The translation analysis of the idiomatic expression in Kinney`s diary of Wimpy kid the last straw into diary si Bocah Tengil usaha terakhir








Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Sarjana Sastra

in English Letters


MONICA ARDITA Student Number: 134214036











Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Sarjana Sastra

in English Letters


MONICA ARDITA Student Number: 134214036









You should never give up.

No matter how hard the

situation is, always believe

that something beautiful is

going to happen


Work until something


For my beloved parents and my lovely

sunshine in the hope of a better future



First of all, I would like to thank The Almighty God, Jesus Christ, who made all the things possible. I would also like to express my appreciation to Mr. Harris Hermansyah Setiajid., M.Hum. as my thesis advisor for his guidance during the term of my thesis writing. Without his valuable assistance, this thesis would not have been finished.

I would like to say thank to Ms. Scolastica Wedhowerti, S.Pd., M.Hum. for revising and giving me advices regarding my thesis. I wish to express my sincere thank to Mrs. Anna Fitriati, S.Pd., M.Hum. as my examiner for giving me some suggestions to make my thesis better.

I would also like to thank my parents who always supported me during my time writing this thesis. I would also like to thank my best friends Agustina Lia Susanti, Palupi Sulistyomurni, and Theresia Catur Pustakareti who always motivated me and gave me strength. I thank all of my friends who helped me a lot in finishing this thesis within limited time, especially him whose name did not want to be mentioned. And last but not the least, I thanked my boyfriend Ricky who supported me to finish my thesis.












ABSTRACT ... xii

ABSTRAK ... xiii


A. Background of the Study ... 1

B. Problem Formulation ... 3

C. Objectives of the Study ... 3

D. Definition of Terms ... 3


A. Review of Related Studies ... 5

B. Review of Related Theories ... 7

C. Theoretical Framework ... 12


A. Areas of Research ... 13

B. Object of the Study ... 13

C. Method of the Study ... 14

D. Research Procedure ... 15


A. The Equivalence in Diary si Bocah Tengil: Usaha Terakhir Based on Larson’s Classification ... 20

B. The Translation Strategy in Idiomatic Expressions Based on Baker’s Classification in The Diary of a Wimpy Kid ... 27




Appendix 1: Equivalence in Phrasal Verb ... 56

Appendix 2: Equivalence in Idiom ... 64

Appendix 3: Equivalence in Slang ... 66



Table 3.1. Example of Data Collection ... 16 Table 3.2. Table of Example of Idiomatic Expression in Equivalence ... 17 Table 3.3. Table of Example of Translation Strategy ... 18


Chart 4.1. The Equivalence Type of Phrasal Verb in Diary of a Wimpy Kid ... 21 Chart 4.2. The Equivalence Type of Idiom in Diary of a Wimpy Kid ... 24 Chart 4.3. The Equivalence Type of Slang in Diary of a Wimpy Kid ... 25



ARDITA, MONICA. The Translation Analysis of The Idiomatic Expressions

in Kinney’s Diary of a Wimpy Kid: The Last Straw Translated into Diary Si Bocah Tengil: Usaha Terakhir. Yogyakarta: Department of English Letters, Sanata Dharma University, 2017.

Language is the most important tool in human life to deliver message from one person to another. Unfortunately, we live in a world with different kinds of people, places of living, knowledge, and culture that make language seems countless. Thus, this creates a miscommunication between one another. In this case, translation takes a big role to make us understand about other language. Translation, by trait, is something written which has been translated from one language to another language. It can be found in literary works such as novel, poem, and short story. Regarding with translation and literary works, this study focuses on the equivalence and the translation method of idiomatic expressions in Kinney’sDiary of a Wimpy Kid: The Last Straw.

The researcher created two propositions in this study. The first proposition is analyzing the equivalence of Indonesian translation of English idiomatic expressions in Kinney’s Diary of Wimpy Kid. The second proposition is analyzing the translation method that is applied in translating the idiomatic expressions into Indonesian in Kinney’sDiary of a Wimpy Kid: The Last Straw.

This study applies library and qualitative research method. The library research is used to find theories in analyzing the problems in this study. The researcher uses Larson’s theory to analyze the equivalence translation and translation method in this study. The equivalence theories are divided into two parts which are figurative and non-figurative sense. For the translation method, the researcher uses Baker’s theory which contained in four strategies which are using similar meaning and form, using similar meaning but dissimilar form, paraphrase, and omission.

The finding shows that 36 data are translated using similar meaning and form, 14 data are translated using similar meaning but dissimilar form, 9 data using paraphrasing, and 3 data using omission. The most used translation method in this study is using similar meaning and form while the less translation method used in this study is by omission. This indicates that the translation of idiomatic expressions in Diary of a Wimpy Kid: The Last Straw uses matching meanings and lexical items in translating it into Diari si Bocah Tengil: Usaha Terakhir.



ARDITA, MONICA. The Translation Analysis of The Idiomatic Expressions

in Kinney’s Diary of a Wimpy Kid: The Last Straw Translated into Diary Si Bocah Tengil: Usaha Terakhir. Yogyakarta: Program Studi Sastra Inggris, Fakultas Sastra, Universitas Sanata Dharma, 2017.

Bahasa merupakan alat yang sangat penting untuk menyampaikan pesan kepada orang lain di dalam kehidupan manusia. Tetapi, kita hidup di tempat yang beraneka ragam akan pengetahuan dan budaya sehingga hal ini menyebabkan kita mengalami kesalahan untuk berkomunikasi dengan bahasa asing dan maka dari itu terjemahan mempunyai andil besar untuk membuat kita mengerti antara satu bahasa dengan yang lain. Terjemahan merupakan suatu hal yang tertulis yang sudah diterjemahkan dari satu bahasa ke bahasa yang lainnya. Hal ini dapat ditemukan di dalam karya sastra seperti novel, puisi, dan cerita pendek. Berkaitan dengan terjemahan dan karya sastra, skripsi ini berfokus pada kesetaraan dan metode terjemahan terhadap ekspresi-ekspresi idiomatis pada buku Kinney yang berjudul Diary si Bocah Tengil.

Dalam hal ini peneliti menganalisis dua pembahasan. Pembahasan pertama adalah kesetaraan ekspresi-ekspresi idiomatis dari bahasa Inggris ke bahasa Indonesia. Dan pembahasan yang terakhir adalah menganalisis metode terjemahan yang diterapkan dalam menerjemahkan ekspresi-ekspresi idiomatis ke Bahasa Indonesia dari cerita pendek yang berjudul Diari si Bocah Tengil.

Penelitian ini menerapkan metode studi pustaka dan metode kualitatif. Studi pustaka digunakan untuk menemukan teori yang akan digunakan untuk menganalisis kesetaraan terjemahan dan metode yang digunakan untuk menerjemahkan penelitian yang sedang dianalisis. Peneliti menggunakan metode dari Larson untuk menganalisis kesetaraan terjemahan, teorinya terdiri dari dua kategori kesetaraan terjemahan yaitu, figuratif dan non-figuratif. Peneliti juga menggunakan teori Baker untuk menganalisis metode terjemahan yang terdiri dari penerjemahan menggunakan bentuk dan arti yang sama, menggunakan bentuk yang berbeda tetapi memiliki arti yang sama, parafrase, dan penghilangan.

Dalam hasil akhir, 36 data diterjemahkan menggunakan metode makna dan bentuk yang sama, 14 data menggunakan metode arti yang sama tetapi bentuk yang berbeda, 9 data menggunakan metode parafrase, dan 3 data menggunakan metode penghilangan. Dari data akhir dapat disimpulkan bahwa penerjemah paling banyak menerjemahkan dengan menggunakan metode makna dan bentuk yang sama dan metode terjemahan yang paling sedikit digunakan adalah dengan metode penghilangan. Ini mengindikasikan bahwa terjemahan ekspresi idiomatis di dalam buku Diary of Wimpy Kid: The Last Straw menggunakan pengertian dan unit leksikal yang sesuai dengan bahasa target di dalam buku Si Bocah Tengil: Usaha Terakhir.




A. Background of the Study

We as human and social beings in this world need to communicate with each other. Therefore, language is the most important tool in our life to deliver message between one another. Unfortunately, we live in different places, with different knowledge, and diverse culture that makes language seem countless in variety. Thus, this creates a misunderstanding between speakers. In this case, translation takes a big role to clear all confusions when learning a language.

Translation is something which is written and is transferred from one language to another. Translation can be found in literary works such as novel, poem, and short story. Different theorists state various definitions for translation. Translation should be literal (word-for-word), which means sticking very closely to the original or free (sense-for-sense) and the imaginative, the idiomatic translation is still preferred (Munday, 2001: 34). It is not easy to translate literary works because the translator should have particular qualities of both languages. There are certain problems that people find when translating a text. One of them is cultural language expression, such as idiomatic expressions.

Baker says there are four things that are not equivalent when translating an idiomatic expression into TL (Target Language). The first one is the language of TL might have no equivalent with the idiomatic expression from Source Language (SL). Second, an idiomatic expression might have similar counterpart with TL. The third is that an idiomatic expression might be used in SL both in its literal and idiomatic sense at the same time. The last is the context and the frequencies of using the idiomatic


expression in SL might have different meaning when it is translated into TL (Baker, 1992: 71).

The result is that the translator should learn more about both the language of SL and TL to make a good translation. As good translators, they need to analyze and to understand about the background knowledge of SL (Source Language) and TL (Target Language) to make an appropriate expression and rational sense of the text that they translate.

According to Larson, a translator who takes time studying the source language text will write a semantic analysis of it, and then look for the equivalent in ways which the same message is expressed naturally in the receptor message and thus will be able to provide an adequate and sometimes a brilliant translation (Larson, 1984: 22).

Here are some examples of translating the idiomatic expressions from ST (Source Text) into TT (Target Text) based and their type of idiomatic expressions (TIE) on Kinney’s Diary of a Wimpy Kid: The Last Straw.


Come up with Membuat Phrasal Verb

Rad Asyik Slang

Made a run for it Cepat-cepat kabur Idiom

Based on the table above are the examples of type of idiomatic expressions which are found in the book Diary of a Wimpy Kid: The Last Straw based on the source text and their translation.

This undergraduate thesis focuses on the English idiomatic expressions in Kinney’s Diary of a wimpy Kid: The Last Straw and its bahasa Indonesia equivalent. The researcher chooses this book because most of the language used in this book is idiomatic expressions such as phrasal verb, idiom, and slang. Another reason why the researcher chooses this topic is because nowadays slang


is more popular among teenagers and has become a part of daily conversations. It is used to make the conversations more interesting.

B. Problem Formulation

1. What kind of equivalence is the Indonesian translation of English idiomatic expressions in Kinney’s Diary of a Wimpy Kids: The Last Straw?

2. What are the translation strategies used in translating the English idiomatic expressions into bahasa Indonesia in Kinney’s Diary of a Wimpy Kids: The Last Straw?

C. Objectives of the Study

This research aims to find out how a translator translates the English idiomatic expressions in Kinney’s Diary of a Wimpy Kid: The Last Straw, to analyze whether the translation of the English idiomatic expressions from the ST are equivalent with its translation in the TT, and to identify the strategy used to translate the English (SL) idiomatic expressions into Bahasa Indonesia (TL). D. Definition of Terms

Equivalence is to achieve the main aim of equivalent effectthat is closest

to its natural equivalent to the source language that relies on the adaptation of grammar, cultural references, and lexicon of the ST (Nida, 1982: 12).

Idiomatic expressions are a collection of frozen patterns of language

which allow little or no variation in form and often carry meanings which cannot be deduced from their individual component (Baker, 1992: 63).


Translation method based on Hervey and Higgins’s propose another procedure or alternative, as they put it, namely cultural transplantation. Being considered as “the extreme degree of cultural transposition”, cultural transplantation is considered to be a procedure in which SL names are replaced by indigenous TL names that are not their literal equivalents, but have similar cultural connotations (Hervey and Higgins, 1986: 29).




This chapter contains three main parts. They are the review of related studies, review of related theories, and theoretical framework. The first part are reviews of other studies which also discusses similiar topic with this thesis. The second part are some theories that will help in completing the analysis. The theories used are about translation, including the strategies or the methods and also theories of idiomatic expressions.

A. Review of Related Studies

1. Chrisadiya’s thesis on “The Translation of Idiomatic Expressions in J.K

Rowling’s Harry Potter and The Sorcerer’s Stone: A Study on

Equivalence and Translation Strategies”

This undergraduate thesis discusses the equivalent of Indonesian translation in the idiomatic expressions and the applied strategies which is used to translate the English idioms in J.K. Rowling’s Harry Potter And The Sorcerer’s Stone. The objects of this study are some sentences which are idiomatic expressions found in Harry Potter and The Sorcerer’s Stone in bahasa Indonesia (TL). This study is related to the idiomatic expressions which are used in Harry

Potter and The Sorcerer’s Stone. Chrisadiya uses Baker’s theory for the translation strategies in idiomatic expressions.

Chrisadiya’s analysis focuses on the translation strategies on idiomatic expressions found in J.K. Rowling’s Harry Potter And The Sorcerer’s Stone and


used Nida’s theory and Taber’s theory to analyze the equivalence strategies in the thesis and found the idiomatic expressions which were classified into two equivalences; dynamic equivalence and formal equivalence.

The present thesis is different from Chrisadiya’s thesis in the object that is analyzed, although it is similar in dealing with the translation strategy of idiomatic expressions. The differences between this studies are on the object analysis and the equivalence theory.

2. Pasangka’s thesis on “The Equivalence and the Method of the Indonesian translation of English Idiom in the Subtitle of F riday Night Lights Movie”

The second study analyzed the equivalence and the translation method in the subtitle Friday Night Lights movie. This study is related to the translation of the English idiom in the subtitle. There are many English idioms in Friday Night Lights movie that is not translated into bahasa Indonesia. It is important that they should translate the words equivalently by using Baker’s strategy. The data of this undergraduate thesis are focused on words classified as idiom.

Pasangka’s discussion focuses on finding out the kind of equivalents of a translated text using this translation strategies. This thesis was not deep enough in analyzing the definition and the differences between formal equivalence and dynamic equivalence. Moreover, Pasangka’s thesis does not classified the idiom specificly by its kinds.

The present thesis is different from Pasangka’s thesis in several aspects, although it is similar in dealing with the translation strategy of idiomatic


expressions and the equivalent of the translation. The differences lie on the discussion of translating object. While Pasangka’s thesis uses Nida’s theory to analyze the equivalence of the English idiom, the present thesis chooses Larson’s theory to analyze the equivalence of translation and idiomatic expressions.

B. Review of Related Theories

1. Theory of Translation Strategy

Idiomatic in translation occasionally means that idiom should not be translated by another idiom. Sometimes the search for the target language idiom may be all in vain. In English, as in many other languages, there may be no idiomatic concepts. There are some opinions about the translation of idioms. Mona Baker, in her book In Other Words (1992), defines the following strategies for translating idiomatic expressions:

a. Translation by Using an Idiom with Similar Form and Meaning

The first translation strategy by Baker is translation using an idiom very similar in its form and meaning to the source language. This strategy involves using an idiom in the target language which conveys the same meaning as that of the source language idiom and init must convey roughly the same meaning and be of equivalent lexical items. An idiom should be similar not only in its form but also in meaning, because sometimes an idiom that is of the same form may convey totally different meaning. As an example, an English idiom “two-faced” is translated into the Indonesian idiom bermuka dua. Both idioms have the same meaning, which is saying one thing and meaning another.


b. Translation by Using an Idiom of Similar Meaning but Dissimilar Form

Another strategy suggested by Baker is translation of idiom by using an idiom with similar meaning but dissimilar form in the target language. In this case, the lexical items of an idiom are not preserved; it is translated as a semantic equivalent. It conveys roughly the same meaning withthe English idiom. As an example, the English idiom “use your mind” is translated into the Indonesian idiom bermain dengan akal. Both idioms have similar meaning but different lexical item. These idioms are pointed to a condition of people who use their brain to do something. The difference is that English idiom equipped the word “use” in English while in Indonesian idiom it is equipped with bermain.

c. Translation by Paraphrase

Paraphrase is one of the most common strategies in translating idioms. As sometimes it is impossible to find the right equivalent or any idiom in target language, therefore, a translator can use translation by paraphrase. Using this kind of strategy, a translator transfers the meaning of an idiom using a single word or a group of words which roughly corresponds to the meaning of an idiom but is not an idiom itself. This can be seen in the example of English idioms that are translated more neutrally into Bahasa Indonesia by a group of words which are not. However, the use of this strategy involves certain disadvantages of losing quality and stylistic flavor. (Newmark, 1988: 109) says that while using this strategy not only components of sense will be missing or added, but the emotive or pragmatic impact will be reduced or lost. Still, paraphrase is usually descriptive and explanatory; sometimes it preserves the style of the original idiom as well.


Therefore, it is relevant for this thesis to distinguish two types of paraphrase: stylistic paraphrase and explanatory paraphrase. As an example, the English idiom “red alert” is translated into bahaya. This idiom is translated into the Indonesian word bahaya because both of them have similar context.

d. Translation by Omission

This strategy implies that sometimes an idiom may be omitted, leaving no traces in the target language. Omission is allowed only in some cases: first, when there is no close equivalent in the target language; second, when it is difficult to paraphrase; and finally, an idiom may be omitted for stylistic reasons (Baker, 1992: 77). This strategy is not used frequently. However, in a worst case the translator may omit some idiom if it is not possible to translate it using strategy by compensation, where he can put an idiom in another place of the clause, thus preserving the stylistic effect of idiom usage in the source text. As an example, the English idiom “if I had a nickel for everytime that happened, I would be rich” is not translated into Indonesian because this idiom has no close match in the Indonesian language as the target language.

2. Theory of Equivalence

Based on Larson, theory of equivalence is divided into two parts, the first part is figurative equivalent. Figurative sense is based on associative relations with the primary sense (Beekman and Callow, 1974:94). Primary sense is the sense which will come to the minds of most speakers of the language when the word is cited in isolation. The second part is non-figurative sense, it is the opposite of figurative sense because it used the secondary sense. Secondary sense


is related to one and another and to the primary meaning by some thread of meaning.


Types of Idiomatic Expression

Idiomatic expressions are the vocabulary consist of single words and

multiword expressions (Fernando, 1996: 1). Idioms have been given a variety of names including: two-word verbs; phrasal verb; prepositional verbs; and idiomatic expressions. The widespread occurrence of these four features in common word combination has resulted in many types of multiword expressions identified by some other term such as slang, proverbs, allusions, similes, dead metaphors, social formulae, and collocations also being identified as idioms.

A phrasal verb is a verb that is composed of two parts, the verb and the

particle which consists of one or more preposition. When these two parts come together, they generally have a different meaning than the parts they have individually. That means that phrasal verbs do not usually have literal meanings. Non-native speakers will have to learn the meaning of these phrasal verbs similar to learning new vocabulary words. The six patterns are (McPartland, 1981: x) as follows:

1. Intransitive verb + Particle 2. Intransitive verb + Preposition

3. Intransitive verb + Particle + Preposition 4. Transitive verb + Particle

5. Transitive verb + Preposition


Examples of phrasal verbs include; take on, leave out, write up, turn off, bring about, and listen in. There is a base verb coupled with a preposition.

SL: Catch up (to get to the same point as someone else) TL: Mengikuti

Some phrasal verb cannot be translated word-by-word but and the context itself must be known. For example, the phrasal verb catch up cannot be translated into menangkap keatas because “catch up” in here means to get to the same point as someone else.

Like phrasal verbs, idiom is composed of multiple words that have different meanings than the sum of the individual words, the difference is that idioms are not simply verbs plus preposition. They can take many forms. Idioms have non-literal meanings. For example:

SL: Piece of cake TL: Sangat mudah

Idioms are informal expressions used in everyday speech. Often referred

to as catch phrases, colloquialisms or clichés, they are groups of words that, together, have a special meaning that is different than each of the words alone. They serve as a colorful way to sum up an idea (for example, “mad as a hornet” illustrates a recognized degree of anger in a simple expression) (Sera, 2004: 5).

In The Life of Slang, the OED provides five definitions for slang that refer to language use (Coleman, 2012: 12). They are:

1. The special vocabulary used by any set of persons of a low or disreputable character; language of a low and vulgar type. (1756-)


2. The special vocabulary or phraseology of a particular calling or profession; the cant or jargon of a certain class or period. (1801-) 3. Language of a highly colloquial type, considered as below the level of

standard educated speech, and consisting either of new words or of current words employed in some special sense. (1818-).

4. Abuse, impertinence. (1805-) 5. Humbug, nonsense. (1762) For example:

SL: Sick (cool, awesome) TL: Keren

This example is a slang that the meaning of sick is not ill but to show an amazed expression.

C. Theoretical Framework

The definition of translation and the definition of idiomatic expressions according to Baker are applied as the basic understanding to the topic being discussed in this study. In this analysis, there are two problem formulations that will become the main discussion. The first question is how equivalent is the Indonesian translation of English idiomatic expressions in Kinney’s Diary of a Wimpy Kids: The Last Straw in terms of figurative and non-figurative sense and the second question is what translation strategies are used in translating the English idiomatic expressions into bahasa Indonesia in Kinney’s Diary of a Wimpy Kids: The Last Straw. The theory of equivalence by Larson is used to answer the first question while the theory of translation strategy by Baker is used to answer the second question.




This chapter presents the methodology that the researcher used to answer the problem formulation. It contains four parts. They are areas of research, object of the study, method of the study, and research procedure. Areas of research explains in what area the translation research is conducted by the writer. Object of the study provides the description of the object being studied that include words, phrases, sentences, and paragraph. Method of the study describes the way the work is analyzed. Research procedure describes the data collection process. A. Area of Research

The area of this research uses text analysis and translation research where the source text is analyzed. It focuses on the equivalence analysis of the target text and examines the various aspects which caused problems in translating Kinney’s Diary of a Wimpy Kid: The Last Straw. In A Beginner’s Guide to Doing Research in Translation Studies, translation texts do not only stop on the analysis itself but also continue to the comparison of the result with the source text (Williams and Chesterman, 2002: 6).

B. Object of the Study

The main object of this study is the idiomatic expressions found in Kinney’s novel Diary of a Wimpy Kid: The Last Straw as the source text and the Indonesian translation Diary si Bocah Tengil: Usaha Terakhir as the target text.


The types of idiomatic expressions analyzed in this research are phrasal verb, idiom, slang language, and equivalence.

C. Method of the Study

The method of this study is a qualitative research. In a qualitative project, the author will describe a research problem that can best be understood by exploring a concept or phenomenon (Creswell, 2009: 98). Qualitative research is applied since the objective of this study discussess the idiomatic expressions in Kinney’s Diary of a Wimpy Kid: The Last Straw. The idiomatic expressions are chosen because the researcher analyzes the equivalence and the translation method found in Diary of a Wimpy Kid: The Last Straw into Diary si Bocah Tengil: Usaha Terakhir. To analyze the data, library research is also applied. Library research involves identifying and locating sources that provide factual information or personal/expert opinion on a research question; necessary component of every other research method at some point (George, 2008: 6). This component is vital for further research in terms of giving results from the analysis later. The method is collected from written materials such as theses, dictionaries, novels, books of relevant theories and online references.

The qualitative method is also used in this research in order to show the translation strategy that is used to translate the idiomatic expressions from the source text to the target text. The data is then compared and categorized using dictionaries of both English and Indonesian. The data then compared to find out the equivalent between them and the researcher analyzed it to find the translation strategy that is applied in Diary of a Wimpy Kid in both versions.


D. Research Procedure

1. Types of Data

The data is objective data. The research data were taken from a novel entitled Diary of a Wimpy Kid: The Last Straw published in 2009 by Amulet Books with 218 pages. The original novel was written by Jeff Kinney. The data from the target text were collected from its translation novel entitled Diary si Bocah Tengil: Usaha Terakhir published in Jakarta by Atria. The novel also has 218 pages and was translated by Ferry Ahmad.

This book is based on Kinney’s life. The genre of this book is comedy and the plot in this story tells about family, friends, and school. There are 620 idiomatic expressions found in Diary of a Wimpy Kid: The Last Straw. This study uses the English version as the source text and the Indonesian version as the target text.

2. Data Collection

First, the researcher read Diary of a Wimpy Kid in both versions and figure out the definition of idiomatic expressions and its type. Next, the researcher started to collect phrases that are related with idiomatic expressions from the source text and match it with its translation. Then, the researcher read the book again and wrote down the idiomatic expressions from both sources and classified them based on its type. Finally, the researcher classified the data according to the translation strategy and put them in a table.

In equivalence category, the researcher put the collection of idiomatic expressions and its translation in a table. The researcher then matched the


sentences that correspond with the idiomatic expressions and its translation. After matching the data, the researcher bolds the idiomatic expressions and its translation in each text to show where it is analyzed. The number data are given in the last step. Below is the example of the analysis in a table.

No. Data ST No. Data TT TIE

1/ST/DOK/ PV/12

So, basically, it ends up that Uncle Charlie got me a chore for Christmas.

1/TT/DBT/ NA/12

Jadi pada dasarnya, (-) Paman Charlie memberiku tugas sebagai hadiah natal.

Phrasal Verb

Table 3.1. Example of Data Collection How to read the number of data

No. Data : Number of the data 1 : The number of the data

DOK : Diary of a Wimpy Kid (title of the ST) DBT : Diary si Bocah Tengil (title of the TT)

12 : The data page

ST : Source Text

TT : Target Text

TIE : Type of Idiomatic Expression

PV : Phrasal Verb (Type of Idiomatic Expression)

In terms of translation strategy, the researcher put the idiomatic expressions and its translation in a table. The researcher collected the sentences that are connected with the idiomatic expressions and its translation. After collecting the data, the researcher bolds the idiomatic expressions and its translation in each text to show where it is analyzed. The number datais given in the last step.

3. Population and Sample

The population of this study arephrases that contain the idiomatic expressions in Diary of a Wimpy Kid: The Last Straw. The total population data


are 620 but only 62 data are selected for analysis. The overall population this study used are sentences in the collected data. The sample method is stratified random sampling and the sampled population are categorized by its type of idiomatic expressions then a random sample is taken from within a more selected categorized.

4. Data Analysis

There were several steps in analyzing the data of this study. In the first, the researcher collected the data and put it in a table in order to prove whether the data from the ST and the TT are equivalent or not by using the theory of equivalence applied in the TT. The table below illustrated how the researcher analyzed the equivalence of the TT categorized by the type of idiomatic expressions.

No. Data ST No. Data TT TIE

2/ST/DOK /PV/F/1

You know how you’re supposed to come up with a list of “resolution” at the beginning of the year to try to make yourself a better person?

2/TT/DBT /F/1

Kau tahu kan bahwa kau mesti membuat daftar resolusi di awal tahun agar kau bisa berusaha berubah menjadi orang yang lebih baik?




Unfortunately, Alex has read his share of Sherlock Sammy books, too, so he said he would help us if we paid him five bucks

57/TT/DB T/NF/58

Sayangnya. Alex juga banyak membaca buku-buku Sherlock Sammy. Jadi, dia bilang dia


membantu kami kalau kami


membayarnya lima dolar

Table 3.2. Example Table of Idiomatic Expression in Equivalence

The table (3.2.) showed only the type of idiomatic expressions of phrasal verb and slang are translated into figurative equivalent. The others were translated into non-figurative equivalent.

In the final analysis, the researcher used Baker’s theory in order to find out the translation strategy of the idiomatic expressions and its translation. The researcher used English dictionary and other English-published dictionary as well as Indonesian dictionary as references to check the idiomatic expressions and its translation.

No. Data ST No. Data TT Strategy

2/ST/DOK/P V/F/1

You know how you’re supposed to come up with a list of

“resolution” at the beginning of the year to try to make yourself a better person?

2/TT/DBT/ F/1

Kau tahu kan bahwa kau mesti membuat daftar resolusi di awal tahun agar kau bisa berusaha berubah menjadi orang yang lebih baik? Similar meaning and form 41/ST/DOK/ ID/NF/87

So that pretty much blew any chance he had of getting my business.

41/TT/DBT /NF/87

Hal seperti itu tentu saja menghancurkan kesempatan baginya untuk bisa mendapatkan rezeki dariku Similar meaning and form 57/ST/DOK/ SL/NF/58 Unfortunately, Alex has read his share of

57/TT/DBT /NF/58 Sayangnya. Alex juga banyak membaca buku-Similar meaning and form


Sherlock Sammy books, too, so he said he would help us if we paid him five bucks

buku Sherlock Sammy. Jadi, dia bilang dia


membantu kami kalau kami membayarnya lima dolar Table 3.3. Example Table of Translation Strategy

The illustration table (3.3.) showed the translation strategy in the TT which was used to translate the idiomatic expressions in ST. The data showed all of the type of idiomatic expressions that used similar meaning and form.




This chapter consists of two parts. The first part discusses the equivalence of the translation to analyze the figurative and the non-figurative equivalent of ST and TT. Theory of equivalence from Larson is used in this analysis. The second part discusses the translation strategy applied by the translator in the TT. Baker’s theory is used to find the translation strategy of each idiomatic expression that is found in the ST. It is then explained later based on the relation between the idiomatic expressions in the ST and its translation in the TT.

A. The Equivalence in Diary of a Wimpy Kid Based on Larson’s


In this part, the researcher identifies the figurative and the non-figurative equivalent found in the ST and the TT then divides them in three divisions. The three divisions are the equivalence type of phrasal verb in Diary of a Wimpy Kid, the equivalence type of idiom in Diary of a Wimpy Kid, and the equivalence type of slang in Diary of a Wimpy Kid.

1. The Equivalence Type of the Phrasal Verb in Diary of a Wimpy Kid

This section discusses the type of equivalence on phrasal verb found in The Diary of a Wimpy Kid: The Last Straw and Diary si Bocah Tengil: Usaha Terakhir.


The data shows that from forty phrasal verbs collected (see Appendix 1), twenty six of them are figurative equivalent, twelve of them are non-figurative equivalent, and the other two data are not translated. This concludes that most of the phrasal verbs in the ST are non-figurative equivalent.

Chart 4.1. The Equivalence Type of Phrasal Verb in Diary of a Wimpy Kid

The reason is that most phrasal verbs in Diary of a Wimpy Kid: The Last Straw tend to relate the phrasal verbs with its literal meaning based on the context. For example, the pharasal verb fork over in the table shows how it is translated in Diary si Bocah Tengil: Usaha Terakhir.

Code ST Code TT

9/ST/DOK/ PV/F/35

That seemed to be enough to convince him to fork over one of his new video games and a couple of other things

9/TT/DBT/ F/35

Hal itu sepertinya cukup mampu meyakinkannya untuk menyerahkan salah satu video game terbaru miliknya dan beberapa barang 0

5 10 15 20 25 30

Figurative Non-Figurative None

Phrasal Verb

Phrasal Verb


Based on the table above, the phrasal verb fork over is translated into “menyerahkan”. The translator translated it figuratively because fork over and “menyerahkan” shares the same equivalent meaning with to give something to someone, especially when you do not want to do or in Indonesia it can be explained as “terpaksa”. The sentence is related to one and another and to the primary meaning by some thread of meaning. The next example is the phrasal verb snapped awake.

Different from the previous table, this table shows that the phrasal verb snapped awake and curled up in a ball are translated non-figuratively.


Code ST Code TT

17/ST/DOK/ PV/NF/63

I almost fell asleep in Mr. Watson’s class in sixth period, but luckily I snapped awake when my head hit the back of my chair

17/TT/DBT /NF/63

Aku hampir tertidur selama pelajaran Mr. Watson pada jam pelajaran keenam. Untungnya aku terjaga saat kepalaku terantuk senderan punggung kursiku

25/ST/DOK/ PV/NF/130

I just curled up in a ball and tried to conserve as much body heat as possible to make it through to the morning

25/TT/DBT /NF/130

Aku cuma

meringkuk seperti bola dan berusaha menghemat panas tubuhku sebaik mungkin agar mampu bertahan hingga pagi


It is because the translator translated them literally. In Cambridge Dictionary, snapped awake can be understood as to quickly return to a previous place or condition and this is translated into “terjaga” or “terbangun dari tidur”. Both of them share the same equivalent meaning and use the primary sense. The last example is from the pharasal verb ends up.

Based on the table, there are three data that are not translated by the translator because the data functioned as redundant words and therefore omitted. An example is the phrasal verb ends up. It is defined as “to finally be in a particular place or situation”. In the TT, the translation becomes “Jadi pada dasarnya, (-) Paman Charlie memberiku tugas sebagai hadiah Natal". Both of them describes the same situation without showing the word “terpaksa” in the TT since we know that the character (Rowley) was not willing to give up his stuff. The translated text already explained the context clearly and therefore the phrase ends up is omitted.

2. The Equivalence Type of the Idiom in Diary of a Wimpy Kid

This section discusses the type of equivalence on idiom found in The Diary of a Wimpy Kid: The Last Straw and Diary si Bocah Tengil: Usaha Terakhir.

Code ST Code TT

16/ST/DOK/ PV/-/12

So basically, it ends up that Uncle Charlie got me a chore for Christmas

16/TT/DBT /NA/12

Jadi pada dasarnya, Paman Charlie memberiku tugas sebagai hadiah Natal


Chart 4.2. The Equivalence Type of Idiom in Diary of a Wimpy Kid

From the data collected (see Appendix 2), it can be seen that out of ten idioms, all of them are non-figurative equivalent. The idioms found both in the ST and TT are translated literally without any other reference to identify its real meaning. For example, the idiom in a nutshell is translated into “penjelasan singkatnya”.

Code ST Code TT

50/ST/DOK/ ID/NF/133

If you ever wanted to know why I don’t like team sports, there it is in a nutshell

50/TT/DBT/ NF/133

Kalau kau ingin tahu mengapa aku tidak suka pada jenis olahraga yang dimainkan dalam tim, kejadian di atas merupakan

penjelasan singkatnya

43/ST/DOK/ ID/NF/124

I was kind of down in the dumps on the walk home from school today

43/TT/DBT/ NF/124

Aku merasa agak tertekan waktu berjalan pulang dari sekolah hari ini 0

2 4 6 8 10 12

Figurative Non-Figurative None



The non-figurative idiomatic phrase in a nutshell is defined as very briefly, giving only the main points. This meaning is translated literally by the translator in the TT into “penjelasan singkatnya”. The translator translated it directly to the meaning of the idiom phrase itself that he should translated it into Indonesian idiom which has similar meaning with the phrase from ST.

The second phrase down in the dumps is also translated non-figuratively because the phrase down in the dumps or unhappy and in the TT, the phrase is translated into “tertekan” which describes hard feeling or in Indonesian as “terpaksa”. The meaning refers to a feeling that makes someone have to face it even though they do not want to but they cannot do anything to avoid it.

3. The Equivalence Type of the Slang in Diary of a Wimpy Kid

This section discusses the type of equivalence on slang found in The Diary of a Wimpy Kid: The Last Straw and Diary si Bocah Tengil: Usaha Terakhir.

Chart 4.3. The Equivalence Type of Slang in Diary of a Wimpy Kid

The data shows that from twelve slang words collected (see Appendix 3), 0

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Figurative Non-Figurative None



while only one data is not translated. The reason is that most slang words in Diary of a Wimpy Kid: The Last Straw tend to relate the word and its meaning literally. For example, the slang bucks translated in the table below.

Based on the table above, the slang word bucks which is used among kids or teenagers in US has a general meaning that many people can relate. Bucks is a slang word for US dollar. The translator translated it into “dolar” where the TT readers can understand the meaning of “dolar” itself. “Dolar” or “mata uang asing” usually from America. Another example is from the phrase fellows.

The slang word fellows is not translated in the TT and therefore cannot be identified as either a figurative or a non-figurative equivalent.

Code ST Code TT

57/ST/DOK/ 58

Unfortunately, Alex has read his share of

Sherlock Sammy books, too, so he said he would help us if we paid him five bucks

57/TT/DBT /58

Sayangnya. Alex juga banyak

membaca buku-buku Sherlock Sammy. Jadi, dia bilang dia bersedia membantu kami kalau kami membayarnya lima dolar

Code ST Code TT

54/TT/DOK/ SL/-/27

Looking for someone,

fellows? 54/TT/DBT/-/27

Sedang cari siapa, nih?


B. The Translation Strategy in Idiomatic Expressions Based on Baker’s Classification in The Diary of a Wimpy Kid

In this section, the researcher categories the idiomatic expressions of the ST and the TT found in The Diary of a Wimpy Kid: The Last Straw and Diary si Bocah Tengil: Usaha Terakhir with Baker’s translation strategies.

1. Idiomatic Expression Translated Using Similar Meaning and F orm

From the table, it can be seen in the table above that come up with (verb + adverbial particles) is a phrasal verb with adverbial particles. The phrase means get something. This idiomatic expression is then translated by the translator using the strategy of similar meaning and similar form. In the TT section of the table, the word come up with is translated into “mendapatkan” and “mencari”. According to Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia (KBBI), “mendapatkan” is a verb and “mencari” is also a verb of “memperoleh” or “mendapatkan” and “untuk memperoleh” for “mencari”. Therefore, it is similar in its literal meaning and form.

No. Data ST No. Data TT

1/ST/DOK /PV/7

I think that Dad might’ve been jealous he didn’t come up with the robe idea first

1/TT/DB T/7

Kurasa Dad merasa iri karena bukan dia yang

mendapatkan ide ini terlebih dahulu

5/ST/DOK /PV/119

The first thing Mr. Litch did was hand out uniforms, and then he told us to come up with a team name

5/TT/DB T/119

Barang pertama yang dibagikan Mr. Litch adalah pakaian seragam, dan kemudian dia menyuruh kami untuk mencari nama tim


The same phrasal verb is used like in the previous table, but it has different translation. The phrase come up with in here is to produce or provide something that people want and so, the translation from the ST come up with is then translated into the TT as “membuat”, “menciptakan”, and “menyusun”. The word “membuat”, “menciptakan”, and “menyusun” are defined as to make something in the TT where all the translated words have a relation with its counterpart in the ST’s context of situation. In addition, according to KBBI, “membuat”, “menciptakan”, and “menyusun” in the TT are verbsof “menciptakan (menjadikan, menghasilkan)” and “membikin”. The end result shows that though, the ST come up with is translated into “membuat”, “menciptakan”, and “menyusun”. All of the words share the same meaning and form in the TT.

No. Data ST No. Data TT

2/ST/DOK /PV/1

You know how you’re supposed to come up with a list of

“resolution” at the beginning of the year to try to make yourself a better person?

2/TT/DB T/1

Kau tahu kan bahwa kau mesti membuat daftar resolusi di awal tahun agar kau bisa berusaha berubah menjadi orang yang lebih baik?

4/ST/DOK /PV/116

To keep from going bankrupt, me and Rodrick came up with a bunch of code words that meant the same thing as the banned words

4/TT/DB T/116

Agar tidak bangkrut, aku dan Rodrick menciptakan segudang kata-kata sandi yang persis sama dengan kata-kata yang dilarang

6/ST/DOK /PV/215

So it took me about two seconds to come up with a plan

6/TT/DB T/215

Jadi, aku cuma butuh dua detik untuk menyusun rencana


Based on table, the phrasal verb ship me out (verb + sb + particle) can be understood as to move somebody or someone away from a place, while ship out (verb + particle) is to leave. The translated words in the TT are “mengirimku pergi” and “dikirim pergi” which are to make somebody leave from a place. The words share similarity in meaning and form. The only difference is that ship me out uses present tense with subject placed in the middle while shipped out uses past tense and no subject placement between the words.

No. Data ST No. Data TT

7/ST/DOK/P V/16

But the minute I do, I guarantee you Dad will be looking for the first chance to ship me out

7/TT/DBT /16

Namun, begitu aku sudah menginjak usia itu, dijamin Dad pasti akan langsung mencari cara untuk mengirimku pergi

8/ST/DOK/P V/185

I realized there are only about three more weeks before I got shipped out

8/TT/DBT /185

Aku sadar cuma tinggal tiga minggu lagi

sebelum aku dikirim pergi

No.Data ST No. Data TT

9/ST/DOK/ PV/35

That seemed to be enough to convince him to fork over one of his new video games and a couple of other things

9/TT/DBT /35

Hal itu sepertinya cukup mampu meyakinkannya untuk menyerahkan salah satu video game terbaru miliknya dan beberapa barang lainnya


The table shows that fork over or to hand over shares the same meaning and form with its translated counterpart “menyerahkan” that has the equivalent meaning of to give something, especially when you do not want to.

No. Data ST No. Data TT

15/ST/DOK/P V/55

Today Patty Farrell was sick, so Mrs. Craig put Alex Aruda in charge of the room while she was gone

15/TT/DBT /55

Hari ini, Patty Farrell sakit sehingga Mrs. Craig menugaskan Alex Aruda untuk mengawaasi kelas di saat dia sedang tidak ada

The phrasal verb in charge of in the table means responsible for something. In this analysis, the translator translates it into “menugaskan” (verb) or in KBBI as “menyerahkan tugas (tanggung jawab) kepada anda”. This states that the phrasal verb of in charge of and the translation “menugaskan” share the equivalent meaning and formas an act to give someone a responsibility to do something.

No. Data ST No. Data TT

17/ST/DOK/P V/63

I almost fell asleep in Mr. Watson’s class in sixth period, but luckily I snapped awake when my head hit the back of my chair

17/TT/DB T/63

Aku hampir tertidur selama pelajaran Mr. Watson pada jam pelajaran keenam. Untungnya aku terjaga saat kepalaku terantuk senderan punggung kursiku

Snapped awake, in definition, is to make a quick movement because they felt surprised. Based on the table, the application of the phrase snapped awake is to show an activity which causes someone to immidiately wake up after a brief slumber. The TT “terjaga” shares the context of the ST snapped awake because


“terjaga” means “terbangun dari tidur”. This shows that the translator uses similar meaning and form.

No. Data ST No. Data TT

18/ST/DOK/P V/39

Well, Manny totally

freaked out 18/TT/DBT/39 Manny benar-benar panik

35/ST/DOK/P V/18

Dad must have known that picture freaked me out

35/TT/DBT /18

Dad sepertinya tahu kalua gambar itu membuatku takut

In the table, it can be seen that the ST freaked out and freaked me out are both placed in the last in a sentence. The words share the same phrase but with different meaning.The firstis translated into “panik” while the second is translated into “takut” thus making both of them have the same meaning. The meaning of freak out itself is can be scared and surprised.

No. Data ST No. Data TT

20/ST/DOK/P V/3

I put in a lot of effort buttering people up for the past few months, and I

thought it would pay off on Christmas

20/TT/DBT /3

Padahal aku sudah susah payah bersikap manis pada orang-orang selama beberapa bulan

sebelumnya, dan kukira semua usahaku akan mendapatkan upah di hari Natal

The ST buttering people up is translated into the TT “bersikap manis”. The phrasal verb is figurative since its literal meaning cannot be bluntly translated into “mengoleskan mentega ke (muka) orang”. By looking through its context in the ST and the TT, it is clear that the word buttering people up refers to the action of being nice to others. In the English dictionary, buttering people up can be


manis” already shares the same meaning with its original word in the ST. Hence, the strategy between the ST buttering people up and the TT “bersikap manis” is using similar meaning and form.

No. Data ST No. Data TT

25/ST/DOK/P V/130

I just curled up in a ball and tried to conserve as much body heat as possible to make it through to the morning

25/TT/DBT /130

Aku cuma meringkuk seperti bola dan berusaha menghemat panas tubuhku sebaik mungkin agar mampu bertahan hingga pagi

Based on the table, the phrasal verb of curled up has the meaning to sit or lie in a position with the arms and legs are close to your body. In the TT, curled up is translated into “meringkuk” or “duduk membungkuk”. Both the ST and TT share the same meaning and form; they explain the kind of activity the main character is underwent.

No. Data ST No. Data TT

26/ST/DOK/P V/42

I figure this incident probably set me back about three weeks

26/TT/DBT /42

Kurasa kejadian pagi ini telah membuat usahaku mundur selama tiga minggu

The phrasal phrase set me back (verb + sb + adverbial) is to delay a process. It is translated into “mundur”, or in definition is “berjalan ke belakang, berkurang” or “menjadi buruk”. This shows that the progress is momentarily puts on a delay. The relation between the ST and the TT is using same meaning and form because the translation itself is literal in meaning and context.

No. Data ST No. Data TT


V/46 Rowley was



completely wiped out by the time he

dropped me off at my house

saat dia menurunkan aku di depan rumahku

The phrasal verb dropped me off is the same as drop or to drop someone. The translator translated it into “menurunkan” or “membawa turun”. Based on the table, Rowley was giving a piggyback ride to Greg then he felt so exhausted and dropped Greg at his house. So, dropped me off and “menurunkan” have similar meaning and form.

No. Data ST No. Data TT

29/ST/DOK/P V/82

I started to give Dad a piece of my mind, but he cut me off

29/TT/DBT /82

Aku mulai mengomelinya, tapi Dad menyelaku

Cut me off has several meanings depending on the text. However, the pharasal verb here is defined as to prevent someone from continuing what they are saying. It is then translated into “menyelaku”, where in bahasa Indonesia, the root of the word “menyelaku” is “sela” and it is added a prefix me- and an abbreviation from “aku” which becomes a suffix -ku. “Menyelaku” means “menyisip dalam pembicaraan”. It has the same equivalent with the ST cut me off in terms of meaning and form.

No. Data ST No. Data TT

31/ST/DOK/P V/92

A few of the kids complained about the cards to our teacher, Mrs. Riser, and then she went around the room trying to figure out who sent them

31/TT/DBT /92

Beberapa anak

menyampaikan keluhan tentang kartu buatanku pada guru kami, Mrs. Riser, dan kemudian dia berjalan berkeliling kelas sambal mencari tahu siapa


yang telah mengirimnya

The phrasal verb of went around or go around is translated in bahasa Indonesia into “berjalan berkeliling” or “bergerak mengitari”. The meaning and form of the ST and the TT is same.

No. Data ST No. Data TT

32/ST/DOK/P V/106

Then Rodrick chimed in with his solution

32/TT/DBT /106

Kemudian, Rodrick

mengusulkan sebuah jalan keluar

Chimed in is defined as to interrupt or speak in a conversation, usually to agree with what has been said. The TT “mengusulkan” is “memberi pendapat” and it has similar meaning and form with chimed in.

No. Data ST No. Data TT

33/ST/DOK/P V/108

As soon as the music started up, Uncle Joe reached out to hold hands with me and his wife, and he started singing

33/TT/DBT /108

Begitu music mulai dimainkan, Uncle Joe menjulurkan kedua belah tangannya untuk

menggandengku paraserta istrinya, dan dia pun mulai bernyanyi

Based on the text, reached has a definition of try to hold someone or something. It is translated into “menjulurkan”. According to KBBI, “menjulurkan” means “keluar memanjang”. The definition explains that Uncle Joe’s hand tries to reach for Greg’s hand. Thus, the words have same meaning and form.

No. Data ST No. Data TT


Dad didn’t feel like getting in the middle

36/TT/DBT /137

Dad tidak ingin masuk ke dalam kancah pertempuran


V/137 of a fight, so he just told Rodrick to pay me fifty cents for winning the bet

kami, jadi dia menyuruh Rodrick membayar lima puluh sen karena aku yang menang taruhan

Getting in is defined as to arrive at a place and for the translation text it is “masuk” which is “datang (pergi) ke dalam (ruangan, kamar, lingkungan, dan sebagainya)”. Both of them have similar meaning and form; entering a situation or a condition.

No. Data ST No. Data TT

37/ST/DOK/P V/147

Mr. Litch pulled the three of us out of the game the second he got the chance

37/TT/DBT /147

Mr. Litch mengeluarkan kami bertigadari

pertandingan begitu dia mendapat kesempatan untuk melakukannya

39/ST/DOK/P V/132

I spent the whole game pulling the balls out of the brambles, and let me tell you, it wasn’t a whole lot of fun

39/TT/DBT /132

Selama pertandingan, aku cuma bertugas mengambil bola-bola yang tersangkut dalam semak-semak berduri, da nasal kalian tahu saja, itu sama sekali bukan hal yang


The phrasal verb of pull out is to stop being involved in an activity, event, or situation. So, the translator used “mengeluarkan” for the first analysis. Based on the text, “mengeluarkan” is “memberhentikan seeorang dari suatu kegiatan”. However, pull out has other meaning which is to start to make more effort to get something and so, the second analysis the translator used “mengambil” for the second TT. According to KBBI, “mengambil” means “memungut”.


No. Data ST No. Data TT

38/ST/DOK/P V/2

But after dinner I caught him out in the garage, stuffing his face with brownies

38/TT/DBT /2

Tapi setelah makan

malam, aku memergokinya sedang menjelali

mulutnya dengan kue brownies di luar garasi

The table shows the similarity between stuffing his face and “menjejali mulutnya” in terms of meaning and form. In English, the word stuffing his face is to eat excessively or to eat a lot quickly. The resemblance goes for its bahasa Indonesia counterpart “menjejali mulutnya” or “mengisi mulut dengan makanan secepatnya dan sebanyaknya”. The form of stuffing is a verb and the word “menjejali” is also a verb. Therefore, the ST stuffing his face and “menjejali mulutnya” have the same meaning and form strategy.

No. Data ST No. Data TT

41/ST/DOK/ ID/87

So that pretty much blew any chance he had of getting my business.

41/TT/DBT /87

Hal seperti itu tentu saja menghancurkan

kesempatan baginya untuk bisa mendapatkan rezeki dariku

Blew any chance can be defined as to fail to take advantage of an opportunity by doing or saying something wrong. The translator tried to create its equivalent by using “menghancurkan”,or in KBBI is “menjadikan kacau”.

No. Data ST No. Data TT

46/ST/DOK/I D/127

Rodrick is always pulling my leg, so I guess I’ll just have to wait until this

weekend to see if

46/TT/DBT /127

Tapi, Rodrick selalu mempermainkan aku. Jadi, aku rasa aku tunggu saja sampai akhir minggu ini untuk melihat apakah


he’s telling the truth this time

kali ini dia mengatakan hal yang sebenarnya atau tidak

47/ST/DOK/I D/73

I thought Gramma was pulling my leg, but sure enough, the regulars sent one of their ladies over to intimidate me

47/TT/DBT /73

Aku kira Gramma cuma mengolok-olokku, tapi ternyata dia benar. Para pemain lama mengutus salah seorang wanita untuk mengintimidasi aku

Pulling my leg can be defined as to tell someone something that is not true as a way of joking with the person. In the TT, the translator used “mempermainkan” and “mengolok-olok”. Based on KBBI, “mempermainkan” and “mengolok-olok” have the same meaning, “mempermainkanku” means “memperlakukanku sebagai permainan atau untuk menyenangkan hati” and “mengolok-olok” is “mempermainkan dengan perkataan (seperti mengejek)”. Though the translator uses two different words to interpret a phrase in the ST, the translator does not lose the main point of the phrase.

The idiom piece of mind has a meaning of to speak angrily to someone about something they have done wrong. In bahasa Indonesia, “mengomelinya” is used to explain a certain situation where someone speaks in an angry tone to someone else. In KBBI, the meaning of “mengomelinya” is “marah dengan mengeluarkan banyak kata-kata”.

No. Data ST No. Data TT

49/ST/DOK/I D/82

I started to give Dad a piece of my mind, but he cut me off

49/TT/DBT /82

Aku mulai mengomelinya, tapi Dad menyelaku


No. Data ST No. Data TT

48/ST/DOK/I D/65

When Rodrick went upstairs to get the spare phone, I made a run for it

48/TT/DBT /65

Waktu Rodrick naik ke atas untuk mengambil telepon cadangan, aku cepat-cepat kabur dari kamarnya

Made a run for it means suddenly start running in order to escape from somewhere. The translation “cepat-cepat kabur” has the same equivalent meaning towards the ST made a run for it. Therefore, the translation strategy used in this part is using similar meaning and form.

No. Data ST No. Data TT

56/ST/DOK/S L/74

I fell asleep in sixth period today, and this time I was out cold

56/TT/DBT /74

Aku tertidur pada jam pelajaran keenam hari ini, dan kali ini aku benar-benar pulas

The slang word out cold can be interpreted as completely unconscious. The translator translated it into “pulas”. According to KBBI, “pulas” means “nyenyak”. The translator uses the word “pulas” because in bahasa Indonesia the meaning and form is the same with out cold. It shares the equivalent conditions of someone in a deep sleep.

No. Data ST No. Data TT

51/ST/DOK/S L/161

The only other option is to use the cafeteria bathroom, and that place is a complete madhouse

51/TT/DBT /161

Satu-satunya pilihan adalah kamar mandi cafeteria, dan tempat itu benar-benar kacau-balau


The meaning of madhouse is a place where there is no order and control. According to KBBI, “kacau-balau” shares a similar meaning with madhouse and that is “rusuh”.

No. Data ST No. Data TT

53/ST/DOK/S L/217

And I know it’s really corny to finish with a happy ending

53/TT/DBT /217

Dan aku tahu norak rasanya untuk menutup sebuah cerita dengan akhir yang penuh bahagia

Based on the table, corny is defined as having been used too often and it has similar meaning with “norak” or“sudah sering digunakan”.

No. Data ST No. Data TT

55/ST/DOK/S L/43

I’ve been trying to come up with an angle to separate myself from the rest of the goobers who like Holly

55/TT/DBT /43

Aku sedang berusaha memisahkan diri agar terlihat menonjol dibandingkan dengan anak-anak tolol lainnya yang juga menyukai Holly

Based on Oxford dictionary, goobers is a foolish person. The translator translated it into “tolol” or “bodoh”. Both of them used the word that describes a foolish thing or people.

No. Data ST No. Data TT

59/ST/DOK/S L/12

It really stinks that I got such crummy gifts this year

59/TT/DBT /12

Menyebalkan sekali aku mendapatkan hadiah-hadiah tidak bermutu tahun lalu

The crummy word in this context refers to a very bad quality. However, the translator did not translate it literally into “kualitas yang buruk” but into “tidak bermutu” which in KBBI “mutu” is “mempunyai kualitas yang baik”. By adding


the word “tidak” before the word “bermutu”, it can be seen that through context, “tidak bermutu” means something useless in some sort of way.

No. Data ST No. Data TT

57/ST/DOK/S L/58

Unfortunately, Alex has read his share of Sherlock Sammy books, too, so he said he would help us if we paid him five bucks

57/TT/DBT /58

Sayangnya. Alex juga banyak membaca buku-buku Sherlock Sammy. Jadi, dia bilang dia bersedia membantu kami kalau kami membayarnya lima dolar

The slang bucks is a word commonly referred to American Dollar. In Indonesia, it is translated as “dolar” and it is already a part of cultural borrowing in Indonesia to identify The United States’s dollar as “dolar”.

No. Data ST No. Data TT

58/ST/DOK/S L/71

I also went because I needed a surefire way to make some money

58/TT/DBT /71

Aku pergi karena aku memerlukan cara ampuh untuk mendapatkan uang

The slang surefire means certain to success. It states the best success way to do something. The translator interpreted it into “ampuh” where in KBBI it has the meaning of “manjur atau benar-benar sangat mujarab”. Both of them have similar meaning. It is used to express a certain way to success.

2. The Idiomatic Expressions Translated Using Similar Meaning but Dissimilar F orm

No. Data ST No. Data TT

10/ST/DOK/P V/58

But me and the other guys agreed it was worth it, and we pooled our money,

10/TT/DBT /58

Tapi, aku dan anak-anak yang lain setuju bahwa kami pantas mengeluarkan uang sebanyak itu. Kami


then forked over the five dollars

pun mengumpulkan uang sejumlah lima dolar

Based on the context, the phrasal verb fork over is to pay an amount of money while in Indonesia the translator tried to make it equivalent by using “mengumpulkan” or in definition“membawa sesuatu dan menjadikan satu”. It can be seen that after the word “mengumpulkan” is “uang” (money) and so, it has similar meaning with fork over that proposing to pay an amount of money. The difference is that in this context, “mengumpulkan” is done voluntarily while the original meaning of fork over is to give something using force.

No. Data ST No. Data TT

11/ST/DOK/P V/44

So I don’t know if this partnership is gonna work out long-term

11/TT/DBT /44

Jadi, aku ragu apakah kerja sama kami akan bertahan lama

13/ST/DOK/P V/199

On my way across the snack bar, I tried to work out what I was going to say to Holly

13/TT/DBT /199

Waktu mendekati tempat makanan ringan, aku berusaha memikirkan apa yang hendak kukatakan pada Holly

14/ST/DOK/P V/216

So that could actually

work out real nice 14/TT/DBT/216

Jadi, rencanaku bisa berjalan dengan baik

The phrasal verb work out contained several meanings, but on the current context, this phrasal verb is defined as to be successful or deal with a problem and it has similar meaning with the TT which are “bertahan”, “berusaha”, and “berjalan”. According to KBBI, “bertahan” is “tidak mau menyerah”, “berusaha” is “mengerahkan segala tenaga”, and “berjalan” is “berlangsung”. Though the


words have different meanings in its translation, they actually have similar meaning with the phrasal verb work out.

No. Data ST No. Data TT

12/ST/DOK/P V/49

Lately I’ve been trying to do my homework while I watch TV, and sometimes that doesn’t work out too good

12/TT/DBT /49

Akhir-akhir ini, aku berusaha mengerjakan PR sambal menonton televisi, dan kadang-kadang hasilnya tidak terlalu bagus

Different from the previous table, the phrasal verb of work out here is used for saying an aftermath of a situation. Thus, the translation becomes “hasilnya”, which in KBBI is “sesuatu yang diadakan oleh usaha”.

No. Data ST No. Data TT

21/ST/DOK /PV/45

Rowley didn’t exactly

jump at the idea 21/TT/DBT/45

Dia sama sekali tidak terlihat senang saat mendengarnya

Jump at in the ST means to take an opportunity that is offered in a very enthusiastic way and so, it is translated into “senang” which is feeling happy. Enthusiastic and happy have similar relation in meaning.

No. Data ST No. Data TT

28/ST/DOK/P V/64

But while I was poking around in Rodrick’s room, I heard him coming downstairs

28/TT/DBT /64

Namun, waktu aku sedang melongok-longok di dalam kamar Rodrick, aku mendengar dia turun tangga dan mendekat

Poking around in Cambridge Dictionary is to search for something and “melongok-longok” in KBBI is “mengeluarkan kepala (melalui jendela dan


sebagainya)”. In this translation, they actually have the same meaning but poking around is to search and “melongok” is just for checking something in other places.

No. Data ST No. Data TT

34/ST/DOK/P V/137

But obviously I didn’t learn my lesson, because I bent over to pick them up

34/TT/DBT /137

Tapi aku benar-benar tidak belajar dari pengalaman. Aku membungkuk untuk memungutnya

Pick them up is translated into “memungutnya”. In KBBI, “memungut” means “mengambil yang ada ditanah”. What makes them different is the specification of “where” it is picked up. As pick them up refers to any kind of activity that requires hands to lift something or somebody up, “memungutnya” refers itself to a more specific activity; picking something that is on the ground. Therefore, the translation strategy used in this word is same meaning but different form.

No. Data ST No. Data TT

30/ST/DOK/P V/90

At school everyone went around the room and put their Valentine’s cards in one another’s boxes

30/TT/DBT /90

Di sekolah, setiap orang hilir-mudik di dalam kelas dan menaruh kartu-kartu Valentine di kotak satu sama lain

Based on the data, went around is defined as to move in a circle or twists in a place. The translator interprets it into “hilir-mudik” which means “kesana kemari”, “bolak balik”, and “mondar-mandir”. These meanings share the same equivalent with the ST went around. “Hilir-mudik” is a cultural word used in only


in Indonesia to explain a movement of group of people or person in a round motion.

No. Data ST No. Data TT

42/ST/DOK/ ID/34

I asked Rowley to donate some items to put in the time capsule, and that’s when he got cold feet

42/TT/DBT /34

Aku meminta Rowley menyumbangkan beberapa benda untuk dimasukkan ke dalam kapsul waktu, dan saat itu dia langsung ketar-ketir

Based on the dictionary, cold feet can be interpreted as suddenly become too frightened to do something. It is translated into “ketar-ketir” which is “perasaan cemas dan takut”. The translator made it equivalent though the form is different the equivalent shares the same meaning.

No. Data ST No. Data TT

45/ST/DOK/ ID/106

Mom said skipping church on Easter wasn’t an option, and we argued back and forth

45/TT/DBT /106

Mom bilang aku tidak bisa mangkir dari gereja pada hari Paskah, dan kami pun beradu mulut

The idiom back and forth means moving first in one direction and then in the opposite one in the ST. In translating it, it is out of context if the translation is “mondar-mandir”. By looking at the table, the word back and forth is an action of replying a talk within a conversation and thus, the translator used “beradu mulut” to make it easier for TT reader to understand it.

No. Data ST No. Data TT

62/ST/DOK/ SL/27

Some of the guys at my table told Albert he was full of baloney

62/TT/DBT /27

Beberapa anak yang duduk semeja denganku bilang pada Albert bahwa dia itu


cuma tukang kibul

Baloney in here is nonsense. But, in the TT it is translated into “tukang kibul” which means “orang yang suka berbohong”. In this case, the ST and TT are not referred to its literal meaning. Based on the context, they have similar meaning and different form.

No. Data ST No. Data TT


SL/9 Math is RAD 52/TT/DBT/9 Matematika itu ASYIK The table indicates a different form of interpretation yet the meaning is quite common. The slang ST rad can be defined as cool and awesome while the translated TT “asyik” or “menyenangkan”. The meaning is the same; it shows positivity towards learning math. Using context from both ST and TT, it is concluded that the translator uses “asyik” to make rad comprehensible towards TT reader. As a result, the strategy used is by similar meaning but different form.

No. Data ST No. Data TT

61/ST/DOK/ SL/128

All those guys wanted to do was play a bunch of dopey party games, like Blind Man’s Bluff and that kind of thing

61/TT/DBT /128

Mereka semua cuma mau memainkan permainan konyol yang biasa diadakan dalam pesta, seperti si Buta Mencari Mangsa dan sebagainya

Dopey means stupid or silly, whereas “konyol” means “tidak berguna”. Both of them have the same meaning of something in negative way to express disappointment. However, dopey tend to be used to express more on the situation while “konyol” tend to be used on the subject.


dumps on the walk home from school today

waktu berjalan pulang dari sekolah hari ini

44/ST/DOK/ ID/115

And then Mom upped the ante by banning words like “stupid” and “jerk” and stuff like that

44/TT/DBT /NF/115

Dan kemudian, Mom

menambah aturannya dengan melarang penggunaan kata-kata seperti “tolol” dan

“berengsek” dan yang sejenisnya


45/ST/DOK/ ID/106

Mom said skipping church on Easter wasn’t an option, and we argued back and forth

45/TT/DBT /NF/106

Mom bilang aku tidak bisa mangkir dari gereja pada hari Paskah, dan kami pun beradu mulut


46/ST/DOK/ ID/127

Rodrick is always pulling my leg, so I guess I’ll just have to wait until this weekend to see if he’s telling the truth this time

46/TT/DBT /NF/127

Tapi, Rodrick selalu

mempermain kan aku. Jadi, aku rasa aku tunggu saja sampai akhir minggu ini untuk melihat apakah kali ini dia

mengatakan hal yang sebenarnya atau tidak


47/ST/DOK/ ID/73

I thought Gramma was pulling my leg, but sure enough, the regulars sent one of their ladies over to

47/TT/DBT /NF/73

Aku kira Gramma cuma mengolok-olokku, tapi ternyata dia benar. Para pemain lama



intimidate me mengutus salah seorang wanita untuk mengintimidas i aku

48/ST/DOK/ ID/65

When Rodrick went upstairs to get the spare phone, I made a run for it

48/TT/DBT /NF/65

Waktu Rodrick naik ke atas untuk mengambil telepon cadangan, aku cepat-cepat kabur dari kamarnya


49/ST/DOK/ ID/82

I started to give Dad a piece of my mind, but he cut me off

49/TT/DBT /NF/82

Aku mulai mengomeliny a, tapi Dad menyelaku


50/ST/DOK/ ID/133

If you ever wanted to know why I don’t like team sports, there it is in a nutshell

50/TT/DBT /NF/133

Kalau kau ingin tahu mengapa aku tidak suka pada jenis olahraga yang dimainkan dalam tim, kejadian di atas

merupakan penjelasan singkatnya


Appendix 3: The Applied Equivalence in Slang Language

Code ST Code TT ToE

51/ST/DOK/ SL/161

The only other option is to use the cafeteria bathroom, and that place is a complete madhouse

51/TT/DBT /NF/161

Satu-satunya pilihan adalah kamar mandi cafeteria, dan tempat itu benar-benar kacau-balau


52/ST/DOK/ SL/9

Math is RAD 52/TT/DBT

/NF/9 Matematika itu




53/ST/DOK/ SL/217

And I know it’s really corny to finish with a happy ending

53/TT/DBT /F/217

Dan aku tahu norak rasanya untuk menutup sebuah cerita dengan akhir yang penuh bahagia


54/TT/DOK/ SL/27

Looking for someone, fellows?

54/TT/DBT /NA/27

Sedang cari siapa, nih?


55/ST/DOK/ SL/43

I’ve been trying to come up with an angle to separate myself from the rest of the goobers who like Holly

55/TT/DBT /NF/43

Aku sedang berusaha memisahkan diri agar terlihat menonjol dibandingkan dengan anak-anak tolol lainnya yang juga menyukai Holly


56/ST/DOK/ SL/74

I fell asleep in sixth period today, and this time I was out cold

56/TT/DBT /NF/74

Aku tertidur pada jam pelajaran keenam hari ini, dan kali ini aku benar-benar pulas


57/ST/DOK/ SL/58

Unfortunately, Alex has read his share of Sherlock Sammy books, too, so he said he would help us if we paid him five bucks

57/TT/DBT /F/58

Sayangnya. Alex juga banyak membaca buku-buku Sherlock Sammy. Jadi, dia bilang dia bersedia membantu kami kalau kami


membayarnya lima dolar

58/ST/DOK/ SL/71

I also went because I needed a surefire way to make some money

58/TT/DBT /NF/71

Aku pergi karena aku memerlukan cara ampuh untuk

mendapatkan uang


59/ST/DOK/ SL/12

It really stinks that I got such crummy gifts this year

59/TT/DBT /NF/12

Menyebalkan sekali aku mendapatkan hadiah-hadiah tidak

bermutu tahun lalu


60/ST/DOK/ SL/97

And the next thing I knew, I was surrounded by a bunch of bozos who were stealing my moves

60/TT/DBT /NF/97

Tak lama kemudian, tahu-tahu aku sudah

dikerumuni segorombolan badut yang mencoba meniru gerakanku


61/ST/DOK/ SL/128

All those guys wanted to do was play a bunch of dopey party games, like Blind Man’s Bluff and that kind of thing

61/TT/DBT /NF/128

Mereka semua Cuma mau memainkan permainan konyol yang biasa diadakan dalam pesta, seperti si Buta Mencari Mangsa dan sebagainya


62/ST/DOK/ SL/27

Some of the guys at my table told Albert he was full of baloney

62/TT/DBT /NF/27

Beberapa anak yang duduk semeja denganku bilang pada



Albert bahwa dia itu cuma tukang kibul


Appendix 4: Kinney’s Life

Jeff Kinney didn’t grow up wanting to be a children’s author. His dream was to become a newspaper cartoonist, but he was not able to get his comic strips syndicated. In 1998, Kinney came up with the idea for Diary of a Wimpy Kid. Kinney worked on his book for almost eight years before showing it to a publisher in New York. Jeff Kinney was born in 1971 in Maryland and attended the University of Maryland in the early 1990s. It was there that Kinney ran a comic strip called “Igdoof” in the campus newspaper. From there, he knew he wanted to be a cartoonist. However, Kinney was not successful in getting his comic strip syndicated after college, and in 1998 he started writing down ideas for Diary of a Wimpy Kid, which he hoped to turn into a book. Kinney worked on the book for six years before publishing it online on in daily installments. To date, the online version of Diary of a Wimpy, the first Diary of a Wimpy Kid book was published in 2007 and became an instant bestseller. Kinney is also the creator of “Poptropica”, which was named one of Time magazine’s 50 Best Websites. He spent his childhood in the Washington, D.C., area and moved to New England in 1995. Kinney lives with his wife and two sons in Massachusetts where they own a bookstore, An Unlikely Story. On his last visit to the UK, Kinney became a backpacker. Now, he is one of the most successful children's authors and today he is digesting the news in his latest book, Diary of a Wimpy Kid.