and translation problems in translating a narrative story, for the next study, those who are interested in investigating such problems could examine another type of text, not only narrative text, the researcher could also analyze the methods and strategy of translation.


Agnia Restu Amalia Mufti, 2014

An Analysis Of Translation Procedures In Translating Figurative Words And Cultural Expressions In A

Narrative Story Entitled “The Wizard Of Oz” By Brown Watson

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | | REFERENCES

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Agnia Restu Amalia Mufti, 2014

An Analysis Of Translation Procedures In Translating Figurative Words And Cultural Expressions In A

Narrative Story Entitled “The Wizard Of Oz” By Brown Watson

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | |

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