Increasing the participation of class XF students of SMA Bopkri I Yogyakarta in English class through active learning method.





Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements to Obtain the Sarjana Pendidikan Degree

in English Language Education

By Ria Hapsari

Student Number: 071214075




A Thesis on



By Ria Hapsari

Student Number: 071214075

Approved by





“… berdirilah teguh, jangan goyah, dan giatlah selalu dalam pekerjaan Tuhan. Sebab kamu tahu, bahwa dalam persekutuan dengan Tuhan jerih payahmu tidak sia – sia.” ( 1 K orintus 15: 58)



Hapsari, Ria. 2011. Increasing the Participation of Class XF Students of SMA Bopkri I Yogyakarta in English Class through Active Learning Method. Yogyakarta: Sanata Dharma University.

Learning English needed process. In order to be able to master English, students needed practice. Therefore, the English teacher needed to implement the appropriate learning method which gave students opportunities to practice English in class. Based on preliminary observation, the problem occurred in English learning process of XF was the low students’ participation. The cause was the learning method which was applied to the students of class XF of SMA Bopkri I Yogyakarta did not give the students opportunities to practice English. Active learning was a method which enabled the students to participate because of its learning activities. The researcher implemented active learning method in this classroom action research. This would answer question: How does active learning method increase the participation of class XF students of SMA Bopkri I Yogyakarta in English class?

This was a Classroom Action Research (CAR). The implementation was carried out on October 9th, 14th, 21st, and 23rd, 2010. The instruments employed in gathering the data were observation sheet, field notes, questionnaire, and interview guide. In analyzing the data, the researcher employed triangulation technique.

In the implementation, the researcher implemented learning activities such as group discussion, class discussion, games, quiz, and individual work. Based on the data analysis, active learning could increase students’ participation. By implementing this method, the students could fulfill four aspects of students’ participation based on the theory of Bonwell and Eison (1991). The aspects were students were involved in more than listening, less emphasis was placed on transmitting information and more emphasis was placed on developing students’ skills, students were involved in higher order thinking, and students were involved in activities. Students’ participation increased since active learning also increased students’ interest and attention which encouraged the students to use English and participate more actively during the learning process. It was proved by the questionnaire result which stated that all students liked this learning method.



Hapsari, Ria. 2011. Meningkatkan Partisipasi Siswa Kelas XF SMA Bopkri I Yogyakarta dalam Pelajaran Bahasa Inggris melalui Metode Belajar Aktif. Yogyakarta: Universitas Sanata Dharma.

Mempelajari Bahasa Inggris membutuhkan proses. Agar dapat menguasai Bahasa Inggris, siswa perlu praktik. Oleh sebab itu, guru Bahasa Inggris harus mengimplementasikan metode pembelajaran yang sesuai yang memberikan kesempatan kepada siswa untuk praktik menggunakan Bahasa Inggris di kelas. Berdasarkan hasil pengamatan, masalah yang terjadi dalam proses pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris di kelas XF adalah rendahnya partisipasi siswa. Hal ini dikarenakan metode pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris yang digunakan di kelas XF SMA Bopkri I Yogyakarta tidak memberikan kesempatan yang cukup bagi siswa untuk berlatih dan berpatisipasi. Metode belajar aktif adalah metode belajar yang mampu membuat siswa berpartisipasi karena aktivitas-aktivitas belajarnya melibatkan siswa. Peneliti mengimplementasikan metode belajar aktif dalam melakukan penelitian tindakan kelas. Ini akan menjawab pertanyaan: Bagaimana metode belajar aktif meningkatkan partisipasi siswa kelas XF SMA Bopkri I Yogyakarta dalam pelajaran Bahasa Inggris?

Penelitian ini adalah penelitian tindakan kelas. Proses penerapan metode belajar aktif dilakukan pada tanggal 9, 14, 21, dan 23 Oktober 2010. Peneliti mengumpulkan data melalui lembar observasi, catatan lapangan, kuesioner, dan panduan wawancara. Dalam menganalisa data, peneliti menggunakan teknik triangulasi.

Dalam penerapannya, peneliti menggunakan aktivitas belajar seperti diskusi kelompok, diskusi kelas, permainan, kuis, dan belajar mandiri. Berdasarkan hasil analisa data, metode belajar aktif dapat meningkatkan partisipasi siswa. Dengan menerapkan metode ini, siswa memenuhi empat aspek partisipasi menurut teori Bonwell dan Eison (1991) yaitu siswa terlibat lebih dari sekedar mendengarkan, pengembangan keterampilan siswa lebih diutamakan dibanding penyampaian informasi, siswa terlibat dalam tingkat pemikiran yang lebih tinggi, dan siswa terlibat dalam aktivitas – aktivitas belajar. Partisipasi siswa meningkat karena metode belajar aktif juga meningkatkan minat dan perhatian siswa yang mampu mendorong siswa agar lebih aktif dalam menggunakan bahasa Inggris dan berpartisipasi lebih aktif selama proses belajar berlangsung. Hal ini dibuktikan dengan hasil kuesioner yang menunjukkan bahwa semua siswa menyukai metode belajar ini.




Foremost, the researcher would like to bestow her deepest gratitude to Jesus

Christ for His guidance and blessing, so that the researcher could finish the thesis

entitled Increasing the Participation of Class XF Students of SMA Bopkri I

Yogyakarta in English Class through Active Learning Method. This is a classroom

action research which was conducted to overcome the problem which occurred in

class XF related to students’ participation in English class. This thesis was

arranged as one of the requirements to obtain Sarjana Pendidikan degree of

English Language Education Study Program, Department of Language and Arts

Education, Faculty of Teachers’ Training and Education, Sanata Dharma


The researcher realizes that during the process of arranging the thesis, the

researcher was supported by many people. Especially, the researcher would like to

thank to the following people.

1. Drs. T. Sarkim, M.Ed., Ph.D., the Dean of the Faculty of Teachers’ Training

and Education.

2. Caecilia Tutyandari, S.Pd., M.Pd., the Chair Person of English Language

Education Study Program for the support and suggestions.

3. Christina Kristiyani, S.Pd., M.Pd., the sponsor who has supported and guided

the researcher.


5. Drs. J. B. Gunawan, M.A., and all lecturers of English Language Education,

who have shared all knowledge and supported the researcher.

6. Drs. Priyanto, the Headmaster of SMA Bopkri I Yogyakarta who has given the

opportunity for the researcher to teach and conduct the research.

7. Drs. Y. F. R. Purwantara, the English teacher who has supported and guided the

researcher during the process of the research.

8. All students of class XF SMA Bopkri I Yogyakarta, for being nice and

cooperative during the research.

9. My beloved parents, St. Herni Nugroho and Asih Rumanti, for all their love,

prayer, and support.

10. My sisters and brothers Penta Karuni Hapsari, Asta Nugraheni Hapsari, Narima

Hapsari, Pandu Hapsara, Leo Agung Rupiyono, and Yongky Novianto Suryana

who always supported the researcher.

11. Agnes and Dwi for nice sharing and support.

12. Eli, Febri, Mba’ Septi, Dheni, Aya, Mba’ Endang, Yani, and Rista for


The researcher realized that the result of the research is still not perfect.

Therefore, the researcher receives suggestions needed to make this research better.

The researcher hopes that the research can be useful for everyone who reads.

Yogyakarta, June 9th2011








MOTTO ... v


ABSTRAK ... vii






CHAPTER I. INTRODUCTION A. Research Background ... 1

B. Problem Formulation ... 6

C. Problem Limitation ... 6

D. Research Objectives ... 7

E. Research Benefits ... 7




A. Theoretical Description ... 10

1. English Language Learning ... 10

2. School – Based Curriculum ... 14

3. Teaching Adolescence ... 17

4. Students’ Participation ... 19

5. Active Learning Method ... 24

B. Theoretical Framework ... 29

CHAPTER III. METHODOLOGY A. Research Method ... 32

B. Research Participants ... 34

C. Research Instruments ... 35

D. Data Gathering Technique ... 38

E. Data Analysis Technique ... 39

F. Research Procedure ... 42

CHAPTER IV. RESEARCH FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION A. Description of the Implementation of Active Learning ... 44

1. Cycle One ... 47

a. Planning Meeting One and Meeting Two ... 48

b. Implementing Meeting One ... 49



d. Reflecting Cycle One ... 54

2. Cycle Two ... 64

a. Planning Meeting One and Meeting Two ... 64

b. Implementing Meeting One ... 65

c. Implementing Meeting Two ... 69

d. Reflecting Cycle Two ... 72

3. Questionnaire Result ... 80

4. Interview Result ... 81

B. Discussion ... 82


B. Suggestions ... 91





Table Page

4.1Teaching Schedule ... 46

4.2Observation Checklist of Meeting 1 of Cycle 1 ... 54

4.3Observation Checklist of Meeting 2 of Cycle 1 ... 58

4.4Observation Checklist of Meeting 1 of Cycle 2 ... 72




Figure Page




Appendix Page

A. Permission Letter ... 98

B. Blueprints ... 100

1. Blueprints of Observation Checklist ... 101

2. Blueprints of Questionnaires ... 102

3. Blueprints of Interview Guide ... 104

C. Research Instruments ... 106

1. Observation Sheet ... 107

2. Questionnaires ... 108

3. Interview Guides ... 110

D. Learning Materials ... 111

E. Raw Data ... 130

1. First Cycle Observation Checklists ... 131

2. Second Cycle Observation Checklists ... 133

3. First Cycle Field Notes ... 135

4. Second Cycle Field Notes ... 139

5. Questionnaire Results ... 142



In this chapter, the researcher presents some important aspects of the research. They are research background, problem formulation, problem limitation, research objectives, the benefits of the research, and some definitions of terms related to the research.

A. Research Background

Language is an important part of human life. “Language, like sleep, is not

a substance but a process; in practice it is known to everyone,” (Brooks, 1964: 1). Language is not something happens in sudden. Everything dealing with language needs process. Therefore, process is an important thing in language learning.

Facing globalization era, English becomes one of the languages in the world which are very important. Much information is given in English. That is why, in order to be able to use English well, many people are now studying English. English is also taught in many schools. English teacher has an important role. According to Bright and Mc. Gregor, the teacher of English has the responsibility of equipping his pupils with the skills that they need to pursue their studies in all other subjects either immediately or in the future (1970: 5). English is also important to be mastered in order to support the students in other subjects and other fields they are going to face in the future.


In SMA Bopkri I Yogyakarta, all students of the tenth grade are supposed to use English during the learning process, not only in English class but also in other classes. Students of class X are the students who have just graduated from their junior high school. The students are about fourteen to sixteen years old. They are considered as adolescence (Harmer, 2007: 14). Students’ characteristics are sometimes still affected by their custom in the past. Thus they should adapt to their new environment. They tend to be dependent on others. Besides, based on the preliminary study conducted by the researcher, some of the students are ignorant. They force others to respect them, while they are not willing to respect others. Moreover, they are high-classed-people, so they can obtain almost anything they want, including some expensive stuff to support their study. As Senior High School students, they have enough facilities to support their study. However, some of the students do not use them properly. They do not use the facilities they have to support their study. They use the facilities for fun. Therefore, it is hard to attract their attention and interest since they have their own interest related to the facilities they have.

Based on the result of the observation in the preliminary study which was

conducted three times to observe teacher’s activities in class, the researcher was able to conclude some important things related to teacher’s learning method. The conclusion was that the teacher did not give the students enough opportunities to practice their English, and the teacher talked too much while students should listen to the explanation. These facts about teacher’s way of delivering the material led the students into boredom. Besides, based on the observation


conducted to observe students’ activities during the learning process, the

researcher found important things such as students did not pay attention to the teacher and even did other things such as playing games, disturbing others, using cell phone, and even falling asleep. While the teacher was explaining, students did not get involved actively in the learning process, and the students took a very long time in taking notes on important information given and written by the teacher.

From the interview conducted to the teacher in the preliminary study, the

researcher found teacher’s opinion about the learning process in English class.

According to the teacher, the problem in class was that the students did not pay attention. The students did not seem interested in the learning process. Therefore, the teacher suggested that it might be the learning method which should be changed. According to the teacher, the learning method was not interesting and

could not grab students’ attention. Besides, the students never practiced their English. The learning method which was suitable might be the learning method which can involve students more so that the students could participate more. This was the reason why the researcher then distributed the questionnaire to the

students in order to know students’ opinion on the English learning process and students’ needs. From the data gathered from the questionnaire result, the researcher could find out some important points related to students’ participation

in English class. Researcher found that most of the students liked English actually. According to the students, the learning method was less interesting because it was boring and it did not allow students to participate in English class. It was proved by the number of students who did not do the assignment and who did not listen to


the teacher. Based on the theory, “Enjoyment ought to be one of the foremost

aims and effects of education, particularly in schools,” (Bright & Mc. Gregor, 1970: 5). What students enjoyed, they felt inclined to go on with, and what they disliked, they dropped as they could. Students needed and wanted an English class in which they could actively participate and use their English.

The researcher tried to find out the cause of students’ low participation in English class. Based on the result of preliminary study, it was clear that the problem was caused by teacher’s way of teaching. Most of the time, the teacher came into the class and explained the materials. Then he asked the students to do the exercise. Teacher did not let the students get involved more actively in learning process. He explained what he needed to explain, without paying

attention to students’ interest. In fact, many students were bored. Therefore, the

students tended to do other things. They enjoyed doing other interesting things rather than listening to the teacher and getting involved in English learning process more actively.

Since the students did not participate in English class, they did not practice their English as well. Bright and Mc. Gregor said “Practice is vital and the pupils have got to do it,” (1970: 4). It is true that practice is very important. What happened in English class of XF was the teacher did not give the students enough opportunities to participate and practice. Therefore, the students never practiced their English. It will affect students’ English abilities. This is the significance of

students’ participation because by participating the students are practicing the English.


This problem needs to be solved and it cannot be ignored because it can

affect students’ achievement in English. Teacher should be able to find the learning method which is interesting, so that the students can enjoy the class. Therefore, the researcher is willing to find the solution of this problem. Researcher is going to help the English teacher to overcome the problem and to find the learning method which is appropriate and which meets students’ need and

characteristics in order to increase students’ motivation in learning English. “One of teacher’s main aims should be to help students to sustain their motivation,” (Harmer, 2007: 20).

Active learning method is one of the learning methods known by some

teachers. “The use of active learning is not a new idea,” (Bonwell and Eison, 1991: 3). Using active learning method is common in learning process. Moreover, Bonwell and Eison added, the role of the teacher is to lecture less and instead directs the students in direction that will allow students to discover the material as they work with other students to understand the lesson (1991). Here, the role of the English teacher is no more explaining and speaking too much about the materials and no more giving assignment to the students without paying attention

to students’ need and understanding. In active learning method, teacher is a facilitator who directs the students, controls and manages the class situation while the students are studying and developing themselves. This is the thing which does not exist in English learning process in class XF of SMA Bopkri 1 Yogyakarta.

According to Silberman, “Active learning is fast-paced, fun, supportive,


get involved more actively during the learning process. Therefore, active learning

method requires students’ participation. By participating, students will practice.

By practicing, of course students will develop their abilities in English. By implementing active learning in English class of XF, it is expected that the students will be able to participate well. As the impact, the students will be able to use English well.

B. Problem Formulation

The problem which is going to be answered in the paper is “How does active learning method increase the participation of class XF students of SMA Bopkri 1 Yogyakarta in English class?”

C. Problem Limitation

The researcher conducts the research only to the class XF of SMA Bopkri I Yogyakarta, whose students do not participate well in English class. The learning method which is used is active learning, which covers some learning

activities requiring students’ participation, such as collaborative learning, games,

and presentation. Those activities will be applied during the learning process.

Students’ participation will be observed. The students are participating when they

are doing what they should do and they give response to the teacher’s questions or

ask question to the teacher.

Besides, the researcher did not give limitation on a certain skill of English. The researcher implemented active learning in English class of XF students


including all skills. The researcher observe how active learning affects students’ participation in English class including listening class, speaking class, and writing class.

D. Research Objectives

By conducting the research, researcher will be able to identify how active

learning method increases students of class XF of SMA Bopkri I Yogyakarta’s

participation in English class.

E. Research Benefits

The research is beneficial for some people who directly get involved in English learning process. They are as follows.

1. English teacher of Class XF SMA Bopkri I Yogyakarta

The research is beneficial for English teacher, especially the English teacher of class XF SMA Bopkri I Yogyakarta. The teacher will be able to find that active learning method can be implemented in English learning process. The teacher will get the idea of teaching English in interesting ways. It will be easier

for the teacher to grab students’ attention. Besides, the teacher will get the

students participate more actively in English learning process, so that the students will practice their English well.


2. Students of Class XF SMA Bopkri I Yogyakarta

The research is also beneficial for the students, especially the students of class XF of SMA Bopkri I Yogyakarta. While the teacher is applying active learning, the students will be more active and they will get more opportunities to practice their English to develop their abilities in English.

3. Future Researchers

The research will be beneficial for the next researchers who are interested in conducting the similar classroom action research. The research report is useful to be used as reference for those who want to conduct classroom action research in their own classes.

F. Definition of Terms 1. Students participation

Students’ participation is involvement of students in learning activities in class (Davies & Pearse, 2000: 9). According to Bonwell and Eison (1991),

students’ participation includes at least four points. The points of students’

participation are as follows.

a. Students are involved in more than listening.

b. Less emphasis is placed on transmitting information and more on developing student's skills.

c. Students are involved in higher-order thinking (analysis, synthesis, evaluation).


Those four points are employed by the researcher in this research to

identify students’ participation in English class. However, Bonwell and Eison said

“the greater emphasis is placed on the exploration of student values and attitudes” (1991). Therefore, it is expected that by actively participating in class, the students can reflect what they have done in class and make use of it in their social lives. 2. Active learning

Silberman (1996) defined active learning as a method of educating students that allows them to participate in class. In this study, active learning is a learning method which is going to be applied in class XF. Active learning covers some ways such as games, group discussion, presentation, teacher driven questioning, and role – playing. The active learning method which is conducted by the researcher covers some activities such as class or group discussion,

collaborative learning, quiz, games, and students’ presentation. 3. Class XF students of SMA Bopkri I Yogyakarta

XF is a class for the tenth grader out of ten classes in SMA Bopkri I Yogyakarta. Class XF students of SMA Bopkri I Yogyakarta are the students who are studying in SMA Bopkri I in the first grade. They are new students in Senior High School. There are 25 students in this class. The students vary. Some students have good abilities in English, and there are some students who still need improvement. The participation of the students during English class is low. The researcher is going to conduct the research in this class, and see whether they can be more active in participating in English class.




In this chapter, the researcher describes the theories related to the study. It is employed as the base of the research conducted. It describes into theoretical description and theoretical framework. The theoretical description covers the theories related to the research. It includes theories of English language learning, theories the school – based curriculum, theories of teaching adolescence, theories of active learning, and theories of students‟ participation. In theoretical framework, the researcher describes how the theories are employed in the research.

A. Theoretical Description

In this section, the researcher reviews the theories related to the study. The theories are about English language learning, how to teach Senior High School Students, students‟ participation, and active learning.

1. English Language Learning

Since English is important nowadays, students in Senior High School are being prepared and equipped well. Before knowing further about English language learning in this study, it is essential to know the purpose of English language learning for Senior High School students in order to lead the teacher in teaching English to the students.


Language has a central role to learners‟ development of intellectuality, social, and emotion; and language is the media of achieving success in all subjects being studied. The study of language is expected to help learners to know themselves, to know their and others‟ cultures, to express their opinion, to participate in a society using a certain language, and to apply their analytical and imaginative abilities (Puskur, 2006).

Based on the statement made by the government on school based curriculum, learning a language is important for the students, especially for Senior High School students. It is not only about how students can master the language, but also about students‟ development. Students‟ abilities in a language can affect students‟ development in some aspects. However, many students are learning English because they only need to learn English to pass the examination. This is suitable with Cross & Carney‟s statement, “The aim of the study was to pass an examination, not to live a life,” (1946: 22). Students do not realize that learning English is important for their future. Therefore, many students do not study English seriously.

“Developing the ability to really communicate in English is the main goal of an English language course,” (Davies & Pearse, 2000: 71). According to Scrivener, “The purpose of learning a language is usually to enable you to take part in exchanges of information,” (1994: 22). At the end of the course, the students should be able to communicate effectively in English outside the classroom whether it is for study, work, or leisure. That is why, in learning English in class, students should be able to develop their skills. Related to English


language skills, Davies & Pearse added, “In language teaching, communication is usually divided into four main skills. They are listening, speaking, reading, and writing,” (2000: 74). Listening and reading skills are considered as receptive skills, while speaking and writing are productive skills. However, English should be considered as a unified course, not as a series of separate lessons in such branches as spelling, grammar, and reading (Cross & Carney, 1946: 27). Since English is a unified course, the students should get the integrated English lesson. They should learn English in context in order to develop language skills. “We are trying to teach, primarily, not knowledge but skills; the many different skills required for good listening – speaking – reading – writing.” (Bright & McGregor, 1970: 4). It is clear that in teaching a language, including English, the teacher does not teach the students all theories about English language. By learning English, students are preparing themselves for other subjects they are studying in Senior High School or even for their future when they are studying in University. “They are going to continue their study to the next level, and being able in using English is helpful,” (Brooks, 1964: 25).

In this case, English teachers have important role. It is strengthened by Bright and Mc. Gregor‟s statement that English language teacher has an important role. “The teacher of English has the responsibility of equipping his pupils with the skills that they need to pursue their studies in all other subjects either immediately or in the future,” (1970: 5). Teaching English is not an easy thing. “Teaching is guiding and facilitating learning, enabling the learner to learn, setting the conditions for learning,” (Larsen & Freeman, 2000: 7). The task of English


teacher is to guide and facilitate the students to enable the students to learn well. Besides, the teacher should set a good condition for learning. However, Cross and Carney stated that there are as many teachers of English who are unprepared to teach English, (1946: 23). The fact is that for a successful language teaching and learning are other, less tangible, conditions, for example, plenty of opportunities for learners to participate in class and an atmosphere in which they feel motivated to learn, (Davies & Pearse, 2000: 12). Since the students are required to be able to use English in their life, they need to master the skill. It is supported by J. A. Bright and Gregor. They stated that “The skills can be acquired only through practice, which is something teacher cannot do for the students” (1970). Practicing is very important for students‟ language skills, and they should practice themselves.

Due to the importance of practice in English language learning, it would be unsatisfactory if the teacher dominates the lesson to the exclusion of participation from as many learners as possible. Sometimes, traditional teaching methods have seemed to emphasize the learning of language system as a goal in its own right and failed to give learners an opportunity to gain realistic experience in actually using the language gained, (Scrivener, 1994: 22). In fact, the survey shows, that much time is given to the teaching of form, grammar drills, and punctuation, and not enough to thoughtful observation, and communication of ideas to others, (Cross & Carney, 1946: 27). Besides, “it is not enough for a teacher to go into a classroom and effectively „give a lecture‟ while students make notes,” (Riddell, 2003: 13).


It is clear that the students in English class should be given opportunities to practice their English language skills. It is very useful for them to develop their abilities so the purpose of English language learning could be achieved.

2. School - Based Curriculum

The curriculum employed by SMA Bopkri I Yogyakarta is school – based curriculum. BNSP stated that English learning emphasizes on language skills aspect including spoken and written skill, whether it is receptive or productive (2007). Based on school – based curriculum, Senior High School students are expected to reach informational level since they are taught and prepared to continue to the university. The purpose of English language learning for Senior High School students based on school – based curriculum are as follows.

Developing spoken and written communication competence to reach informational literacy level.

Having awareness about the essence and the importance of English to increase nation‟s competitive competence in global

Developing students‟ understanding about the relation between language and


There are three scopes of English language learning covered by school – based curriculum. The first scope is discourse ability. It means the ability to understand and produce integrated spoken and/ or written text presented in four language skills which are listening, speaking, reading, and writing to reach informational literacy level. The second scope is the ability to understand and


produce short functional text and monologue and essay in a form of procedure, descriptive, recount, narrative, recount, and news item. The gradation of teaching material is shown in the use of vocabularies, language structures, and rhetorical steps.The third scope is supporting competence which are linguistics competence (use language structure and vocabularies, the structure of sounds and written), socio cultural competence (use expression and language action acceptably in various context), strategy competence (overcome the problem appeared in communication process in any ways so that the communication runs), and discourse – produced competence (use discourse producer tools).

Based on school – based curriculum, there are some characteristics of English learning for senior high school students.

a. The aspects of English, which are language structure, vocabularies, spelling, and pronunciation, are presented in a language and situation scope. Thus the intended meaning is clear. The situation scope should include target culture scope and students‟ culture scope.

b. The study of the language aspects is intended to support the mastery and development of four language skills including listening, speaking, reading, and writing, and not for the mastery of the language aspects itself.

c. In the learning process, the language aspects which the students feel difficult to learn can be presented separated systematically, according to the context which is discussed.


d. In teaching and learning process, these four language skills cannot be separated essentially. Therefore, the language skills should be developed in an integrated way.

e. The students should be involved in all meaningful learning activities, which help the students to develop themselves in aspect of science, technology and culture, encourage the students to grow and develop as the Indonesian citizens and explore their social abilities.

Competence standard and basic competence for Senior High School students grade X based on school – based curriculum are as follows.


- Understanding the meaning of transactional and interpersonal speech in daily context.

- Understanding the meaning of short functional text and monologue in a form of recount, narrative, procedure, descriptive, and news item.


- Expressing the meaning of transactional and interpersonal speech in daily context.

- Expressing the meaning of short functional text and monologue in a form of recount, narrative, procedure, descriptive, and news item.


- Understanding the meaning of short functional text and simple essay in a form of recount, narrative, procedure, descriptive, and news item.



- Expressing the meaning of short functional text and simple essay in a form of recount, narrative, procedure, descriptive, and news item.

3. Teaching Adolescence

Teaching Senior High School students is not a simple thing. “An English teacher in a Junior or Senior High School is confronted with much more than a single task,” (Cross & Carney, 1946: 1). Students of Senior High School grade X are considered as teenagers. They are from the ages of about 12 – 17. Jeremy Harmer in his book How to Teach English described those students as adolescents. They are young adults. “Their intellects are kicking in, and they can talk about more abstract ideas, teasing out concepts in a way that younger children find difficult,” (Harmer, 2007: 15). Students in this age start understanding more about many things. Their curiosity increases and their ways of thinking start developing.

“Our students usually have different favored learning styles, influenced by their previous learning experiences,” (Riddell, 2003: 10). This is what teacher faces. Senior High School students of class X are those who have graduated from different Junior High Schools. Therefore, some teachers may find difficulties in making the students get accustomed to their new way of learning situation and method. Moreover, “every learner is unique,” (Lewis & Hill, 2001: 13). The teacher of English maybe faced with the problem of leading boys and girls into an understanding of, liking for, literature in its many phases, for instance the forms of


prose narrative such as the short story, and many more. (Cross & Carney, 1946: 1). Many English teachers may agree that teenagers are difficult to control. Harmer added “At their best, adolescent students have a great capacity for learning, enormous potential for creative thought and passionate commitment to things which interest them” (Harmer, 2007: 15). Students in this age can think more creatively. Jeremy Harmer added that adolescence is bound up with a search for identity and a need for self – esteem. This is often the result of the students‟ position within their peer group rather than being the consequence of teacher approval. (2007: 15). Many teenagers are sometimes difficult to control. Students prefer to do many interesting things rather than being good students since they are still looking for their identities.

However, some students may find it more enjoyable when they are with their friends. They do not like something constant because they can get bored easily (Riddell, 2003: 14). They are willing to do many things they are interested in. Therefore, in teaching the students, English teacher needs to pay attention to students‟ interest. Teacher should keep the students interested in English learning process.

Learning a language may become very boring for some people. Then how can the teacher make the students interested in learning English, so that the aim of English learning process can be reached? J. A. Bright and Mc. Gregor described that if we want our students to master language skills for themselves, so that they can go on learning long after they leave school and teachers behind, we had better make our language activities enjoyable, which will make teaching more enjoyable


too, and far less exhausting (1970: 5). Since adolescences are interested in enjoyable activities, making language activities enjoyable should be considered by the English teacher. Enjoyable activities for the students will attract students‟ attention and will keep students‟ spirit and interest in learning English.

“Students need motivation and commitment,” (Riddell, 2003: 10). In giving motivation to the students, English teacher can encourage the students to develop themselves. According to E. A. Cross & Elizabeth Carney, “ A teacher of English must aid each pupil to develop himself at his own rate and must assist him to integrate what he learns at school, at home, and in his community,” (1946: 43). What teacher should do is facilitating the students and letting them develop themselves. Therefore, the teacher cannot do anything for the students while the students passively received the learning material. That is why, it is important for the teacher to give opportunities for the students to practice.

4. Students’ Participation

Students‟ participation is crucial in language learning. “To learn something well, it helps to hear it, see it, ask question about it, and discuss it with others” (Silberman, 1996). The theory proposed by Lewis & Hill stated that “No one can tell you how to learn a foreign language without really trying,” (2001: 1). For Indonesian students, English is a foreign language. Learning a foreign language is not easy. Therefore, in learning English, learning the theories without practicing is insufficient. It is important to really try to use English. According to Cohen, “when it comes to learning a target language, we usually do not have a


coach to help us learn more effectively,” (1990: 1). Teacher or trainer can help learners to develop learners‟ abilities, but the learners should practice themselves.

Since students‟ participation is important in English language learning, the theory of students‟ participation is proposed. According to Bonwell and Eison (2001), there are at least four aspects which should be fulfilled by the students who are participating actively. The following explanation describes the aspects of students‟ participation.

a. The students are involved in more than listening

During English learning process, the students should not be listening only. The students should have the opportunity to do the things and think about the things they are doing. The students better get involved in other activities, so the students do not only listen to the teacher. In this case, the students can show it through giving response to teacher‟s explanation. It can be carried out through speaking in English while the students are asking or answering questions. The students do not listen to teacher‟s explanation only, but they are also able to give response.

b. Less emphasis is placed on transmitting information and more emphasis is placed on developing the skills of the students

In learning process, the teacher needs to pay attention to students‟ skills development. Therefore, the focus of English learning process is not on transferring the knowledge or the aspects of language, but more on students‟ abilities in developing their skills. It can be carried out through practice (Bright & McGregor, 1970). By practicing, the students are developing their English


language skills. Therefore, the students should be given the opportunities to develop their skills. Since there are four major skills in learning English, the students should develop those four skills. They should be able to develop their listening skill, speaking skill, reading skill, and writing skill. In English class, the students should practice listening, speaking, reading, and writing. The teacher should not emphasize on transferring knowledge, but more on giving more chances to the students to practice and perform the language. Thus the teacher gives the students more portions on speaking, listening, reading, and writing. c. The students are also involved in higher order thinking.

Similar to the first point, the students are not involved in listening activity only. Yet the student should be involved in higher order thinking and not only receive anything without responding. It can be in a form of analyzing, synthesizing, and evaluation. The students can carry out asking and answering questions in a form of analyzing. They questions asked by the students are to ask the reason of some important things they do not understand. Most of the questions use „what‟, „why‟, and „how‟ because the students are seeking for information (Scrivener, 1994: 27). As the examples of students‟ ability in synthesize, the students should be able to summarize and conclude the information they gain. In this case, the students can ask clarifying questions. The questions asked to the teacher can be in a form of yes/ no questions. It aims to find the truth of their understanding and opinion. The students are also expected to be able to evaluate. The example is the students can share their opinion about their friends‟ performances or answers.


d. The students are involved in activities.

In order to fulfill this point, there is no other way except conducting the activities other than lecturing. The teacher can conduct the activities in which the students can take part as the doers. Some activities are games, quiz, students‟ performances, group discussion, and class discussion. The students are participating if the students are involved in those activities. By conducting the activities, the students will be able to be more active in participating in English learning process. Thus they are able to perform the language and develop their language skills.

Finally, the greater emphasis is placed on the exploration of students‟ values and attitudes (1991). In the future, the students are expected to be able to use English well to support their social life in living their lives.

Students need to participate during the English class, but it is impossible for the students to practice without any opportunities. Therefore, the English teacher should give the students opportunity to use English so that the students can develop their English abilities. “Using English as the main classroom language can be a learning opportunity and a challenge for non-native teachers of English as well as for learners,” (Davies & Pearse, 2000: 8). In order to give the students opportunity, the teacher should use English in class. By speaking English in class, the students learn how to speak English well so that they are able to develop their English speaking skill. Besides using the target language during the learning process, another important thing related to students‟ participation is interest. “Having a „desire to study‟ – an „interest‟ in what being learned – is


crucial,” (Riddell, 2003: 6). Students also need to have interest on what they are learning. According to Davies and Pearse, “interest is usually the best way to attract and hold attention, and to get voluntary participation,” (2000: 123). Whenever students are interested in something, they will have desire to pay attention to it and to get involved in it. That is why, if the English teacher wants the students to participate, the teacher should consider the things which can make the students interested in English learning process. Thus the students will have the willingness to participate voluntary.

According to Davies and Pearse, “Even during explanation, you can involve the learners actively rather than making them listen passively.” (2000: 12). In teaching English to the students, teachers are not allowed to force the students to listen all the time without giving the students a chance to response teacher‟s explanation. Students can get involved in a form of asking questions or giving their opinion, or even the teacher can ask the students to answer the questions related to the material in order to gain students‟ knowledge. By doing this, the students will be able to explore their ways of thinking and develop their English skills.

Besides, a characteristic of highly successful learners is that they are autonomous. (Davies & Pearse, 2000: 196). It is supported by the statement proposed by Lewis & Hill “In the social community, it is important for young people to become independent citizens who can participate effectively.” (2001: 9). The English teacher should make the students autonomous and do not depend on others, including the teacher. Therefore, the teacher should encourage the students


to be autonomous by not always lecturing without paying attention to students‟ response. By thinking to find the answers, to solve the problems, and to share opinions, the students are in process of being independent. They do not depend on teacher‟s explanation and teacher‟s way of thinking because they have the opportunity to give response and not only accept and absorb all teachers says.

5. Active Learning

a. Definition of Active Learning

According to Mel Silberman, active learning is a learning method which enables the students to participate actively in English class. When learning is active, students do most of the work. They study their ideas, solve problems, and apply what they learn (1996). By doing so, the students will be able to actively do something during the learning process. Therefore, the students do not only listen to the teacher without giving any response. Bonwell and Eison defined active learning as a learning method which gets the students engaged in learning activities during the class. They stated that “strategies promoted active learning is defined as instructional activities involving students in doing things and thinking about what they are doing,” (1991). While Silberman (1996) defined active learning as the learning method which is fast – paced, fun, supportive, and personally engaging.

Active learning also covers independent learning and collaborative learning. Moreover, John Holt (1967) stated that learning is enhanced if the students are asked to state the information in their own words, give examples of it,


recognize it in various guises and circumstances, see the connection between it and other facts or ideas, make use of it in various ways, foresee some of its consequences, and state its opposite or converse. Therefore, it will be better if the students can do something with the information since they are able to get their feedback about how well they understand.

b. Implementation of Active Learning in English Class

The use of active learning in English class is vital because of its powerful impact upon students‟ learning (Bonwell & Eison, 1991). Experts believe that the use of active learning in class can enable the students to be more active in joining the lesson. Active learning can be implemented in English learning process. The most important thing in the implementation of active learning is that the teacher should include learning techniques which requires students to participate. According to Mel Silberman (1996), active learning covers some learning activities. The learning activities covered by active learning are as follows.

Full–class learning: Teacher–led instruction that stimulates the entire class. Class discussion: dialogue and debate of key issues.

Question prompting: Students request for clarification, teacher requests for students‟ response.

Collaborative learning: Assignments done cooperatively in small groups of students.

Peer teaching: Instruction led by the students.


Affective learning: Activities that help students to examine their feelings, values, and attitudes.

Skill development: Learning and practicing skills.

Since active learning covers fun activities, it is able to increase students‟ interest in learning English. When the students are interested in learning English, they will get involved more actively. Game is one of the learning techniques covered by active learning. Games can be used in order to elicit participation and build a comfortable class atmosphere. Games are also helpful to make dramatic points that students seldom forget (Silberman, 1996: 17). By conducting games, the students do not only play and have fun but they also obtain something inside the games from which they can learn. “Active learning cannot occur without students‟ participation,” (Pike, 1989). Active learning is designed for the students to actively participate in English class. Therefore, implementing active learning can be the solution of the problem of students‟ low participation in English class. There are students who want learning to be fun (Riddell, 2003: 4). Active learning is fun. However, it is not just fun because many active learning techniques present students with unusual challenges that require much hard work (Silberman, 1996: 7). By doing so, the students will have the opportunities to do something rather than listen to the teacher during the whole class.

Based on the theory of active learning proposed by Bonwell and Eison (1991), there are some ways to get students‟ participation in class. They are open discussion, subgroup discussion, learning partners, games, and quizzes. Discussion in class is one of the most common strategies promoting active


learning with good reason. If the objectives of a course are to promote long-term retention of information, to motivate students toward further learning, to allow students to apply information in new settings, or to develop students' thinking skills, then discussion is preferable to lecture (McKeachie et al. 1986). It is true that discussion is one of the effective ways of enabling the students to participate in English class. During the implementation of active learning, the students are required to speak English. It is partly the result of implementing active learning in English class. “But more than that, it is giving students the opportunity to use the language they are learning in authentic contexts,” (Riddell, 2003: 8). This is the opportunity for them and the real practice for the students to speak. Therefore, by implementing active learning, the students are able to develop their English speaking skills.

During the implementation of active learning, personalities and relationships are important (Silberman, 1996: 15). The students are also required to work with their friends whether in class or in small groups. “Even when the learners know the necessary English and what to do in an activity, they will not participate if they lack of confidence,” (Davies & Pearse, 2000: 13). When a class is having a discussion, it is possible that there are some students who do not participate actively for they feel shy and they lack of confidence. Teamwork can help the students to work with others. Davies and Pearse added that by working with others, they will be able to build self confidence because the situation in groups or in pairs gives a less threatening environment (2003: 13). Thus active learning can help the students to build their self confidence.


However, during the implementation of active learning, both teacher and students may find difficulties and barriers. As people know, “Each method has its strength and weaknesses, but they are not equally suited for all situation,” (Larsen & Freeman, 2000: 182). Active learning has strengths and weaknesses. According to Bonwell and Eison, the obstacles associated with the implementation of active learning including limited class time, a possible increase in preparation time, the potential difficulty of using active learning in large classes, and a lack of needed materials, equipment, or resources (1991). Those are the obstacles that teacher and students may find due to the implementation of active learning.

Since active learning method includes some activities which require students‟ activeness, the time should be allocated well because it is possible for the class to run out of time while the materials are not delivered thoroughly. Sometimes the objectives of the topic were not obtained. Still related with time allocation, the time spent to prepare the materials in active learning may be much longer than the preparation time for the traditional teaching method. Teacher needs to prepare the activities to make the students participate. The implementation of active learning in a bigger class may cause noise and crowd. The teacher may face a problem related to class management. Therefore, active learning will be more effective to implement in a class consists of small number of students and it will be less effective to be implemented in a class consists of the bigger number of students (McKeachie et al. 1986).

However, Bonwell and Eison (1991) stated that “Each obstacle or barrier and type of risk, however, can be successfully overcome through careful,


thoughtful planning.” In implementing active learning in English class, the teacher should consider every single thing well and carefully. This was carried out in order to minimize or even avoid the unorganized English learning process in class. Silberman (1996) added that during the implementation of active learning, the teacher is not allowed to experiment wildly. The teacher should not apply more than one new learning activity in a week. The teacher should not also burden or overload the students with too many activities. The teacher can apply a few to enliven the class.

Furthermore, Bonwell and Eison added “An excellent first step is to select strategies promoting active learning that one can feel comfortable with,” (1991). Such low-risk strategies are typically of short duration, structured and planned, focused on subject matter that is neither too abstract nor too controversial, and familiar to both the teacher and the students.

B. Theoretical Framework

In learning a language, it is not sufficient to learn only the theory of English. Therefore, theory of language learning proposed by Bright and McGregor is identified in this research. Since the purpose of learning English is to be able to communicate well (Davies & Pearse, 2000: 71), the language learners should develop their abilities in English so that they are able to use English appropriately. This will help the students to communicate well in English. Therefore, the students need practice. English learning process in class XF still needs improvement since the students do not actively participate during the class.


The students do not have enough opportunity to practice their English, for the students are only listening to the lecture and receiving anything from the teacher during English class.

School – based curriculum is the curriculum employed by SMA Bopkri I Yogyakarta. Theory of school – based curriculum is employed to find out the characteristics and the purpose of English language learning for Senior High School students. The curriculum is the base and the guide for all teachers to teach the students. In conducting the research, the researcher also refers to this curriculum. Based on school – based curriculum, the students should be able to develop their language skills. Therefore, in conducting the research, the researcher should focus on students‟ skill development and not on the information transfer. Besides, school – based curriculum also describes the competence standards and basic competences to be achieved by the students. The materials and indicators which are made in conducting the research should be appropriate with the competence standards and basic competences required.

In this research, the researcher identifies the theory of teaching Senior High School students, which are categorized as adolescence, according to Harmer (2007). Theory of teaching Senior High School students is useful to identify students‟ characteristics. This will help the English teacher to get accustomed to students‟ needs and characteristics. Therefore, the teacher should consider teaching method which meets students‟ interest since this will affect students‟ interests in learning English.


Students‟ participation is important in English language learning. Through participating in English class, the students will have the opportunity to practice their language so their abilities develop. Due to the development of students‟ abilities, the goal of language learning can be reached. In an attempt to make students participate more actively, the teacher needs to implement a learning method which allows the students to get involved during the class. Theory of students‟ participation is needed in identifying the participation of students in class XF during English class. In this research, the researcher employs theory of students‟ participation proposed by Bonwell and Eison (1991). There are at least four important things related to students‟ participation. Based on this theory, the researcher makes the indicators of success. The students are participating actively in English class if all indicators are reached.

Due to the low participation of the students in English class, the researcher conducted Classroom Action Research in order to increase students‟ participation in English class. The researcher employs the theory of active learning including what activities are included and how active learning is implemented in English class. In the implementation of active learning, the teacher will include the students during learning process. In enabling the students to participate during English class, there are some learning strategies which can be implemented. Some of them are class discussion, group discussion, games, and many more. Active learning covers them all.



In this chapter, researcher gives description about research methodology. The things related to the methodology are research method, research participants, research instruments, data gathering technique, data analysis technique, and research procedure.

A. Research Method

This research was conducted in order to make English learning process of class XF SMA Bopkri I Yogyakarta better. In this research, the researcher employed Classroom Action Research (CAR). According to David Nunan (1989:

2), “its aims are to solve problems, bring about change, and get things done”. Besides, the goal of Classroom Action Research was also “to help the teacher to improve and to become a more effective teacher” (Gebhard, 1999: 36). Since the

problem in English class of XF was related to students’ participation, the researcher would implement active learning in English class and see how it

improved students’ participation. It was expected that active learning method could increase students’ participation in English class so that English learning process could run well and better.


The Classroom Action Research employed by the researcher was adopted

form Kemmis and Taggart’s research model. It consisted of four steps in each

cycle. They were planning, action, observation, and reflection. Besides, there should be a preliminary study first in order to identify the problem which was going to be solved in English learning process. The concept of Classroom Action Research based on Kemmis and McTaggart is presented in Figure 3.1.

Figure 3.1 Carr and Kemmis’ Action Research Model (1986)

The preliminary study was done by conducting observation, interview, and distributing questionnaire. The researcher conducted observation three times in class XF, on Wednesday, July 21, 2010, on Monday, July 26, 2010, and on Wednesday, July 28, 2010. The interview with the teacher was conducted on Saturday, August 7, 2010 at 07.00 a.m. in school lobby. It lasted for 15 minutes.



Then the questionnaire was distributed to the students on Saturday, September 4, 2010 at 09.00 a.m.

There were two cycles in the research, and there were two meetings in each cycle. So, there were four meetings in the whole research. The researcher used the English class based on the school schedule. For students of XF, the English classes were on Thursday and Saturday. During the implementation of active learning, the researcher acted as the teacher, while the English teacher acted

as the observer who observed students’ participation. It was carried out because the English teacher was the person who understood and knew the students well.

He could identify if there were any changes related to students’ participation.

During the implementation of the research, the researcher did not tell the students about the purpose of the research in order to make it neutral and natural, so that the students would not make up anything related to their participation in English class. After implementing active learning, the researcher conducted interview with the teacher and distributed questionnaire again on Saturday, October 30, 2010 in order to check and confirm the teacher and the students’ opinion related to active learning implemented in English class.

B. Research Participants

The participants of the research were the English teacher of class XF SMA Bopkri I Yogyakarta and all students of class XF SMA Bopkri I Yogyakarta. In this research, the English teacher took part as the informant in giving information related to English learning process in class XF. He told the difficulties in teaching


the students and the problem occurred in English class. As the person who knew

the students well, the teacher also gave information about students’ characteristics

in class. Besides being an informant, the teacher was also the collaborator in this research. The teacher had a responsibility to observe the students participation during the implementation of active learning by the researcher.

On the other hand, class XF students were the students who were going to experience active learning in English class. There were 25 students in class XF. Since this was a Classroom Action Research, the researcher took the whole class as the participants because all students were going to be observed by the observer (English teacher) during the implementation of active learning.

C. Research Instruments

In this research, the researcher employed some research instruments to gather the data. The instruments employed were observation checklist, interview guide, questionnaire, and field notes. The following explanation gives more detail information about each instrument.

a. Observation Checklist

The observations were conducted during the implementation of active

learning in English class. According to Burns, “observation is a mainstay of action research,” (1999: 80). Therefore, in implementing the action, observations were also conducted. The observations conducted during the implementation of action were different from the first three observations. During the implementation, the observer was the English teacher. Besides, the observations focused only on


students’ participation during the implementation of active learning in their English class. The observer (English teacher) observed students’ participation

based on the guideline, which was observation checklist. In observation sheet, there were eight aspects which should be observed. All aspects led to find out

students’ participation. The aspects to which the observer should pay attention

were considered based on the theory of students’ participation proposed by Bonwell and Eison (1991). The aspects were as follows.

Students pay attention to the teacher

Students do teacher’s instruction

Students try to speak in English

Students get involved in class discussion Students get involved in group discussion Students ask questions to the teacher

Students answer teacher’s questions

Students do the task

The result of the observation was to see whether students’ participation

increased or not. The observations were conducted four times, every time the researcher taught the students using active learning.

b. Field Notes

Almost similar with the former field notes, during the implementation of active learning observer took notes on everything occurred in class, emphasizing

on students’ participation. The observer observed students’ participation and the implementation of active learning. The result of the field notes would be useful to


support the data resulted from the observation checklist. It helped the researcher to reflect and to see what to improve in order to make the implementation better. The notes were written in Indonesian in order to enable the observer fast and easy in writing.

c. Questionnaire

Questionnaire was distributed to all students of XF after the implementation of active learning method in English class. The purpose of the questionnaire was to obtain the data about students’ opinion related to the implementation of active learning in their English class, the impact of active

learning method to their participation in class, and students’ expectation on further

English lessons. There were five questions in the questionnaire. All questions were open – ended questions. The questionnaire used Indonesian to ease the student to answer and not to give boundaries for the students.

d. Interview Guide

The interview with the English teacher was also conducted after the researcher implemented active learning in English class. The interview aimed to

gather information about teacher’s opinion about the implementation of active learning, teacher’s opinion about students’ participation due to the implementation

of active learning, teacher’s suggestion, and teacher’s next action. There were five questions asked to the teacher. The interview used Indonesian, so that the teacher would find it easy to answer. Besides, all questions were open – ended questions. The teacher could answer the questions freely without any boundaries.


D. Data Gathering Technique

In obtaining the data for the research, there were some steps the researcher carried out. First of all, before conducting the research, the researcher carried out the observations three times to find out the problem existed in class XF. In observing the English learning process, the researcher used observation sheet (in a form of observation checklist) and field notes. What were being observed were

teacher’s teaching method, students’ activities in English class, the English

learning process, and the problem happened in English class of XF. After that, the researcher conducted interview to the English teacher to obtain the information about the students’ characteristics, the teaching method, the English learning process, the problem occurred in English class, and the possible solution of the problem. Besides interview, researcher also gathered information from the students by distributing the questionnaire. All data gathered from all instruments were collected in order to draw conclusion related to the problem existed in English class which was going to be solved. Then the researcher prepared an action to overcome the problem happened in English class of XF. It included all lesson plans, teaching material, and instruments used for further action (observation checklist, questionnaire, interview guideline).

The next thing to do was making plan of the action which would be carried out in English class of XF. The researcher carried out two cycles. Each cycle consisted of two meetings. In each meeting, researcher provided an observation


checklist, and field notes. The observer and the researcher observed students’ participation during the implementation of active learning. Besides observation sheet, the observer also used field notes to take notes on everything happened in

class related to students’ participation while active learning was implemented.

This was to see and to compare whether students’ participation increased or not. After implementing the first cycle, the researcher took a break in order to reflect what had been achieved in the first cycle and what needed to improve in order to make the English learning process using active learning better. Based on the data

gathered from the observation result, students’ participation increased. However,

there were some important things to improve. Therefore, the researcher conducted the second cycle to confirm. After the implementation of the second cycle, the

researcher found out that there was no significant change and students’

participation still increased, even better than before for the researcher improved the implementation of active learning. The researcher decided to stop the cycle.

After implementing the two cycles, researcher distributed questionnaire to all students and conducted interview to the teacher in order to know students and

teacher’s opinion related to students’ participation due to the implementation of active learning method. After that, the researcher collected and analyzed the data gathered from the questionnaire and the interview.

E. Data Analysis Technique

The data obtained from the instruments was analyzed through qualitative descriptive way. According to Burns, data analysis in classroom action research


involves describing and explaining (1999: 153). The researcher was going to explain more about how the data was analyzed through the following explanation. 1. Interview

Interviews with the English teacher were conducted twice (before and after the implementation of active learning). The teacher answered the questions in Indonesia per number, while the researcher wrote down teacher’s answers. After that, the answers of the teacher were collected. Since the questions were open-ended, the researcher analyzed teacher’s answers one by one. From teacher’s answers, the researcher drew conclusion about the problem occured in English

class and about teacher’s opinion and future action towards active learning. 2. Questionnaire

The questionnaire which was distributed to the students consisted of open-ended questions. The answers of each student might vary. Therefore, the

researcher collected all questionnaire and analyzed students’ answers one – by – one. The researcher analyzed each answer and drew conclusion based on students’ answers. The answers which were similar were taken as one idea. The researcher

drew conclusion based on students’ answers which appeared the most in their

questionnaire. Therefore, the researcher counted students’ answers and took the answers which appeared the most frequent as the general ideas.

3. Observation Sheet

The data obtained form observation sheet was analyzed to find out the

English learning process and students’ participation during the implementation of


observation checklist, the researcher analyzed the data per number. If all number

were checked, it meant that all indicators appeared. It indicated that students’

participation increased. If there was a number or there were some numbers did not appear, it meant that the researcher needed to pay attention it more and needed to take action on it. There must be something to increase so that all numbers appeared (or were checked).

4. Field Notes

The data obtained from the field notes made by the observer was also useful to support the data in observation sheet. It gave more information related to

English learning process, the implementation of active learning, and students’

participation in English class. The written data were analyzed per point. The researcher collected and used all data to reflect whether there must be something to improve or to change in order to make the research succeed.

In addition, Campbell & Fiske (1959) as cited in Cohen, Manion & Morrison (2000) stated that triangulation may be defined as the use of two or more methods of data collection in the study of some aspects of human behavior. Therefore, the use of data triangulation was important in this research in order to make the data more accurate because it was not only based one party’s point of view. This research employed methodological triangulation. Denzin (1970) in

Cohen et al. (2000) said that “Methodological triangulation was defined as the use

of different methods on the same object of a research.” One of the categories of methodological triangulation was between method triangulation. This



Student #





Membuat jadi lebih aktif.


Iya. Kreatif sekali dan membuat kita berpartisipasi di kelas.


Ya. Partisipasi kita meningkat.



Students’ Answers for Question Number 5

Student #





Sudah baik. Semoga bisa diteruskan.


Begini terus aja.


Metode ini sudah asik dan menyenangkan. Besok

besok mungkin bisa

divariasi lagi.




Terusin lahh…


Teruskan saja.


Dikembangkan terus.


Semoga bisa dilanjutkan, karena banyak aktivitasnya, kami nggak akan





Semoga proses belajar di kelas bisa semakin baik.


Lanjutkan saja metode seperti ini.


Kami senang dan nyaman. Teruskan.


Dilanjutkan saja, Miss.


Semoga Pak Pur bisa mengajar begini, hehe…


Karena baik dan meningkatkan kemampuan kita, kita harap metode ini

bisa dilanjutkan.


Semoga ke depannya menjadi lebih baik.


Teruskan metode ini.


Lebih divariasi lagi.







Student #



Lanjutkan dan teruskan.


Tetap pakai metode ini.






Metode ini bagus dan bermanfaat bagi siswa. Dan menurut saya metode ini bisa

mengatasi masalah partisipasi siswa karena banyak aktivitas yang menarik minat

dan perhatian siswa, sehingga mereka mau belajar dan mau berpartisipasi.

Dengan begitu kan siswa juga praktek keterampilan. Dan terlihat kalau

sebenarnya kebanyakan siswa memiliki kemampuan cukup baik dan perlu



Ya. Menurut saya metode ini efektif. Jika ingin menguasai kemampuan bahasa

Inggris kita memang harus menggunakannya. Melalui metode ini siswa jadi bisa



Tentu saja. Banyak aktivitas belajar yang menarik. Ini membuat siswa antusias

dan semangat. Akhirnya mereka termotivasi dan menjadi semakin berani.


Sudah cukup baik kok. Yang perlu ditingkatkan mungkin berkaitan dengan

pengontrolnya karena dengan metode ini sangat memungkinkan siswa untuk

menjadi ramai. Jadi mungkin siswa harus diberi waktu yang terbatas, lalu

pengelompokkannya diacak.


Ya. Saya pikir saya akan mencoba untuk menerapkan metode seperti ini, jadi

tidak membosankan seperti yang dulu

dulu itu, Miss.


Hapsari, Ria. 2011. Increasing the Participation of Class XF Students of SMA Bopkri I Yogyakarta in English Class through Active Learning Method. Yogyakarta: Sanata Dharma University.

Learning English needed process. In order to be able to master English, students needed practice. Therefore, the English teacher needed to implement the appropriate learning method which gave students opportunities to practice English in class. Based on preliminary observation, the problem occurred in English learning process of XF was the low students’ participation. The cause was the learning method which was applied to the students of class XF of SMA Bopkri I Yogyakarta did not give the students opportunities to practice English. Active learning was a method which enabled the students to participate because of its learning activities. The researcher implemented active learning method in this classroom action research. This would answer question: How does active learning method increase the participation of class XF students of SMA Bopkri I Yogyakarta in English class?

This was a Classroom Action Research (CAR). The implementation was carried out on October 9th, 14th, 21st, and 23rd, 2010. The instruments employed in gathering the data were observation sheet, field notes, questionnaire, and interview guide. In analyzing the data, the researcher employed triangulation technique.

In the implementation, the researcher implemented learning activities such as group discussion, class discussion, games, quiz, and individual work. Based on the data analysis, active learning could increase students’ participation. By implementing this method, the students could fulfill four aspects of students’ participation based on the theory of Bonwell and Eison (1991). The aspects were students were involved in more than listening, less emphasis was placed on transmitting information and more emphasis was placed on developing students’ skills, students were involved in higher order thinking, and students were involved in activities. Students’ participation increased since active learning also increased students’ interest and attention which encouraged the students to use English and participate more actively during the learning process. It was proved by the questionnaire result which stated that all students liked this learning method.



Hapsari, Ria. 2011. Meningkatkan Partisipasi Siswa Kelas XF SMA Bopkri I Yogyakarta dalam Pelajaran Bahasa Inggris melalui Metode Belajar Aktif. Yogyakarta: Universitas Sanata Dharma.

Mempelajari Bahasa Inggris membutuhkan proses. Agar dapat menguasai Bahasa Inggris, siswa perlu praktik. Oleh sebab itu, guru Bahasa Inggris harus mengimplementasikan metode pembelajaran yang sesuai yang memberikan kesempatan kepada siswa untuk praktik menggunakan Bahasa Inggris di kelas. Berdasarkan hasil pengamatan, masalah yang terjadi dalam proses pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris di kelas XF adalah rendahnya partisipasi siswa. Hal ini dikarenakan metode pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris yang digunakan di kelas XF SMA Bopkri I Yogyakarta tidak memberikan kesempatan yang cukup bagi siswa untuk berlatih dan berpatisipasi. Metode belajar aktif adalah metode belajar yang mampu membuat siswa berpartisipasi karena aktivitas-aktivitas belajarnya melibatkan siswa. Peneliti mengimplementasikan metode belajar aktif dalam melakukan penelitian tindakan kelas. Ini akan menjawab pertanyaan: Bagaimana metode belajar aktif meningkatkan partisipasi siswa kelas XF SMA Bopkri I Yogyakarta dalam pelajaran Bahasa Inggris?

Penelitian ini adalah penelitian tindakan kelas. Proses penerapan metode belajar aktif dilakukan pada tanggal 9, 14, 21, dan 23 Oktober 2010. Peneliti mengumpulkan data melalui lembar observasi, catatan lapangan, kuesioner, dan panduan wawancara. Dalam menganalisa data, peneliti menggunakan teknik triangulasi.

Dalam penerapannya, peneliti menggunakan aktivitas belajar seperti diskusi kelompok, diskusi kelas, permainan, kuis, dan belajar mandiri. Berdasarkan hasil analisa data, metode belajar aktif dapat meningkatkan partisipasi siswa. Dengan menerapkan metode ini, siswa memenuhi empat aspek partisipasi menurut teori Bonwell dan Eison (1991) yaitu siswa terlibat lebih dari sekedar mendengarkan, pengembangan keterampilan siswa lebih diutamakan dibanding penyampaian informasi, siswa terlibat dalam tingkat pemikiran yang lebih tinggi, dan siswa terlibat dalam aktivitas – aktivitas belajar. Partisipasi siswa meningkat karena metode belajar aktif juga meningkatkan minat dan perhatian siswa yang mampu mendorong siswa agar lebih aktif dalam menggunakan bahasa Inggris dan berpartisipasi lebih aktif selama proses belajar berlangsung. Hal ini dibuktikan dengan hasil kuesioner yang menunjukkan bahwa semua siswa menyukai metode belajar ini.