Volume 5, Nomor 1, Januari 2015, hlm. 1-84 DAFTAR ISI - View Issue


Untuk mencapai tujuan pendidikan yang tertera dalam GBHN dan harapan yang tertuang dalam penjelasan Undang-Undang Sistem Pendidikan Nasional Tahun 2013 dapat tercapai, pendidikan hendaknya dikelola secara profesional dengan tenaga yang profesional pula. Salah satu pemegang peranan penting dalam pencapaian tujuan pendidikan adalah guru. Guru sebagai agen dalam mentransformasikan input-input pendidikan hendaknya memiliki rasa tanggung jawab dalam mempersiapkan segala perlengkapan pengajaran sebelum melaksanakan proses pembelajaran. Selain itu, guru juga harus mempertimbangkan metodologi yang digunakan, termasuk alat media pendidikan yang dipakai, serta alat penilaian apa yang digunakan di dalam pelaksanaan evaluasi.

Kurangnya keahlian atau keterampilan dalam memilih metode pembelajaran yang kompleks, kompleks dalam arti memiliki banyak cara, banyak inisiatif, banyak alternatif yang bersifat kreatif dan inovatif berimplikasi terhadap mutu pendidikan. Melihat kecenderungan tersebut, maka kami berupaya menurunkan artikel hasil penelitian dan kajian pustaka yang nantinya dapat digunakan sebagai alternatif dalam peningkatan dan pengembangan kualitas mutu pendidikan, baik yang menyangkut dalam pembelajaran bahasa, matematika, biologi, maupun dalam bidang ilmu lainnya. Kami berharap semoga pengalaman dan hasil penelitian yang terkumpulan dalam JSP edisi ini dapat menginspirasi para pendidik dalam peningkatan dan pengembangan ilmu pengetahuan.

Denpasar, J anuari 2015 Ketua Penyunting



Anak Agung Putri Maharani

Universitas Mahasaraswati Denpasar aamaharani@unmas.ac.id


This undertaking research is a classroom action research which aimed at 1)investigating the improvement of the students’ writing skill after being treated by performance assessment and 2)investigating the students’ response towards the implementation of performance assessment. For the accomplishment of the research, 24II Efreshmen in English Education Study Program UNMAS Denpasar were elected as the subjects of the research. In garnering the data, performance test, analytical scoring rubric, and questionnaire were administered. The gained data was analyzed by means of qualitatively and quantitatively descriptive analysis. After performing several series of continual cycles, it was pointed out that: first, students’ mean scores of writing skill were significantly enhanced. It was proven by the mean score gained in the cycle I (74.6) which was higher than the mean score in cycle II (81.4). Both of the mean scores were higher than the mean score of the pre-test which was 67.2. Second, the positive responses from the students towards the implementation of performance assessment in writing I course were revealed. The students felt at ease to undergo learning and teaching process within the implementation of performance assessment. Key words : performance assessment, response, writing skill


Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian tindakan kelas yang bertujuan untuk

1) mengetahui peningkatan kemampuan menulis siswa setelah penerapan penilain unjuk kerja dan 2) mengetahui respon siswa terhadap penerapan penilaian unjuk kerja. Subjek dalam penelitian kali ini ada 24 siswa semester II E Program studi Pendidikian Bahasa Inggris UNMAS Denpasar. Instrumen pengumpulan data yang digunakan antara lain tes unjuk kerja, rubric penilaian analitik, dan kuisioner. Data yang telah diperoleh kemudian dianalisis secara deskriptif kulaitatif dan kuantitatif. Setelah menjalankan beberapa siklus, didapatkan bahwa; pertama nilai rata-rata menulis siswa meningkat secara signifikan. Hal ini dibuktikan dengan nilai rerata pada siklus pertama adalah 74.6 dan nilai rerata pada siklus kedua adalah 81.4. Kedua nilai rata-rata ini lebih tinggi jika dibandingkan dengan nilai rata-rata pada saat pre-tes yakni 67.2. Kedua siswa menunjukkan respon yang positif terhadap penerapan penilaian unjuk kerja. Siswa merasa senang dalam proses pembelajaran saat diterapkannya penilaian unjuk kerja. Kata kunci: penilaian unjuk kerja, respon, kemampuan menulis

Jurnal Santiaji Pendidikan, Volume 5, Nomor 1, Januari 2015 ISSN 2087-9016


Writing skill is one of the four skills that must be mastered by English language learners. Hook and Evans (2004) define writing as a tool for communication and it is both a skill and a means of self-expression. Writing can be regarded as a process of delivering ideas, messages, and opinions to readers by using language symbols which are agreed by the writer and the reader. Furthermore, writing is an activity that uses language as a medium of communication in which its form consists of a series of meaningful letters. A good writing composition is regarded from 5 aspects; content, organization, structure, style and diction, and mechanism which are mingled in collaboration to produce a united and coherent composition.

The new trend in teaching at EFL writing classrooms is concentrating on writing processes (outlining, drafting, revising, editing, and publishing) to create a particular product, meaning that it is essential to apply an assessment that develops and encourages such trend, as assessment and teaching are two sides of a similar coin. The establishment of a good writing skill is definitely identified by implementing a comprehensive assessment on the process and product of learning. This is based on the assumption that a good product is preceded by a good process. The authentic assessment which is in favor to meaningful learning is a contextual approach based assessment on how learning is done. Authentic assessment includes an assessment of the products that students yield and the processes through which students learn.

In relation to learning English as a foreign language, the authentic assessment type is more useful and powerful than

traditional assessment which is based on multiple choice type tests, true false option tests, or solely product based assessment. Despite of its popularity, using authentic assessment in writing is uncommon in EFL contexts. Numerous English teachers are fond of applying, in contrast, the traditional assessment. To measure the students’ writing skill, teachers often ask students to write writing pieces based on the offered topics which should be accomplished within the specified time, for example within a 2 hour lesson. Writing activities in the classroom do not show meaningful learning because the writing process is not applied. Teachers also rarely provide feedback to the students’ work even though it is indefinitely realized that feedback is crucial to the continuance of their work. The scoring criteria upon the student’ writing pieces is administered without following a standard or reference. At the end of the term, students are commonly given numerical grades for their writing assignment which is a product-oriented approach. Therefore, the subjective assessment upon students is hardly preventable.

According to the observation in Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (FKIP), the second semester freshmen (II E students) majoring English education mostly kept struggling in expressing their ideas into writing forms. This was due to their insufficient skill to create an English written paragraph. Meanwhile, the curriculum necessitates them to be productive and creative in writing. Most students perceived writing activities just to make a piece of writing that is carried out during the period of writing I course without pondering an on going process, inside or outside the class.

Practicing at home or outside their lecture hours rarely came about in the

Anak Agung Putri Maharani - Improving The Students’ Writing Skill ….. attempt to hone their skill in writing.

language learners are more involved in the Copying the work of others has already

assessment tasks and demonstrate their persistently done indicating a lack of

knowledge in the content-based area. awareness, creativity, and motivation to yield

Itprovides in-depth information on academic

a masterpiece by intensifying possessed purposes and creates an environment where competency. In relation with the assessment,

students are involved in activities that most students assumed that lecturers give a

stimulate cognitive, analysis, and creativity. subjective assessment with vague scoring

It is in accordance with Abedi (2010: 1) who reference and standard. As the result, many

states that performance assessment provides students were careless to create writing

an opportunity for English language learners pieces. The mean score of the students in

to demonstrate a more comprehensive picture their pre-test was 67.2 in which located at

of what they know and can do. To implement low and unsatisfying level, indicating that the

this assessment, teachers should become students encountered problems in writing. assured about what they will assess and how

In overcoming the afore mentioned they will assess students’ performance. encountered crisis, the researchers applied

Therefore, threefold tightly bounded the authentic assessment types, one of which

prominent components namely pe rformance is performance assessment to support the

task, performance rubric, and scoring guide development of the students’ writing skill.

which represent objective attributes of Performance assessment is an assessment of

genuine performance assessment are required students’ abilities and attitudes revealed by

(Popham, 2007: 174; Marhaeni, 2010: 5). an accomplishment or an action. Popham

Undergoing a writing classroom (2007: 172) argues that performance

engrossing performance assessment is an approach to measuring


assessment, students are guided through students’ status based on the way they

required criteria in producing a writing piece. complete a specified task. Simply put,

As defined by Nitko (2001: 240) performance assessment is an approach to

performance assessment is the type of measure the acquisition, application of

assessment that “(1) presents a hands-on task knowledge and skills that demonstrate the

to a student and (2) uses clearly defined ability of students. Students learn to naturally

criteria to evaluate how well the student unleash the potency, in other words, this

achieved the application specified by the assessment provides opportunities for them

learning target”. Content, organization, to apply and develop ideas in the form of

structure, style and diction, and mechanism written English language that is meaningful

are the criteria (Marhaeni, 2010: 7) which are to them and for those who read it. used as the dimensions in building rubric and

As a matter of fact, performance checklist to guide students in writing. Since assessment focuses on the following: (a)

students themselves need to be involved in application of knowledge and skills in

the process of assessing their own realistic situations, (b) open-ended thinking,

performance (Barnes, 1999; Campbell et al., (c) wholeness of language, and (d) processes

2000; O'Neil, 1992; Santos, 1997 as stated in of learning as well as the products of these

El-Koumy, 2003: 29), the checklist is processes (El-Koumy, 2003: 8). While being

occupied through which self-assessment and assessed by means of this assessment, f oreign

peer-assessment activities conducted.

Jurnal Santiaji Pendidikan, Volume 5, Nomor 1, Januari 2015 ISSN 2087-9016 To sum up, based on the previous

This research was done concerning elucidation, it was conducted a research on

the urgency of English writing skill. The the

collected data can be listed as follows: assessment in the attempt to improve the II E

students’ writing skill. This study was, The current research was initiated by subsequently, intended to scrutinize whether

an observation involving administering or not the writing skill of II E students can be

performance test toward the participants. The enhanced through performance assessment.

students’ prior writing skill was identified Furthermore, it was also intended to

after taking the writing performance test, of investigate the students’ response towards the

which was represented by the mean score implementation of performance assessment

67.2 (categorized insufficient). The test in enhancing their writing skill.

resulted on 4 participants (16.67%) passed the passing grade (>75); in contrast, 20


participants (83.33%) were below the passing This undertaking study was a

grade (< 75).

classroom action research which aimed at

Cycle I

improving writing skill of the II E freshmen The first cycle comprised 3 meetings majoring English education in FKIP

for teaching sessions and 1 meeting for post- UNMAS Denpasar through performance

test session. In each meeting session, four assessment. There were 24 participants, 8

steps were conducted, simply named plan, males and 16 females. The research was

and reflection. conducted within continual cycles with four



Additionally, in each meeting, it was activities in each cycle namely; planning,

conducted writing processes involving 5 action, observation, and reflection. To obtain

different interconnected phases ( outlining, the data, the instruments were performance

drafting, revising, editing, and publishing. test, scoring rubric, and questionnaire. The

The teaching material was Logical Division performance test made use five criteria

of Idea Paragraph.

(content, organization, grammar, style, and Post-test I was administered towards mechanism) which were adapted from

all participants who were assessed by using Marhaeni (2005) and soon after were used

analytical scoring rubric. The performance into analytical scoring rubric. The scoring

task that the students must do was creating a rubric was well built to ensure an objective

Logical Division of Idea Paragraph. The and valid scoring of the performance task.

calculated means score resulted on 74.6 The questionnaire, in contrary, consisted of

which was slightly below the passing score.

15 statements with 5 likert scales. Comparing with the pre-test result, the post- Meanwhile, for the treatment instruments,

test result was better wherein several lesson plans, writing checklist, and teaching

participants passed the passing score. They handouts were employed. The collected data

were 18 numbers in total or 75% of all was analyzed qualitatively and quantitatively

participants under the research whose scores by means of descriptive statistical analysis.

were greater than the passing score and 6


participants (25%) failed in going above the


passing score.

Anak Agung Putri Maharani - Improving The Students’ Writing Skill ….. In the attempt to identify the

conducting the second post-test, a valuable participants’

advance was obtained. The participants’ implementation of performance assessment, a

mean score on writing skill was 81.4 which

15 item with 5 scale questionnaire was given. categorized sufficient. In comparison with It was statistically found that 22.66 % of the

the pre-test and post-test I, almost all students participants strongly agreed, 25.98%of the

exceeded the passing score. There were 20 participants agreed, 19.94% of the

participants(83.3%) who exceeded the participants doubted, 21.15% of the

passing score and only 4 participants (16.7%) participants disagreed, and 10.27% of the

whose score were equivalent to the passing participants strongly disagreed with the

score (75).

implementation of performance assessment. Furthermore, the percentage of the

students’ response also revealed valuable

Cycle II

improvement. It was achieved that 40 % of The cycle II was conducted to the participants strongly agreed, 34.85% of overcome the demerits of the former cycle

the participants agreed, 10% of the along with to change the insufficient score of participants doubted, 8.18% of the the participants into good satisfactory score. participants disagreed, and 6.97% of the This latter cycle was attentively designed

participants strongly disagreed towards the pondering both the strengths and weaknesses implementation of performance assessment. of the former cycle. Similarly, four meetings

were carried out; 3 meetings for teaching Discussion Based on the result of data analysis,

sessions and 1 meeting for post-test session. there were improvements in term of the

The teaching material was Narrative students’ writing skill. The enhancements of Paragraph. Video was added during the class mean scores on the students’ writing skill to bring new atmosphere and to stimulate the were displayed into threefold cohorts; pre- participants’

test, cycle I, and cycle II. The enhancements motivation.

are comparable which can be shown in the In post-test II, the performance task

following tables:

was creating a Narrative Paragraph. After

Table 1.The Summary of the Mean Score on Writing Skill in Pre-Test, Cycle I, and Cycle II

In table 1, the improvement of the Test

Mean Score

students’ mean scores on their writing skill were obviously seen. There were significant


67.2 gradual positive changes of the mean scores in each cycle. It implies that the students’

Cycle I

obstacles in expressing their idea through Cycle II

Jurnal Santiaji Pendidikan, Volume 5, Nomor 1, Januari 2015 ISSN 2087-9016

writing a paragraph were gradually participants’ anxiety can be minimized decreased. Comparing with the mean score in

because the students felt comfortable and the pre-test, the means score in cycle I was

passionate following the performance upgraded 7.4 points. The main score in cycle

assessment process.

II had increased up to 6.8 points compared In reality, students necessitate with the cycle I, but it was upgraded up to

performance assessment based learning in

14.2 points from the pre-test. order to make reliable decisions and The implementation of performance

judgments. This assessment includes self- assessment in writing class has an impact on

assessment and peer assessment activities. changes in knowledge and skills of the

Habituation on implementing assessment students. There are several reasons why

activities definitely motivates students to performance assessment has positive

express a wide range of issues or experienced impacts. As quoted from Marhaeni (2010: 6),

events into writing forms. They also learn to performance assessment benefits students in

be honest, courageous judge, and appreciate language learning as follows: a) providing

the results of their work or others’ work. opportunities for students to compete with

Performance assessment also encourages themselves and others in order to provide

students to construct their own knowledge both real experience and understanding of

about the truthful writing rules as the result what they know and what they do, b) being

of observing, identifying mistakes in writing, able to be integrated with the learning

and fixing those mistakes. The ability to program, with the intention that the

identify various mistakes encourages students performance assessment supports the

to write paragraphs more carefully in order to students’ learning, c) creating a more

avoid repetition of the same mistakes when relevant learning to the real world, and

writing the next paragraph.

d) providing complete and better To scrutinize the response of the information for teachers about understanding,

students towards the implementation of difficulty, and students’ progress. These are

performance assessment, the questionnaire in conformity with Basmantra (2011) who

was administered. It was found that the found that performance assessment provided

students gave positive response changes

a significant effect on the research towards the implementation of performance participants’ writing skill which enabled

assessment. The responses in each cycle can them to make a good writing piece. The

be described in table 2 as follows:

Table 2. The Summary of the Students’ Responses Response (%)

Cycle Strongly Agree

Strongly Disagree Cycle I

Cycle II

Anak Agung Putri Maharani - Improving The Students’ Writing Skill ….. Table 2 indicates that the students

accepted performance assessment being implemented during the learning and teaching process. The students’ response to the application of performance assessment was good. It can be interpreted that performance assessment brings enjoyment for students and challenges them to learn. The performance assessment’s criteria are clear, therefore, it will be no subjective assessment. The interpretations are supported by the students’ active participation during lectures. Even, in its development, they were increasingly more creative in expressing their ideas and more cheerful when making a piece of writing.

Even though performance assessment has been proved to be beneficial, its implementation certainly has constrains. Applying this assessment type spent much time and also needed attentive effort from both sides; the teacher and the students. At the beginning of the performance assessment implementation, the students needed an ample of time to produce a good paragraph. But, after several time of exercises, being guided by writing checklist, the students began to be skillful which afterward lessened the time consuming. Moreover, performance tasks may be discouraging to less able students. Passive students tended to like being spoon-fed by the teacher. They were afraid of challenging learning which requires their independence, critical thinking, and creativity to be productive.

The next obstacle is the use of the writing checklist and writing components as the writing guidelines had run undeniable problematic. Students argued that the guidelines were incredibly complicated. At the beginning of using the writing checklist,

the students felt uncomfortable and had psychological barriers when they corrected and revised their work or their companions’ writing at peer assessment activity. They were hesitant in correcting someone’ work; moreover, they felt that their correction and revision were inaccurate. They were afraid if they criticized the right things. Opportunely, their opinion was gradually reduced as the result of the frequent exercises using the instruments, on campus or at home. They learned how to write well from their mistake and revision.

Regarding the merits and demerits of the cycle I, the cycle II was accomplished wherein the researcher had done some revisions. First, the researchers prepared more intriguing learning media for the students. It aimed at reviving the learning enthusiasm of them. Second, the researcher re-explained and re-discussed the use of the checklist. The students were also convinced that their activities were only part of the learning process to produce great products or works. As the result, the students produced better works and felt freely revising and criticizing the work of others. The students were found more relaxed at the second cycle compared with the first cycle. Moreover, the improvement in the second cycle provides a good effect on the students’ writing skill which can be proven by the obtained mean score reached 81.4.

Based on existing findings and foresaid discussion, it can be proved that performance assessment and any activities within it were able to advance the writing skill of the students as well as to bring a positive



the student’s psychological condition in which they became more comfortable and motivated in

Jurnal Santiaji Pendidikan, Volume 5, Nomor 1, Januari 2015 ISSN 2087-9016 learning and confidently affirming point of

strongly agreed, 34.85% of the participants view. Similarly, Darling-Hammond (2006:

agreed, 10% of the participants doubted, 655) as stated in Abedi (2010: 3) indicate that

8.18% of the participants disagreed, and performance assessments that require

6.97% of the participants strongly disagreed students to evaluate and solve complex

towards the implementation of performance problems,

extensively, and demonstrate their learning in projects, and exhibitions have proven key to


motivating students and attaining high levels Considering the merits and demerits of learning. Increasing the level of

of this current research, suggestions are able motivation is important for English students

to be proposed:

because they need encouragement and

1. It is recommended for English teachers to support in their academic endeavors.

apply performance assessment as an Performance assessment also provided

alternative authentic assessment in writing transparency for the students’ assessment.


Thus, applying performance assessment as an

2. It is suggested for other researchers to alternative assessment instead of traditional

conduct other studies researching assessment may help teachers to make better

participants from different levels such as judgment about students’ writing skill.

students from primary schools, junior-high schools, or senior-high schools, gifted


students, students at risk of academic


failure, and disabled students. It would be Based on the research findings and

worth exploring whether performance discussion, it can be concluded that the

assessment would still be favorable to students’ writing skill could be enhanced

these other groups.

through performance assessment which was

3. It is suggested for other researchers to proved by the mean score at pre-test was 67.2

compare performance assessment to other changed into 74.6 in the cycle I, and into 81.4

types of authentic assessments in order to in the cycle II. The students were also found

consider which one provides more gains giving positive responses towards the

for the enhancement of the English writing implementation of performance assessment


during their writing activities. In the cycle I, it was statistically found that 22.66 % of the


participants strongly agreed, 25.98% of the Abedi, J. (2010). Performance Assessments participants agreed, 19.94% of the

for English Language Learners. participants doubted, 21.15% of the

Stanford, CA: Stanford University, participants disagreed, and 10.27% of the

Stanford Center for Opportunity Policy participants strongly disagreed with the

Retrieved from implementation of performance assessment.



https://scale.stanford.edu/system/files/p In the cycle II, the percentage of the students’

erformance-assessments-english- response revealed valuable improvement. It

language-learners.pdf, downloaded on was achieved that 40 % of the participants st 1 of December 2012.

Anak Agung Putri Maharani - Improving The Students’ Writing Skill …..

Basmantra, I. N. (2011). The Effect of Performance-Assessment and Anxiety on Students’ Writing Competency of Grade X Students of SMA Negeri 1 Amlapura.



Undiksha, Singaraja El-Koumy, A. S. (2003). Language Performance Assessment: Current Trends in Theory and Research; Full Professor of Teaching English as a Foreign Language .School of Education in Suez ; Suez Canal University. Retrieved


http://www.eric.ed.gov/PDFS/ED49057 4.pdf, downloaded on 3 rd of October

2013. Hook Jc. and Evans B. (2004). Define Writing as A Tool for Communication. Retrieved


http://www.sil.org/lingualinks/literacy/r eferencematerials/glossaryofliteracyter ms/whatarewritingskills.htm,

downloaded on 3 rd of November 2014. Marhaeni, A.A.I.N. (2005). Pengaruh

Asesmen Portifolio dan Motivasi Berprestasi Dalam Belajar Bahasa Inggris Terhadap Kemampuan Menulis Dalam Bahasa Inggris. Universitas Negeri Jakarta, Jakarta.

Marhaeni, A.A.I.N. (2010). Pembelajaran Inovatif dan Asesmen Otentik dalam Rangka Menciptakan Pembelajaran yang Efektif dan Produktif. Undiksha, Singaraja.

Nitko, A. (2001). Educational Assessment of Students. New Jersey: Merrill. Popham, W. J. (2007). Classroom Assessment: What Teachers Need to Know, 5 th Edition. New York: Pearson.


Jamilah, Deden Ismail

Program Studi Pendidikan Biologi Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan Universitas Mahasaraswati Denpasar


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh metode Quantum Learning (QL) terhadap pembelajaran Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam (IPA). Tujuan penerapan model pembelajaran QL khususnya dalam mata pelajaran ekosistem adalah untuk meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian true experimental dengan menggunakan pretest- posttest control group design. Model pembelajaran menggunakan model pembelajaran QL. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di SMP WISATA Sanur dengan jumlah sampel sebanyak 71 orang siswa yang terdiri dari kelas eksperimen dan kelas kontrol. Kelas yang diterapkan model pembelajaran QL adalah kelas eksperimen yang berjumlah 35 siswa yang terdiri dari 16 siswa laki-laki dan 19 siswa perempuan. Pada penelitian ini digunakan instrumen pengumpul data berupa tes hasil belajar siswa. Dalam penelitian ini, hasil belajar anak diperoleh melalui pretest dan posttest yang diberikan kepada kelas kontrol (model pembelajaran secara langsung) dan kelas eksperimen (model pembelajaran QL). Masing-masing tes terdiri dari 30 soal dengan jenis soal sama antara soal pretest dan posttest. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan ada perbedaan sangat nyata antara hasil belajar kelas eksperimen dan kontrol (P=0,000) antara sebelum dan sesudah menggunakan model pembelajaran QL. Selain itu,terdapat perbedaan secara sangat nyata antara hasil belajar siswa perempuan dan laki-laki pada kelas eksperimen (P=0,000). Diharapkan metode pembelajaran QL dapat digunakan oleh guru sebagai metode pembelajaran dalam proses belajar mengajar di sekolah. Kata kunci: Hasil belajar, model pembelajaran quantum learning, sawah subak, desa budaya



This research aimed at finding out the effect of Quantum Learning (QL) method toward sains learning process. The purpose of implementing QL model especially in ecosystem subject was to improve students’ result of learning. This reseach was done in SMP Wisata Sanur with the number of sample 71 students for both experiment and control group. The experiment group, with 35students: 16 boys and 19 girls, was treated using QL method. The data for this research were gathered through achievement test. The achievement test was administered through pre- test and post test to both experiment and control group. Each of the test consist of 30 questions in which they both have the same type. The result of this study showed that there was significant difference between learning result o experiment group and control group

Jamilah, Deden Ismail - Pengaruh Penerapan Model ….. (p=0.000) before and after the implementation of QL method. There was also significant

difference between the learning result of girls and boys in experiment class (p=0.000). It is hoped that QL method can be used by all teachers as a learning method in teaching and learning process at school. Key words : learning result, quantum learning model, subak rice fields, culture village



Pelaksanaan komponen rancangan QL Sikap kurang bergairah, kurang aktif,

dikenal dengan singkatan “TANDUR”. kelas kurang berpusat pada siswa, dan

“TANDUR” merupakan kepanjangan dari kadang-kadang ada yang bermain-main

Tumbuhkan, Alami, Namai, Demonstrasikan, sendiri di dalam kelas, merupakan masalah

Ulangi, dan Rayakan (DePorter et al, dalam yang dihadapi para guru mata pelajaran Ilmu

Wena, 2012).

Pengetahuan Alam (IPA). Pada kenyataannya Berdasarkan uraian tersebut, pada potret pembelajaran sains di tingkat SMP

penelitian ini diterapkan model pembelajaran sederajat cenderung monoton dengan

QL, dengan tujuan meningkatkan hasil aktivitas sains yang masih rendah (Herlina,

belajar siswa. QL diterapkan pada salah satu 2012).

materi pelajaran biologi di kelas VII SMP Poerwanti (2008) menyatakan bahwa

WISATA Sanur, yaitu pada topik Ekosistem. hasil belajar biasanya diukur dari nilai yang diperoleh siswa. Dengan menggunakan subak


sebagai media pembelajaran, diharapkan Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di SMP siswa mengembangkan mampu

tahun pelajaran penghargaaan



yang intuitif terhadap 2012/2013.Data dikumpulkan selama 4 bulan lingkungannya, mengacu kepada nilai budaya

yaitu mulai dari tanggal 9 Januari sampai 17 lokal yang mendukung tindakan politis dan

April tahun 2013.

memperluas pemahaman intelektual para Jenis penelitian ini merupakan jenis siswa (Surata, 2006). Sementara itu, quantum

penelitian true eksperimental. Rancangan learning (QL) adalah seperangkat metode dan

merupakan penelitian falsafah belajar yang terbukti efektif di



eksperimen pretest-posttest control group sekolah dan bisnis untuk semua tipe orang

design (Sarwono, 2008). Pada kelas dan segala usia (Porter et al., 2011). Pada

eksperimen diberikan perlakuan dengan proses pembelajarannya QL mengaitkan apa

menerapkan model pembelajaran QL yang akan diajarkan guru dengan sebuah

sedangkan pada kelas kontrol pembelajaran peristiwa, pikiran, atau perasaan yang

dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode diperoleh dari kehidupan siswa sehari-hari

ceramah, dan tanya jawab. seperti di rumah, sosial, atletik, musik, seni,

Data yang diperoleh pada penelitian rekreasi atau akademik siswa sehingga proses

ini adalah data kuantitatif. Data kuantitatif belajar di kelas menjadi menyenangkan dan

berupa data tes hasil belajar siswa (skor membuat siswa bergairah untuk belajar.

pretest dan posttest pada kelas eksperimen

Jurnal Santiaji Pendidikan, Volume 5, Nomor 1, Januari 2015 ISSN 2087-9016 dan kelas kontrol). Tes terdiri dari 30 soal

pembeda soal adalah yang sudah disesuaikan dengan indikator


kemampuan suatu soal untuk membedakan pada pembelajaran ekosistem. Setiap soal

yang pandai atau jika dijawab dengan benar diberi skor (1),



berkemampuan tinggi dengan siswa yang jika salah diberi skor (0), jumlah nilai skor

kurang pandai atau berkemampuan rendah jika benar secara keseluruhan adalah (30)

(Arikunto, 2010). Untuk menganalisis daya untuk mendapatkan nilai test jumlah skor

beda butir soal digunakan rumus uji daya dibagi 3 sehingga apabila semua soal dapat

beda (Dantes, 2001). Kriteria soal yang baik dijawab dengan benar nilai testnya (10).

adalah yang memiliki harga daya beda tes Ketuntasan hasil belajar siswa mengikuti

berkisar 0.4–0.8 (Dantes, 2001). kriteria ketuntasan minimal (KKM) yang

Tingkat kesukaran soal dipandang sudah diterapkan oleh pihak sekolah yaitu

dari kesanggupan atau kemampuan siswa sebesar 7,5. Data yang akan dianalisis adalah

dalam menjawabnya, bukan dilihat dari sudut data yang diperoleh dari tes hasil belajar

pandang guru sebagai pembuat soal. Uji siswa dengan menggunakan uji T-TEST Dua

tingkat kesukaran dapat dicari dengan rumus Sampel Bebas. Sebelum analisis T-Test

derajat kesukaran (Nurkancana, 1992). terlebih dahulu dilakukan uji normalitas dan

Kriteria soal yang baik adalah soal yang homogenitas pada data tes hasil belajar

memiliki tingkat kesukaran berkisar antara siswa.

25% - 75%. Menurut Mehrens dan Lehman

Uji Coba Tes Hasil Belajar

2004), klasifikasi Uji coba instrument berupa tes



kualifikasi T.K: 0.00-0,30 adalah sukar; 0,31- dilakukan kepada 40 orang siswa yang juga

0,70 adalah sedang; 0,71-1,00 adalah mudah merupakan murid kelas VIII di SMP WISATA

(Nurkancana, 1992). Dari 30 butir soal yang Sanur. Berdasarkan hasil uji coba tersebut,

digunakan memiliki tingkat kesukaran tes dari 40 soal yang terdiri dari 35 soal obyektif

yaitu soal mudah 30% : sedang 40%: sukar dan 5 soal essay berstruktur. Hasil uji

validasi memutuskan sebanyak 32 soal diterima dan 8 soal yang dinyatakan gugur


yaitu 5 soal obyektif dan 3 soal uraian. Deskripsi umum ini meliputi Masih dengan skor-skor seperti pada

deskripsi statistik dan hubungan jenis pengujian validitas, maka pengujian

kelamin dengan hasil belajar siswa. Untuk reabilitas dapat dilanjutkan. Jika koefisien

data deskripsi statistik terdiri atas nilai rerata reabilitas diatas 0.60 maka hasil dari angket

(mean) pretest dan posttest hasil belajar memiliki tingkat reabilitas yang baik, atau

siswa, selisih nilai posttest–pretest pada dengan kata lain data hasil angket dapat

kedua kelas, dan standar deviasi. Data dipercaya (Juliandi, 2007). Indeks internal 32

tersebut disajikan pada tabel 1. butir tes hasil belajar ditunjukkan oleh koefisien Alpha Cronbach sebesar 0,901. Jadi keseluruhan instrument dianggap layak digunakan dalam penelitian.

Jamilah, Deden Ismail - Pengaruh Penerapan Model …..

Tabel 1. Deskripsi statistik hasil belajar

Rata-rata tes awal (± simpangan baku)

4.91±0.658 Rata-rata tes akhir (± simpangan baku)

7.04±0.591 Selisih nilai tes akhir – tes awal

4.21 2.13 terungkap bahwa nilai signifikansi berada di

Berdasarkan data yang tersaji pada

(p > 0,05) untuk tabel 1 terungkap bahwa terdapat

atas taraf signifikansi

semua kelompok test baik pretest maupun perbedaan yang tidak nyata antara kelas

posttest yang berasal dari kelas eksperimen kontrol

(model pembelajaran


maupun kelas kontrol. Hal ini sesuai dengan langsung) dan kelas eksperimen (model

kriteria uji normalitas, yaitu jika signifikansi pembelajaran QL). Pada kelas eksperimen

yang diperoleh (p > 0,05), maka sampel rata-rata (mean) nilai pretest siswa didapat

berasal dari populasi yang berdistribusi sebesar 4,94 dan posttest sebesar 9,15.

normal (Sarwono, 2008). Berdasarkan Sedangkan pada kelas kontrol hasil nilai

ringkasan uji homogenitas levene statistik, pretest siswa rata-rata sebesar 4,91 dan

terlihat bahwa (p > 0,05) yang artinya posttest didapat angka sebesar 7,04. Selisih

variansi setiap sampel sama (homogen). kenaikan nilai test hasil belajar siswa pada

Berdasarkan uji prasyarat berupa uji kelas eksperimen lebih tinggi 4,21 dibanding

normalitas dan homogenitas data yang telah dengan kelas kontrol 2,13.

dilakukan terlihat bahwa data hasil belajar Gambar peta pikiran yang dibuat

dengan menggunakan metode QL memenuhi secara berkelompok lebih bervariasi

prasyarat sehingga pengujian hipotesa dapat dibandingkan secara individu. Hal itu

dilakukan. Untuk menguji hipotesis yang mungkin dipengaruhi oleh interaksi mereka

diajukan digunakan uji t dua sampel bebas. pada saat berkelompok sehingga banyak ide

Adapun hipotesis yang diajukan adalah yang tertuang manjadi satu gambaran peta

sebagai berikut:

pikiran yang menarik. Selain peta pikiran,

0 1 2 Hasil belajar siswa yang dibelajarkan dengan model pembelajaran

pembuatan jurnal harian berupa catatan Tulis

Susun (TS) dianggap sangat membantu siswa QL kurang dari atau sama dengan hasil

dalam mengingat



belajar siswa yang dibelajarkan dengan mengevaluasi pelajaran.

model pembelajaran secara langsung. Pengujian terhadap persyaratan-

Ha : µ1 > µ2 Hasil belajar siswa yang persyaratan terhadap sebaran data hasil

dibelajarkan dengan model pembelajaran penelitian perlu dilakukan terlebih dahulu

QL lebih baik daripada hasil belajar siswa sebelum dilakukan pengujian hipotesis yaitu

yang dibelajarkan dengan model dengan uji normalitas dan homogenitas.

pembelajaran secara langsung. Berdasarkan hasil uji normalitas dengan menggunakan statistik Kolmogorov-Smirnov,

Jurnal Santiaji Pendidikan, Volume 5, Nomor 1, Januari 2015 ISSN 2087-9016

Tabel 2. Ringkasan Hasil Uji T Dua Sampel Bebas

Kelas Kontrol Mean


Kelas Eksperimen

Mean difference

Berdasarkan hasil ringkasan hasil uji t Beberapa peubah seperti perbedaan jenis dua sampel bebas yang disajikan pada tabel

kelamin sangat kuat pengaruhnya terhadap

2, terlihat bahwa nilai signifikansi hasil nilai posttest hasil belajar siswa. Pengujian posttest yang diperoleh adalah (p < 0,01),

antara kedua variabel jenis kelamin dengan

hasil belajar siswa antara kelas eksperimen perbedaan sangat nyata antara pretes dan

dengan demikian H 0 ditolak atau ada

dan kontrol menggunakan uji t dua sampel posttes hasil belajar siswa.

bebas. Data tersebut disajikan pada tabel 3.

Tabel 3. Ringkasan Hasil Uji Hubungan Jenis Kelamin Dan Hasil Belajar Siswa.


Kelas Eksperimen

Kelas Kontrol

Laki-laki N

0,841 Mean difference

Dari hasil penelitian merupakan Setelah penelitian dilakukan dan juga produk dari pembelajaran QL yang didesain

dilakukan analisis data, diperoleh hasil melalui pemanfaatan sawah subak Desa

bahwa hasil belajar siswa kelas VII SMP Budaya

WISATA Sanur mengalami peningkatan. pembelajaran. Pada penelitian ini, hasil

Sebelum diterapkan model pembelajaran QL belajar yang dimaksud difokuskan hanya

nilai rata-rata pretes siswa kelas eksperimen pada ranah kognitif yang diperoleh melalui

adalah 4,94 setelah mengikuti model pemberian tes. Hasil observasi yang

pembelajaran QL hasil posttes menunjukkan dilakukan menunjukkan bahwa dimana

nilai rata-rata sebesar 9,15. sebelumnya hasil belajar biologi siswa kelas

Peningkatan hasil belajar ini dapat

VII SMP WISATA Sanur belum mencapai terjadi karena melalui model pembelajaran KKM (7,5). Hal ini diduga disebabkan tidak

QL guru melakukan kegiatan belajar relevannya penggunaan model pembelajaran

mengajar dengan mengaitkan materi dan sumber belajar bagi siswa yang sehari-

pembelajaran pada sebuah peristiwa, pikiran, harinya hanya menggunakan buku dan

dan penggunaan bahasa yang diperoleh dari mendengar penjelasan guru.

kehidupan sehari-hari siswa. Pemakaian

Jamilah, Deden Ismail - Pengaruh Penerapan Model ….. musik, games serta penggunaan berbagai

dilihat dengan adanya perbedaan yang metode didalam model pembelajaran QL

signifikan dimana pembelajaran yang yang disajikan secara bergantian, membuat

menggunakan QL memberikan prestasi siswa menikmati kegiatan belajarnya dan

belajar yang lebih baik dibanding belajar tidak merasakan belajar yang monoton. Hal

dengan menggunakan pembelajaran ini dapat menarik minat siswa karena dalam

langsung. Penelitian lain yang relevan kegiatan model pembelajaran ini selain

mendukung hasil penelitian ini adalah mendapat pengalaman yang bermakna siswa

penelitian yang dilakukan oleh Septianawati akan nyaman untuk belajar, sehingga siswa

(2013), yang mengungkapkan bahwa menjadi berpikir positif, termotivasi, terampil

pembelajaran menggunakan metode diskusi dalam belajar, percaya diri sehingga hasil

dengan pendekatan pembelajaran QL lebih belajar siswapun ikut meningkat.

efektif meningkatkan prestasi belajar siswa Hal ini sesuai dengan pendapat Porter

bila dibandingkan dengan pendekatan dan Hernacki (2011) yang menjelaskan

langsung. Dengan bahwa dengan belajar menggunakan QL


menyenangkan siswa akan berpikir positif, termotivasi,



diharapkan siswa menjadi termotivasi dalam menambah keterampilan belajar, kepercayaan

belajarnya dan secara tidak langsung siswa diri dan meningkatkan hasil belajar. Pendapat

menjadi semakin berprestasi. ini sejalan dengan yang dikemukakan oleh

Untuk itu pembelajaran QL berbasis Dikrullah (2011) yang menyatakan model

subak merupakan pembelajaran yang efektif pembelajaran QL dapat meningkatkan minat

bila diterapkan dalam proses belajar belajar siswa sehingga pada akhirnya hasil

mengajar di sekolah karena di dalam belajar siswa pun ikut meningkat

pembelajarannya guru masuk ke dalam dunia Pemahaman ini juga diperkuat oleh

siswa dengan belajar menggunakan games, adanya rancangan pembelajaran yang

musik serta mengadakan pengamatan menuntut kesiapan menginformasikan data,

langsung dengan lingkungan di sekitar siswa kesiapan menjawab pertanyaan, kesiapan

pembelajaran menjadi menerima adanya pendapat yang berbeda,



dan kesiapan memberikan penguatan atau Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan pemantapan data yang disampaikan. Melalui

bahwa model pembelajaran QL lebih baik kegiatan presentasi kelas, siswa dihadapkan

dibandingkan dengan metode pembelajaran dengan kenyataan bahwa pengamatan yang

langsung pada mata pelajaran IPA pokok dilakukan pihak lain dalam satu objek yang

bahasan ekosistem di SMP WISATA Sanur. sama sekalipun berpotensi melahirkan

Terdapat perbedaan yang sangat nyata antara perbedaan apresiasi dan perlu adanya diskusi

hasil belajar siswa kelas eksperimen dan untuk menyamakan persepsi.

kelas kontrol, dimana siswa yang Hasil penelitian ini sejalan dengan

mendapatkan pembelajaran QL memperoleh penelitian yang dilakukan oleh Kusno dan

hasil belajar yang lebih baik. Susanto (2011) yang mengungkapkan bahwa pembelajaran QL lebih efektif dibandingkan dengan pembelajaran langsung, hal itu bisa

Jurnal Santiaji Pendidikan, Volume 5, Nomor 1, Januari 2015 ISSN 2087-9016


berkaitan dalam kegiatan belajar mengajar.


Di samping itu, perlu digunakannya isu-isu Berdasarkan paparan hasil penelitian

lingkungan global dan lokal untuk menjadi dan pembahasan dapat dikemukankan

bahan ajar materi di dalam kelas. Dengan simpulan

begitu, diharapkan siswa dapat melakukan peningkatan secara, sangat signifikan (p <

langkah yang konkrit dalam menangani 0,01) artinya hasil belajar siswa kelas VII

masalah lingkungan di sekitar mereka. SMP WISATA Sanur tahun pada tahun

Peneliti menyarankan pihak lain untuk ajaran 2012/2013 yang dibelajarkan dengan

melakukakan penelitian yang sejenis dengan menggunakan model pembelajaran QL serta

jumlah subjek yang lebih besar dengan memanfaatkan subak sawah Desa Kertalangu

menggunakan isu-isu lingkungan global dan sebagai sumber belajar dalam pokok bahasan

lokal untuk menjadi bahan ajar materi di ekosistem lebih baik, bila dibandingkan

dalam kelas. Dengan begitu, diharapkan dengan hasil belajar siswa yang dibelajarkan

siswa dapat melakukan langkah yang konkrit dengan model pembelajaran secara langsung.

dalam menangani masalah lingkungan di sekitar mereka.

Ucapan Terima Kasih

penelitian lebih lanjut terutama dengan Artikel ini merupakan bagian dari tujuan khusus untuk menilai dan mengukur

hasil penelitian yang didanai dari Proyek tingkat pendekatan seni di dalam peta pikiran

Penelitian yang dilakukan oleh Bapak Dosen dan catatan ts yang dibuat oleh siswa yang

Prof. Dr. Sang Putu Kaler Surata, MSi.

Daftar Pustaka

Arikunto, S. (2010). Prosedur Penelitian: Juliandi, A. (2007). Teknik Pengujian Suatu Pendekatan Praktek. Jakarta:

Validitas dan Reabilitas. Diunduh dari Rineka Cipta.

http://www.azuarjuliandi.com/2009/08/ Dantes, N. (2001). Daya Pembeda Tes.

02/elearning/ pada tanggal 5 Januari Singaraja: P2LPTK Depdikbud.